People often wonder why the Law of Attraction doesn’t seem to work for them. I’ve addressed topics like counter-intentions many times, which is part of the explanation. (You don’t attract what you consciously think, you attract what you unconsciously think.) But there’s also the issue of how you train your unconscious mind.

Let me explain:

Who’s listening when you say you are going to do something?

When you make an agreement with a friend, who’s listening besides your friend?

When you make an agreement with a company, who’s listening besides the company?

When you make an agreement with yourself, who’s listening besides you?

When you say you are going to do something  – no matter how big or small – you best do it. Not only are other people listening, but so is your own unconscious mind. When you don’t keep your word, you communicate that nothing you say can be trusted.

Holding Rare 1915 Gibson Harp Guitar

Rare 1915 Gibson Harp Guitar

I’m not just talking about legal agreements – though that’s part of the point. I’m talking about any agreement you make. And I’m spelling out that an “agreement” is any time you say you will do something.

Agree to meet for lunch at noon? That’s an agreement.

Agree to turn in the report by Friday at 3? That’s an agreement.

Agree to call a friend over the weekend? That’s an agreement.

So why am I stressing that not keeping these agreements is being heard by somebody other than you and whoever the agreement is with?

Here’s why:

Your own unconscious mind is listening.

When you say you will do something, and you don’t do it, you just taught yourself that you aren’t to be trusted. Or believed.

So the next time you say, “I intend to attract the perfect relationship,” your unconscious mind basically says, “How can I believe you? You didn’t keep your word before.”

As I mentioned above, people often wonder why the Law of Attraction doesn’t seem to work for them all of the time. Part of the answer is in how you trained yourself. When you say you intend to do something, and you don’t, you train your unconscious to distrust anything else you say.

But here’s the good news:

By the same token, when you say you will do something — however great or small — and you do it, you just trained your unconscious mind to trust you.

This is a way to build strength, inner conviction, and high integrity. And the next time you declare an intention or request to the Universe, it will believe you.

When you say you will do something, do it.

After all, you’re not the only one listening.

Ao Akua,


PS — Last year I declared I would create a music CD this year. My first one will be out on May 1st. I’ll be posting an article here soon about it, as well as about other “healing music” that you will love. I played a 1915 Gibson Harp Guitar on one track. (Pictured above) Sarah Marie sang on four of the tracks. Exciting stuff. Stay tuned.

Member BBB 2003 - 2011

Member BBB 2003 - 2011


  1. April 8, 2011 at 10:44 am

    I’m a big fan of Abraham-Hicks, who I’ve heard explicitly say (on a video posted to Youtube) that what is unconscious has very little effect – it is what we are aware of and feeling that attracts things to us.

    • April 8, 2011 at 11:42 am

      I’m a fan, too. Advanced research in neuroscience shows feelings come from the unconscious — even what you are aware of is unconscious driven – but do whatever you believe works for you.

  2. Stacy-Reply
    April 8, 2011 at 10:51 am

    Thank you for the post, Joe. Now I’m gonna make agreements much carefully then I did before. Oh my God, that’s also an agreement 🙂

  3. Stacie-Reply
    April 8, 2011 at 12:35 pm

    Haven’t checked this site out in a while – I thought blogs were all but history on sites that weren’t just a blogging site.

    I noticed makepeace shut his blog down.

    Your blog makes you seem cheap and left begging for money – it’s still boring.

    • April 8, 2011 at 1:28 pm

      Some comments just make me turn my head in wonder.

  4. April 8, 2011 at 7:57 pm

    Thank you, Joe, for this post today. I’d never considered that flaking out on seemingly insignificant “agreements” would send signals to my subconscious that I don’t follow through on my commitments (therefore, do not trust myself). So, “I’ll put it in the mail tomorrow” is an agreement, and when I forget, and put it in the mail a day or so late, I’ve just informed my inner self that I’ve done it again.

    I’ve made a mental note to be more aware of the agreements I’m making, with myself and others, *especially* the smallest ones (because they, rather than the big ones, seem poised to do the most insidious damage).

  5. Paul-Reply
    April 8, 2011 at 8:10 pm

    Joe, the “Law of Attraction” doesn’t work for ANYONE-YOU included! The worst part is that you know it!

    In today’s post, you explicitly equate the “Universe” with the “unconscious mind”.
    That’s not what you touted in the movie “The Secret”.
    No, back then you claimed that the “Universe” was some great transpersonal shopping mall. All anyone need do was ask this Universe/Mall the right way, and it would arrange other people to give you money or whatever.
    Now, you claim the “Universe” is within us as a part of our mind. Yea, they’ve been saying “The Universe is within” for millennia.

    Just how does this unconscious mind help us get that car, money, or house we want from other people?
    It doesn’t!
    Where’s your “law of attraction” now, Joe?
    Vanished in a puff of smoke.
    Because there is no “law”…never was.

    You sold snakeoil then, and you’re still selling snakeoil now…only with a different concoction, adding new ingredients that you make up along the way, to fool desperate people.
    Like now you say we must first convince our inner Universe Unconscious that out intentions will be backed by actions.

    Oh, you mean that the once mysterious “law of attraction” comes down to…drum roll, please…that if you follow through with actions in the real world, working hard to carry out your intentions, then and only then will you attain money and goodies.
    How utterly banal!
    So, when one discounts all the nonsense about “intentions”, and “Universe”, and “unconscious mind”, what are we left with?
    Action breeds success!
    What people have been saying for thousands of years-but without the hogwash of “The Secret” and your new & improved “setting intentions while making sure that the unconscious hears the right thing and believes you”.

