Free Ho'oponopono Training

Whenever I spend time with Dr. Hew Len, I’m reminded of the fundamentals behind Zero Limits and the Hawaiian healing system called ho’oponopono:

  • There’s nothing to do but clean (i.e., release programs in the mind).

  • The more you clean, the more you can receive inspiration from the Divine.

  • You act from Memory or Inspiration, and usually it’s Memory (data).

  • The only thing to clean is what you feel inside; you’re clearing perception.

  • The only goal is freedom; to be at Zero.

Knowing the fundamentals is one thing, living them is quite another. This is why we sometimes need books, audios, DVDs, tools, seminars, coaches, and whatever else we can use to remind us that all the work takes place within.

This is why I’m excited to report that today you can have a free online training in ho’oponopono, taught by Dr. Hew Len and myself, by going to-

The world is made up of “data” and it’s this very data that needs cleaned. The thing is, we perceive all that data as being outside of us, when in reality it’s inside us, so that’s where the cleaning has to take place.

In other words, there’s nothing “out there.” It’s all inside you. That’s where you experience problems and that’s where the cleaning needs done.

Dr. Hew Len often asks, “Have you ever noticed that when you have a problem, you are there?”

Think about that.

“Complete responsibility means accepting it all – even the people who enter your life and their problems, because their problems are your problems. They are in your life, and if you take full responsibility for your life, then you have to take full responsibility for what they are experiencing, too.” – from Zero Limits by Joe Vitale and Dr. Hew Len

But what is the right way to clean?

If cleaning is the number one most important thing to do and is the core of the entire Zero Limits and ho’oponopono process, how do you do it accurately?

Here’s how I do it:

  1. I notice something I consider wrong. This can be triggered by a thought, another person, an event, or anything else. This is the stimulus. Before Zero Limits, noticing a problem was always considered “out there.” After Zero Limits, you realize the problem is inside. It’s actually a problem in perception. Whatever the case, the first step is to notice you don’t feel good. You’re angry, upset, worried, scared, or any other of a wide range of emotions and feelings that could be labeled as unhappy.

  2. I start to clean on the feeling. I don’t clean on the other person, or the thought, or the situation, or anything “out there.” Again, the problem is inside. I’m the one aware of a problem. I’m the one who has to clean it. For me, saying “I love you”, “I’m sorry”, “Please forgive me” and “Thank you” is the way to clean. I say the phrases in any order. I say them non-stop in my mind while feeling the problem as I perceive it. And I say it to the Divine.

  3. I sometimes use other cleaning methods. For example, the last time I saw Dr. Hew Len, he told me my own business card (the one with my red Panoz car on it called Francine) is a cleaning tool. He said, “In your mind imagine slicing the problem up with the edge of the card.”

  4. I let go of need, addiction or attachment and wait to be prompted to take inspired action. Dr. Hew Len once told me that he cleans on a decision three times. If the answer is the same after those cleanings, he takes action on it. This means if I get an impulse to do something to resolve the perceived problem, I might clean on it three times before I actually take any action. This is a way to insure the action is coming from inspiration and not memory.

  5. Repeat as needed.

Business Card Cleaning Tool Per Dr. Hew Len

Business Card Cleaning Tool Per Dr. Len

Everyone wants a short-cut to cleaning and reaching Zero. I do, too.

But it’s that very impatience that needs cleaned. Wanting something right now is Memory playing out, urging us to get instant gratification. It’s data. The Divine has no sense of time and no urgency. Wanting things to unfold faster than they unfold is a wonderful opportunity to clean.

I keep cleaning because it makes me feel lighter, happier and healthier; it is a fast-track way for me to remove the data in my being so I can get closer to the Divine; and because it’s easy, effortless, and free.

Until the Divine gives me another way to clean, I’ll keep on cleaning.

