Chasing Dimes or the Divine?

Recently a person commented that I was just after “the dimes.”

When I said I was actually just following the Divine, somebody else said it was clear I was just after “the dollars.”

The two comments got me thinking about money, motivation and perception. I decided I would share some of my insights here with you. I think you’ll find it interesting, and it contains at least one lesson for you, as well. Here goes:

First, money is good.

Most people think, at least unconsciously, money is bad. You hear this sort of patter from “spiritual people” who haven’t fully embraced all of life.  They still think poverty will get them into heaven. They still think money is evil. They still think dimes and dollars are not the Divine. I’ve exposed the fallacy of this kind of thinking in my book, Attract Money Now (which is still free to read online). Anyone who thinks money taints you, doesn’t realize money can save you. It’s a tool. It’s a hammer that can build salvation. It is a concrete form of the spiritual.

I’ve said repeatedly that if you want to make a difference in the world, learn how to attract money and then direct it to where it will do the most good. I’ve given tens of thousands of dollars to causes I believe in. I’ve given tens of thousands of dollars to strangers as well as close friends. I’ve bought new cars for family members. I’m not saying this to brag or seek your approval. I’m saying this to expand your mind;  to illustrate the freedom and power you get to do positive things when you allow money into your life. Money is a powerful solution. No wonder great saints, such as Mother Teresa, raised millions of dollars and used it as they felt directed. Money is good.

Second, the key to success is following passion.

I have never taught or been motivated by money alone. That’s a fast track to unhappiness. The direct route to success is in following your passion, while using money as a scorecard that enables you to keep following your passion. That’s what I do. That’s what billionaires such as Donald Trump and Sir Richard Branson do. Since I’m writing these blog posts for free, the only thing compelling me is the passion to do so. I’ve told several friends recently that this blog is my pet project. I love it. My recent writing and thinking goes here. But I rarely focus on anything you can buy direct from me. Usually I simply get excited about something and can’t wait to share it with you. That’s not being money directed, that’s being passion directed.

That said, I also have bills to pay, just like you. If I charge for a book, it’s because a lot of people were involved in its creation (editors, printers, publishers, etc) and they all have bills to pay, too. My Miracles Coaching program, for example, has about 300 people involved in running it. Obviously I can’t give it away for free. Those 300 people also have bills to pay. Likewise, you need to charge for what you do, as well, if only to be able to live and work in the world. But the whole issue of money becomes an after thought if you first focus on following your passion.

Third, life is an ink blot test.

Basically, what you see in what I or anyone else does is a projection of your own unconscious beliefs. You have no idea what my (or anyone’s) internal motivation is, so you’re left to guess. Lots of room for error there. My fans will see that I’m sharing what I love; my critics will see that I’m selling what I like. Which is it, in reality? Am I serving or selling? It depends on the lens you look through. You have a choice. For me, I promote what I love and think will be of value to you. It’s of the purest intent. But I can’t control what you think, and I don’t want to even try. I do the best I can, based on my passion and my connection to the Divine. Sometimes I remind myself of what Abraham Lincoln said when he was hounded by people who didn’t understand what he was doing:

“If I were to try to read, much less answer, all the attacks made on me, this shop might as well be closed for any other business. I do the very best I know how – the very best I can; and I mean to keep doing so until the end. If the end brings me out all right, what’s said against me won’t amount to anything. If the end brings me out wrong, ten angels swearing I was right would make no difference.”

The lesson here for you is to insulate yourself from people who belittle you and what you do. Get clear on your passion, get clear of limiting beliefs about money, and take action to make a difference in the world.

There will always be critics. It’s easy to be one. Just sit back and find fault with others. That’s a no brainer. But to actually do something worthwhile with your life, there’s the challenge and the thrill.

I end most of my emails to my list with the 16th Century Latin phrase, Aude Aliquid Dignum, which translates as,  “Dare Something Worthy.”

Follow the Divine, be true to your heart, dare something worthy, and let the critics squabble.

