The Shocking Truth about The Law of Attraction

I was reading the book Measuring the Immeasurable: The Scientific Case for Spirituality, when I came across this line by biologist Bruce Lipton:

“Consequently, most of of our personal and cultural problems arise from the belief that we are running our lives with our conscious desires and aspirations.” He adds, “Yet our lives usually don’t match our intentions.”

Why not?

Why don’t our lives match our intentions?

Don’t our intentions attract our reality?

Isn’t the Law of Attraction real?

Lipton goes on to explain, “Generally, the reason we fail to get what we desire is not because the Universe does not want us to succeed, but because we undermine our own efforts with ‘invisible’ limiting behaviors.”

This is so relevant to understanding the Law of Attraction.

What I’ve been teaching for years now — in my books, such as The Key, Zero Limits, The Attractor Factor, and Attract Money Now — and in my audio programs, such as The Missing Secret and The Secret to Attracting Money — is this: what you get is not based on what you consciously think, but on what you unconsciously think.

In other words, the attractor in your mind is the “invisible limiting behavior” Lipton refers to in his quote. Change that and you’ll have a different result.

This explains why some people were aghast that I had an “adventure” in Russia. They thought because I know the Law of Attraction that I am somehow immune from the more challenging experiences of life.

I’m human. I have old programs in my mind, too. As I said in the previous blog post, I had early programming about Russia. It had nothing to do with Russia. That early programming was the “invisible limiting behavior” that attracted my experience in Russia.

A few of the teachers in the movie The Secret have had life challenges broadcast by the media and made public.ย  Does that mean the Law of Attraction doesn’t work, or does it mean each had some unconscious programming even they weren’t aware of that got attracted into reality?

Don’t be too quick to judge.

Each of us has limiting programming in our unconscious mind.

Even you.

Yes, you.

No wonder some people say the Law of Attraction doesn’t work. They have the superficial understanding that if they think something, it should automatically get attracted into their life.

It doesn’t work that way.

Instead, you attract what you un-consciously believe and expect.

The shocking truth about the Law of Attraction is that it does work – but not in a way to make your life non-stop ice cream and Disneyland rides; but instead to make it a non-stop process of awakening.

That’s the reason you’re here.

Bruce Lipton and others — including me – teach that those unconscious programs in your mind can be deleted or changed.

As you become more aware, you clear up the old baggage under the floorboards of your mind and make your life less stressful.

Then you can have a more Disneyland-like ride through life.

But it rarely happens overnight.

Some of the tools I use to accomplish this awakening are —

1. Zero Limits. I still use the four phrases from ho’oponopono to clear myself. As Dr. Hew Len admits, this is a non-stop process. You can’t do it once. You have to do it forever. That’s how much clutter is in your mind. He’s been doing it for 25 years. How long have you been doing it?

2. EFT. I still use the famous “tapping” cure to handle most things that come up for me. It’s fast, easy, and free. Are you using it?

3. Coaching. Since the programming in your mind is invisible to you, having an objective outside party works wonders in getting clear fast. I still use a coach today. Everyone needs one. Do you have one?

I also suggest you read such mind-expanding books as Bruce Lipton’s new book, Spontaneous Evolution, and my own new book, Attract Money Now.

Remember, you are unconsciously attracting what you get in your life – but that’s not cause for blame or guilt; it’s just stimulus to clear the limiting programming so you are free to live a life of Divine inspiration and moment-by-moment awe.

Expect Miracles.

Ao Akua,


PS — If you want to use the Law of Attraction to attract money, you need to get clear of the invisible programming in you around money. Read my latest book on the subject, free, at or get the beautiful printed hardcover book, with a free DVD of a live presentation on attracting money, by clicking right here.

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  1. October 11, 2009 at 9:06 am

    That makes so much sense, are there any other ways to clear unconscious programming that we could try?

    I’m not totally sure I want my life to be a non stop disneyland ride though – its when things go wrong we get the most learning and isn’t that what we’re here for? And anyway, the occasional disaster always makes for good stories!