Ao Akua,


PS – Remember, today’s free training in ho’oponopono, taught by me and Dr. Hew Len, is at

Member BBB 2003 - 2011

Member BBB 2003 - 2011


  1. Jenn-Reply
    April 12, 2011 at 6:58 pm

    What throws me off is your misapplication of the sacred term “Divine” to describe a bunch of neurons in your own brain.
    You are an atheist, correct?
    To you, “Divine” means “subconscious”, a group of neurons regulating non-conscious activity. These special neurons are yours alone, and have no connection to the world at large.
    Your inner Divine “God” lives and dies with you. What a sad concept of “God”. Still, these “Divine” neurons mean a lot to you, so you want to keep them cleared of negative programs.
    In simple terms: Your “Higher Power”, or “Divine”, means essentially worshiping a part of your own brain. This is YOUR God, the only kind of “God” that atheists find acceptable-the God within, ME as God.
    Basically, you try to make it seem that you are “spiritual” by throwing around the term “Divine”, when in fact, you believe in no such kind of transpersonal Divine “God”.
    YOUR “God” is not the God of the Judeo-Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, and Native traditions. No, your “God” is your own mind, which you grant God-like power. This mind-God even functions with its own laws, like the “Law of Attraction”.
    Joe, as Buddhist, even I have a more traditional notion of “Divine” and “God” than you, as something which transcends my own neurons, existed before me, and will live on after my earthly life transitions to rejoin the Divine.
    Tell us, Joe, how did your Divine Brain create this natural universe?
    Joe, what happens to you, your Inner Divine, when you die?
    Why don’t you just own up to your atheism and your grandiose notions of your mind as “Divine”. You are welcome to believe anything you want. But as an atheist, please reconsider using the sacred term “Divine” to describe a bunch of your own neurons.
    The Hindu expression “Namaste” means: “I greet the Divine within you which, when you are with your Divine, and I am with my Divine, we are one.”
    Yes, we all share a piece of the Divine. But this is decidedly not your sense of “Divine”. In your world, there are no transcendent Higher Powers, no God, no infinite Divine.
    Instead, there is only solitary Joe, working furiously every day to clean out his negative neurons, so he can better tap into the powers of his own Divine Brain and get richer.
    Hearing you, Joe, speak of the “Divine” reminds me of politicians promoting ethics: Both laughable, sad, and nails-on-blackboard irritating.

    • April 12, 2011 at 7:03 pm

      Wow. That’s not what I mean, or say, or feel, at all. Looks like I have a lot of cleaning to do…

      • April 13, 2011 at 9:36 am

        shop vac lol !!!

      • Ana-Reply
        November 13, 2015 at 5:47 am

        I love this answer.

      • Ana-Reply
        November 13, 2015 at 5:51 am

        I love your answer to this, Joe. Thank you for being humble and be an example of what you teach; directing the focus to you as the source of the issue and its clarification. Thank you for reminding me once more. It’s getting better each day. Thank you again.

    • Danilo-Reply
      July 11, 2011 at 4:02 pm

      Dearest Jenn,
      What we are talking about here is everything except brains and neurons… The “Zero Limits” techniques aim at “zeroing” the mind laces, letting them dissolve while the path of light opens and the Divine (yes, exactly the Divine you touch with you meditations…) finds a way to your inner core. It’s not a personified Divine… It’s the Eternity, it’s ever-existing and ever-lasting Ocean of Love, it’s the glue that keeps together our cells and our souls.
      It’s not the soliloquy of a lone mind. A mind alone cannot go so far… You know, it’s like in Reiki: the healing power is not the terapist’s; the therapist is just a channel through which the Divine operates; and the therapist’s responsibility is to keep him/herself clean, as a void bamboo-cane. What does clean mean? Free from the distortions of mind, free from prejudices, open to any healing miracle that the Divine will be able to operate through the terapist’s hands… And the same way Ho’Oponopono goes…
      You know, I’ve started from Christian religion, passing through Buddhism, New Age vision, Bio-Energy therapies in a Physic-Quantistic frame (I’m an Engineer!), then getting back to Christianity with a totally different counsciousness, reframing its words in a more metaphoric way, with a spirit of understanding that brings together any belief that goes towards Love… Rather than religious, I feel to be “concretely” spiritual… And Ho’Oponopono fits dramatically well in this context!
      And if you think about it, the “I love you, I’m sorry, please…” mantra can also have a powerful “mind-washing” effect, so similar to the “Nam myoho renge kyo”! 🙂