And if anyone questions you in a negative way, remember what Mark Twain advised:

“Keep away from those who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you believe that you too can become great.”

Now go do something good.

Ao Akua,


PS – Recently when I promoted my latest audio program, The Abundance Paradigm: Moving from the Law of Attraction to the Law of Creation, I asked people if they thought I should charge for it or give it away for free. The overwhelming vote was to charge for it. Even my customers knew the value of the product and the fairness of exchanging dollars for it. Follow your passion, charge for what you do, and use the money to make a difference in your life and in the lives of those you care about. By doing so you aren’t chasing dollars or dimes, you’re instead honoring the Divine. Sounds worthy to me.

AMN bannerMember BBB 2003 – 2011


  1. Isabel-Reply
    December 12, 2010 at 3:51 pm

    Dear Joseph (like Dr. Hew Len calls you)!

    I enjoy your writing style, it is clear and enthusiastic. Love it. I write some technical articles in my field (I’m an aesthetician) and I do so by writing the way I talk to people, with all the colors and nuances of my enthusiastic personality. I have recently read The Key, Zero Limits and Attract Money now. Zero Limits is the one that resonated with me the most and I believe I have a deep understanding of the Ho’oponopono concept because of my blessing of being put in this earth under the “auspices” of my dear father. Thank you for the opportunity to come to the realization of many things that were still not quiet clear to me.
    Anyway, to comment on the “dime” issue, I just think you are doing a great job in putting out many tools to help people improve their lives and experiences. As a business owner myself, I have come to the conclusion, like you did, that if you give something free of charge, people think that there is no value attached to it and some times don’t even come by to get it. However, people who have “grown” some, appreciate everything I do – free or charged – and are great motivators and I do my best to be the best aesthetician I can be to serve them. One of the things I have very clear in my mind is that praise and criticism are someone else’s opinion. Thank you and I Love you.

    • December 12, 2010 at 3:54 pm

      Thank you, Isabel. I really appreciate your comment, and you.

  2. Isabel-Reply
    December 12, 2010 at 4:28 pm

    One thing I forgot to say: I’ll clean on that too.

  3. December 12, 2010 at 4:31 pm

    Thanks for the insight Joe, you always have a great way of saying something. This is interesting as I had just posted on my own blog at about Change yourself, not others. Which I found this to resonate with a little, as to let others be how they are and carry on with yourself not allowing them to affect you. Please continue with your great work Joe, i am very thankful for it as it has changed my life, and I thank you again for that.

    With Love,
    Shea Noble

  4. December 12, 2010 at 4:31 pm

    Thanks for the insight Joe, you always have a great way of saying something. This is interesting as I had just posted on my own blog at about Change yourself, not others. Which I found this to resonate with a little, as to let others be how they are and carry on with yourself not allowing them to affect you. Please continue with your great work Joe, i am very thankful for it as it has changed my life, and I thank you again for that.

    With Love,
    Shea Noble

  5. Michele R-Reply
    December 12, 2010 at 10:58 pm

    I have read most of your books, bought the programs and I have learned and grown from everyone of them. Also, being on your mailing list, I know that you give lots of things away. I want to thank you for continuing to research and write helpful books. If a person feels bad about money, they most have their own issues with that. Thank you for all you do.

  6. Michele R-Reply
    December 12, 2010 at 10:59 pm

    I have read most of your books, bought the programs and I have learned and grown from everyone of them. Also, being on your mailing list, I know that you give lots of things away. I want to thank you for continuing to research and write helpful books. If a person feels bad about money, they must have their own issues with that. Thank you for all you do.

  7. December 13, 2010 at 12:33 am

    Hello Joe,
    Thanks for everything you share on your blog. What a wonderful simple post once again. Thanks for the reminders.

  8. December 13, 2010 at 2:07 am

    Dear Joe,

    I really enjoyed this piece, and also enjoyed your Q & A call on The Abundance Pardigm the other night too. You are so clear in your comments, and your enthusiasm is contagious. I love that you’re bringing this subject out for so many people to deal with (and clean with, if we practice Ho’oponopono). In the face of criticism it can be hard to remember that others are constantly bringing us opportunities to let go of memories . . . but there it is anyway! Money IS great fun, and we can spread it around in all kinds of good ways.