    You couldn’t make this stuff up if you tried!
    Oh, wait, sure you can…if you’re Joe Vitale!

    • April 9, 2011 at 8:42 am

      Hi Paul. I’m not sure what triggered your public temper tantrum but I apologize. It doesn’t appear that you are familiar with my work. For example, I’m the one who always says take action — I’m even in the movie The Secret saying it. But you don’t take action unless a thought comes before it, which is where you have a choice. Anyway, I wish you well.

      • Jessie-Reply
        April 12, 2011 at 3:25 pm

        Really? I thought James Ray was the action guy? At least that’s what all his marketing materials said when I signed up. Then HIS actions caused the deaths of THREE people, and now he is standing trial for manslaughter. (and i’m waiting for a refund that will never come) Hmmm…seems all you frauducts are birds of a feather.

        • April 12, 2011 at 3:42 pm

          He might be the “action guy” but surely you know the difference. No need to insult me or throw me on the same ship because I teach right action and you had a bad experience with him.

  6. April 9, 2011 at 1:20 am

    I love this blog post of yours because it coincides so well with a post that I made on March 14th on Facebook that comes from my forthcoming book “Life’s Secret Handbook (Reminders for Adventurous Souls Who Want to Make a Big Difference in This World)”.

    Here it is:

    “Your life will work precisely
    to the degree that you keep agreements,
    both those you make with yourself,
    and those you make with others.
    Life is simple when it
    comes to agreements.
    Keep your agreements
    and your life works.
    Don’t keep your agreements
    and your life doesn’t work.
    “Reasons” for why
    you broke your agreements
    are totally irrelevant.

    With an agreement you commit
    yourself to a certan goal.
    An agreement should have integrity
    and holiness when you make it.
    Never break the smallest agreements
    that you have made with yourself or others
    because this is just the first step
    to breaking big agreements.
    And when you break big agreements,
    you get to pretend that
    your life works when,
    in fact, it doesn’t.
    Your life doesn’t work simply
    because you are not getting any
    meaningful or extraordinary results
    that make a big difference.

    Your agreements should have holiness
    by virtue of the fact that you made them
    and no one else did.
    The universe doesn’t care about your
    reasons or excuses for breaking agreements.
    Reasons and excuses don’t count.
    The universe only cares whether you keep
    your agreements and rewards you accordingly.

    Only two reasons count
    for why you broke an Agreement.
    You either wound up dead
    or you wound up in the hospital.
    All other “reasons” are excuses
    that you make up for why you
    break agreements and
    why your life doesn’t work.

    When you break your agreements
    and your life doesn’t work,
    don’t pray to God to fix what is wrong.
    Pray to get your own attention
    so that you accept that
    you are the sole reason
    that your life doesn’t work.
    What is wrong is that
    you didn’t keep your agreements
    and you didn’t get the results
    you wanted in your life.
    God knows this and so should you.
    You will only get to know this if you are
    willing to take 100% responsibility
    for your life — taking only 98%
    or 99% responsibility won’t do.

    Do not even for a nanosecond
    try to justify breaking your
    agreements with your reasonableness.
    Your reasonableness is what contributes
    to your life not working in the first place.
    Your natural integrity is what
    is necessary for being impeccable with
    your word and keeping your agreements.
    Be truthful to yourself by keeping
    your agreements, regardless of
    the consequences, and extraordinary
    results will start manifesting themselves
    in your life instead of a sea of excuses.”
    — from “Life’s Secret Handbook (Reminders for Adventurous Souls Who Want to Make a Big Difference in This World)”

  7. Fredrika-Reply
    April 9, 2011 at 4:40 am

    Greetings from Sweden, now i finally found a tool that makes following bloggs easier and i added you. I like your work Joe and wish i could have the permision and the posibility to make it all avaliable in swedish too :o)
    This post you wrote is a good one – not easy for ppl to take in but one wich needs to be repeted over and over again so that one can finally Get it!

  8. Stephanie!-Reply
    April 9, 2011 at 7:17 am

    Good point Joe! I’ve only just started on my journey to create a better life for myself. But this will definitely help me to hold myself to that agreement.

    Off to create my best life ever! 😉

  9. Kathryn Price-Reply
    April 10, 2011 at 3:04 pm

    Joe, I think Paul has a point. Who am I training here to trust me–my unconscious mind, or the universe? Another question: why is this universe so touchy? It seems to be a bit of a crank. Doesn’t it know who I really am? How well do you know the universe that you understand its workings so well? Have you spent time with it? Have you considered who/what it is?

    • April 11, 2011 at 5:31 am

      I’ve already addressed this just a few posts back. All of this is just my opinion. Try it out for yourself. If lying to yourself or your unconscious works for you, and you feel good doing it, I don’t think I could or should stop you.

  10. Arun-Reply
    April 10, 2011 at 3:25 pm

    Dear Joe, I have seen how you handle negative reactions. I have also been venting my portion against you, and once again I am sorry for that.
    This venting is also a problem which I have never actually solved.
    I also make “agreements” which I actually never fullfill. The worse thing about it I am so used to it, that I find it hard to actually make an agreement to solve this problem. Somehow I believe I am bad for not wanting to change. Reading your article I understand that I am the only one who’s responsible for selfsabotaging myself. The bad thing is I am not doing anything about it to change it for the good of myself but above all for others.
    Take care Joe.

