The Abundance Manifesto: Secret #4

Here’s Secret #4 for you, below:

As I mentioned previously, over the next few weeks I’m posting ten principles of abundance. I’m calling them The Abundance Manifesto. This is to help pave the way for my new audio program, The Abundance Paradigm: Moving from the Law of Attraction to the Law of Creation (coming out later this month).

These are my observations about how you can attract personal and planetary wealth. Wealth, of course, is more than money, so these ideas are more sweeping than you may at first realize.

Since I’m just sculpting these thoughts, please be forgiving in reviewing them. In fact, what I’d love is your opinion. Please comment on each to help me refine them all. The end result will be a useful set of insights for you, me, and everyone else.

Here’s the fourth one:

Thou shall keep a clear mind

Clarity of mind leads to pure abundance. Beliefs about “not enough” of anything is from scarcity, not abundance. Beliefs that “money is bad” or “there isn’t enough for all” trigger self-sabotage actions and self-fulfilling prophecies . A clear mind is achieved through these ten principles, as well as by de-programming your mind from the history of conflict and shortage. A clear mind is no longer a victim but a co-creator; no longer reactionary but now responsive; no longer lost but clear.

PS – Be sure to get clear with your free sample of Miracles Coaching by clicking right here.

Note: My new audio program is almost ready for you. It’s called The Abundance Paradigm: Moving from the Law of Attraction to the Law of Creation. You’ll love it. Stay tuned.

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  1. October 13, 2010 at 7:50 am

    Joe, thank you very much for all your books and woderful advices. I begin my day reading some of your inspirational thoughts and they really help me to keep on struggling even when everything seems so difficult. You inspire me and help me inspire others in my work and in my life. Clarity of mind is just what I needed today and you send me the clue! Thank you very much! Blessings and abundance for you and your team.

  2. October 13, 2010 at 8:17 am

    Joe . . . Your communication skills & your message just keep getting better & better! (I can tell you do a LOT of cleanign for such clarity.) Thanks so much! Excited about “The Abundance Paradigm” program. Peace, Bruce

  3. October 13, 2010 at 8:38 am

    This one is so huge! And I honestly think it’s because of the parents of the generation although it’s our fault for carrying the mantra on… Keep it up Joe!

  4. October 13, 2010 at 9:05 am

    Great stuff, Joe! Can’t wait to get the new audio program. I’ve been on the road doing TV interviews for my new book for the last 3 months, and I’m amazed at the fear and scarcity-based mentality of the TV anchors and studio audiences. These are people living their dreams yet still seem to believe getting rich is impossible. I just returned from doing three interviews on the BBC in Europe, and the listeners that called in seemed to have the same scarcity based consciousness. You’re right on the money with this message, Joe. Please keep preaching the gospel of abundance. The whole world needs it now more than ever.

  5. The Seeing Being-Reply
    October 13, 2010 at 9:16 am

    Can you please elaborate this Law. There are many aspects in our complex psyche, some of which we are not even aware of. Keeping a clear mind means being clear about exactly which things? Nobody can be absolutely clear about everything. So does clear mind gets limited to clear goals, plan of action, or does it encompass everything like clear ideas about the world, clear philosophy, clear ethics and morals etc? I really want your opinion on this.
    Warm regards

    • October 13, 2010 at 9:19 am

      Clearing is ongoing and probably never ending. I’ve written about this in numerous books and blog posts. You’re clearing the database of limiting beliefs in your unconscious mind. If you’re new to this, maybe read my book Zero Limits or see

      • Missie-Reply
        October 18, 2010 at 12:18 am

        I am just finishing “The Missing Secret” audio series from Nigtingale-Conant, and am getting so much from it. Writing out the ten things I would allow in my life from the perspective of God was so huge for me and eye opening. I was able to feel limitless. When I looked from the perspective of being all creative and limitless everything seems possible. It has not put money in my checking account YET, but it made my attitude for the last two days totally different. I also love your story of starting out by being grateful for a pencil, also put a whole new perspective on the depth of gratitude. And to think you use to irritate the heck out of me, now I can say from my cleaner self, thank you from the depth of my heart. Missie in Vegas

    • Christian Linhart-Reply
      October 15, 2010 at 2:18 pm

      Interesting that you mentioned ethics and morale.

      In my experience, ethics and morale are tools which are designed to help you while you are not clear.
      More specifically, they help you to do things that you can more easily accept later, when you are clearer.

      This is important because one of the bigger challenges while getting clear is to accept the things that you have done in the past while you where less clear than today. This even holds true if you have tried to live by ethics and morale as much as possible. The reason is: Even though ethics and morale are generally useful tools, you can also unconsciously use them to do very dark things that you’d never ever do in a clear state.

      The more you get clear, the more you will replace ethics and morale by love and divine inspiration.


      I completely agree with Joe that the clearing is ongoing.

