Seeking Wisdom

I’m reading Peter Bevelin’s book, Seeking Wisdom: From Darwin to Munger, and having to stop every page or so to record an insight.

Within pages of starting the book, I read about how our genetics get “turned on” due to our environment. In other words, you may have genes to do any number of things, but unless they are stimulated by your surroundings, they will remain “off.”

Bevelin writes, ” So our behavior emerges from the mutually dependent activity of genetic and environmental factors.”

This is one reason your income is usually the average of the incomes of the five people closest to you. They help make up your financial environment.

It’s also why Ben Affleck’s recent movie, The Town, is about a city that appears to breed bank robbers. It’s their environment.

What can you do with this wisdom?

My suggestion (assuming you’re not getting the results you want) is to change your environment.

  • That might mean rearranging your home or office, or even leaving it entirely.
  • That might mean reading more success literature and more self-help material.
  • That might mean attracting new friends that are already successful in your passions.
  • That might mean joining associations that keep you stimulated with a focus on your goals.

The point is to surround yourself with the appropriate environmental stimulation to turn on the genes that will help you achieve your goals.

An example might be joining a fitness club or gym. I’ve noticed I work out harder and longer and more regularly when I hang around my bodybuilding friends rather than my Internet marketing friends. The first set of friends creates an environment for physical fitness; the second one creates one for online wealth. Nothing wrong with either one. But being conscious of the environment you’re typically in will help you understand the results you typically get.


I’m doing this with my music. I have several friends already successful at singing, writing music, and playing guitar. I’m spending more time with them to help “turn on” the genetics in me to excel as a musician.

One suggestion is to get into some form of coaching. By being coached you will get the stimulation and information you need to help you change. It’s part of changing your environment.

I’m enjoying Seeking Wisdom and recommend it.

Ao Akua,


PS – I’m not an affiliate for the book; nor do I know the author, let alone Darwin or Munger.

AMN bannerMember BBB 2003 – 2011


  1. DeeSmiley-Reply
    January 4, 2011 at 7:21 pm

    Makes sense! I need to make some changes in my environment. I know just where to start. I’m going to declutter my home and make it more liveable. This is why I’m having trouble attracting a peaceful homelife.

  2. Christina-Reply
    January 5, 2011 at 7:44 am

    Very true! I have noticed every time I give my home a good deep clean and I feel good about it…good things happen. Also, having a beautiful yard, every time I spend a good day or two outside cleaning the bricks on the three patios, weeding my berry patches and flower beds, trimming grass etc, so I have a feeling of pride in the appearance of my home, good things happen. I have always said it must be because good things finally have room to move in lol.

    Being I am having a very hard time with how Danish Society is, my home and family as my refuge. When my home looks good, my family feels good and good things happen to us.

  3. January 5, 2011 at 10:29 pm

    It is an interesting thing Genetics, when we discover that we are not defined by our genetics and realize that our environment plays a greater role in who we are and how we express in the world it opens up a whole new concept of how we live our lives. Not only who we expose ourselves to but what we eat, breath, think and feel. there is a whole new area of science that is working on gene expression. Meaning they are able to determine if how what you put in your body or think effects how your genes express. Pretty cool huh?
    There is a company at the forefront on genetic expression in the area of anti aging called Lifegen technologies. They have determined that there are 52 genes that determine how we age. they are working with NuSkin enterprises in the area of nutrition to discover what food substances can actually effect in a positive way our genetics to move us back to a more youthful state. Pretty incredible stuff! Thanks Joe for sharing this book, I am purchasing it today to add to my arsenal of great information and improve my external life expression keeping my genes happy and vital!

  4. January 5, 2011 at 11:42 pm

    Absolutely true, your thoughts have inspired millions all over the world and you have same passion to share the wisdom .

    thanks once again


  5. Jitin-Reply
    January 6, 2011 at 1:34 pm

    Hi Joe,

    This is very true, but the reason I am here is different. Just wanted to thank you, don’t know for what exactly, but thanks for lot of things!

    This may be off topic, but wanted to express this from a long time and couldn’t get your any other contact. You have made a lot of difference to my life, you are among the people who have helped me to follow my dreams.

  6. January 6, 2011 at 10:27 pm

    Hey Joe,

    I wrote down that book on my to-read list. The environment really does affect my life for sure. I’ve recently been studying feng shui and how it is all about the energy surrounding you.


  7. Beverly Scott-Reply
    January 7, 2011 at 1:01 pm

    Another great book to read from your suggestions…One book I read was The Power of Will and it is very fascinating and I have to go back over it at least once a week to do the exercises for eyes, ears etc…it is hard but it takes will power to make it happen. I am working on that as well. I try to motivate my clients to use their will power to be healthy and positive…
    Thanks again for ALL you do!!!!

  8. Caitlin Grace-Reply
    January 7, 2011 at 3:26 pm

    Thats inspired me to go clean my house and garden – thanks Joe!!

  9. deirdre-Reply
    January 8, 2011 at 1:28 pm

    i brought the missing secret i had it about two weeks i been trying to attract 10,ooo it two my life i used the hooopoono way i have a lot blocks i am trying i need help

  10. January 9, 2011 at 12:57 pm

    Makes a lot of sense Dr. Vitale. I think seeing the opposite occur is fun too. I’ve had a website for a while now, and some of my friends (who would rather create jobs then work one) are now starting websites with my help.

    Great reminder of the importance of environment, thanks doc.

  11. Welton Santos-Reply
    February 21, 2011 at 4:38 pm

    Cherish myself in the mirror, looking into the eye and touch myself, and I talk a lot, then thank you for existing, and that was wrong yesterday, and did the best, now it’s different now I’m better now and has changed …… I give a smile to myself and leave, confident, but is still a lot of memories and I limpando.estou right Joe!!


  12. Welton Santos-Reply
    February 21, 2011 at 5:23 pm

    Sorry Joe,

    We always start with we say within ourselves, and then outside!!
    and all manifest

    You could even change my profession I am very grateful, many wonders,


    Welton Santos

  13. Domenic P-Reply
    February 21, 2011 at 6:33 pm

    Hi Joe,

    I have read your post, many of your books and am now involved in your miracles coaching. Reading your blog has now summed it all up for me. Coach Charles has been great and has been instrumental in my new use of positive language (stopped swearing) in everyday life for me. I meditate everyday and use various tools you have provided. The one that I have used consistently is the “Story telling meditation” and am grateful and love every part of it. I have done the experiment you speak about and the more positive I become the more I manifest and attract. This is great Joe.

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