      You know, all of these tools aim to the same goal… and there’s so many tools because each of us is different, and it is good finding one’s own way. Nobody can convince anybody to choose a specifical path to reach the final destination… but it’s cool finding points in common along the way, with Love as the only vision. 😀


  2. Kasia J-Reply
    April 13, 2011 at 1:12 am

    Hi Joe, i wanted to comment yesterday but didn’t which is ironic considering yesterdays topic! I wanted to tell you that i haven’t been to your blog for ages. Reading yesterdays post was exactly what i needed to hear. I spent the rest of the day and all of today digesting it and doing a lot of thinking about how i actually function and the way i SO OFTEN say “I will do this…” and then don’t. I realised the reason i have so little faith in my own abilities is that I brake the agreements I make with myself! So thank you for showing me that important lesson at the exact time when i was ready to receive it. And reading todays post i see a nice continuation of the theme for me, taking responsibility. I see the importance of responsibility to myself. So thanks Joe!

  3. Stacy-Reply
    April 13, 2011 at 4:29 am

    What do you mean by saying “to be at Zero”?
    In general I didn’t manage to catch the idea of the post, unfortunately.

    • April 13, 2011 at 4:40 am

      “Zero” refers to an internal state free of programming (negative or limiting thoughts). See the free videos being offered (mentioned in the post) and/or the book Zero Limits.

  4. jane-Reply
    April 13, 2011 at 3:34 pm

    Dear Joe,

    What is a reasonable time to expect to see results from one’s cleaning? I’ve been saying the phrases for a week now, and still no results. Thanks for your help.

    • April 13, 2011 at 5:36 pm

      You’re getting results. Rejoice in them. THIS is the miracle.

      • jane-Reply
        April 13, 2011 at 6:19 pm

        Hi Joe. Not meaning to be too picky, but I understand I might be getting results in the invisible realms, but how about in the physical world? Also, when you use the word “data” or “memories,” is that synonymous with samsara, or karmic memories? Thank you again for all your help.

        • April 13, 2011 at 9:04 pm

          Hi Jane. Your question is good, and sincere. First, your clearing helps you right now. Look at your reality. It’s a miracle. I’ve been cleaning for about seven years and I do it trusting it is dusting the road ahead of me. As for karma, yes, that is also part of what is being cleaned up. As Dr. Hew Len has often said, if you could see the clearing being done in your life with this process, you’d never stop.

          • jane-
            April 13, 2011 at 9:31 pm

            Thanks, Joe.

          • MZ-
            April 14, 2011 at 6:47 pm

            But Jane…

            Joe didn’t answer your question.

  5. Brian-Reply
    April 13, 2011 at 9:27 pm

    I stay away from conversations about: religion, politics, the weather, and sports. – on the other hand Joe…. I like your work and think you have a great message…. Even if you’re an atheist! 😉

  6. April 14, 2011 at 8:14 am

    Great video, Joe! I send you and Dr. Hew Len my love and gratitude. I just wanted to mention that I’ve been adding EFT to my Ho’Oponopono cleaning, that seems to add an extra bit of power to the cleaning process.

    Thanks again!

  7. Elsie-Reply
    April 14, 2011 at 3:04 pm

    Hi Joe, Read Zero Limits some time ago but drifted away from cleaning. So glad to have found this site and the access to the videos. I have watched the first one and am unsure how to access the rest of them. Is there a link I need to go to or do you send an email regarding the next one? Yours in confusion, Elsie

  8. Donna Shea-Reply
    April 14, 2011 at 6:07 pm

    I feel badly for Jenn. Such vehemenance directed at Joe. I hope Jenn finds a way to release that negativity and find some peace in life. To that end, I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you, I love you.

    • MZ-Reply
      April 15, 2011 at 11:16 am


      No worries about Jenn. It’s Joe’s problem now and he needs to take complete responsibility for her. Guess he has some cleaning to do.

      I’m not sorry, don’t want forgiveness, and don’t love you 🙂

  9. MZ-Reply
    April 15, 2011 at 11:24 am

    So if Dr Len affected those patients, then what others think affects us.