    Thank you so much for all your books, speaking, music, and enjoyment of life. I liked you from the moment I met you at Zero Limits 2 on Maui — and no, I didn’t blame you for the hurricane-force winds or flooding on the island, either. 🙂

    Peace to you,
    Pam Pappas

  9. December 13, 2010 at 2:07 am

    Dear Joe,

    I really enjoyed this piece, and also enjoyed your Q & A call on The Abundance Pardigm the other night too. You are so clear in your comments, and your enthusiasm is contagious. I love that you’re bringing this subject out for so many people to deal with (and clean with, if we practice Ho’oponopono). In the face of criticism it can be hard to remember that others are constantly bringing us opportunities to let go of memories . . . but there it is anyway! Money IS great fun, and we can spread it around in all kinds of good ways.

    Thank you so much for all your books, speaking, music, and enjoyment of life. I liked you from the moment I met you at Zero Limits 2 on Maui — and no, I didn’t blame you for the hurricane-force winds or flooding on the island, either. 🙂

    Peace to you,
    Pam Pappas

    • December 13, 2010 at 10:08 am

      Thank you, Pam. Your warmth feeds my soul.

  10. Linda-Reply
    December 13, 2010 at 5:26 am

    Apparently, I and a couple of others touched a place you’d rather be left alone, Joe. It was not my intent to make you feel you were being attacked in any fashion, but to point out how you appear to someone who hasn’t become one of your students. If you felt belittled, perhaps you need to take some time to “clean” or whatever works to put your issues in perspective. I promise that doing so will be far more cathartic and meaningful than is seeking reinforcement from fans, which this followup certainly is.

    By the by, I prefer to call my most severe critics friends, because they are willing to show me things about myself that others are afraid to. Those who fall in line and offer such overwhelming support no matter what might feel like your friends, but they represent the most insidious trap in your efforts to grow, by convincing you that where you are right this moment is the only place you need to be.

    Finally, even on this page, are entreaties for readers to get your “free” book, to contact your coaching call center, and to send you gifts. Perhaps you cannot see the obsession. Most of my patients cannot. Seeing it is the first step to overcoming it.

    Peace be with you.

    • December 13, 2010 at 10:08 am

      I don’t feel attacked or threatened at all. But I did use your comments to think, reflect, get clear, and then share my insights with others. So thank you again. You triggered an inspiration. BTW, I noticed the self-promotion in your comment. 🙂

      • Linda-Reply
        December 14, 2010 at 5:58 am

        Self-promotion, Joe? In my comment? Do tell, how would someone who came beneath the spell of my “self-promotion” contact me? Perhaps you’re so accustomed to self-promoting at every opportunity that you project such behaviour onto others. Now that would be something worth reflecting upon.


        • December 14, 2010 at 7:44 am

          Twas a joke, Linda. Hence the smiley face. Question for you to reflect on (but no need to answer here): if you really don’t like my blog posts, why are you here reading them?

          • Linda-
            December 14, 2010 at 8:08 am

            Not so subtle invitation to leave noted, Joe. The “smiley face” can and is often used in a less than benign manor when responding to challenges, as I’m sure you know.

            I didn’t say I disliked your posts; in fact, I find some of them quite entertaining. I must admit, however, that some of the behaviours I’ve noticed are simply inconsistent with the spiritual nature you seem to profess. The insistence with which you rationalize and defend those behaviours, while attributing questionable motives to those asking honest questions honestly raises even more questions. As long as we’re reflecting… 🙂

  11. December 13, 2010 at 6:19 am

    It reminds me of my junior high teacher (teaching about religion) told us that we should not be near wealthy people. Now I don’t know whether I misunderstood her words, but I know it’s misleading. Probably that’s one of the most ridiculous advices ever (but still, no offense. I respect all my teachers).