  11. greg-Reply
    April 10, 2011 at 9:43 pm

    Dr. Joe,
    Theres no doubt about what your saying. Words are powerful. The power of the tongue is unmatched, that theme is woven through the Bible. As for your detractors, like the kids say, “haters gonna hate.”.

    btw, I imagine you get a million emails a week, how do you ever sift through them all…

    Thanks for the continued inspiration.

  12. Kathryn Price-Reply
    April 11, 2011 at 11:18 am

    Wait, Joe. I didn’t say that I was lying to myself or my unconscious mind. I asked you some questions about the universe. You said that the content of this post is your opinion. That is fair enough, but don’t suggest that merely asking the question here equates to lying to myself. Likewise, the commenter who says “haters are gonna hate” is simply unable to tolerate, intellectually, the idea that someone might disagree with your conclusions. It doesn’t mean someone is a hater, or is having a temper tantrum, or lying to themselves because they have questions about this approach to the universe. The last time I checked, no one owned the universe. I’m afraid that might be coming if someone can figure out how, but for now, it’s a free entity.

  13. MZ-Reply
    April 11, 2011 at 11:31 am

    Can you point out the specific comments you made that addressed Kathryn’s questions, as I just don’t see it.  Also, she never mentioned anything about lying to herself or feeling good about doing so, so not sure why you assumed as much.
    I recall hearing that LOA works 100% of the time – but don’t recall any specific requirement that it only works if your unconscious mind trusts you.  So, are we saying that LOA does not work 100% of the time?   And, are we saying we have to be 100% perfect over a given period of time in our agreements for LOA to work, or is there a threshold we must meet?
    Joe, in your experience, what would be – approximately – the percentage of agreements one must keep with their unconscious in order for LOA to work?
    For Greg:  does it really help to label those with legitimate questions as haters?

    • April 11, 2011 at 11:40 am

      As I mentioned in my comment, my answers were in a previous blog post. I went and found the exact link:

      • MZ-Reply
        April 11, 2011 at 8:43 pm


        On your main page, you say it’s basically just placing your order with the universe, and it’s really easy. Yet, in this blog post, you’re getting into unconscious blocks, keeping agreements etc. Many have said they have been practicing for a long time, without results. Is it really as easy as you said, or maybe it’s a little more difficult than that?

        I also came across your review of The Power by Rhonda Byrne.

        You said in that review that if you just focus on love, your entire life will blossom. But, what if your unconscious doesn’t agree?

        Also, you disagree with Rhonda on the subject of taking action. Someone else posted there that they have a group and you don’t really need to take action to see results. How can there be so much disagreement on something that is considered an indisputable law that must work 100% of the time?

        Yet, you still gave the book 5 stars. That hardly seems a fair rating, quite generous in fact, as Rhonda’s book seems quite shallow in comparison to what you are saying here.

        Again, on the subject of keeping agreements, it would help to have some guidelines in terms of % of agreements we need to keep with our unconscious. 75%? 90%? 99%? Otherwise the idea is simply too vague, because even one missed agreement could create counterproductive tension and doubt in the minds of the person.

    • greg-Reply
      April 12, 2011 at 11:45 am

      Dr. Joe.
      mea culpa. Your correction was received and right on target.

    • April 12, 2011 at 8:37 pm

      @MZ, the Law of Attraction works 100% of the time, because—as Joe has pointed out countless times in his writings—we always get what we believe deep down inside we deserve to get or what we really think we’ll get. This takes place in the subconscious, not the conscious.

      So it doesn’t matter if you set a bazillion intentions to attract $100,000 or a Porsche—if you subconsciously don’t think it’s possible to attract $100,000 or a Porsche, or you don’t believe YOU deserve one, you won’t attract either one. You’ll only attract what your subconscious believes is possible or OK for you to attract.

      One way to start fixing your subconscious beliefs is by paying attention to the agreements you make, with yourself as well as with others. Your subconscious is listening.

      Example: you SAY “I’ll be there at noon on the dot”, but subconsciously you’re thinking, “at least, I’ll try, I’m always late”. Think you’ll be there at noon? Doubtful. It’s more likely you’ll show up at 12:20 “as usual” because that’s what you’ve agreed to do in the past. So, start paying attention to this, and making conscious efforts to fulfill even the simplest agreements. The more successful you become at keeping your agreements, the more your subconscious will be willing to trust you when you make bigger commitments, agreements, or intentions.

      At least, this is how I’m interpreting it. Joe? Am I on target?

      • April 13, 2011 at 4:38 am

        Yes, you are. Thank you.

      • MZ-Reply
        April 13, 2011 at 8:50 pm


        How can you prove those statements? If LOA doesn’t work for someone, what we’re saying here is that it’s always – always – going to be their fault. Never the product.

        But if LOA works 100% of the time, why does Joe have a disclaimer on his site saying not only is there no possibility of substantiating any of the claims made or supplying any evidence of such, it says it can be assumed that no results are to be expected as a result of using these products?

        Hardly a ringing endorsement there for something that must work 100% of the time.

        Regarding the subject of agreements, not only do we need to keep every single agreement, thus raising the bar to an impossible standard, we also have Ho’oponopono training, we have tapping with Brad Yates, we have Attract a New Car using this New Secret Magic Formula, The Power, The Secret, The Abundance Paradigm, The Solution, The Awakening Course and on it goes.

        Seriously, do we really need all of this? If so, then it really isn’t that easy now is it?

