The Practical Visionary

Around 1994 my life was changed by a book called Spiritual Politics.

It helped me see the big picture of global conflicts and gave me an elevated view of what was happening. It delivered a fascinating analysis of the cosmic, karmic and metaphysical reasons behind politics, world affairs and current events.

It revealed that I had to work on myself to make a difference in the outer world. It’s a large, detailed, and exhaustive work on the hidden reasons behind the superficial news and talk show bantering. It’s all about change as an inside job. I never forgot the book.

Recently the same authors came out with a new book, The Practical Visionary: A New World Guide to Spiritual Growth and Social Change. I was so eager to read this one that I bought the Kindle edition from Amazon and instantly started reading it on my iPad. I liked what I saw so much that I went back to Amazon and bought copies of the paperback to give as gifts. I then reached out to the authors, Corinne McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson, to interview them.practical visionary

The Practical Visionary offers overwhelming proof that every social problem you can name is being addressed by some person or group. There are entire chapters stuffed with resources. It does the soul good to see so much being done in the world to move us forward to unity. In a time when the mainstream media rarely nods in the direction of the good deeds people are doing, seeing all this evidence for the positive is wonderful.

None of this is to say you or I are off the hook. We can’t let others solve all the problems we see. We have work to do. But the best way to do it is to align with your connection to the Universe and do what’s right for you. As you do what you are called to do, you become The Practical Visionary.

Besides all the resources, wisdom, and optimism in the book, another reason I love it are the meditations in it. Early on there is a vivid one about pretending to turn an inner knob to raise the vibration of your energy until it matches that of Spirit. I was a little tired as I began the meditation, but just imagining playing with an inner frequency dial that raised my energy actually did raise it. Nice.

The Practical Visionary reveals eight keys for transforming yourself and the world. It’s not an either-or approach. As you work on yourself, you work on the world; as you work on the world, you work on yourself.

1.    Shift from what’s dying to what’s being born: discover the new world of practical visionaries all around you;

2.    Understand the big picture and the higher evolutionary plan: find your part and get engaged;

3.    Make your livelihood a social change strategy: be a spiritual warrior, an innovator, a reformer and/or an exemplar;

4.    Invoke the magic of your soul: explore the new world within you and make friends with your subconscious;

5.    Turn within to find a source of spiritual strength: develop a regular meditative practice to receive clear guidance;

6.    Clarify your higher purpose and vision: create a mission, practical strategy and right timing;

7.    See money as a spiritual asset: trust in the abundance of the universe—and be practical and wise;

8.    Transform duality and conflict into a higher synthesis: find common ground personally and politically to change the world.

The Practical Visionary is a mind-expanding and soul-enriching book that helps move you into a new paradigm. You might even call it The Abundance Paradigm. 🙂

There are some statements in the book that make you sit bolt upright and take notice, such as:

“To progress spiritually, you shouldn’t just go with the flow of whatever is happening, as some people mistakenly advise, as some flows of energy are good and some are harmful.”

And —

“On a deeper, metaphysical level money is concretized energy or prana (life force).”

And —

“Schedule your activities. While planning is an intention, scheduling is a commitment.”

There’s so much more in The Practical Visionary that I just want to keep writing about it. But instead of reading this review, go read the book. I love this book and suggest you read it, share it, and act on it. It’s at Amazon, in book stores, and available from the publisher: Unity.

Remember, The Practical Visionary is you.

Ao Akua,


PS – Here’s a YouTube video from the authors about their book:


  1. Dave-Reply
    December 10, 2010 at 3:29 am

    Hi Joe,

    I’ve got an amazing question for you, but before I ask it, a few comments…

    “The Practical Visionary” sounds great.
    Truth is, whether it’s your earlier “Hypnotic Writing” or your recent “The Abundance Paradigm”, you’ve become the quintessential “practical visionary”…emphasis on “practical”. You practice what you envision, have achieved notable success, and helped people.

    Right now, I’m trying to launch my own career in your field-marketing practical spiritual advice.
    My “practical visionary” perspective focuses on selling my ebook and making good money-and helping people in the bargain.

    Now to my startling question, Joe:

    “What’s the one thing the Universe would pay money to know?”


    • December 10, 2010 at 10:42 am

      Dave, I don’t understand the question. Universe as I use the term won’t pay you a dime. People, however, will. If you mean what’s the one thing people will pay to know, I answered that clearly in my book, There’s A Customer Born Every Minute. hope that helps.

  2. Karen-Reply
    December 10, 2010 at 4:22 pm

    Hi Joe, You confuse me. You say the “Universe won’t pay you a dime”???
    What? You were in “The Secret”, right. The whole point of the Secret and LOA is to tap into the abundance-MONEY-that the Universe offers.
    Of course the money comes from people. But you teach asking the Universe to arrange getting that money from other people.
    Your whole life is about getting millions of dimes from the Universe!

    The guys question is clear as a bell. He wants to know what the Universe pays the most for, what kind of info, etc.

    Plus, instead of answering the guys question, you tell him to buy your book? Where’s that generous spirit, Joe?


