Recently I met a fellow who once worked for a modern day enlightened sage. I won’t trigger any comments by mentioning names. There’s a greater lesson here.

The enlightened one lived in bliss.

Nothing perturbed him.

Nothing disturbed him.

Nothing upset him.

His bliss disturbed the people around him, though.

They wanted him to react to their drama. They wanted him to respond to their pleas, their emotions, and their stories.

But the enlightened one stayed happy.

And here’s the rub:

The awakened one was unable to run his business. He didn’t make decisions quickly. He seemed to wait for things to happen. Often they did.  Sometimes they did not. Eventually, the enlightened one went bankrupt. Of course, that meant nothing to him. He was still in bliss. But the people around him were, shall we say, miffed.

This raises an interesting question.

Just because someone achieves a state of awakening doesn’t mean they are bestowed new skills. If they couldn’t run a business before enlightenment, they probably can’t run it after enlightenment.

I remember meeting a young guitar wizard who was making all the news. As a guitar slinger, he was jaw-dropping and inspiring. But when I met him, he could barely say hello. His great guitar playing skills didn’t automatically mean he also had great social skills.

So what about bliss?

I joked with the person telling me about the sage that maybe all enlightened ones need unenlightened ones to run their business. And once they get enlightened, they should step down and let an unenlightened one continue.

But I was corrected.

My friend told me of another awakened sage who successfully ran a business. He was in bliss, unperturbed by others or circumstances; yet he continued to expand, grow, and build his business to colossal proportions. He was a Buddha in the Marketplace, so to speak.

I know another friend who had a teacher that said if you want to learn meditation, learn computer programming. Apparently programming takes focus, intention and discipline. Most of his students went on to become millionaires, as they were also taught to be marketplace meditators.

It appears you need both: meditation for the soul and marketing for the earth.

In my new online course, I  cover both. Go see

Of course, it’s fine with me if you don’t check it out right now. My point is this: wanting spirituality is fine, but you also have to live in this world, which means you need to be a practical metaphysician, or a spiritual materialist. Giving up one for the other is the problem.

Just food for thought.

Ao Akua,


PS — If you’re wanting to attract money online, using the Law of Attraction and Clickbank, while still welcoming spiritual development, then you might want to look at

Member BBB 2003 - 2011
Member BBB 2003 – 2011


  1. July 23, 2011 at 9:47 am

    Hi Joe,

    I feel we can have it all.

    Sometimes we get caught up in one world or the other, not realizing there’s just One-ness, one world.

    I think of Osho and a few other sages who became wealthy physically. If anything, a person with the most quiet of minds can manifest wealth instantly, without having to do much physical work: pure intent and allowing with no worries.

    Thanks for sharing your insight Joe.


  2. July 24, 2011 at 9:34 am

    Excellent, and so true. We need the balance,- excluding one part creates discomfort and it’s so much better to enjoy life in FULL colors!

  3. Christina-Reply
    July 24, 2011 at 7:15 pm

    It is so true that you need that balance. Those who have reached a point in their lives where they feel very relaxed and happy enough to attract what they want, can easily lose the feeling of being relaxed and happy once the money starts rolling in as well. Take me for example, this weekend alone I have been able to earn over $6000, but at the same time I am stressed, crabby, and in dire need of sleep. Sure I made good money, but I do not have the time to enjoy it or celebrate. I need to bring a balance back into my life, but quick, or everything I have worked towards will go out the window.

    I just grabbed your Online Wealth Secret Code and I can’t wait until I get the time to study it, I have a feeling it is just what the doctor ordered.

    Lots Of Love,

  4. Christina-Reply
    July 25, 2011 at 5:07 pm

    I have started reading your Online Wealth Secret Code and I am loving it. I love how you write just like you would talk:)

    I can see it came into my life at the PERFECT time, I was fustrated that finally making money was taking all my time…what an idiot I was lol. I was going to be pushing money away if that kept up. I allowed myself to go to the movies tonight and got a Harry Potter fix and I am good to go lol.

    I can’t wait to see what comes next, after only a few Sessions, I
    am feeling like a million bucks and ideas are flowing like never
    before! Thank you so much for this course…it is a winner!

    Lots Of Love,

  5. David Richards-Reply
    July 25, 2011 at 7:54 pm

    Interesting story.

    I have my doubts about people who claim to be enlightened, but assuming this guy was enlightened or just always happy–another thing I actually find hard to believe, but OK, let’s just say this guy was enlightened and _always_ happy.

    In this case, I’d say who cares if he has a business or not?

    Most of us have businesses because it makes us happy, but if you’re incredibly happy all the time, anyway. Why bother with a business? Live on the street in your pajamas smiling away! What the heck? There’s really no reason to do anything, unless it makes you happy doing it and if you’re already there doing nothing–I mean completely, absolutely, and wonderfully happy without a successful business (or anything else), I say it sounds like a good track to be on.

    More power to you!

  6. July 27, 2011 at 9:32 pm

    Hi Joe,
    I was having this discussion with a commenter on my blog. He was upset because artist types generally don’t make much money on their own while uncreative wall street types make a fortune.

    My response was for the “artist type” to get a “wall street” type to run their business.

    • July 28, 2011 at 9:20 am

      That’s certainly one approach to a solution. Since many artists are doing well financially, it’s probably due to how they feel about money, success, and themselves. You don’t have to be a “Wall Street” type to be a success. My book (free) might help your friend: Attract Money Now at

  7. Diana-Reply
    July 30, 2011 at 6:53 pm

    Hi Joe,

    I have been reading everything You wrote and I could find so far in my country and I appreciate Your works a lot.
    But there’s one thing I am not sure about: I am from Eastern Europe and literally have no way of attending one of Your meetings or courses. Is there any way people like me can get Your help? I have signed up for the Miracles Couching Consultation like 2 months ago, but no one has got in touch with me so far. Is the program only for the US or Western countries? If so, please speciafy that so that we won’t register and wait in vain. Thank You!
    Good luck in all You do! You’re an inspiration and I definitely would like to learn from You.


  8. October 22, 2011 at 8:18 pm

    Hi Joe,
    Meditation for the soul and marketing for the earth.
    This is a balance I try to achieve everyday. Gonna have to check out the Online Wealth Secret Code.

    Thanks Joe!

  9. Kyle-Reply
    October 23, 2011 at 6:05 pm

    Before awakening:
    I was a multi multi millionaire serial entrepreneur.

    Then I found truth. Although I don’t like to label or use terms, for the sake of simplicity, I had a profound and lasting “spiritual awakening”.

    The best way I can describe it is that it felt like when Neo “sees the code” at the end of the Matrix.

    After awakening:
    There is no way now that I could run, operate, or support businesses the same way I did before, nor would I want to. It can be very hard to explain or understand for someone that still experiences separateness, but when you truly remove separateness it seems it would be very hard to run and grow a business for the sake of ones own benefit (for lack of better words).

    People throw the terms “awakened” and “enlightened” around a lot these days. It seems that the desire to be enlightened while also being wealthy (a comparison term that requires others to be poor) are just more desires of a separate loving ego.

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