        Then we have James Ray, Ellery Bennett, David Schirmer, Kevin Trudeau and so on. Ellery Bennett goes on about belief in his writings, and look where he ended up.

        Also, I was reading the story of Anita Law on the Attract a New Car site as proof the system worked. Yet, she was already owed this money, it was a long overdue Account Receivable on her books as a result of a situation in her life that already existed.

        Now you can argue the system worked, but I’d guess the more likely explanation was they tracked the guy down and threatened him with felony charges and prison time, and he decided paying up was the better alternative.

        Using that as an example of the system working is seriously stretching it guys.

        • April 13, 2011 at 9:08 pm

          Legal disclaimer is required by US government for ALL businesses (tho many skirt using it). Anita Law’s husband walked in the child support office “out of the blue”, with no one hassling him or hunting him, as she herself told me by phone when she called me, excited. Clearly, you made up some justifications and rationalizations which aren’t true, to dismiss what is true. Finally, LOA always works, but not just as a result of conscious thoughts. Thank goodness, too, as look what people are thinking! 🙂

          • MZ-
            April 13, 2011 at 9:49 pm

            So the legal disclaimer has to say the products can’t be expected to work? Strange.

            I didn’t make anything up – really now. I just guessed at why the guy decided to pay up. Is that ok? And whether or not someone was harassing him, the thought of getting caught and doing time probably weighed heavily in his decision to finally do so. Also, interesting that the guy could owe $100,000 – and no one was trying to track him down? Even stranger.

            I’m not dismissing what’s true. That’s only your claim. If you don’t agree, feel free to prove it. Oh wait, there’s no possibility of substantiating it…

            Sell enough systems to enough people, surely some of those will have things happen, things that would have happened regardless. Coincidence. And those that don’t, are told their beliefs are at fault.

            Another thing that seems to be overlooked here is that Joe has lots of followers, and he’s successful. Let’s say he has 100,000 faithful, it could be a lot more but for illustration purposes I’ll use that number.

            All of these want to be successful like Joe, or they probably wouldn’t be here right?

            Now, we have 100,000, each looking for their own 100,000 customers. But let’s be modest and say 10,000 will be enough to be successful. 100,000 * 10,000 = 1 billion. Things start to spread pretty thin here now. Logically to my mind, it seems those at the top hit the jackpot, while the remainder struggle to do same because there are more trying to get a piece of the universal pie.

          • April 14, 2011 at 5:25 am

            Great example of Scarcity Mindset thinking.

  14. MZ-Reply
    April 12, 2011 at 5:35 am

    Hey Joe,

    Any reason my last comment wasn’t posted? I saw it was awaiting moderation last night, but is gone now. Thanks.

    • April 12, 2011 at 8:30 am

      It was posted yesterday.

      • MZ-Reply
        April 12, 2011 at 9:41 am

        Thx…any thoughts on it?

        • April 12, 2011 at 12:56 pm

          Plenty of thoughts but no time to write them. My quote in the movie The Secret from five years ago was not only half a decade ago but also a sound bite taken out of a three hour interview. It was never meant to be a complete teaching any more than any aphorism is. For more, please read my books. (Attract Money Now is still free at ) Thanks.

  15. Kathryn Price-Reply
    April 12, 2011 at 10:47 am

    Joe, I went to the link of your previous post. You said, “The Universe, however, is the totality of everything. It ain’t dumb. It knows the difference between imagery and reality. It can also be called the Divine.” If this is the case, I’m just surprised that the universe is so susceptible to manipulation–but only manipulation that is pulled off in a way that the Universe likes. Other LOA teachings say that the universe only copies what is in our minds. So if I am worrying that I don’t have enough of something, it sends me that very lack. That would indicate a universe with no intelligence or perception that is incapable of distinguishing reality from imagination. Aside from that, I wonder if the universe likes being manipulated at all. If it has intelligence, and if we are capable of spiritual development, does it want us to become masters of manipulating it–which instead of requiring depth requires just knowing the right formula–or does it want us to be something greater than flip-switchers?

    • April 12, 2011 at 12:53 pm

      I have no idea what you mean when you say “manipulation.” To me, that’s impossible to do with the Divine.

      • Jessie-Reply
        April 12, 2011 at 3:33 pm

        Joe, hate to say i find your response here a bit disingenuous. Aren’t you, after all, the Father of Hypnotic Marketing, and haven’t you created many products around the concept of “putting people into a buying trance” and “hypnotizing your prospects” so they’ll pretty much do anything you want them to do. While at the same time, on the “spiritual” end of things, you claim to teach folks how to be totally “awakened.” Hmmmm.

        • April 12, 2011 at 3:39 pm

          Wow. Not sure how you made the leap to getting people to “do anything you want them to.” Hypnotic Writing just helps you communicate better. (But apparently I’m not good at it.) Anyway, I’d rather be in the “trance” of Awakening then the “trance” of Suffering.

          • Jessie-
            April 13, 2011 at 10:12 am

            Your sales pages claims, “Joe Vitale teaches you how to put your prospective customers into a hypnotic, trance-like state using the power of the written word in order to more effectively market your product or service.” So, I paraphrased. By definition, if someone is AWAKE…they are not in a trance. Can’t you sell your products and services the good old-fashioned way by providing a ton of REAL, NON-TRANCE-INDUCED value instead of a load of gimmicks and tricks?

          • April 13, 2011 at 5:37 pm

            Take another look. I’m using old school marketing. No tricks. Buy or not. It’s up to you.

