The Abundance Manifesto: Secret #10

The final secret in our ten principles of abundance is below.

I’m calling this series The Abundance Manifesto. This is to help pave the way for my new audio CD program, The Abundance Paradigm: Moving from the Law of Attraction to the Law of Creation (coming out November 9th).

These are my observations about how you can attract personal and planetary wealth. Wealth, of course, is more than money, so these ideas are more sweeping than you may at first realize.

Since I’m just sculpting these thoughts, please be forgiving in reviewing them. In fact, what I’d love is your opinion. Please comment on each to help me refine them all. The end result will be a useful set of insights for you, me, and everyone else.

Here’s the tenth and final secret:

Thou shalt experience the miracle of now

In this moment, all is well. This moment is abundance. This moment is the miracle. Not seeing the miracle of the moment means the ego is limiting the view. Coming from fear is not coming from faith. When in this moment, where abundance lives and breathes, seeing the next action and next inspiration is a breeze. It’s right there. Better said, it’s right here.

PS – Get your free sample of Miracles Coaching by clicking right here.

Note: My new audio CD program releases November 9th. It’s called The Abundance Paradigm: Moving from the Law of Attraction to the Law of Creation. It’s the most spiritual, practical, and experiential program of my entire career. You will love it. If you’re on my email list, look for an announcement about it tomorrow.

AMN bannerMember BBB 2003 – 2011


  1. andrew-Reply
    November 4, 2010 at 7:58 am

    thanks Joe

    being in the now – Eckhart Tolle has talked about this – interesting.

  2. Amanda-Reply
    November 4, 2010 at 8:20 am


    That is very beautiful indeed and reminds me of something I was moved to read recently when I was experiencing undue anxiety about the story of the Exodus in the Old Testament, all the Israelites were quaking in fear with the egyptians pursuing them and the Red Sea in front of them Moses says “FEAR NOT, STAND STILL AND SEE THE SALVATION OF THE LORD”. In other words be here now, relax, all is well (even if it doesn’t look like it!!) and have faith.

    Blessings to you.


  3. November 4, 2010 at 8:23 am

    Congrats, Joe! You’ve topped yourself with this series of positively-stated principles! Bravo!!! Plus I can’t wait for the new audio in (what?) five days . . . ? Thanks for BEING. Peace, Bruce

  4. November 4, 2010 at 8:47 am

    “This moment is the miracle.” — I love it, Joe.

    I have become hooked on unitasking — on being in the now. Doing one thing at a time lets me show more respect for everyone, including me.

    Besides, as Dr. Clifford Nass explains in the video that I posted at, “Multitasking seems to be very bad for the brain, not just while you are doing it, but there are lingering, long-term effects.”


  5. November 4, 2010 at 11:25 am

    Hi Joe,

    Since everything happens in the Now, why be anywhere else?

    Thanks for sharing!


  6. November 4, 2010 at 11:44 am

    Joe, thanks for this amazing blessing!
    I Love My Life!

    Abundance Manifesto by Dr. Joe Vitale

    #1 Thou shall see the alternative reality

    In every moment you have a choice. You can see the limitation before you, or you can see the abundance before you. Life is an optical illusion. What you see depends on your mindset. Your mindset depends on your programming. Because most of us are programmed by the negative seeking media, as well as our education, parents, and all else around us, most of us are seeing the scarcity reality. Yet an abundance reality also exists. In other words, are you seeing an old woman or a young woman in the famous art from the late 1800s? It depends on your focus. Relax your view and you can see both ladies exist. The same is true for reality. It’s time to move from seeing the world as scarcity and fear based to the world that also exists that is abundance and love based. You have a choice. Allow your eyes to see the new world.

    #2 Thou shall worship passion

    The scarcity based view of the world worships money. The abundance view worships passion. When you focus on doing what you are passionate about, money will follow (as long as you practice the other nine secrets in The Abundance Manifesto). Passion refers to the joy you get from doing something you care about and feel inspired to do. Passion is the energy of Divine inspiration living through you. When you express passion, you express love. When you live from love, you are experiencing the abundant essence of the Universe. Take your eyes off money and put them on following your bliss; on following your life calling or mission. That’s the direct road to abundance.

