The Universe gives clues to you all the time.

You have to notice them.

What you do with them is up to you.

That’s free will.

Here’s an example:

Recently I was talking to Pat O’Bryan about this and that when he mentioned he visited famed luthier Tony Nobles. Tony showed him his latest creation, a shiny black electric guitar made by hand, with all the perks and magic Tony wanted in a guitar of his dreams. Pat played it and said it was “perfect.”


Pat doesn’t toss around that word often or easily. I instantly asked if the guitar was for sale. Pat didn’t know. I just as instantly sent en email to Tony — I sent it right then and there, while Pat was sitting watching me type it on my mobile phone — and asked about the perfect guitar.

Tony wrote back the next day, saying the guitar was the best he had ever made. He said he was out of town but sent me the link to his blog* where he described everything about what he nicknamed The Snake.

I read the post and drooled.

I wanted that guitar.

Pat said it was perfect.

Tony said it was the best one he had ever made.

Two clues.

While waiting, I sent the blog post link* to my guitar teacher, guitar monk Mathew Dixon. He read it and wrote back, “OMG!!!”

Third clue.

By now I had my checkbook out.

But I had to wait for Tony’s return.

snake on guitar

When he returned, he let me know I could come and see the guitar.

I still didn’t know what it cost.

I didn’t care.

The Universe sent me three clues that this was the next step for me.

I could have ignored them. I could have said I already have guitars. I could have turned my back on the opportunity before me.

I have free will and could use it to say no.

But I’ve found saying yes is the wiser choice.

I got Pat and we went to Tony’s shop. When I finally got to see The Snake, I loved it. When I played it, it was light, smooth, and easy. It felt like it had supernatural powers. It had mojo. It felt mystical and magical. And powerful. And full of untapped secrets.

Pat played the guitar for me. He’s Clapton. He made it walk, talk, run, sprint, sing, growl, soothe and stimulate.

I finally asked Tony what he wanted for it. He thought about the six months it took him to make it, and gave me a fair number. I pulled out my checkbook and wrote a check for five hundred dollars more than what he asked.


snake guitar

I was practicing prosperous purchasing.

And I wanted to acknowledge Tony for his passion, skill, and love for making it. When you do what you love, things tend to work in the world. Tony does what he loves. I wanted to encourage it, and him.

The lesson: When you get clues from the Universe, act on them.

Don’t second guess. Don’t doubt. Don’t argue.


tony joe snake

When you act on the inspirations you receive, you stay in alignment with the flow of life.

Everything works.

It may not be a guitar for you. The above clues were for me, not you. Yours may be a business idea. Or an urge to make a call, buy a book, attend an event, write, sing, dance, play, bake, or who knows what.

Follow the clues.

They lead to miracles.

Ao Akua,


PS – Need a clue? Get your free sample of Miracles Coaching by clicking right here.

* Tony’s blog post about The Snake electric guitar is at:

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Member BBB 2003 – 2011


  1. November 25, 2010 at 9:06 am

    Joe, what’s up with the Illuminati symbolism?

    • November 25, 2010 at 9:45 am

      What Illuminati symbolism?

      • Josip Barbaric-Reply
        November 25, 2010 at 11:39 am

        The first image in the post. The pyramid with the all-seeing eye, rays of light coming from it, and two serpents.

        You can ask your buddy Kevin Trudeau about it, I guess.

        Have a great day,


        • November 25, 2010 at 12:24 pm

          It’d be smarter to ask Tony, as I believe it’s his logo, but certainly his design. It doesn’t mean anything more than what you project into it, to me.

  2. November 25, 2010 at 11:57 am


    I love this story!

    What a terrific example of being clear enough to recognize the intuitive nudges and going with the flow by acting on them. Joyful, effortless, and with an abundance affirming result.

    Thank you for sharing this.

    Happy Thanksgiving!



    • November 25, 2010 at 12:24 pm

      Thank you. Happy Holiday! 🙂

  3. November 26, 2010 at 3:52 am

    Hello, Joe.
    Is it me or Life is getting better since I started to trust the Universe (I prefer to say God).
    Following the clues helped me to meet a christian Singer i like very much… 😉

  4. November 26, 2010 at 4:05 am

    By the way Joe
    I see the same “Illuminati symbolism” in your belt on the picture of your ebook ATTRACT MONEY NOW did you notice?

    • November 26, 2010 at 10:47 am

      That’s called the Eye of Providence and it appears on the back of the one dollar bill, too.

  5. Westin-Reply
    November 26, 2010 at 6:00 pm

    A simple, basic question…

    Where or what is this “Universe” that you speak of which leaves clues?”

    Is it within each of us as “spirit”?
    Or outside of us…such as mind of God, supreme intelligence, etc?
    Or both inside & outside of us?

    In my work, I find many people tune out when they hear me speak of the “Universe”…too new-agey for them.