  16. April 12, 2011 at 1:57 pm

    Love your blog Joe!

    • April 12, 2011 at 2:54 pm

      I’m writing for YOU. Thank you. 🙂

  17. April 12, 2011 at 1:57 pm

    Love your blog Joe!

  18. Linda-Reply
    April 12, 2011 at 2:28 pm

    In The Secret, on your video blog, and in other places, you very distinctly stated – and repeated – that the Universe is like a big catalog, and one need only visualize having whatever it is they desire, be it a relationship or a material thing, and the Universe would provide it. I quote you, “It really is that easy.”

    Yet, it appears that when the cash flow from each individual product or process began to dry up, you would come out with some “key” element that was missing from the last offering. And now, the latest “key” element actually contradicts your own earlier assertions. The one thing that remains consistent is the condescension with which you respond to anyone who poses a valid question or criticism. Are we to assume that you believe your followers are too stupid to notice the pattern? Do you really believe that you can dispel any doubt by belittling the doubters?

    Your frequent assertions that the process is unfolding before you and that you’re merely reporting on newfound awareness doesn’t pass the smell test, either, because for a current “heightened awareness” to completely contradict a previous “heightened awareness,” the source of that awareness would have to be a bald-faced liar, and I seriously doubt that anything worthy of the “Divine” label would embrace the equivalent of human soiciopathy.

    I readily accept the possibility (probability, more likely) that you and your most adoring devotees will label me a hater. To be quite honest, I consider it a badge of honour; if I do hate anything at all, it is the intentional misleading of those who embark upon their spiritual quest, especially for something as mundane as material wealth.

    • April 12, 2011 at 2:54 pm

      Hi Linda. Looks like I haven’t explained myself well. I’m sorry. In short, the Divine IS a big catalog, BUT you’ll only receive what your beliefs allow. THAT’S where the “keys” come in handy. They’re used to clear up the inner blocks. And yes, I’m in process and telling it like I see it. It’s all my opinion based on my experience and education and awareness. It appears to help more people than I ever imagined, so that’s encouraging. And wealth isn’t mundane; it’s very spiritual and the best way I know to help others and causes I believe in. But you’re welcome to believe otherwise.

      • MZ-Reply
        April 12, 2011 at 6:00 pm


        In your opinion then, what is the approximate % of agreements you need to keep in order for your unconscious to trust you on an ongoing basis?

        • April 12, 2011 at 7:03 pm

          Anything less than 100% would be a lie, obviously.

          • MZ-
            April 12, 2011 at 7:24 pm

            That’s a pretty extreme standard. I’d venture to say it’s all but unattainable for almost all of us. We’re humans, not machines. We may say we’ll call that friend on the weekend, but just forget. It happens.

            This is where your aphorism about “it really is that easy” seems to be anything but, and not even relevant in fact. Because being 100% perfect in your agreements is anything but easy.

          • April 12, 2011 at 8:04 pm

            You just taught me two things: 1. You have a belief it can’t be easy and 2. I better not enter into any agreements with you. 🙂

          • MZ-
            April 12, 2011 at 8:43 pm

            But – my belief is irrelevant, it comes down to human nature. When I go to work, I have an agreement to do the job correctly. But sometimes I make mistakes. Can’t be helped.

            As for not entering into agreements with me: if I was 99% to the good, you’re saying it wouldn’t be good enough for you?

  19. Kathryn Price-Reply
    April 12, 2011 at 2:33 pm

    I’m sorry, Joe, I should have explained better regarding what I mean by manipulation. When I click on your “Abundant Paradigm” post, for example, I see “the 3 missing keys that make attraction work every time.” It seems to me that all the keys and the secrets and so forth, are attempts to figure out how to flip the universal switch, if you will, to get things from it. I would call that manipulation. Its focus is on a sort of a technique or trick that will work, instead of a genuine response to what the universe/divine might be, and might be asking of us. If it is asking us to evolve spiritually, then I would assume that this evolution amounts to more than a set of techniques, and means more than that whoever performs them correctly is “in.” I would assume that it asks us for something deeper that has to do with who we are becoming, rather than on what we are getting. I think it is “listening” for something deeper than having a set of keys and performing them correctly.

    • April 12, 2011 at 2:49 pm

      Got ya. Well, what we’re really doing is cleaning out the unconscious so we can receive what the Divine is trying to give. We aren’t manipulating the Divine, but healing ourselves of our blocks. That’s where the methods come in.

  20. Linda-Reply
    April 12, 2011 at 3:43 pm

    You’ve explained yourself quite effectively, Joe. I simply do not accept the explanations offered as being particularly honest, much less enlightened. You are, of course, welcome to disagree.

    Using wealth to help others is quite spiritual, but amassing and hoarding wealth and possessions for onesself, in measure well beyond what one can possibly need is anything but. Perhaps you failed to notice that none of the great sages (Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Chang Tzu…) of history amassed material possessions. As soon as a material blessing came their way, it was distributed to those who needed it. When your actions begin to even approximately mirror those of the world’s great teachers, I’ll grant that your pursuit of wealth is something beyond a desperate, ongoing attempt to fill a hole in your soul, at the cost of other people’s progress on their path.

    • April 12, 2011 at 3:46 pm

      My giving is well noted and even written about but it appears nothing I say or do will satisfy you. As for Jesus, you might look a little closer and read the books about his wealth. There’s also a book on Buddha and his wealth you might find enlightening. If you’re truly interested, you can look them up. Meanwhile, I’ll keep on earning and giving and delighting in the Divine flow of wealth.

