The Abundance Manifesto: Secret #3

Secret #3 of our ten principles of abundance is below.

As you may recall, I’m calling the bunch The Abundance Manifesto. This is to help pave the way for my new CD audio program, The Abundance Paradigm: Moving from the Law of Attraction to the Law of Creation (coming out soon).

These are my observations about how you can attract personal and planetary wealth. Wealth, of course, is more than money, so these ideas are more sweeping than you may at first realize.

Since I’m just sculpting these thoughts, please be forgiving in reviewing them. In fact, what I’d love is your opinion. Please comment on each to help me refine them all. The end result will be a useful set of insights for you, me, and everyone else.

Here’s the third one:

Thou shall give ten percent of all income

The ancient principle of tithing asks you to give ten percent of what you receive as a gift to wherever you received inspiration. Giving leads to receiving. Giving is the nature of the Universe. When you give, you slip into the flow of life. Giving is the very essence of abundance. Give wherever you receive spiritual or inspirational nourishment. Skipping this secret means you still believe in scarcity, else you would give. Giving is a concrete statement of abundance.

PS – Be sure to get your free sample of Miracles Coaching by clicking right here.

Note: My new audio program will be out in only weeks. It’s called The Abundance Paradigm: Moving from the Law of Attraction to the Law of Creation. Stay tuned for details.

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  1. Steve-Reply
    October 7, 2010 at 7:30 am

    Really, these are the 10 Commandments of Abundance, right? You could even make up a story, like they showed up in your mailbox one day engraved on heavy linen, and you’re not sure where they came from. Also, if you are going to use ‘Thou’, I really like the archaic ‘shalt’ as well.

    • October 7, 2010 at 7:32 am

      Hi Steve. Good ideas. Thank you. – joe

  2. October 7, 2010 at 8:29 am

    I have a friend who say this can be either in Time, Talent, or Treasure
    with the tithing what are your thoughts?

    • October 7, 2010 at 8:36 am

      Hi Kelly. Giving can be anything but if you want financial return, you need to give money. People often say “I give time and services” as a cop-out for not giving money. Tithing refers to money. Giving can be anything but tithing refers to one thing: ten percent of all you receive. Thanks for letting me clarify. – joe

      • Lynette Hagins-Reply
        October 8, 2010 at 1:29 am

        This is a really interesting one, and one I would have definitely skipped in the past. My experience has shown me, that whenever my funds are getting dangerously low…..I give some away….as a donation, in a tip jar, homeless person, etc. The results have been suprising….More money just ‘shows up’ for me – when I need it…there may not be ALOT….but there is always ENOUGH. Pretty weird to ‘watch’….my conditioned attitudes around money all revolve around scarcity, and they run deep. Slowly, I am watching this transform.
        Not something that most of us ‘want’ (mind) to hear though!!!
        : )

  3. October 7, 2010 at 8:48 am

    Thank you, Joe, for continuing to emphasize this concept. After I read Attract Money Now, in which you dedicated a chapter to it, I made at the start of 2010 what I call a “scary right” decision (like spending a lot of money on an engagement ring!) to tithe to my sources of inspiration.

    Ten months later, I absolutely love to tithe. It really is a blast!

    The results?

    1. Being able to tithe a lot more has become a huge motivation to raising my income, which means being of greater service to even more customers.

    2. I now look for more sources of inspiration, which activates the Law of Attraction in my favor in terms of inspiration!


  4. October 7, 2010 at 9:12 am

    Hey Joe,
    You might want to mention that you should give without expecting anything in return…you should give where you see any need you feel inspired to give can be in any form..a book, kindness, listening, connecting to a resource…Spontaneous giving is always others centered..Give liberally and in the spirit of opulence. 10% seems rather arbitrary because wealth is more than money..right?

  5. Tanya-Reply
    October 7, 2010 at 9:24 am

    I struggle with this one as well. One of my most difficult issues is where to give – I don’t feel a connection to the church I was raised in, and I’m not sure how to define where I receive inspiration or how I would give to those sources without it feeling like I’m paying a specific person or company for services. I would appreciate more explanation and in depth information on this one.
    Thanks so much for the inspiration I get from you!