    Luckily I never believed in her.

    I believe in a famous muslim spiritual leader in my country who wrote a book saying that it’s not that you “want” to be rich, but you “have to” be rich. Because by it we can give money to the unfortunate, travel for Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca), and do other useful things.

    • December 13, 2010 at 10:07 am

      Thank you. I agree with your Muslim teacher, too. What was the book he wrote?

  12. December 13, 2010 at 9:23 am

    Joe, you do such a great job with all the reading materials, webinars etc. I learned from you how not to pay attention to criticism and opinions of others. I am surprised you even wrote this blog. I am a great fan of yours and I would not pay attention to that person’s comment and I am sure there are many others like me. Joe, your materials have changed my life and continue to impact me on a daily basis. I buy all your materials that you release and I read all your blogs and I almost signed up for the Miracles coaching. I would have to have a private conversation with you about why I did not finally do it. I am enjoy the abundance paradigm. About that- would you be able to send me a meaning for the sanskrit chant, in other words a translation. THIS IS ALL A TALL ORDER. I AM SORRY, PLEASE FORGIVE ME, THANK YOU.

    • December 13, 2010 at 10:06 am

      Thank you for your nice comment. I do appreciate it. I answered the meaning of the Sanskrit chant on the last Miracles Coaching call. I know you weren’t on it so here’s the short answer: it’s like asking what a G chord on a guitar means. It’s not a word, it’s a vibration. The chanting is a vibration designed to help clear you.

  13. December 13, 2010 at 11:50 am

    Hi Joe –

    This is one of the better posts I’ve read from you. Admittedly, I’ve had times in my life where I felt you were only chasing the dime. I realize now I was coming from a Victim mentality. I recently purchased your newest audio, “The Abundance Paradigm,” and got so much value out of it I wish I had paid more. I’m happy with the shift in awareness. Thanks for all you do.

    • December 13, 2010 at 3:52 pm

      I appreciate your honesty. Congrats on your awakenings. you are on a roll.

  14. Christina-Reply
    December 13, 2010 at 2:04 pm

    I too, love your writing style, and we all benefit from the free teachings in your Blog Posts as well as the information we pay for.

    Yes, money is good..heck, it is great. I myself love it, but some things do confuse me. I truely enjoy money and think it is good, I have followed inspirations I have had, I donate money, and do
    everything you teach us to do, but I am sitting in a terrible situation now despite following your teachings and the steps to take.

    I can not give one Christmas gift to my children this year, my electricity is getting turned off Thursday, I can’t buy food for Christmas, and the worst..the absolute worst, I have to tell my
    little 3 year old son there is no Santa Clause, after he has talked about him for weeks. I know I am sending out negative energy right now, but I truely have been so positive up until a week or so ago and I have taken action on every inspiration and followed all steps..and I REALLY think money is good. I have no clue where I went wrong, but I did and it hurts badly..but…

    Despite the fact I am at a place where I can not stop crying thinking about how disappointed my children will be next week, I am going to continue to read all of your Blogs, Twitter Posts, etc., from the library or where have you, becaue I believe you are a good teacher and you continue to offer a lot to others..everybody should be able to see that, no matter what their situation is.

    • December 13, 2010 at 3:51 pm

      Hi Christina. I’m sorry to hear of your situation. Please remember that it isn’t what you consciously think about money, it’s what you un-consciously think. That’s where the clearing needs done. I’ll write you direct to see if I can be of help to you.

    • Alex-Reply
      December 14, 2010 at 9:31 am

      Christina, what is your 3 year old son wishes for Christmas?

  15. Katleen-Reply
    December 13, 2010 at 5:29 pm


    Please keep faith!!! Believe that everything will work out all right!

    (and I secretly passionately hope that Joe can help you for this christmas)

    Joe, just read “the key” (de sleutel) and yesterday was the first time I’ve read your blog, you are an inspirational leader, I just love the way you write/talk. I’ve downloaded the meditation and listen to it when I go to sleep- it sets me free so Thank You!
    (and can you in the mean time make sure your books all get translated in dutch, easier for me ;-))

    By the way, pay peanuts- get monkeys! that says it all… it’s just so true that things that are “free” are not valued to their value.