  21. Linda-Reply
    April 12, 2011 at 4:00 pm

    I’m well aware of the extent of the writings praising your giving. I’m also aware of the sources of those writings. You needn’t concern yourself with satisfying me, Joe. When you close your eyes to sleep of a night, it is only yourself who must be pleased, and we both know that such peace evades you, and will so long as your subvert spiritual teachings for your own profit. Please! Acknowledge and embrace the hunger that gnaws at you. It cannot be sated by motorcars or “estates” or the adulation of those whom you know in your heart of hearts that you mislead. You have such a great voice, it is sad to waste it on distractions, all for trinkets that will fall aside when you pass from this life. Build something deep and lasting, and you will know a joy beyond imagining. THEN, go and share that joy with the world.

    Christ was wealthy? Whilst you might be able to find a source or three to support such a notion, it runs completely contrary to the vast majority of historical sources, not to mention his own words (at least, as they have been passed down). And I’ve heard your claims that the Buddha saw nothing wrong with desire, but those claims are contrary to millenia of Buddhist teaching, and again, are clearly dispelled by his own words. Again, I urge you to put aside the illusion that you build, about yourself and the Path. You will be infinitely happier, and you’ll find that the “haters” number diminishes greatly.

    I truly do wish you well, but I realise that to experience that wellness, you must first embrace – and speak – truth.

    • April 12, 2011 at 5:11 pm

      Now how in the world would you know how I sleep at night? 🙂

  22. Linda-Reply
    April 12, 2011 at 5:29 pm

    You (and your readers) would be surprised at what I know, Joe! Rest well. And, of course… blessings. 🙂

    • April 12, 2011 at 7:04 pm

      What a strange thing to post in public.

  23. Linda-Reply
    April 12, 2011 at 9:09 pm

    1) Easy? I rather enjoy the lessons… even those that are hard learned.
    2) Not to worry, because the opportunity for that shan’t ever arise.

    Again… blessings. 🙂

  24. Kathryn Price-Reply
    April 13, 2011 at 6:00 am

    Joe, I have to agree with Linda regarding the alleged wealth of Jesus and Buddha. Jesus specifically identified the love of money as detrimental in human life. Why? Because greed leads to the exploitation of others in its service. It is arguably the cause of the greatest amount of suffering worldwide, and in our country in the last few years it caused the economic crash that has led to unemployment and loss of homes. Jesus continued in the theme of the great Hebrew prophets in identifying the destructive effects of greed on the community. If you want to say that you have found a different path to the divine, then say it, but don’t try to appropriate Jesus and Buddha from these other traditions as if they are salesmen for your techniques.

    Am I saying that money in itself is bad? No, but when it causes people to abandon decency, ethics and compassion in its service, it becomes destructive and degrades life.

    Back to this idea of placating the unconscious–as MZ notes, belief is irrelevant here and so there is a lot of work involved and hurdles to overcome in attraction. I choose to believe that I don’t need to be perfected or to be an improved version of myself to seek the divine. Heck, I’d be dead first if I waited for that. And what good would that do? 🙂

    • April 13, 2011 at 6:15 am

      I totally agree that love of money can corrupt, that’s why I wrote about it in my book, Attract Money Now. (Still free at As for belief, you take actions based on belief, so we’d be wise to look to beliefs first.

      • MZ-Reply
        April 13, 2011 at 7:28 am

        You don’t necessarily take actions based on belief. You may think you can’t accomplish something but still try. When I started my current job in fact, I didnt believe I could hang with the homies here because they’re pretty good at what they do. But I decided to try anyway, despite my belief.

      • Kathryn Price-Reply
        April 15, 2011 at 5:31 am

        Joe, I went to your link “Attract Money Now” and I have to say that the background was a wallpaper of bars of gold. I was in a small Central American country last year and learned about the efforts of the people to resist North American mining companies who seek to exploit their resources under the terms of CAFTA, so gold has the wrong kind of resonance for me. It looked like prison to me. Anyway, I did register my e-mail address in order to receive the link to “Attract Money Now” and my McAfee program plastered the big pink warning note on your e-mail when it arrived: “Suspicious sender,etc.” It’s rare for me to get that message so I’m wondering–if I click the link in your e-mail that says it will send me information, will I be spammed?

        • April 15, 2011 at 5:52 am

          Spamming is illegal, so of course not.

  25. Linda-Reply
    April 13, 2011 at 8:38 am

    You totally agree that love of money can corrupt, yet money is quite obviously a central focus of your endeavours, and you are dogged in your efforts to deny that corrupting effect upon your own psyche. Wealth is a powerful tool; used properly, it can do great good, yet when it becomes a prevalent factor in one’s life, it serves only to distract from the path to awakening.

    How many motorcars can you drive at one time? More succinctly, how many does it take to reassure you that you measure up to some inner (and unachievable) self image? Does describing one’s modest home as an “estate” (and a multi-million dollar one at that) serve to assuage the beast of self-doubt? If you were to be honest with yourself and others, you would admit that the constant hunger for new and greater acquisitions is at least superficially an effort to adorn your image for the benefit of those who might purchase your goods or offer you the kind of worship you so obviously crave. And on a deeper level, to salve the sense – obviously learnt at an early age – that you were somehow inferior. Such a self image is a horrific burden to bear, Joe, but it cannot be dispelled by donning fancy raiment or listening to fawning praise, especially when you know full well that the praise is for an illusion.