    And, our experience becomes not only a result of what we believe, but the effect of what others are transmitting to us. And if that’s true, LOA cannot work 100% of the time. Those criminals had their beliefs changed by another person, and if it can happen to them, it can happen to you.

    • April 16, 2011 at 8:23 am

      Dr. Hew Len didn’t affect the thinking of those patients; he affected the thinking of himself. Big difference. Please read the book.

  10. Peter-Reply
    April 18, 2011 at 10:47 am

    Hi Joe. I’m reading about Ho ‘oponopono, positive thinking, healing…
    I’d like to know… Only cleaning about money (for example), is enough to have more money?
    After cleaning, I should practise intetion, prayer, or positive thinking?
    Thank you very much.

    • April 19, 2011 at 6:00 am

      After cleaning, follow what you are inspired to do.

  11. Peter-Reply
    April 19, 2011 at 4:11 am

    Hi, Joe.
    I am reading Zero Limits, and I’m specially interested in Zero State.
    My question was… Is Zero State the same state that, for example, buddhist satori? Enlightement?
    Or, is Zero State more about living without karma?

    Thank you very much.

  12. April 19, 2011 at 1:31 pm

    Dear Joe,
    A huge thank you for your blog, the explaining about the process and sharing your free training etc.. It answers a lot of my questions.

    I have a lot of coincidences (or there are no coincidences, right?!) making me bump into information about ho’oponopono so now I’ve finally ordered the book Zero Limits.. I just wanted to say thank you instead of just thinking it.

    Have the best day ever!

    Liv, Stockholm, Sweden

  13. April 19, 2011 at 2:52 pm

    Ho ‘oponopono is an incredible thing.
    It changed my life

  14. April 20, 2011 at 8:25 pm

    Hi Joe,
    I am hoping I can get an answer here about your offer for the Ho’oponopono special discount for $77. I emailed to hypnotic marketing but did not get an answer. Does “access” mean we can only watch the 6 sessions when we log on the online website? Personally I prefer to purchase the DVD’s of ZL 3 so I can watch whenever I want. Because if my internet is down, or if the ZL website is down then I would not be able to watch it. Also will ZL- 3 still be available as DVD? I have been saving for it! Thanks for your answers. And may you be blessed for offering the treasures you find, to all!

  15. Åsa-Reply
    April 21, 2011 at 3:05 am

    Hi Joe 😉
    I love your Zero Limit book and the free videos you’ve provided for us. Thank you so much!!! It’s such a simple yet so profound way of changing your life for the better 😉

    I’ve purchased the Zero Limit 3 about 5-6 hours ago and have recieved confirmation from Paypal that it’s gone through. But I haven’t recieved any log on information etc as to where to find the videos from the whole seminar… I thought it was going to be instant access…

    Is there anything else I need to do or what can be done about this?

    Thanks again for all your inspiring newsletters, books etc. They are highly appreciated 😉


  16. April 21, 2011 at 10:08 am

    Thanks a lot for this information Joe. I have a lot of cleaning to do myself. And trust me when I say I am ready to be truly happy so no more excused. I’m taking full responsibility for my life and all who are in it. From this day forward I will be continuously cleaning.

  17. May 2, 2011 at 8:37 am

    Hi Joe:

    I always enjoy your email letter in here, Tokyo, Japan.

    I just would like to let you know about my upcoming “huge” event in Tokyo.
    I can finally attend the basic class of Hooponopono taught by Dr. Hew Len in June!
    You cannot imagine how much I have longed for, and am looking forward to it.
    I went Dr. Hew Len`s book signing event in Tokyo before and finally I can learn the wisdom of Hooponopono through him.

    In April last year I had a telephone session with KR.
    In a nutshell, it was like I was being washed mentally by purest water ever.
    I had tans of emotional crap at that time but about 20 minutes or so after the session began, I started laughing from joy.
    Because I didn`t feel like talking about my emotional problems, I actually (and maybe so did KR) had to look for things to talk to fill in the session time (it was 1 hour session.)

    At the Hooponopono class in June, I am sure that I will have great experience, meanwhile I have been trying to clean my expectation.