  16. Katie-Reply
    December 13, 2010 at 5:34 pm

    For me, the question is not “Dimes or Divine?”.
    I have zero problem with you making money! Especially since you’ve generously helped so many of us make money with your hypnotic writing secrets.

    Rather, my questions are much simpler:

    1- Is the “Universe” the same as the “Divine”?

    2- Do you consider the Universe or Divine to be God?

    3- If we are Divine, as you’ve said, then are people God?

    4- Exactly how does the Divine attract money?

    And last, the most important question…

    5- If YOU, Joe, write a book while connected to your Divine/Universe/God within, does my Divine/Universe within instantly know this and make ME more likely to buy it from you?

    I look forward to your answers!

    • December 13, 2010 at 7:21 pm

      Hi Katie. These are big and important questions, so I’ll answer them in a blog post. Stay tuned…

  17. December 13, 2010 at 11:58 pm

    Mahalo a nui Loa (Deep Hawai`ian “Thank You”) Joe! :>
    I Am, among other things, a Pro Photographer & Artist and what I call a Life-Energy Coach and these are new careers for me to claim.

    Yesterday did not go well for me at ALL; couldn’t get ANY-thing right.
    Was feelin’ sad, bad and SCARED —many reasons; won’t get into it now, a lot of it about MONEY. Used all the tools that I know, including EFT —NUTHIN’. Knew I had to get my Vibration UP. Knew I didn’t want to magnetize the negative feelings I was obsessing over. Knew I had to do something ELSE.

    So I said a Prayer.
    Then I listened to Neville.
    Then I asked HIM for HELP. (weird?)

    He said to look YOU up (been a fan/follower/”friend” of yours for years) and so I tuned into your blog tonight (almost 1AM, Right Coast USA Time) and found this FAB entry and I FEEL BETTA ALREADY! Feel like I took a swig of a potent TONIC. I will sleep WELL and wake up READY TO ROCK.

    I AM Connected to you and everyone here, now, reading this.

    Love You ALL!

    Blessings, Brother.

    I’m Sorry Please Forgive Me Thank You I LOVE You


  18. December 14, 2010 at 9:54 am

    I love this statment from Raymond Carles Barker:
    Money is God in Action!
    And he is right. Money is one of the biggest channels through which the Devine is doing GOOD… for example through people like you Joe.

    Money is a creative channel for the Devine! for Go(o)d.

    I wish you and everybody else prosperity and success.

    keep on doing wonderful things with the “God in Action” stuff : )

  19. Jase-Reply
    December 14, 2010 at 9:57 am

    hey joe on the cover of your book attract money now. The buckle on the belt you are wearing has an all seeing eye on it. Its an illuminati symbolism. I hope you have nothing to do with them. I love what you are teaching but it just makes me uncomfortable that you are in the film the secret and why do you have to help them advertise their symbol?

    • December 14, 2010 at 11:51 am

      It’s the sign off the back of the dollar bill. Nothing more.

  20. December 14, 2010 at 5:10 pm

    Hi Joe,

    I really appreciate your post. This past year I have worked diligently to rise above all the negative perceptions about me and have let go of the many people who still have yet to understand what I mean by perception. Thank you so much.

    love Wendy

  21. December 16, 2010 at 12:38 pm

    A man is not rightly conditioned until he is a happy, healthy, and prosperous being; and happiness, health, and prosperity are the result of a harmonious adjustment of the inner with the outer of the man with his surroundings.
    -James Allen

    I think being rich is necessary to full development.