    Namaste – hoping you will ultimately allow the Divinity that is that child his birthright of playfulness and peace, freed of the painstakingly crafted illusion.

    • April 13, 2011 at 8:53 am

      Sounds like you really aren’t familiar with my work at all. Please go read or listen to The Awakening Course or The Abundance Paradigm before you judge me any further. Meanwhile, I’ll continue to follow orders from the Divine and help those who want to hear.

      • Linda-Reply
        April 13, 2011 at 9:13 am

        Quite familiar, Joe. My “judgment” is based upon not only reading your work, but upon following your path for many years and observing the pattern of disparity between the sermons and the man.

        Meanwhile, your own adventure continues, correct? 🙂

  26. Kathryn Price-Reply
    April 14, 2011 at 5:37 am

    JB: You’re saying that LOA works 100% of the time “because—as Joe has pointed out countless times in his writings—we always get what we believe deep down inside we deserve to get.” Is that really how the universe works? I read an entire book on the influenza epidemic of 1918 (yes, I know, but it really *was* a fascinating read), which took an estimated 50 million lives, and the young adult population, people in their twenties, was especially susceptible. How do you take something like that into account with LOA? Did all those people believe deep down that they deserved to die from the flu? While I agree that our thoughts have an effect on how we live and interpret our lives, there are far too many forces in life besides our own thinking, which also have “power” if you will, such as a virus. Attraction simply isn’t a law–why not consider it perhaps a principle? We do draw some experiences into our lives by attracting them–certain people are drawn to us through our personalities or how we appear, or if I am a risk taker, I might attract certain dangers, or conversely, perhaps more possibilities (If I take good risks), but the idea that we always get what we deep down inside believe we deserve to get just does not bear out under even mild scrutiny. Lest you believe this indicates I am a person of no faith, you would be wrong. But I simply don’t think that what happens in my personal universe or the larger universe is entirely dependent on what I am thinking, or not. That would mean I am absolutely disconnected from all the other forces in life, which would mean a quite sterile and solitary environment, albeit much safer. Ask yourself: is that what you want? And is trying to get the universe to send you a car or whatever, a satisfying venture for what we call “spirit”? How does that help you awaken? Please explain.

  27. MZ-Reply
    April 14, 2011 at 5:47 am

    LOL…it’s not scarcity thinking Joe, it’s called logical thinking.  The more I look into LOA, the more I’m convinced it’s  a numbers game.  Sell enough products to enough people, and you’ll have enough occurrences, such as Anita Law, to “prove” your system works.  The rest are told to keep trying, because they’re not doing something right.

     Is this statement an example of scarcity thinking:

    We can’t all have it all.


    If yes, if in fact we all can have it all,  then who would be left to build those luxury cars or big houses that we all aspire to?

    If you agree with that statement, then obviously there are limits to what can be achieved, simply due to the numbers I alluded to in my post last  night.  It just becomes too thin, LOA or not.

    Take your pick 🙂

  28. MZ-Reply
    April 14, 2011 at 12:23 pm

    Hey Joe,

    Didn’t publish my comment from this morning re scarcity thinking?

    • April 14, 2011 at 1:42 pm

      My blog isn’t my full-time job, so it takes time to post things.

  29. Kathryn Price-Reply
    April 15, 2011 at 8:48 am

    Joe, I’m reading your book, “Attract Money Now.” In one part of the book, you say: “If you give freely without any expectation of return, you’ll receive back in kind many times over.” But isn’t that giving *with* an expectation of return, especially when in another section of the book you say, “You’ll receive in direct proportion to what you give–so give a lot.” So actually, this *is* giving in order to get–not giving without an expectation of return. I just wanted to clarify that.

    You talk about the financially “empowered” and the financially “disempowered” as if this is all in the mindset, instead of acknowledging that one person’s “empowerment” often comes at the expense of the “disempowerment” of numerous others, which is why fighting the injustice of economic systems that perpetuate extremes of wealth and poverty has occurred throughout history. You said, “The ultimate freedom is to never worry about where money is coming from. It just flows to you.” While that does sound freeing, since money comes from labor, *somebody’s* labor, while one person is enjoying the ultimate freedom, many might be laboring their whole lives for that one person’s freedom. We absolutely must wonder where it’s coming from. It doesn’t just flow to you from the universe–it flows from somebody’s labor. I am not saying that everyone who creates a successful business or product is an oppressor; if course not. But it is unjust to make broad generalizations about why people or poor or for that matter, rich; it’s not that one simply had a better mindset than another. Also you say: “In order for you to be a millionaire, you must think constantly about multiple streams if income.” Well, isn’t that being obsessed with money, which Jesus warned about–and I bring him up here because you first did, implying that he was wealthy, when he actually said that no one can serve two masters–either he will hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other–you cannot serve both God and money.