    So, Joe, put your thinking hat on.

    What other term besides “Universe” would you use to describe the force/intelligence/power that brings us riches, love, and miracles?

    Happy ThanksGiving/Receiving


    • November 27, 2010 at 8:30 am

      I’ve answered this many times and in many places. It’s the Divine. You’re it. It’s you.

  6. November 27, 2010 at 1:02 am

    Great Joe,

    We should see you play the guitar!

  7. November 27, 2010 at 7:57 am

    Lovely, example of following clues.

    I left Ohio and moved to Seattle following a set of wonderful clues like this. I’m still here.

    Walk in beauty, Joe

  8. Alexandr-Reply
    November 27, 2010 at 8:57 am

    Hello, Joe!

    Joe, hasn’t found the address to send you the letter, therefore I write here. Also I ask to answer, please, to me on e-mail:[email protected]

    My name is Alexander, I live in Russia. To me of 18 years. I have become successful in many spheres of the life. But….. It is not possible to create the relation with contemporaries. I work over myself much. Subconsciousness, resists “, something in him occurs. There is an uncertainty in dialogue. WHAT to me to DO???? How to learn to create FINE, FRIENDLY, LOVE And RELIABLE RELATIONS With PEOPLE????? How to become assured? What particularly I should do? Joe, help!


  9. Alexandr-Reply
    November 27, 2010 at 12:08 pm

    Joe if the letter not to go. Leave The answer in these comments.

  10. Karen-Reply
    November 28, 2010 at 3:24 am


    Someone here asked you where & what the Universe is.

    You answered :”I’ve answered this many times and in many places. It’s the Divine. You’re it. It’s you.”

    So, the moneymaking secret of “The Secret’s “law of attraction” is:

    “To ask the Divine in me to talk the Divine in you into giving me money.”

    Is that it?


  11. pam aries-Reply
    November 28, 2010 at 10:00 am

    I just want to let you know..I read your books. Looking for a new car etc. Guess what ? I met my soulmate in the process! I am 58 and thought my love life was long over. Holy cow!

    • November 28, 2010 at 11:17 am

      Congrats, Pam! Have fun! – joe 🙂

  12. Alexandr-Reply
    November 28, 2010 at 10:34 am

    Joe, hello!

    I from Russia 18 years, the student. I am very glad to possibility to communicate with you. Please, tell to me what to do in a concrete situation which I have described Above. VERY IMPORTANT!!! Help.

    My e-mail: http://[email protected]
    skype: davidovsky18

    You have mail?


  13. November 28, 2010 at 2:47 pm

    Josip, no doubt in my mind you’ve come across some illuminati/free mason studies. But even if Joe asked for that symbol to be put on there, it’s not declarative of his morals.

    Remember that the Freemasons weren’t started as some bad horrible group they are portrayed as now, it was a society for individuals, very intelligent ones at that, to come together and develop (themselves, the world, ect…). They were exiled by the Church, they did not exile.

    Today, they might be a much different group, but the symbol isn’t inherently bad.

    Additionally, if you research it even more, which I’ve given up (becomes too stressful and hurtful to other areas of your life) you’ll find that, like in the universe, there are always two sides, two opposites.

    Where there is a negative, there must be a positive. The same is true in freemasonry, the illuminati, skull and bones, ect… There are very GOOD people in those organizations.

    • Josip Barbaric-Reply
      November 29, 2010 at 8:29 am

      Hi Ahmed,

      You’re right about this. I guess I might have phrased my first question differently, because I can see how it might look like negativity on my part.

      I’ve spent a lot of years researching “the bad stuff” and I guess that a part of me is still sensitive when I see people using symbols that they most likely have no clue what they are about(neither do I, to be completely truthful).

      I’ve given up reading and researching things like the Illuminati because that’s just me being part of the problem, not the solution. I guess I was a bit pissed of that I have to look at such symbols on blogs like this one. But hey, I attracted it for a reason.

      Joe, I’m sorry if I brought any negative baggage to your blog – I’ll definitely do some cleaning and clearing on that.

      Have a great day!


      • November 29, 2010 at 8:31 am

        No problem, my friend. You show a great spiritual understanding with your awareness.

  14. November 28, 2010 at 2:48 pm

    BTW Joe, forgot to comment on your actual article, a perfect example of you practicing what you preach! Thanks for the great material!

  15. Marc J-Reply
    November 28, 2010 at 6:09 pm

    Hi Joe,
    You are a great copywriter, so explain this to me.

    You say we are the “Divine” and you tell Karen to read “Attract Money Now” to understand how the Divine, law of attraction, and making money works.

    And you tell Karen that she’s “not really close” with her really neat summary: “To ask the Divine in me to talk the Divine in you into giving me money.”

    In a nutshell, “Attract Money Now” says..