    I would like to write to you again after I attend the Hooponopono class to share my experience.

    Thank you, ARIGATOU (thank you in Japanese)



  18. Della-Reply
    May 2, 2011 at 11:51 am

    I like what you have mentioned in the last paragraph about things coming in their own time. I have been a bit ‘down’ as I had some powerful incidents and events happen as I have cleaned on things they have transformed before me, now there is a lull! Of course this is natural and now I see to clean on my impatience. I thought that this lull meant it wasn’t working any more doh!!

  19. Joan-Reply
    May 8, 2011 at 4:13 am

    At first, sorry because my english is not good. I’ve finished to listen the spanish version of ‘zero limits’ audiobook.Ho’oponopono is very simple baut it’s difficult to believe that some words can change all. I repeat the sentence in my mind, but I don’t see any change around me. Please, my live is a disaster, I am stressed, sad, desperate
    and I love a person who doesn’t love me. I’m thinking about suicide.
    I need to clean myself. Please, clean yourself too

  20. Peter-Reply
    May 9, 2011 at 1:28 pm

    Hi, Joe.
    I read Zero Limits, and my question is…
    Is a good idea to “protect” my “life standing” (money, hapiness…) by
    Intention… while I’dont live in zero state (while I clean but my cleaning don’t finished)?

    Thank you, very much!

  21. Barry-Reply
    May 13, 2011 at 4:57 pm


    I am really starting to get on to your teachings I have just read Zero Limits again and I am starting to get it I feel more at peace I have one question I have lived my whole life thinking their is no God but you keep mentioning the Devine what is your defination of the Devine

  22. May 28, 2011 at 6:18 pm

    Hi Joan,
    I saw your message on this blog and I hope you are feeling better.

    I heard about this technique about a year ago, and thought it was a load of rubbish.. (i’m very logical and left brained). For some reason I had the idea to explore it again – and my thoughts changed. I agree with you – initially it does seem that nothing is happening. But trust, don’t analyze – and give it a go for a few weeks atleast.

    For me I felt as if I was getting lighter emotionally, I became more relaxed and less self conscious, I had more orders for my business and I began to see things more clearly. I wasn’t expecting anything at all – but this is what I experienced.

    Please give it a go!


  23. Erazene-Reply
    June 1, 2011 at 1:36 pm

    Hi Joe,
    I just want to say thank you for everything you do.
    Have a nice day 🙂

    With love
    your Erazene

  24. Karena-Reply
    June 12, 2011 at 4:16 pm

    Hi Joe,

    I’m reading through all this and boy there’s different opinions out there…! Anyhow, I’m trying to adapt all the principles I’m learning from you in English and Spanish both! I just received the CD The Abundance Paradigm and I’m also reading Attract Money Now.
    I WANT and DESIRE CHANGE in my LIFE!!! For the better of my own life and kids!!!! So, I’m hoping all this will do the magic and turn things around for me…..Thanks!

  25. June 28, 2011 at 9:59 am

    Bonjour Joe,
    je suis à lire Zero limite. Quel livre merveilleux, une clé de l’Univers
    pour moi!
    Je fais de l’asthme, J’ai au moins 50 kilos à perdre, soit 120lbs.
    Je suis artiste-peintre et je veux vendre mes toiles.
    Je prends beaucoup de médications, lesquelles je veux abandonner un jour. Pour le colesthérol, l’atrytmie, la haute pression, pour la rétention d’eau, etc. Là, j’ai commencé à dire: Ho’oponopono et je suis désolée, pardonne-moi, s’il te plaît, merci et je t’aime. Pouvez-vous m’aider aussi, s.v.p?
    Merci! Amour et paix à vous à chaque instant présentde votre vie! M.C. C. Shawinigan-Sud. P.Q.