    Finally, you told a story about wanting to reward yourself after four days of selling many products from your booth. You went to buy a cigar but instead asked what Donald Trump would buy. You ended up with a $700 lighter and you said, “It looked like success feels, bright, shiny, valuable.” As Linda has noted, you seem to need these cars and bright, shiny things to make you feel good about yourself. I understand the fear. I was homeless, once, too, Joe, although not like you because friends took us into their one bedroom apartment. However, it was quite frightening because I had a five-week old baby–and no home. How did it happen? Well, because of the baby we had moved to a different apartment and it was completely uninhabitable, which only became evident after we moved in. When we viewed it before renting, this wasn’t evident. The landlord didn’t want to give us our deposit back, which was all we had, so we called the attorney general to ask what to do. This forced the landlord to return our money–and he stood there and wept when I told him the effect all this was having on me with a five week old baby. He said, “My mother and I were poor, and I wanted to be a millionaire by the age of 35.” That’s why he had become the kind of landlord he was, initially refusing to return our money for an uninhabitable trap. Now I know you’ll say he was driven by a scarcity mindset, but he was also trying to become rich by exploiting others. I still remember that feeling of having no home and not knowing where to go with a five week old baby in my arms, and I can understand how that kind of fear can shape someone. The prosperity teachers and preachers–I see them getting rich, driving fancy cars, enjoying “the divine flow”–but is it really the divine flow, or is it just people giving them money because they have been told that by giving, they will get? People who might not have much as it is? After all, you advise people to give money to those who gave them inspiration and then to expect money to come into their lives, but not to expect it to come back to them from the same place they gave it. So in effect, give money to the teacher, but don’t expect it back from the teacher?

    • April 16, 2011 at 8:24 am

      Curious questions, as they are answered in the book and/or in previous blog posts.

      • Linda-Reply
        April 16, 2011 at 8:45 am

        Not just curious questions, Joe. Quite pertinent, actually. As is your refusal to answer them now, opting for distraction instead. Look inward. The answers are there, hidden beneath your craving for motorcars and praise.

        • April 16, 2011 at 8:47 am

          As I said, the answers are in the book and/or previous posts. That’s hardly a refusal to answer them or a “distraction.” Just do a little reading.

  30. From NZ with love!-Reply
    April 18, 2011 at 1:53 am

    Hi Joe, I have just started reading your book The Attractor Factor. Im very grateful for the lessons you share and for making the tips and tools so tangible. I love reading your blogs and wish you’d write them more often! They’re such helpful messages that make me more aware of my thoughts, attitude and behaviors. I also think you handle negative comments with such poise. I can’t understand why people who are so anti would spend time being angry at something when they could be out enjoying their lives. Perhaps their passion will turn into curiosity? I’m really grateful for your messages and lessons. Thank you. Please come to New Zealand this year! I’d love to attend one of your seminars and meet you in person.

    • April 18, 2011 at 4:37 am

      I would love to meet you there. I’ve been to New Zealand a couple of times, but not in over ten years. Thank you for your supportive comment. Much love.

    • MZ-Reply
      April 18, 2011 at 11:08 am


      I think you’re confusing critical thinking with negativity.  Have you stopped to ponder what Joe is saying, and do you see any inconsistencies in it?  Or do you just accept what Joe says at face value, and label dissenting thought as negative and assume they cannot be enjoying their lives?  A lot of people in the world post on a lot of forums. So I’m not sure why you think this is any different?  It’s interesting that a lot of those who label dissenting opinion often don’t try to explain where the dissenters are incorrect, but prefer to hit and run.

  31. Kathryn Price-Reply
    April 18, 2011 at 2:42 pm

    Joe, first you create this post saying that it’s the unconscious mind, not our conscious mind, that really attracts things. Then follows the Ho’oponopono training post, wherein we learn how to clean our data. Next comes the Upper Limit Problem. I mean, really, where does it end? I received an e-mail about Ho’oponopono training from you and it says that your conscious mind doesn’t even have to know it’s happening. You can clean while you’re driving, eating, hanging out with friends, etc. What does that have to do with a spiritual path–if your unconscious mind doesn’t even know it’s going on? Your divine is starting to seem a bit nuts to me. Cleaning, clearing, tapping, zero limits, upper limit problems, so many things block the path of receiving from the divine and so many techniques need to be applied. Seems like a bit of a rigged system. Isn’t the idea of a priesthood what New Thought rejects in traditional religion? Yet, you’re setting up a priesthood more convoluted than anything I’ve seen. It keeps you ever dancing–doesn’t it, Joe?–for the next set of explanations to “feed” your eager followers. Of course, it also keeps the divine flow pretty well lubed, I suppose. Joe, your signature bore a Latin phrase, translated “Dare something worthy.” Nice thought–is a stream of people seeking new variations on the theme of getting that pesky “law” to actually work, worthy? I’m just surprised that New Age/New Thought people who snort at traditional ideas of repentance or of a God who asks anything of us, just find it okay that there is a universal “Law” so demanding that only a few lucky individuals can leverage it. Then they are showered with riches, while the rest of the world looks on hungrily. It makes my heart hurt to think of it. You ask why I care. I study theology formally, so these matters are of interest to me.

  32. L. K. SINGH-Reply
    July 6, 2011 at 10:54 am

    Dear Joe
    You are better than The Best…
    Your books have given me new life…Thanks…

  33. September 30, 2012 at 6:13 am

    Dearest JOE!
    If you are being ridiculed by certain quarters for your teachings and writings, then these ‘naive ones’ can have long list to ridicule too
    Wallace wattles, James Allen,Napoleon Hill, Neville Goddard, Norman Vincent Peale, Bob Proctor, Abraham-hicks ……..and so on.
    So ignore them and keep up the good work. Things of utmost importance are to do everything with good intentions and do them in full sincerity.

  34. Mário Csizmadia-Reply
    December 12, 2014 at 2:58 am

    Thank you Joe. This post is incredible and your books are amazing. And I have to say that last few months was great.I start to see a miracles in my life. So thank you for your work.

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