Ghetto Physics, or, Beyond What the Bleep!?

Recently I got to meet Will Arntz, the director of the hit movie, “What the Bleep!?” He’s a swell guy, fun to hang with, and on to his next project with a movie called Ghetto Physics: Will the Real Pimps and Ho’s Please Stand Up?

He loaned me a private screening copy of the DVD. I watched it and it changed my life – but not in any way I expected.

bleep guy w Joe

The movie pushed some buttons in me. It says that in each moment there is a pimp and there is a “ho”. This dynamic is unconscious but can be found from the street to the boardroom.

As I watched Ghetto Physics, I felt defensive, alarmed, disgusted, and then on to entertained, educated, and finally enlightened.

I also made a life changing decision due to it.

I’ve been struggling with all the travel and all the speaking engagements I do. Russia. Poland. Peru. Canada. Bermuda. All over the states. All wanting repeat visits, too. Then there are all the new offers from China, Italy, and the Dominican Republic. The list goes on. It’s exhausting.

I confess public speaking has never been my cup of tea. Oh, I can do it, and get standing ovations for it. But it’s rarely been all fun. Truth is, I’d rather just stay home and write.

With that in mind, I wondered if I should stop speaking altogether.

After I watched Ghetto Physics, I wondered if I were a pimp or a ‘ho when it came to speaking gigs. I’m rarely driven by money alone, so most of the time my decision making is from passion.

What excites me? Do that. That’s been my motto.

But that’s not always the case.

With public speaking, I have too often done it for the money (except as a non-paid favor to a friend, as with every Un-Seminar Pat O’Bryan has ever done).

I decided I didn’t want to do anything just for the money. As I explain in my book, Attract Money Now, money shouldn’t be your motivator; love should be. Passion should be.

So I made the decision to not do any more speaking gigs, anywhere, at least for the rest of this year, and until I felt passionate about it.

I’ll of course stay open to new insights, opportunities and growth. I’m simply sharing with you how the movie Ghetto Physics got me to reflect on how I’m creating my reality, and how to refine it so I do more of what I consciously choose and love.

The enlightened view of the pimp-ho dynamic is this:  in every moment, you can be both.

Until then, though, you’re usually one or the other.

Maybe you can ask yourself this question: Are you doing what you love, or are you doing it for some other motive?

There’s nothing wrong with money, but you may not want it to be the love of your life.

Ao Akua,


PS – Here’s the movie trailer to Ghetto Physics:

AMN banner


  1. September 17, 2010 at 9:42 am

    Very interesting.

  2. September 18, 2010 at 4:37 am

    Very interesting movie, and an interesting move on your part… congratulations on choosing what feels best. I wish I could see it so clearly with myself…

    But I really like the enlightened view to the pimp-ho dynamic… being both. Feels good.

  3. Alvin-San-Reply
    September 18, 2010 at 9:04 am

    This is Powerful Shit.
    This is gonna shake ’em UP.

    JOE: Your Courage, Love, Honesty and Passion for Truth are deeply inspiring and major Elements of True Wealth.

    Than You for sharing this, thank you for YOU.


    Love and Respect,

  4. September 18, 2010 at 12:23 pm

    Very funny! Where do I buy it?

  5. lucilla-Reply
    September 19, 2010 at 2:35 am

    Very very interesting!
    This is the first time I visit your blog. I’m an italian teenager (sorry for my bad english)and yesterday I bought “The key”. I can’t stop to read it and I’m trying to implement all the suggestions.
    I’m young and I’ve got lots of dreams and aspirations, too long to talking about here;sometimes my age (17) is a problem, it stopped me to be appreciated for my real quality. What i have to do is to resist and go on. I hope your books can help me to find my way and to attract all i want…

    I hope you can answer me with a private mail because I have lots lots of questions!!!
    thanks, have a good day 😉

  6. Hi-Lar-Reply
    September 22, 2010 at 11:10 am

    so… not expecting an answer here. what if the things i enjoy are of value, yet are not to be monetized in any direct way? let’s see…

  7. Nancy-Reply
    September 22, 2010 at 8:19 pm

    Hey Joe – I really understand the need for a rest. I think you’re much too hard on yourself about why you are making money. I can feel the hoesty and sincerity in your products.

    Zero Limits has helped me a great deal. I’ve been dealing with overwhelming grief around the untimely death of my husband.

    I’m not doing well with my own money issues. But that’s just me – I have some strong blocks. Anyway, you have helped and I thank you.

    You need some rest before you make yourself sick.