  26. fulvia mantovani-Reply
    July 5, 2011 at 4:09 am

    carissimo joe non parlo ancora inglese ma voglio farlo,spero tu riuscirai a tradurre queste mie parole di ringraziamento,è un anno è mezzo che ho conosciuto i tuoi libri e nell’estate scorsa io e mio marito abbiamo letto zero limits,abbiamo ottenuto risultati favolosi e da allora non facciamo altro che dire mi dispiace ti prego perdonami grazie ti nostra vita è cambiata,c’è pace e anche i rapporti disastrosi con i nostri familiari si sono appianati,grazie per averci fatto conoscere questa tecnica di amore e di pace la sto applicando a tutto ciò che entra nella mia vita.un’unica cosa ho da chiederti:dove posso trovare i tuoi video e il libro attraction money in italiano?grazie di tutto,ti vogliamo bene,pace dell’io,mi dispiace ti prego perdonami grazie ti amo.FULVIA E ANDREA

    • Danilo-Reply
      July 10, 2011 at 11:45 am

      Ciao Fulvia… Mi faccio strumento della tua richiesta 🙂

      Here’s the translation of what Fulvia writes:
      “Dearest Joe, I don’t speak English yet, but I want to, I hope you’ll be able to translate these words of thanks… One year and half ago I found your books, last summer my husband and I read Zero Limits, we got wonderful results and since then we say nothing but “I’m sorry, please forgive me, thanks, I love you”. Our life changed, ther’s peace and also our terrible relationships with our relatives got better. Thanks for letting us know this Love & Peace Technique, I’m applying it to anything enters my life…
      One single request to you: where can I find you videos and your book “attraction money” in Italian?
      Thanks for all, we love you, Peace of I…”


  27. Kristina-Reply
    July 31, 2011 at 3:14 pm

    Helou,thank you for being you!!I am reading and watching your work for a few months,I started whit The secret,and from that I somehow got to you.My english sucks,I am from Croatia,so you will forgive me for that. :))
    You have helped me so very much!!!I am a better person,better mam,have better job,and so on,and all of that in a few months.There is much more ahead of me,but you are the one who pushed me to make changes.I can not thank you enough,so I am sending you my love,I hope you can feel it!! By

  28. Anna-Reply
    April 2, 2012 at 8:42 pm

    Hi Joe,
    I have been using Ho’oponopono for over 4 months now and was amazed when I first started saying the words…..however now it seems my life is very tangled and not all what I expected….I am noticing people dropping away and am feeling very lonely and scared I am trying to trust the process, I read how people state wow there life is amazing since using Ho’op etc and this just isn’y the case or am I not seing the bigger picture? I am a little freaked out! I am needing reassurance and understanding regarding this.

    regards Anna

  29. kuku-Reply
    August 2, 2012 at 5:34 am
  30. Betul-Reply
    March 19, 2013 at 7:42 am

    Dear Joe,
    You say that you only clean on your feeelings of a situation or person. However, there are times when we cannot identify or label our feelings when we want to clean. What is to be done then?
    Thank you

    • March 26, 2013 at 1:44 pm

      You never need to identify a feeling to clean it.

  31. Fifi-Reply
    April 4, 2013 at 8:02 pm

    Hi Joe,
    maybe you have to repeatedly told the readers about three stage of awakening..
    yes I guess you might not want to sounds too proud of yourself, but…
    for them who haven’t reach the second stage, it usually hard to understand this wonderful Zero Limits meaning. I guess 🙂

    Peace of “I”, I love you..

  32. Natalina Costa-Reply
    September 3, 2013 at 9:42 am


    Obrigada pela sua contribuição ao universo! Gostaria de ter a oportunidade de participar de algum seminário, pensa em vir no Brasil? a exposição a esse conhecimento foi incrível pra mim, e cada palavra de seu livro pra mim fazia todo o sentido.


  33. November 11, 2013 at 1:43 am


    I have been interested in Ho’opnopono and just recently searched training options on the internet, when I came across this. Just wondering that even though this was done a few years back…can the videos and training still be done? Or will you be offering another Ho’oponopno training course?


  34. Amal-Reply
    June 24, 2014 at 11:44 pm

    Hi, Mr Joe

    Could u tell me what is EFT ? that Michael add to Hooponopono cleaning.

  35. September 22, 2014 at 10:47 am

    Been enjoying your and Dr. Len’s book, “Zero Limits.” It’s perfect for caregivers. Looking forward to learning more about Ho’oponopono.