    Other people have money I want to attract. I do the 7-Step Formula that you recommend to attract their money.

    What’s the Divine got to do with any of this? Your 7-Step Formula never mentions the Divine at all.

    Isn’t the ultimate secret of the Law of Attraction: My Divine talks your Divine into giving me money?

    • November 28, 2010 at 6:37 pm

      Hi Marc. I appreciate your sincere question. No, the Law of Attraction is not about my Divine getting it from your Divine. That’s manipulation. It’s duality. It’s an illusion. I don’t teach that at all. If you want to know my thinking on this, consider my audio program, The Abundance Paradigm at If you want to know how to attract money, read my book (It’s free.) And yes, my book does talk about the Divine, especially in the bonus section, but not in any manipulative way. I trust this helps. Thank you.

  16. Marc-Reply
    November 29, 2010 at 1:53 am

    Hi Joe.
    My puzzlement about just where the Divine fits into all of this “ask the Universe for money” talk is sincere.

    By the way, do YOU make a distinction between the “Divine” and the “Universe”?

    Yes, I have listened to many of your audio tapes.
    I’ve followed you since “Hypnotic Writing”, which I consider the best guide to effective communication ever.

    I have a great idea, Joe.

    Why don’t you write a new Blog post about the law of attraction, Divine, duality, influencing others to give you money, and why YOUR approach is not manipulation. This would clarify my questions and no doubt those of many of your readers.

    I take it then that your worldview is nondualist-everything and everyone is part of the Universe or Divine.
    But you say that only a dualist can manipulate, whereas a nondualist cannot manipulate others?

    Finally, you say that you don’t manipulate others for your own good. But doesn’t the Divine/Universe manipulate US all the time with clues, coincidences, synchronicity, riches?

    All life in the universe involves manipulation of our environment.
    It’s just a question of “good manipulation” (Divine or nondualist manipulation) vs “bad manipulation”( egocentric or dualist manipulation).

    If the Divine/Universe can manipulate, why can’t we?


  17. Jason-Reply
    November 30, 2010 at 12:53 am

    Hey Joe,
    You say “You manipulating the Universe is pure ego.”
    Really? There’s a fine line between “asking the Universe” and “manipulating the Universe”.
    Marc said something I never thought about, that the Universe manipulates us all the time. You don’t like that idea.
    But you were one of the “stars” of “The Secret”.
    You sell ebooks and stuff like “Miracles Coaching”. You want people to give you their money. Nothing wrong with that, cause that’s the basis of all commerce.
    What you teach is to align yourself with the Universe, and the Universe will somehow inspire others to give you their money.
    You want the Universe to be your marketing rep and reach out and touch your customers. Isn’t that what you do?
    Maybe YOU don’t manipulate the Universe. But sure as hell the Universe manipulates your customers.
    How is it that you can’t see this obvious truth?

    PS You didn’t answer the question about what is YOUR distinction between the “Divine” and the “Universe”.


    • December 1, 2010 at 4:57 pm

      No, that’s not the approach at all.

    • December 3, 2010 at 11:35 am

      Excuse my words, I’m not a teacher.
      First, this is a fantastic post, i love it. Joe, your posts always inspiring me.

      Jason, you have misunderstanding about some things. The Divine, the Universe, You at all dimensions, the time, the matter, your thoughts, your emotions are originated from the same source. We can say that everything we know is really One big stuff. It’s energy, it’s love, it’s intelligence.

      I feel from your words that you think your divine is above you and you had to pray for money or etc.
      And I say to you that your divine is not above you, It’s around you. You live in your spirit. You don’t have to pray or ask like praying to get stuff. Neither influence by your ego. You don’t have to ask at all for happen! But you must mirror or mimic what you want at your very inside. Feel, act and visualize what you want to happen. If you don’t have fantastic emotions (power from your devine) all the time around what you want means that you have limiting beliefs around your desire and you must shift them. Joe’s trick is simple : Be happy now. Joe receives nearly everything based on love, passion and joy because Joe give out love, passion and joy emotions nearly always. This mirrored back to him by the law of attraction. Want money? You have. If not means you emit wrong emotions around it. It’s that simple.

      Thanks Joe for this nice post!

  18. November 30, 2010 at 2:36 am

    Hi Mr Vitale,

    Is illuminati real? I’m hearing lots of stories about illuminati from the web. It is quite intriguing. Anyway, I saw the illuminati symbol from this post that is why I asked you these things. 🙂

  19. Evan-Reply
    November 30, 2010 at 7:28 am

    Hi Joe,
    You claim to eschew manipulation, yet when someone asks you an honest question, your response is to tell them to buy one of your products. And you don’t see the manipulation in such responses?