    • October 10, 2010 at 12:21 pm

      Hi Tanya. What’s interesting is that your comment began saying you don’t know where you receive inspiration but ended saying thanks to me for the inspiration. 🙂

  6. October 7, 2010 at 10:58 am

    Hello Joe,
    What were your actions and results before and after you religiously tithed 10%? Do you only tithe 10%? Or sometimes less? Sometimes more? What are your results now? How do you make sure that you are tithing from a place of abundance vs a place of scarcity?

  7. Brenda-Reply
    October 7, 2010 at 11:39 am

    Does this fit with what you are saying? You can’t give what you don’t have so tithing sends a message to the universe and your subconcious, ” I have more than enough”.

    Question for you? My husband is the income earner and does not subscribe to this principle although he is generous and will help and give on an “as needed basis” so to speak. Any suggestions as to how I can practice tithing when I have no income?

  8. October 7, 2010 at 4:07 pm

    “Skipping this secret means you still believe in scarcity, else you would give.”

    Thank you for this… A topic I get passionate about is ‘congruence’… when your actions and your thoughts or words aren’t congruent, you loose ground in your quest for fulfillment in that area.

    If you want finances, you must believe there to be an abundance. Saying you can’t give to the church this week because you need the money for gas in your car isn’t congruent.

    Thank you Mr. Vitale…

  9. jessie-Reply
    October 7, 2010 at 5:18 pm

    joe, i am happy that you give me more info on clear and let go of limiting beliefs, my life is already changing because of what you teach about things in life, giving without expectation and helping people in the world, can i ask for help joe, i want to learn more about taking action, i have already apply in the miracles coaching, i’m from the philippines. thank you!!

  10. Ram-Reply
    October 7, 2010 at 8:11 pm

    Any particular reason, why 10 percent is chosen for giving?
    Why not 5 or even 20 percent?
    What about those who can only give 1 percent or less, at the moment?

  11. October 8, 2010 at 3:45 am

    It’s so right. After reading this post I again read your book “Attract Money Now.”

    You wrote in your book (P-48): “When I gave money to Mike I sent a message to myself, and to the world that I was successful and had stepped into the flow of abundance.”

    This giving or tithing is just a message to our own sub-conscious that that we are in the flow of abundance, provided of course we “feel happy” about it.


  12. Armando-Reply
    October 8, 2010 at 7:11 am

    This is interesting information about the law of attraction. We all know that the law is reciprocal, if we give time, we’ll get more time, the same works as money, the more we give the more it finds us. Does paying the bills count as a reciprocal? 😉 I would like to think so!

  13. October 8, 2010 at 1:39 pm

    Dr. Joe:

    Tithing is such a vital principle of abundance. I know people who believe it was “made up” by religious leaders, just to fill their coffers. Not so. It is a definite law of the universe that religious leaders clued people in to long, long ago.

    Thank you so much for this series. I am truly enjoying all of the insight.

    Live with passion and purpose,

  14. October 8, 2010 at 5:34 pm

    Hi Joe,
    I like what you’re saying. It has a new meaning now for me, too. As I learned in Cyndi Dale’s book, Advanced Chakra Healing, 10 is a multiplier number. It magnifies. So it makes sense that tithing is associated with 10 percent and not 8 for example. Hmmm, I wonder if that is the historical reason. I grew up with parents going to church, and it’s neat to see the benefit of such activities minus the religious overtones…. thanks for sharing, Orion Sky

  15. Percy-Reply
    October 9, 2010 at 4:51 pm

    Joe, I liked this article. I first learned about the concept of giving 10% of your income (and also saving another 10%) when I read “the Richest Man in Babylon” some 15 years ago or so.
    One concept that has helped me a lot is to think that my paychecks were really 20% less of the actual amount, so I had to live on only 80% of my income.
    I have not been 100% consistent, but the concept has certainly helped. Do you any other experiences or tips worth sharing on this topic?

  16. October 9, 2010 at 6:29 pm

    Hi Joe. Here on our country, it is a common sight to see children begging for money. Is it ok to give to them? I was told not to give out money as it will be a habit and encourage laziness. What are your thoughts about this?

    • October 10, 2010 at 12:17 pm

      As the principle says, you are to give where you are inspired. If those kids inspire you, then yes, give. If not, rethink the motivation.

    • October 10, 2010 at 7:56 pm

      Hi Abbie,

      I liked Joe’s reply to your question.

      Think about this: If you don’t want to encourage laziness, maybe you could have some of the children do little things you could pay them for in order to help them to learn the value of work.