  22. Imran Ahmad Mirza-Reply
    December 28, 2010 at 11:44 am

    You can not questions someone’s internal motivation and I have found your writing to be inspirational for myself but here is the problem I have a passion but I need to earn big money to do it , therefore I have been attracting money for sometimes now but I am barely making the ends meet I try to save to buy some of the material available but the car breaks down or something else happens and I am back to square one.
    You see Joe I am a doctor by profession and am specializing in Neurosurgery this would have earned me a very reasonable salary anywhere in the world but not in my country ie PAKISTAN a country in the news virtually all the time and for all the wrong reasons with I would say 99% of the people looking for a way out.
    The average Pakistani is like the average folks any where else in the world, looking for a decent living.
    To cut a very long story short I think you should know my passion by now.
    The language spoken in Pakistan is URDU the per capita income is about $450 most of the material is in English and very expensive.
    I dont have a credit card and my saving if I told you in $ would be joke to you and I am one of the fortunate ones in this country, need I go on…….. So how can I get your material , I would love to work for it but need support.
    You see Pakistan is supposed to be a terrorist threat to the world your help and help of other teachers like you can do wonders for the people and also reduce the terrorist threat to the world.
    So WHATdo you choose dimes or divinity

  23. Daniel Hucks-Reply
    December 29, 2010 at 9:25 am

    Dear Joe:
    As one who is yet to become a Joe Vitale fanatic, I did want to share this with you. Regardless of whether I have ever purchased your books and CDs or none of them, your passion and enthusiasm is clearly genuine and infectuous. It is not just well written sales babble to make you money. It is evident that you sincerely want to share the miracles in your life with others. I admire and appreciate that. Thank you, Daniel

  24. January 1, 2011 at 1:40 pm

    Aloha Joe,

    I thoroughly enjoyed reading this post as well as every post I’ve read on your blog. Thank you for being who you are and touching and inspiring people with ears to hear with, eyes to see with, and a heart to feel with.



  25. Beverly Scott-Reply
    January 7, 2011 at 12:42 pm

    Hi Joe,
    This is the first time I have read your blog and as usual you are extremely motivating and inspiring. I have actually been following you for over a year now with e-mails and books and I am always very amazed at your connection with the is in your words written or spoken. Thanks so much for the this particular post. I am a personal trainer in Austin Tx and have had alot of trouble charging what I am worth, I am 55 and in the best shape of my life and have had this passion all my life to help people to be healthy and positive as I grew up in a family of very negative attitudes about everything.(Lots of work here). I have so many blocks that I am working through with your help and others that you have recommended. I recently talked to a man on the phone for your Miracles Coaching and I was almost in tears because he was so wonderful and sympathetic, he helped me just in the 5 minutes I talked to him. The Hawaiian Healing prayer is what he had suggested I should do and I have been doing it every time I think of it and it does help but I have a long way to go and continue to work on my blocks and issues.
    Thanks so much for just being…..Blessings for 2011 and beyond.

  26. Georgeann-Reply
    January 19, 2011 at 12:49 am

    Hi Joe, Always good to read for understanding it also makes one analyse or reflect .It seems that so much effects the LOA thoughts or beliefs,vibes or energy ,Divine or God? etc. In my mind does the LOA only give it to you if it is good for you? I believe it always answers positive or negative since we are to realize that we are responsible for all that has happened in our lives.Learning that we are connected and not seperate.I am sure that most of us want it instantly but in “Think and grow rich” you learn that you have to be ready, so how does this effect our wanting ,and need ,and our believing? Not sure that you will even read this, as it is a previous one.Meanwhile I will enjoy and count my blessings since I understand that this to effects getting results.

  27. January 20, 2011 at 4:39 pm

    Hi Joe,

    How grateful I am that I was attracted to your blog today through a link in one of your emails! I just read a few of your inspiring posts during a time in which I expected to be working on a book I’m about to complete. Your posts were so good, I was compelled to continue reading more!

    And then in this post I came across the Mark Twain quote. It’s just perfect to include in my journaling book which includes a section about belittling!

    Thank you for all your Divine inspiration! I appreciate you.

    Wishing you peace, love and joy,


  28. October 20, 2012 at 8:03 pm

    Hi Joe,
    May I have the words of the Sanskrit chant you use in the Abundance Paradigm program? I would like to know the meaning.

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