  36. Danielle-Reply
    November 16, 2015 at 10:06 pm

    Hi Joe,
    I’m very interested in the Ho’oponopono training. I’ve been listening to the audio version of Zero Limits – exciting stuff!. Unfortunately the link to the class doesn’t seem to be active.

  37. Ms. Prajakta Damle-Reply
    March 20, 2016 at 11:28 pm

    Hi Joe,


    I have read your book Zero Limits. Its superb. I want to know more and more about Ho’oponopono.

    I have a query and request your help to resolve it.

    If I have more than 1 concern at a time in my mind. (E.g. Job, Finance, health) Can I apply this four phrases on all together or do I need to work/ concentrate on it one by one.

    Look forward to hear from you.


    Prajakta Damle
    God bless…!!!

  38. Gil-Reply
    March 22, 2016 at 10:43 am

    Dear Joe,

    I’m very interested in the Ho’oponopono training.
    But I live in Brazil, How can I do this training in loco? I need to know :
    Where, When, How.

    Please, I need help.

  39. Neelima-Reply
    April 5, 2016 at 8:27 pm


    How do I access zerolimits hooponopono online lesson?
    Please let me know.
    Thank you

  40. jebt-Reply
    October 25, 2017 at 9:16 pm

    I read Zero Limits several times and each time got something new out of it. I know there is power in this practice. I would like to access ongoing support by way of your free videos if they are still available.

  41. Meytal Abutbul-Reply
    January 27, 2018 at 9:20 pm

    Dear Joe
    I read zerolimits in Hebrew and would like to learn more about hooponopono
    can you please email me how and when?

  42. Lisa Kelly-Reply
    January 23, 2019 at 11:01 am

    Only learning about Ho’ oponopono recently… I am really finding it helpful! Thank you 🙏🏻

    I understand that everything outside of you is a reflection of your Internal world. So I completely dig this.

    Healing, cleansing, clearing and working on yourself, your beliefs, negative thoughts and emotions and realizing you create your own reality is a fascinating, wonderful and powerful learning …even though personally at times I’d like to dodge, deflect and distract myself from any internal discomfort. I know my own resistance means persistence.

    Although I think it’s easy to look outside of you and judge, blame etc and critize others (takes the heat of you) it doesn’t help anyone (they say what you see in another is an aspect of you)…so I believe it’s showing you what is unhealed within you. Plus you can’t fix anyone outside of you only you can work on you!

    I think if we stop looking outside for answers and start to work from within we will all start to feel our external reality reflect our internal harmony.

    A lot of LOA teaches about asking/prayer, aligning and taking action…but I think the biggest part of the equation is surrendering(to Divine/source/spirit/energy however you recognise) and to realize that we don’t control everything as much as we would like and that praying/asking/surrendering/allowing/receiving/letting go/trusting is key 🔑

    Thank you for your efforts, your work, your energy and your bravery. ❤️❤️❤️

  43. Priyam Bhatnagar-Reply
    January 5, 2020 at 12:55 pm

    I am reading this book ” Zero limits” n i cannot tell u that what im feeling these days. I have already started up ho’oponopono practise n healing n clearing myself… I desperately want to connect myself to divine im really thankful to all of u to guide me through this book…..please guide me for ur free training for ho’oponopono…thanx plz reply

  44. mehrnoosh-Reply
    May 28, 2021 at 3:32 pm

    hello joe
    first thank you so much for your gift to us (zero limits)
    i just wanted to ask you something i know it might be weird or you might think im crazy but you’re the only one i can trust with my problem because i know that you have a special bond with god so if you can just do this for me it would me a great help.
    can you please do me a favor and do a little ho’ponopono for me? my name is mehrnoosh moulaii and i live in iran, even though i am clearing myself almost every day, me and my partner cant seem to meet each other and our relationship is still after four months long distance and its very hard on us because we love each other and we want to get married, if you can help us with that and tell me the result it would be amazing.
    again thank you so much and forgive me if i had eny mistakes in my writing, English is my second language.
    best of luck for you and Dr. Hew len.

    • Joe Vitale-Reply
      June 1, 2021 at 11:50 am

      i am cleaning

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