Fitness Model Jennifer Nicole Lee's Law of Attraction Secret

International fitness model Jennifer Nicole Lee sent me this photograph of her wearing one of my limited edition T-shirts for my new book, Attract Money Now:


Jennifer was a Phantom Rider last January, when ABC News filmed our entire Rolls-Royce Phantom Mastermind together. That’s when I met her for the first time.

I already knew who she was from her famous infomercial for the Ab Circle Pro, from all the magazine covers she’s posed for (300), from her weight loss success story (which Oprah reported on) and from her book (which I wrote the foreword to).

But nothing prepared me for the experience of meeting Jennifer herself.

She’s beautiful, yes, but also upbeat, optimistic, positive thinking, charismatic, funny, likable, lovable, smart, persistent and oh so much more.

Yes, I liked her.

But there’s more to her than the obvious.

My driver that night said if Jennifer isn’t my #1 groupie, she’s at least my #1 fan.

jennifer nicole lee and joe

She not only arrived with luggage full of my books that she wanted me to sign, but she also showed me her ipod and how it was loaded with all of my audio books. She often works out listening to The Attractor Factor.

But her ipod also had everything by me, from the iTunes self-help hit The Solution to my bestselling CD and DVD course on using the Law of Attraction to attract money, The Secret to Attracting Money.

As the evening went on, she would quote my own teachings back to me, such as “The more money you spend, the more money you receive.”

It’s clear that Jennifer is successful because she feeds her mind with success thoughts, stays positive, and takes action.

Every morning she and her assistant get in the car and drive around Florida, masterminding, brainstorming, and dreaming big.

She also read my latest book, Attract Money Now and said:

“This page-turner reveals the real secrets to attracting money! I love it!”

amn book ad

I confess that when Jennifer booked her evening with me for the Phantom Rider experience, I wasn’t sure how I could help her. After all, she’s already successful. And she’d already read all my books and listened to all my programs.

What was left?

But she later told me — as well as ABC News — that she got her money’s worth within the first 15 minutes of our conversation. We generated new ideas and came up with money-making plans she hadn’t thought of before. She loved it.

And the end of the evening, Jennifer gave me a million-dollar smile and said, “And the best part of tonight is you didn’t ask for a percentage for your ideas!”

You (and I) can learn from the secret of Jennifer Nicole Lee.

Focus on what you want, surround yourself with positive people and positive thought, and take action.

As Jennifer ends all her emails, what’s left is to just “Believe!”

Ao Akua,


PS – You can learn all about Jennifer Nicole Lee at her website and you can still read my latest book, Attract Money Now, online for free by clicking on the below banner. Enjoy and remember — Believe!

AMN banner


  1. Nice….. T-Shirt!! 😉


  2. Nice….. T-Shirt!! 😉


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