    • December 10, 2010 at 4:37 pm

      My goodness. Rather harsh aren’t we? First, the Universe doesn’t deal with money; people do. The question posed asked about the Universe, not people. Second, I’ve answered the question about what people will pay for in this blog, on my main site, in countless articles — all free. If you want to know it again, without paying for a book worth paying for, here it is: a change of state. That’s the #1 thing they’ll pay for. I’m sorry but Dave’s question still confuses me. You assume he means one thing; I assume he means another; he may in fact mean something else. I’m just doing my best to help (and nobody is paying me). And no, abundance is not money, though money can be part of abundance. The Secret only offers a superficial introduction to the Law of Attraction. It’s still a truly great movie, though. I’d offer a list of resources to help explain all this, but it might be seen as trying to sell something. My whole life is about following the Divine, not the dimes.

  3. Caroline-Reply
    December 11, 2010 at 8:02 am

    Hi Joe,
    I am super excited today, because I got a letter from the Post Office (UK) that a package from the USA is waiting and (ugh) I need to pay the customs (yay, it’s not as much as I thought). There is just one item from the USA that I ordered.
    Could this be the long awaited Abundance Paradigm? 😀
    Oh, Monday is going to be fabulous:)

  4. Linda-Reply
    December 11, 2010 at 8:45 am

    Joe, I don’t think Karen was being harsh at all. It does seem that most everything you put out there is wrapped around a sales pitch, and if you aren’t following dimes, you are definitely following dollars (at least that’s what it looks like to me, and I don’t think its because I’m missing some point.).

    • December 11, 2010 at 8:50 am

      Thanks for your thoughts, Linda. If I am following dollars in “everything I put out there,” where are you paying to read this blog? Or my free ebook, Attract Money Now? Or my podcast? Or my video blog? Or all the articles at Or my free teleseminars? Or the countless items I promote to my list where I’m not affiliated in any monetary way at all? I think you might be selective of your judgment of me, but of course I could be wrong. I wish you all the best.

      • Linda-Reply
        December 11, 2010 at 11:28 am

        Joe, Are you trying to say that your offerings don’t have links and suggestions to direct people to something you’re selling (or an outright appeal to send you gifts)? In every one of your books that I’ve seen, and pretty much anytime your name appears on a web page or blog, there is an “opportunity” to buy more of your stuff. Between the constant upselling and the very frequent brags about your latest purchase (and rationalize however you will, they do come across as bragging), it seems pretty obvious where your real focus lies.

        • December 11, 2010 at 1:33 pm

          Well, giving you the benefit of the doubt, I looked at the very post you commented on. There isn’t anything in it to buy from me. The entire post is about a book I have nothing to do with, yet love and wanted to share. I’m not even an affiliate for it. I then looked at the post to see if I was somehow bragging in it. For the life of me, I don’t see it. I’m going to guess you have some issues with money and success, and I’m just the scapegoat here. But again, I may be wrong, and I own that. And again, I wish you all the best.

          • Linda-
            December 11, 2010 at 3:16 pm

            No issues, Joe, as I’ve already achieved a level of success in my life beyond my wildest dreams. I am, however, very observant of how people relate to wealth. Those who are comfortable with it don’t need to flaunt it, and certainly don’t devote as much of their energy to accumulating more as do you. And I challenge you or anyone else to find a single page you have produced that doesn’t have either a direct link to products you’re selling (or promoting) or a request for $$. Even the majority of the photos you put on your blog link back to your products or services, or to your “free” book. I’ve read it, by the way, and it seems more than anything else to be a pitch for the Miracles Coaching call center you own.

            If you claim that you have absolutely no connection to “The Practical Visionary” except having enjoyed it, I’ll have to take you at your word. In the past, I discovered that there was a business relationship with many of the things you so eagerly promoted, whether direct payments, quid pro quo, or mailing list access, yet you did not disclose the relationships at the time. I think you can see where it would raise questions now..

          • December 11, 2010 at 3:33 pm

            Okay, thanks for sharing.

  5. December 11, 2010 at 12:55 pm

    I think people are forgetting something here.

    When you go to work, isn’t the point, or at-least one of the points to make money? I mean, people don’t go saying, “hey, I feel like the only reason you come here is to make money to support your wants and needs”.

    This is Joe’s work. It just so happens that he loves it and it’s a service to many people. So if there’s one line, here or there, saying something about a product, what’s the big deal?

    There are 60 other lines in that post not talking about you buying something.

    What you choose to focus on is what you will see. Thanks for all the great posts Joe.

  6. Caroline-Reply
    December 11, 2010 at 2:38 pm

    I don’t see anything wrong with Joe’s promoting his work.
    He is an awesome writer, creative and inspiring. Any writer would want to promote his books and he, as any other creator, has every right to do that.
    A lot of his products are either free or very reasonably priced, in contract to other Secret’s coaches/trainers, etc.
    If some people do not like ‘sales pitches’, then no one orders them to buy anything. There’s plenty of free stuff. It is that simple.

  7. Dave-Reply
    December 11, 2010 at 4:58 pm

    Let me see if I understand you…

    1- The Universe doesn’t pay us a dime, as you say. People do.
    “The Universe doesn’t deal with money; people do”.