    #3 Thou shall give ten percent of all income

    The ancient principle of tithing asks you to give ten percent of what you receive as a gift to wherever you received inspiration. Giving leads to receiving. Giving is the nature of the Universe. When you give, you slip into the flow of life. Giving is the very essence of abundance. Give wherever you receive spiritual or inspirational nourishment. Skipping this secret means you still believe in scarcity, else you would give. Giving is a concrete statement of abundance.

    #4 Thou shall keep a clear mind

    Clarity of mind leads to pure abundance. Beliefs about “not enough” of anything is from scarcity, not abundance. Beliefs that “money is bad” or “there isn’t enough for all” trigger self-sabotage actions and self-fulfilling prophecies . A clear mind is achieved through these ten principles, as well as by de-programming your mind from the history of conflict and shortage. A clear mind is no longer a victim but a co-creator; no longer reactionary but now responsive; no longer lost but clear.

    #5 Thou shall choose the higher ground in every decision

    The ego resists love and forgiveness. It is an illusion self-created and self-maintained. It causes broken homes and broken dreams. In every decision, there is a choice: Come from love or come from ego. Most come from the latter. The higher ground is to choose love. When the choice exists, ask, “What is the more loving decision here?” Choose love.

    #6 Thou shall implement Divine inspiration

    Abundance comes to those who act on the gifts given to them from Divine inspiration. An idea isn’t a random event; it is an unexpected delivery from an abundant universe. Not acting on the idea is a refusal of a gift. Acting on it is an affirmation of trust. Those who implement Divine inspiration tend to profit from their actions. This benefits all. This is abundance.

    #7 Thou shall spend, invest and save responsibly

    Abundance is the reality of balance and sufficiency. As long as you spend, invest and save in a balanced way, all is well. This needs coupled with the principle of giving (secret #3), which can be considered a form of investing, but the point remains: whatever you receive monetarily should be split within these areas. Doing so maintains the abundant life.

    #8 Thou shall help others

    Helping others expands your worldview to include the rest of the planet. It also expands your energy to move it from ego to Spirit. Helping family, friends, community and world increases abundance for all. The more you extend a hand to others, the more you feel abundance as a reality for you. Helping others helps you.

    #9 Thou shalt see behind each challenge

    Problems are opportunities in disguise. Undress them to see the solution. Inside every challenge is the resolution to that challenge. A scarcity mind sees the problem; the abundant mind sees the product, or service, or solution. You must relax the focus from fire alarm concern to trusting heart-felt expectation.

    #10 Thou shalt experience the miracle of now

    In this moment, all is well. This moment is abundance. This moment is the miracle. Not seeing the miracle of the moment means the ego is limiting the view. Coming from fear is not coming from faith. When in this moment, where abundance lives and breathes, seeing the next action and next inspiration is a breeze. It’s right there. Better said, it’s right here.


  7. November 4, 2010 at 12:14 pm

    Although you may write these at the same time everyday, they reach people at different times. It’s funny how articles like this “just happen” to come in at the right time.

    Thanks Joe!

  8. November 4, 2010 at 1:10 pm

    In this present moment I muse…
    “Forever is composed of nows.” -Emily Dickinson

    “You can destroy your now by worrying about tomorrow.” -Janis Joplin

    “Time is nature’s way of keeping everything from happening at once.” -Variously attributed to Woody Allen, Albert Einstein, John Archibald Wheeler, and Anonymous

    • Sarah busby-Reply
      November 17, 2010 at 6:32 pm

      Live in THE present as It was ysterday your future and tomorrow will be your past !