  20. Paul-Reply
    November 30, 2010 at 8:37 pm

    Happy Thanksgiving Week!
    Thanks for the clues!
    I’ve followed you since “The Secret” two years ago. I bought a few of your ebooks, including “Zero Limits” and “Attract Money Now”.
    As an older dude, about your age, I’m mainly interested in finding a much younger Hollywood-actress type woman.

    What impresses me is that you have not cashed in on writing about the law of attraction to get women. Plenty of so-called LOA experts have jumped on “The Secret” bandwagon to sell romance secrets.
    But not you. You stick to one topic: Getting Rich!
    You blog about expensive cars, guitars, house.
    I wondered why you kept your eyes on the prize-MONEY.

    Then a light bulb went off.
    You can’t ask the Universe for a specific actress/woman. Free will doesn’t work that way.
    But you CAN enlist the help of the Universe to make money. And with this money you can buy expensive cars, jewelry, and a nice condo to attract a great younger woman.

    So, following your methods, I can make plenty of money to BUY the friendship of a beautiful, younger woman. Of course, no one can buy “love”, only short term friendship. Now, granted this may not be “love”, but for guys our age, that’s good enough!

    Joe, you’ve left us the clues for the good life. The expensive cars, magic tricks, books, guitars, homes, that you’ve proudly blogged about-all of these material goods are just things that attract younger women!

    Thanks for the biggest clue of all: Work with the Universe to get rich, then buy the friendship of a younger, exciting woman!
    This is your “Miracles Coaching” in action!!

  21. December 1, 2010 at 12:00 pm

    Very great blog post! Guitar look sick. Coming from a long time musician myself.

    I am absolutely in love with your new CD series! Me and my brother both pitched in to buy it. I’ve been listening to it religiously since I’ve received it. It’s enlightened me and my attitude on life, faster then I ever thought possible.

    I did have one question though. Either I missed something in it, or I am right on the money here.

    We know things can spontaneously manifest by just feeling great and clearing constantly. I wanted to know though, do I still follow the steps of intending for this or that, like the LOA stuff has stated in a lot of peoples old material. Go into the meditations or visualizations, and then just clear the rest of the time? Or is it best not to even bother visualizing on something else, if you are clear. And it will just happen cause the universe just knows?

  22. Nancy-Reply
    December 2, 2010 at 9:46 am

    An interesting story Joe. I loved it. I think part of developing a prosperity consciousness is letting go of the idea that there is spiritual virtue in poverty. I’ve had trouble with this block. I’ve come to believe you can do more for other people if you are prosperous (I know you participate in many charaties) and it’s good to treat yourself to something you really want. I was a long time learning this but I think it’s a vital LOA lesson.


  23. December 4, 2010 at 4:20 pm

    Hi Joe
    I just wanted to take a minute to tell you that I absolutely adore your books and the wonderful inspirational message you are giving me!
    I’m in the middle of Attract Money Now and although i ‘know’ alot of that stuff, you have written it so beautifully and it makes it all so clear. I’ve sent it out to my team and told them to grab it now!

    Thank you

  24. Suzy-Reply
    February 26, 2011 at 7:06 pm

    Thanks for this post. I so believe in clues. It’s hard to explain to people and they look at me like I’m going crazy. Glad to know I’m not. This post absolutely delighted me. Thanks so much.

  25. Tracey Isabella-Reply
    March 6, 2011 at 10:12 pm

    Thanks for sharing! This guitar is BEAUTIFUL!!! I appreciate you sharing.

  26. G. Miller-Reply
    August 14, 2012 at 5:29 pm

    Good day Joe

    I have a question please. In your books your explain how to ask the Universe for money. However Tom and Penelope Pauley (remember them?), in their books they say that you must NEVER ask the Universe for money, rather ask for a nice house, car, better job etc.. but not money. Could you please explain the different points of view, I mean they also follow the law of attraction, just like you?

    • August 15, 2012 at 7:11 am

      I totally agree with tom and penelope.

      • August 22, 2012 at 8:21 pm

        So what is wrong with setting yourself a target of earning say, $100 000 per month – how do you ask for that? Also, how should you go about asking the universe to help you pay your debts if you should’nt ask for money?

  27. Matthew-Reply
    August 12, 2014 at 10:16 pm

    I’ve read a lot of arguing and confusion concerning law of attraction here and elsewhere.
    The most profound yet unbelievable truth is that you or I or any perspective can create any reality we see fit regardless of whether anyone views that reality as right or wrong. The reason why some realities persist over others has to do with progression and focus. This game has been going on a very long time and some perspectives have progressed to higher levels of focus. Consciousness expands. Focus narrows. Multiply these 2 factors over multiple experiences and you can start to understand why there are some perspectives that hold more influence than billions of others combined. There are perspectives alive and well today that are more concerned with the overall well being of humanity than of the few elite. Look for things to change for the better. Look for confusion to be exchanged with truth. This time is here now.

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