    2- Yet each of us IS the Universe. As you often say, “You are Divine”.

    3- People will pay most for what you call a “change of state”, your way of saying “change of consciousness”.
    Presumably this “change of state” means…
    going from scarcity to abundance
    going from “ego” to “Universe”

    4- You use “Abundance” as a synonym for the “Universe”. This is smart. “Universe” is too new-agey, overused. Whereas “Abundance” is fresh, positive, down-to–earth, appealing.
    You say, “And no, abundance is not money, though money can be part of abundance.” Substitute “the Universe” for “abundance”, and this is your “Abundance Paradigm”.

    So, if I’m not mistaken, here’s what you’re telling us about making/attracting money:

    …Each person has within them a natural, limited, ego, as well as a Universe/Divine/Abundance source.

    …If I change my state from ego to Universe/Abundance, I tap into a universal power of attraction.

    …If I make money with the state of Universe/Abundance, other people will be attracted to my products and services, because THEIR inner Universe/Abundance will resonate with MY inner Universe/ Abundance.

    …If people ARE the Universe/Divine/Abundance, then the Universe DOES deal with money, and DOES pay us a dime.

    …When I asked you, “What’s the one thing the Universe would pay money to know?”, paraphrased I was asking:

    When I am in my Universe/Abundance within, what can I sell YOU that YOUR Universe would pay ME for knowing or doing?

    You answered by saying that the #1 thing people will pay for is learning how to initiate a “change of state”-how to go from ego to abundant Universe.

    Bottom Line: The ONE thing that the Universe (within all of us) would pay money to know is how to become our #1, conscious state-and stay there.


    • December 11, 2010 at 5:10 pm

      Very thoughtful and thought provoking, Dave. Sounds like you are on an inside track to something big.

  8. December 12, 2010 at 11:31 am

    Thank you Joe for sharing this wonderful book. This book sounds like it will help me to answer the many questions I get almost daily on my feelings of teh current state of affairs and how this may help or hinder one’s ability to create change in their own lives.

    I’m going to order this book immediately and look forward to reading it through as well. I love what you are doing for this world and for anyone else who may read this blog of yours, I urge you to get involved in the creation of your own life also. No need to wait for something outside of yourself to make that change. YOU have what you need.

    It was your higher desire that led you to finding Dr. Vitale’s blog, and this book, and every other resource you may have found. It now rests with you to take inspired action on what you can at this time. As you go through your resources, know that more will make itself known to you.

    Bless you Joe Vitale and bless all your readers!

    Jeffrey Brandt
    Author of Close Your Eyes to Find Your Way: A Guide to Discovering Your Higher Self

  9. Alfred Rodriguez-Reply
    December 20, 2010 at 6:44 pm

    “This amazes me!” Just because one talks or teaches spiritual awareness that compensation should not be rewarded for their knowledge. Whether it be money, food, animal, etc., history has revealed Avatar’s have been supported by people and/or the Universe for their good ( Godly ) deeds….Then why not now?
    Joe needs to survive in order to sent his message and as mentioned by Caroline, ” We all have choices to make in life.”…Listen to your HigherSelf.

  10. Arabian Woman-Reply
    December 25, 2010 at 3:13 pm

    Dear Joe,
    I just want to thank you for everything you wrote in your books, my life changed a lot especially after “the missing secret”..but I wonder what’s inside you that attracted these people who are criticizing you:)
    I’m happy that i was lucky enough to read your you Joe:)

  11. charlesaliu-Reply
    December 27, 2010 at 5:05 am

    there are always mixed feelings and reactions about almost every thing there is. we dont all think alike because of our different experience, environment and education. and thats fine. there are people on the path of spirituality that like it poor, some even like it painful. if joes likes it prosperous, whao, a choice too. if joe provides a great info or service and puts a price on it that his choice, if he promoted his products in any form to help get it into the hands of the most people, that will benefit from it. he is taking action, there were certain practioners who dont believe in that. dont forget he has not forcefully taken money out of your credit card, he even says for some of his products that i have seen that there is money back guarantee if u are dissatisfied for a period of time. let me cut now. joe contibutes something valueable, we live in a balanced system, if you contibutes like him in other ways or to other audience you will get results too. finally, you cant make people live their lives based on whay you think, thats a sure way to lots of headaches, disappointments and bitterness. happy holidays friends, and joe when you find something new and helpful again, some people are waiting to devour it at at the right price

  12. Amy-Reply
    December 29, 2010 at 12:51 am

    OMG, people really do make things seem bad…..The Universe will give you back what you are vibrating and if you are having a difficult time accepting that Joe is a grown man and can do what he wants when he wants then you are limiting yourself to a small world. The only thing I feel bad towards Joe is that he can attract what he wants and i cant. If I had as many best sellers as he had, I wouldnt offer the information for free either. WHere were you when he was homeless?

  13. Arabian women-Reply
    January 5, 2011 at 2:12 pm

    one more thing..Joe is giving back to the world ..he is helping the homeless it’s ok if he advertise for his books ..the sky doesn’t rain money!again Joe I love you 🙂

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