  2. October 11, 2009 at 12:14 pm

    Being a great fan of Bruce Lipton’s work and a biologist myself – I have come across these ideas before in how we can actively change our genetics. So all these ideas really clicked and did it for me.

    Even when we say we are “conscious” most of us are still not sure what is going on in our sub-conscious mind. It is therefore critical I believe to examine our emotions too at any level of creation, as I know we are not left without devices or clues as to what is really in our sub-conscious mind.

    But ultimately you hit the nail right on in this article Joe – many people ridicule or disregard the LOA for no other reason than that they don’t fully understand it.

    The Secret brought out the first revelations, now I think it is time for wave 2 – many people have the foundations for the LOA, now it is time to start refining them.

    What an exciting time to be alive!

  3. October 11, 2009 at 4:47 pm

    Diving deep into the true workings of our lives is tough and exciting at the same time. A lot of people go through their lives with a smear of positive thinking but with huge chunks of negative junk controlling and guiding their every move. They’ll think in affirmative ways for like five minutes but then are jerks for the remaining 16 hours of the day and wonder why nothing positive is happening for them.

  4. October 11, 2009 at 9:08 pm

    Okay Joe,

    Explain this to me like I’m a 4 year old because I dont get it! WHAT is so confusing for people about the Law of Attraction..?

    Why do people think that it does not work when “bad” stuff happens to them in lieu of what they really want? What is so difficult to understand about the fact that it is our hidden beliefs that are running the show, and that we must CLEAN, CLEAN, CLEAN constantly in order to get rid of all of the negative programing.

    I know Im ranting here and believe me I am cleaning on my frustration.. Like Dr. Hew Len says, if they are stuck we are stuck…There is no “Out There” Don’t you get frustrated when you have to repeat this over and over again??

    I know I sound like a madwoman but .. Its just so baffling to me so I will just continue cleaing..

    Oh and thanks again for the Russia post .. I think i can use that one to clean for the whole next year!!! EXPLOSIVE!

    Love you Joe!

  5. October 12, 2009 at 12:17 am

    Sure, I get this, completely. And when I read about your Russian mis-adventure, I immediately caught the reference to your trepidation about Russia in that post. As you said, you had early programming about Russia. Why would it surprise your fans/followers that you still have programs to chuck out?

    What I’ve found is that no matter how many programs I manage to get cleared out, another one always pops upโ€”only it’s generally something random and odd that didn’t come to mind readily (not your “Standard Issue” program, the ones always staring me in the face).

    My guess is, the programming for Russia never had the opportunity to come up until your trip was plannedโ€”how can you clean something when you’re not fully aware it’s even there? ๐Ÿ˜† I’m just glad you and Mark managed to get out safely and lived to tell the cautionary tale… and it’s nice to know that even after all this enlightenment and fame, you’re still human. ๐Ÿ˜€

  6. Sergey-Reply
    October 12, 2009 at 4:17 am

    Dear Aymee,

    Congratulations! You’ve just attracted the explanation on the perplexity about LOA ๐Ÿ˜‰

    The thing is that all of us live 10% “conscious” life and 90% “unconscious” life. And the most sad about it that we are not aware of what is there on the unconscious level. All the work on ourselves is made “consciously”, based on our aknowledged wishes and desires. But “hidden” beliefs are just called so because they are hidden. We “clean” ourselves standing on some basic principles, pillars that support our world, support everything we beleive in, everything we rely on. It’s like the basement of our own world and very seldom we dare to challenge it.

    When we start cleaning we begin to get rid of “some” obstacles, therefore opening our mind and getting ready to accept more and more. And at the right moment it “clicks” and we obtain a possibility to look at what was inviolable and canonized from a different point of view… It is scary and frustrating – since the whole old world of ours becomes a castle built of sand…

    Do many of us have enough courage to abandon our most precious beliefs? It really seems as a disaster and destruction of everything…

    But right at this point we receive a fascinating possibility to choose “consciously”, to decide for ourselves, to build the world we “consciously” want to live in.

