A decade or so ago someone created an online virus and named it after me. The “Vitale” virus circulated the Internet, causing chaos and complaints. I was upset about it until a friend said, “You know you’re famous when they name a virus after you.”

Years ago I attended an event as the keynote speaker. I went to pick up my name tag but someone had already taken it, claiming to be me. Throughout the weekend I kept hearing “Joe Vitale did this” and “Joe Vitale did that,” when in reality it wasn’t me at all. I couldn’t even get my meals at the event because I wasn’t wearing my name tag.

Often people send out emails saying I endorse them or their product. Sometimes it’s true. Too often, though, it isn’t. Someone wrote me recently complaining about a course they said I promoted. Turns out it wasn’t my promotion or my course.

And a year or so ago there were some imposters on Twitter claiming to be me. As far as I know, we got Twitter to delete all of their accounts.

Just the other day I noticed someone selling some of my e-books on Amazon. They are doing it illegally. I didn’t even know my e-books were on Amazon until I accidentally saw a link to one while researching a completely different book.

It’s a strange experience to read about things I haven’t done, written, or promoted.

My advice to you is to proceed with caution. If something looks unfamiliar or unlikely to you, check it out. The best way to keep up with the real Joe Vitale is right here on this blog or by signing up for my email list over at http://www.JoeVitale.com

Of course, there’s also all of this:

I’m flattered by all the attention but not all of it is actually mine.

Just a heads up.

Ao Akua,


PS — I’m excited. My new music CD is nearly complete. Get details right here.


Member BBB 2003 - 2012

Member BBB 2003 - 2012


  1. Danny-Reply
    December 2, 2011 at 5:20 am

    Hi Joe,
    while I read your blog, I fell your upset about this happen….
    Because you are the celebrity on the Internet, so many people want to get money from your name…
    so be strong with this situation …….There is a way in every trouble
    From Danny.
    Jakarta , Indonesia

  2. Anthony Murphy-Reply
    December 2, 2011 at 3:55 pm

    Life is amazing isn’t it Joe?

    If someone had told you when you were sleeping on the streets of Dallas that one day your biggest worry would have been people capitalizing on your fame and fortune- it would have made you smile and warm with hope inside! 🙂

    It takes a lot to give and share of one’s self when going through what you and your family are. And to respond with wisdom to those who questioned your motives (I read the responses to your two previous blows) shows a lot.

    Thanks for all you do. Please keep it up!

    Wishing you, your mother, and your family peace.

    Have a blessed day- Anthony

  3. December 2, 2011 at 6:31 pm

    Sigh, tends to makes you think if they actually used those “talents” to do something productive without necessarily “leeching” on you, who knows how far they would’ve succeeded.

  4. Koorosh-Reply
    December 2, 2011 at 9:56 pm

    Hi Joe

    I have heard you can use this website to catch content thieves


  5. REX-Reply
    December 3, 2011 at 9:27 pm

    It looks like all these disciplines you teach have not helped you in getting rid of your inflated ego and your thirst for personal attention.
    I mean….don’t you notice your constant craving?
    The Vitale Steak.
    The Vitale “star” in the movies.
    The Vitale whatever.
    You have not learned the most basic lesson in human development yet.

    • December 5, 2011 at 3:20 pm

      You are absolutely right. I guess we can call it the “Vitale Syndrome.” And one day when someone names a steak after you, or you appear in a movie, we’ll see if you keep it all to yourself. 🙂

  6. December 6, 2011 at 1:25 am

    Hi Joe,
    Vitale syndrome was endemic. The more prevalent, it will increase your INCOME Joe! 😀

    Budi Martanto – Indonesia

  7. Shelley Amdur-Reply
    January 7, 2012 at 11:19 pm

    One thing about being selfless–one is so busy tending to everyone else’s desires, one never creates or manifests anything for oneself. The function of having an ego is that there is a magnetic core to attract stuff to. That’s the healthy part of ME ME ME!
    I know many people who are ‘channels for spirit’ who are impoverished, because they are so ‘de-selfed’ that when anyone is in pain or need they are ready to serve, bu they don’t get stubborn enough about their OWN divinity to develop visions and dreams for themselves. They have NO SELF–just a transparent vessel for spirit.
    Scratch the surface of many spiritual people and you find massive resentment that their efforts benefit everyone else, but themselves. It is because there is NO ME!

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