If you prefer audio listening over reading, you’ll be glad to know Zero Limits the book is now on audio and available for download.
The audios were recorded by me and by Dr. Hew Len, my coauthor, with contributions from others, too. It is the entire book on audio. It makes for a beautiful listening experience. I’m very excited to have the blend of Dr. Hew Len’s charismatic voice with my own on this recording.
If you go to either www.itunes.com (in the Audio Books section) or to www.audible.com and search for “Joe Vitale,” you will find four books by me on audios ready for download:
Zero Limits
Buying Trances
The Attractor Factor
Life’s Missing Instruction Manual
Personally, I think www.audible.com is easier to search, but do whichever works for you.
Also, if you missed the action packed teleseminar the other night with Noah St. John interviewing me about Zero Limits, it’s now available online at www.NoahandJoe.com I think it was one of my best calls ever.
As a reminder, the Zero Limits Group Coaching Program starts soon. Details are at http://zero-limits-coaching.com
The book Zero Limits is an official bestseller at Amazon. If you haven’t gotten it yet, see www.amazon.com or www.bn.com or ask for it at your favorite book store. There are also details at http://www.zerolimits.info
I guess that’s enough “Zero” talk for today.
Ao Akua
PRS – Remember, if you are really excited about living a life at Zero Limits, consider attending the Zero Limits Weekend event with Dr. Hew Len and me, to be held in Maui, Hawaii Nov 30 – Dec 2. You’ll have two full days with Dr. Len and myself. The cost is $1,000. ($1,500 after August 1st.) Room, travel and meals are separate fees, of course. Note: Only 100 can attend. If you want to be there, register right now:
1) Via PayPal @ [email protected]
2) Via Credit Card (please call 512-278-1610).
3) FAX to 512 847 0529
3) Via Check (pay to the order of Hypnotic
Marketing, Inc.) and mail to:
Hypnotic Marketing, Inc.
121 Canyon Gap Rd.
Wimberley, TX 78676-6314
Thank you. I love you.
Dear Joe,
I have just downloaded the audio this morning and been listening all morning. WOW!!! As an attendee to “Zero Limits” and mostly recently seeing Dr. Len here in DC at his Self-Identity, hearing yours and Dr. Len’s voice on the recording is infusing me with energy I cannot explain but have felt in your presence. I am so glad I waited for the audio.
It is really cool too to hear the experiences of the people that I attended the Beyond Manifestation weekend and Zero Limits with. I had thought that I was not “growing” as quickly as I wanted until I started to journal all of the miraculous experiences that I too have had since I was first introduced to your beginning article about Dr. Len and also your appearance in “The Secret”. The healing is too numerous to relate here but it has happened to me and I know it. I am grateful, Thank you.
Keep listening to the Divine, Joe. I hope to see you in Maui.
Susan Cook
Just thought i’d give readers my opinion on Zero Limits…
Zero Limits is a mind awakening expedition that I suggest you embark on.
This book truly shares secrets that will fill your body with warmth and set your spirit free. It demonstrates a unique way to succeed, while “cleansing” those around you.
The only downfall is, you have to start at “Zero”. No head starts!
**You can read the rest of my review on amazon when you go their and order Zero Limits. 😉
I got it from iTunes and have been enjoying it during the weekend. Only half way through as there is loads to absorb. Should be able to finish it tomorrow I hope.
I prefer audio! I might give my book away when it arrives, and buy the audio instead
Great idea! Thanks for sharing Joe, these websites are a great resource of info!
Best Wishes,
I just wanted to thank you Joe for having the teleseminar with Noah. It was a great call and I’m anxious for the next one. I felt so empowered after the call.
Thank You!
Hoping to see you in Maui.
Joe….I’m not trying to put you on the spot by asking this question, but, even though I don’t have Zero Limits yet (thanks to amazon.com’s backlog lol) I sense that ho ‘oponopono is very similar to the quantum collapse process used by Dr. John DeMartini. Please comment on this. I have experienced two collapses through a local practioner and experienced inner and outer change…..but, maybe ho ‘oponopono is a quantum leap from the collapse process. Your thoughts are appreciated…..and your work is truly life changing. John
John, I know John DeMartini but not his collapse process. So I can’t comment. It’s highly unlikely it has anything to do with ho’oponopono though. Blessings. joe
John, I am familiar with J DeMartini’s description of the quantum collapse process. It is a real event in the world of quantum physics that he uses to describe the process of ‘shifting’ concsiousness, much like the shift that occurs when you become truly ‘clear’ using any of the many clearing techniques Joe refers to in The Attractor Factor. From my personal experience, Ho Oponopono can indeed be accurately represented (analogously) by a quantum leap beyond quantum collapse.
It is truly amazing.
Love and Peace to you all.
Steve….have you experienced the quantum collapse process?
I love you all !!!
Thank you