    Is it easy? Yes and no at the same time. Yes because all it requires is a simple shift of our mind. No because that shift sometimes requires destroying everything in our life.

    And it’s up to us to decide whether to clean only one or two windows in the house or move to another one.

    Best wishes,


  7. October 12, 2009 at 6:45 am

    I absolutely agree with you Dr Vitale and Dr Lipton. The unseen limitations are exactly what cause us to slip up and be in a place of waiting to receive, or more often than not move us to a vibration of frustration that we still are not living the life of our dreams.

    I love your work and have done many of your programs, I am keen to hear what you think of the other universal laws and how we can apply them in our life?

  8. October 15, 2009 at 8:18 am

    Trust is the key. Unless we fully trust ourselves we can’t trust others, or trust that the Law of Attraction will bring to us exactly what we put out or expect. It doesn’t happen until we “get it.”

  9. Gail Dell - Perth Australia-Reply
    October 15, 2009 at 9:34 pm

    The primary belief-change-process that Bruce Lipton advocates is Psych-K (Psychological Kinesiology) developed by Rob Williams….This is the powerful process that he used to change his life around…that is why they lecture together now….as together they can offer the science and the solution to changing subconscious beliefs and behaviour patterns so that the LOA does work in our lives. I practice Psych-K Adv…. and haven’t found anything to match it …yet. For more info go to Great blog thank you.

  10. pankaj-Reply
    October 16, 2009 at 2:28 am

    Dear Joe,
    This question is my enthusiasm.
    Why can’t you cure your Baldness by Law of attraction.Then you will be more handsome.
    Thank you

    • October 16, 2009 at 6:24 am

      Pankaj, you’re assuming baldness is a problem. Why do so many people shave their head to look bald? Hmmmm. Maybe it’s exactly what they (and I) want. I was once offered a hair restoration cure if I would be the company spokesperson. I turned them down. Why? I like being bald. Except for you, no one has ever complained. As I’ve said many times, don’t worry about what I attract, focus on what you want to attract.

    • October 17, 2009 at 11:25 am


      I don’t think Joes beautiful girlfriend has a problem with his bald head.. LOL… and I can assure you that he is an incredibly handsome man as he is… !


  11. October 16, 2009 at 6:48 pm

    @pankaj you are looking at what is lacking. Your focus is on the lack. Open your eyes and experience the abundance.

  12. October 16, 2009 at 10:44 pm

    Pankaj — Why can’t you cure your rude manners? That was a smart-allic remark posed as a question. I think Joe looks handsome as he is, not just because of his physical appearance, but because of his attitude and confidence in himself.

  13. October 17, 2009 at 9:57 am

    For years, I couldn’t figure out what was hindering me. I rode a roller coaster of success, six figure chunks of money coming at me and then, near homelessness (I actually was homeless but my sweet mother allowed me to live with her; a friend loaned me a car as my Q45 Infiniti and 2 year old luxury SUV had been repoed.)

    I knew all of the ‘right stuff’ to make amazing things happen in my life. The one block I hadn’t acknowledged was a negative, close relationship. While reading, I discovered that I had a major energy drain from a relationship that was unhealthy and down right toxic. I stayed in the relationship because it involved my children and I reasoned that I didn’t want to hurt them by getting out of the relationship.

    As I’ve started aligning myself with the steps in this awesome book, things started happening that led up to ending this relationship. AND, interesting enough, I did nothing to cut it off. ‘She’ did.

    My oldest daughter connected with me yesterday and we’ve decided that our relationship is going to be stronger, closer and better than ever. I’m feeling a miraculous release and freedom in my heart, mind, soul.

    Joe, thank you for your integrity, authenticity and willingness to be vulnerable in order to help change lives.