  9. Andrea Oppedisano-Reply
    November 4, 2010 at 10:45 pm

    Joe, I just got your “Abundance Paradigm” program thru Nightengale Conant yesterday. I have only listened to 2 CDs so far. I have learned so many types of clearing, EFT,NLP, TAT, Energy work, PStec, on & on. This is BLOWING me AWAY!!! This is so Amazing, Huge, & Unbelievable- God Bless You & Thank You sooo much for doing this program! I’m already feeling more abundant & prosperous-just bought some stock yesterday because of inspiration & it’s already up $1.25 a share today! Excited to use the other four CDs!

  10. November 7, 2010 at 1:34 pm

    Hiya Joe
    Thankyou for the secrets, reinforcement, reminding, and rephrasing is always good.
    Ive just watched your clearing video, Im not on facebook so I am posting my thoughts on that here too. I feel so happy and greatful to the universe for bringing me together with you and Janet, the videos are a great idea, you are really starting to feel like friends even though you are on the other side of the ocean:-)x
    I spent yesterday at a light and angel clearing workshop here in Budapest so when I turned on your video today it was perfect serendipity. The way the blocked energy first appeared to me was a a grey ball of denseness which I dissolved into finer and finer particles of dust until gone. I also like to dissolve it into golden sunshine and light.
    The dagger technique is straight to the point (couldnt resist that pun!) and also totally effective, and what came to me is that the dagger/knife/sword is a very male symbol, whereas my image more female.Happy Diwali ! Lots of Love and thanks, Beata Pozitiva

  11. Sandhya Prasath-Reply
    November 8, 2010 at 10:10 pm

    Thanks Joe,

    It’s a miracle how the 10 Abundance manifestos came in to my life just when I needed them. I promise to live by them each day. Thanks a lot for guiding us.

    Love you and your blog

    Sandhya Prasath

  12. November 9, 2010 at 6:54 pm

    hello dr joe vitale recently learned the truth of this knowledge is for everyone
    I am a Colombian now living in the Canary Islands for this change is achieved thanks to one of your books and of course the secret
    now through the journey I have a situation that is not why I’m blocked because with your knowledge would have to know what to do, but not because I have not remedied, it is something bigger I q
    to calm down a bit as I re-read the secret
    Q I was advised LIKE ME THROUGH MY E-MAIL
    yo hablo en español pero da igual q me hables en ingles pues me las arreglare

  13. Dear Joe,

    Thank you so much for sharing this.

    This secret #10 was just what I needed to hear today, right here and NOW 😀

    Warm greetings,

  14. Dear Joe,

    Thank you so much for sharing this.

    This secret #10 was just what I needed to hear today, right here and NOW 😀

    Warm greetings,

  15. Fernando-Reply
    November 11, 2010 at 11:29 am

    Hi Joe, will “The Abundance Paradigm” be available as a download? ‘Cause I live in Uruguay, South America. It would be faster and cheaper (no shipping & handling)
    Kind regards


  16. November 14, 2010 at 9:33 am

    I ordered The Abundance Paradigm from Nightingale-Conant before Joe’s bonus offer came out. So I’m missing out on the Abundance of the bonuses and $30 discount. Oh well, I must have another kind of Abundance coming for keeping the faith 🙂

  17. Lu-Reply
    November 17, 2010 at 8:42 pm

    Thank you Joe. ^ ^

  18. Jeff Z-Reply
    November 24, 2010 at 5:24 pm

    I have just recall an idea which came up to me months ago. The truths from the GOD is infinite so that we can’t learn from a truth to another truth in a lifetime which is limited. But the good news is that our errors, worries and stupid is finite and not that many. What if we change the facts, clean the errors which is limited in a limited time so that illusion (which first from the Ṣaḍāyatanas) end and no obstacles for the infinite Knowledges to illuminate. Because our real nature never stop giving the whole power to us and never let us lose sight of the final leap. It is our six illusions like thieves prevent us from the GOD lights.
    I have just read a saying from Buddha: “Once we detach totally from one of the six Ṣaḍāyatanas which provides negativities, others will detach automatically”
    Once we figure out a method to detach totally from one. This would be a much better method for cleaning and clearing subconscious mind than binaural method.

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