      That way you are giving more than just money – you are also giving them values to live by. It is said “It takes a village to raise a child.”

      • October 10, 2010 at 8:03 pm

        You know, now that I think about my above comment, I haven’t exactly suggested giving money away, have I? I’m pretty sure I had a good idea, but would it work with the above Abundance Manifesto Secret? (That last question is for you, Joe, if you could please answer it…)

  17. Ram-Reply
    October 12, 2010 at 3:12 am

    I’ve just re-read the E-book, “Attract Money Now”. I think the answer to my question and some of the others are found in the book. Just give as much as you are able to the people/place/organization that had inspired you. If we think too much of the percentage or even the effect the money can cause to others (eg people become lazy if they receive money for nothing), I think we would be coming from the place of scarcity instead of ABUNDANCE!!

  18. October 15, 2010 at 5:18 pm

    Hello Joe,
    Tithing, very difficult concept for non-religious people and especially in Western Europe it is not at all common to tithe, or even possible to give a good translation for it in Dutch…
    My mom calls it manipulation, but my guess is not to give it more than once, right?? So they will expect to have it or you buying your friendship with this money…

    I had a funny thing earlier tonight.
    Today i checked my bankaccount which was pretty empty, ‘only’ 93 cents. I made a transfer of 7 cents from my savingsaccount, which only held 10 cents. With one euro I would be able to buy a full fresh bread, which was all I needed;-)
    Somehow at the counter i was thinking about giving money away, f.i. to the lady behind me with lots of groceries – don’t ask me why i was thinking that…
    When i wanted to pay, the machine said: sorry maximum limit reached!
    ‘No, not possible, i checked my account earlier today. Let’s try again, shall we?!’ I rubbed my card on my sleeve, it sometimes helps. No good this time! 🙁
    ‘Do you other means to pay?’ ‘Nope, only ten cents in my pocket.
    But i checked my account and there is still some money on it… ‘
    While i said this, the lady behind me reached for her purse and she gave me a euro-coin: ‘…1 euro would help, right?!’ ‘Yes…, yes, thank you so much’ 😀
    My bread was paid, and i still have enough to eat with all the food at home, until wednesday, i get my money again. I thanked her twice or 3 times…
    Just THINKING about giving seems to help me already, wooow, I was amazed 😮
    Just wanted to share that!! Have a great day.

  19. Sherri-Reply
    October 16, 2010 at 2:44 am

    I have also heard this idea all my life, ie the church, but I am wondering if, in the case of other inspiring people/ideas, etc., does purchasing the products they put out “count” as tithing? Or does it only count if you just give the money?

    • October 17, 2010 at 11:52 am

      Purchasing does not count; it is giving money that counts.

  20. October 24, 2010 at 1:29 am

    I also believe in giving from your heart. Sometimes people can give what they have.. or what can give.. I also believe in believing more than 10% if we can..

    By giving more we show example of giving to others. I love to give extra tip in restaurant if even waiter is not good. It gives them hope and makes me happy to know I could make difference in their day..

    Giving is a gift to ourselves.

    Thank you Joe


  21. Tawny Villalobos-Reply
    October 27, 2010 at 6:34 am

    I am a Christian and definately believe in tithing. I use to think you had to tithe just to the church you were attending but as I continue to study the “Laws of Attraction”, which by the way, is in the Bible, the Book of Proverbs,chapter 23 verse 7, “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.”
    I have two wonderful organizations that are dear to my heart, Feed the Children and St. Jude. If you think too much about can I give and how much can I give then you probably won’t give. I set it up so both organizations deduct a pre-set dollar amount from my checking account each month. I can stop it anytime I want but have no desire to. It has become part of my monthly budget. I could give testimony after testimony of how the “Laws of Attraction” have changed my thinking and my bank account but I would be going on forever!!!!! Thank you Joe. God Bless!

    • Tawny Villalobos-Reply
      October 28, 2010 at 6:42 am

      I need to clarify one of my statements. I stated that I had a pre-set dollar amount that comes out of my checking acct. however, I also give above that when I feel lead to do so. I am learning not to limit my mind…..

  22. Mara-Reply
    October 28, 2010 at 9:11 am

    I am actually doing what you said in your book. Giving ten percent of what I have. I am felling very good doing this. I am also focusing on helping more:))

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