    I love you, bro,

  14. October 17, 2009 at 5:55 pm

    Hi Joe,
    A new lemon flavored blog! Sweet! Can’t believe the other one got hacked! You must have been vibrating an unconscious desire for a new yellow blog! LOL

    About these unconscious thoughts. Seems to me that it’s the VIBRATION that does the attracting, not any thoughts at all. Sure your thoughts are usually in line with the vibration you vibrate, but what comes first? The chicken or the egg? Irrelevant, time is illusion! ๐Ÿ˜€ (trick question!) But truly it is the vibration! All the tools you mention plus meditation and vision boards and others are only serving to get the VIBRATION aligned with that of Source, your Higher (or larger) Self. Once that is done, anything you’ve ever desired is flowing to you. No “thought” necessary. Easy – peasy!

    I think the confusion arises because unconscious thoughts can reek havoc with your vibration. Unconscious thoughts create a vibration that can become dominant. Establishing and maintaining a high vibration takes practice. Positive feelings, expectation flow out of a practiced thought (belief) that allows the positive vibration.

    WAY too much time and words wasted by too many on these “thoughts” when it’s not the thoughts we need to focus on to make the LOA work for us.

    We only think we think. We really vibrate. That’s why visualizing or using affirmations only work when you FEEL (vibrate) the visualization or the message of the affirmation. To quote a fave of yours: Neville Goddard ~ You must assume the *feeling* of the wish fulfilled. [Feeling = vibration]

    So how are you vibrating today? ๐Ÿ˜€

    Joyfully and Playfully,


    • November 2, 2009 at 7:38 pm

      I love that Amy.. That was a great way of explaining it

  15. October 17, 2009 at 5:55 pm

    Hi Joe,
    A new lemon flavored blog! Sweet! Can’t believe the other one got hacked! You must have been vibrating an unconscious desire for a new yellow blog! LOL

    About these unconscious thoughts. Seems to me that it’s the VIBRATION that does the attracting, not any thoughts at all. Sure your thoughts are usually in line with the vibration you vibrate, but what comes first? The chicken or the egg? Irrelevant, time is illusion! ๐Ÿ˜€ (trick question!) But truly it is the vibration! All the tools you mention plus meditation and vision boards and others are only serving to get the VIBRATION aligned with that of Source, your Higher (or larger) Self. Once that is done, anything you’ve ever desired is flowing to you. No “thought” necessary. Easy – peasy!

    I think the confusion arises because unconscious thoughts can reek havoc with your vibration. Unconscious thoughts create a vibration that can become dominant. Establishing and maintaining a high vibration takes practice. Positive feelings, expectation flow out of a practiced thought (belief) that allows the positive vibration.

    WAY too much time and words wasted by too many on these “thoughts” when it’s not the thoughts we need to focus on to make the LOA work for us.

    We only think we think. We really vibrate. That’s why visualizing or using affirmations only work when you FEEL (vibrate) the visualization or the message of the affirmation. To quote a fave of yours: Neville Goddard ~ You must assume the *feeling* of the wish fulfilled. [Feeling = vibration]

    So how are you vibrating today? ๐Ÿ˜€

    Joyfully and Playfully,


  16. October 22, 2009 at 2:11 pm

    Okay, so my dispatches go by courier snail. ,

  17. Anna-Reply
    October 26, 2009 at 1:57 am

    Dear Mr. Vitale,

    that’s my story in a nutshell. I’m italian, a country where the positive thinking wave arrived so late as it was supposed to, and my feeling is that a lot of people has just misunderstood it. I’ve studies the law od attraction since I was a teen, (Now I’m 29) and the truth is that I just cuodn’t have enough. The more I read about it, the more I wanted to read, and here stories and meet the authors. Of course, is not so easy to find a seminar on the above subject here. Of, that’s enough for the foreword.
    The purpose of this comment is to let you have my question ( you can laugh but I just can’t get sleep at night…). I have devoured “Zero limits” last night and I think there’s dissonance with what you previuosly said. You said that after cleansing there’s insipiration. So what I’ve been doing for years ( setting my goal and having a burning desire, was invane).
    I know, you try to explain this in your book but I just can’t get it. I really just can’t get it.
    Thanks for you reply.
    Loads of love,

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