    • September 23, 2010 at 6:55 am

      Hi Nancy. Your comment was one of the most loving and understanding I’ve ever seen. I felt the caring in it. Thank you. I am very sorry for the death of your husband. I know grieving, too. The good news is it will get easier in time. Remember the love. Sending warmth and healing thoughts. – joe

  8. September 26, 2010 at 12:30 pm

    Hi Dr. Joe:

    I have recently gone through a similar epiphany. I have been working, working, working to start monetizing a business, when I knew it wasn’t what I really wanted, or needed, to be doing with my life.

    I told my husband just a couple of days ago that I needed to stop putting my true passion on hold, but put the other business on hold. The funny thing is, he looked and me and said something like, “Duh, I wondered why you were working so hard on this when you really want to be doing that.”

    It’s interesting, you love to write and, while you can be an effective speaker, it’s not what you are passionate about. I am just the opposite. I love to speak and, while I can be an effective writer, it’s not what I’m passionate about.

    I think we should talk about a project that I am working on. It needs both writing and speaking talent. It’s kind of right up your alley, and is destined to be a large part of my life’s work.

    Thanks for all that you do. Take care and hold to your true self. You can’t go wrong when you are listening to divine inspiration.

    Live with passion and purpose,

  9. Franchesca Lomeli-Reply
    October 2, 2010 at 12:09 pm

    Ghetto Physics trailer looks awesome just got off the website, wow this movie will do great. I encourage everyone to check out

  10. Franchesca Lomeli-Reply
    October 2, 2010 at 12:09 pm

    I encourage everyone to check out

  11. Lola Gavin-Reply
    October 2, 2010 at 12:12 pm

    Thanks i just saw the website. I dont want to be refered as a Ho no Mo…….. Im intrigued already!!!!

  12. Mat Steele-Reply
    October 2, 2010 at 3:00 pm

    Its not everyday that you find movies that you can relate to the Ghetto Physics Trailer not only has great artists but the subject alone really hit home i hate being the ho i want to be the pimp maybe i can change the world…..they say pimps is easy but it seems being a ho is alot easier because most of us are…..

  13. GAB-Reply
    October 5, 2010 at 11:22 am

    I really got into What The Bleep Do We Know. It kind of changed the way I look at a lot of stuff. is dealing with society’s power struggles, especially between weak and strong presences in men and women, boss and worker, Wall Street and Main Street, everything we do. Power can be described with various terms, but they all refer to the something — someone has command over someone else in the power game.
    On their decision to utilize the Pimp and Ho metaphor for the film, William H. Arntz and
    E Raymond Brown explain, “We don’t formally refer to power interaction in say politics or economics as a game. It is a game we all need to know how to play to make it and not get pushed around.

    In Metaphysics as well as Ghettophysics there is a direct relation between mind and matter –a person can play a major part in creating their own reality.

  14. October 5, 2010 at 9:06 pm

    Initially I found the title offensive, but pushed past that. I’m glad I did because I realized that it is about empowerment, about waking up to what is going on around you and in you as well and about your mindset and the realization that we do create our reality. I will definitely check this out and have my 15 year old daughter see it too.

    Thank you Joe for bringing this to our awareness.

  15. October 7, 2010 at 10:07 am

    Aloha, Joe,

    Thanks for sharing that trailer! Intriguing title – my initial reaction was, “Well, it’s about time!” I wasn’t even sure why, as it’s too early in the morning for logical thought for me. It was a gut reaction that I may or may not think through later, but is surely connected to my belief in the need for more diversity in the presentation of metaphysical information.

    Congratulations, Joe, for taking the bold move of not doing any public speaking, at least for a while. You’re setting a great example by putting your money where your mouth is, and more importantly, honoring yourself. Thank you for sharing that with everyone.

    Thank you for so generously making “Attract Money Now” available for free. It is a very helpful, spiritual book!

    Thanks also for “Zero Limits;” reading it motivated me to go to a Self I-dentity through Ho’oponopono training to learn more. I’m so glad I did! The facilitators were excellent – trained by Morrnah Simeona, at the same time as Dr. Hew Len. There is so much more to the process than just the 4 statements included in “Zero Limits,” (one of which I use almost constantly now) and I’m glad to have the full perspective. Hopefully more people will explore further. Thanks for opening the door.

    Wishing you joy as you more deeply explore your true passion,
    Miracles and Blessings,

  16. D Green-Reply
    October 7, 2010 at 11:11 am

    Inspiring blog and I just checked out the trailer. Thanks for posting this much needed conversation.

  17. Danii-Reply
    October 9, 2010 at 10:37 pm

    Interesting article and trailer. I’m definitely putting this movie on my must see list.

  18. andrew-Reply
    October 13, 2010 at 7:22 am

    thanks for your inspiring life Joe

  19. Jonathan Buford-Reply
    October 13, 2010 at 12:24 pm

    This is awesome and I cant wait to see it…I Love you Joe

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