      And I think that at least for our generation, there is so much to be cleared that the clearing will be life-long when we continue with the same speed as we are doing it today. ( this may actually be a limiting belief. Maybe the last clearing step just *appears* to be so big but isn’t. )

      Future generations may build on our clearing and may come completely clear. ( or maybe we can do as well )


      My frame of reference/experience is:
      I have been intensely clearing for 11 years now and even though I have already cleared a tremendous amount, I still feel that there is still a lot to be cleared.

      I am still struggling with several issues, but sometimes I can already see and feel the light at the end of the tunnel.


      One example of clearing: I just made a big step forward today:

      Today I have learned what made me stick to bad relationships, jobs, etc even though I wanted to terminate them:

      The inability to terminate those relationships and jobs was part of the *same* programming which made me co-create them in a bad way and part of the *same* programming which created the wish to terminate them.

      Here’s the reason why this was all part of the same programming:

      I got this programming in my childhood. And in childhood, you cannot leave your parents, but you may create the wish to leave them.

      So, the inability to leave became an integral part of the programming.

      It’s that simple.

      But it took me eleven years of prior clearing to get to the point where I was able to learn that.

      BTW, without my co-creation due to this programming, at least some of these relationships could actually have been very good relationships…


      I think that this programming-pattern may be pretty universal for problems like “can’t-leave-abusing-relationship” of other people as well.

      Therefore I have to add a warning to all those who think that they can improve things by leaving relationships without doing any clearing, now they have learned a possible reason for their inability to leave:

      You probably can’t improve things without the clearing because you take your programming with you, so you’ll probably co-create the next relationship in the same way…

      But you are not me, and we are different, so I may be wrong on that. You always have to make your own choices and come to your own conclusions.

  6. Darlene Santano-Reply
    October 13, 2010 at 9:34 am

    Right on Joe! Clearing your mind truly means clearing all negativity and limiting thoughts and just pushing past what you previously thought were your “limits” because as you say there are “Zero Limits”. I’ve really begun to change my thinking patterns thanks to Crossfit. I find after being in Crossfit just a few months I feel I can do anything – in fact I’m now fearless in my view of the world and the many possibilities out there. It’s just a matter of now acting on intentions and what ifs… I’m now moving forward with one of my intentions – I’m renovating my kitchen! Small steps first. I have every confidence that I will end up with my dream kitchen – I even designed it myself with a bit of help from my contractor! I can’t wait til’ it’s done!

  7. October 13, 2010 at 9:44 am

    Joe, great stuff as always. Just started “The Awakening” and it is fabulous as well. What is the “trick” to getting down to those pesky little seeds of resistance, self worthiness and deserving that are deep down in the unconsciousness? Some of them seem to really resist “cleaning” and they seem to sneak in and sabotage things from time to time.
    Thanks, Rusty

  8. Shankar-Reply
    October 13, 2010 at 10:16 am

    When you said ” a clear mind” I first thought it also meant a calm mind. But, after reading your reply to “The Seeing Being”, I am not clear. Does it mean we need to replace cluttered and limiting beliefs with new, no-limit beliefs?
    Shankar, India

  9. October 13, 2010 at 10:22 am

    Clarity: can we also have clarity in regard to scarcity and beliefs, like including someone’s “beliefs” about judging others as having a “scarcity consciousness” and how that is “bad?” Doesn’t labeling something as a “scarcity” imply valuing or appreciating something, like as unusually relevant or precious? Is the belief that certain things are precious something to criticize?

    For instance, do we blame people who are freezing in the cold for having a scarcity consciousness about heat? Consider that “the victim mentality” is demonstrated by anyone blaming another’s “consciousness,” explaining why they might “deserve to be a victim.” It is not compassion. It is not seeing another as precious.

    There is a distinction between noticing one’s own beliefs and complaining about other people (which is always the result of one’s own belief/guilt/karmic memory!). When my own infant or pet is shivering cold, do I complain about it’s self-fulfilling victim mentality, or just pick it up and warm it?

    So, I forecast trends. Starting in early 2003, I published forecasts of a shift in global lending behaviors (a global credit crisis), which would de-stabilize certain trends in real estate prices and the solvency of banks and insurance companies and other major corporations, plus millions of households. The “irrational exuberrance” of millions of investors is not clarity. What we have now (still) is a “grossly negligent” under-estimating of risk, over-estimating of the value of borrowing money (and all “accounts receivable”), and a corresponding under-estimating of the value of currency (dollars, euros, pounds, etc…).

    What is happening is called a “credit deflation.” It is just a correcting of the inflating of a credit bubble and of the corresponding errors in accounting made by presuming that a credit bubble would not ever deflate (shrink).

    In recent years, many people have heard of deflation for the first time. But most are not clear about what it is yet. They confuse currency deflation with credit deflation. There is really no such thing as currency deflation, and they do not understand the simplicity and intensity of credit deflation (the discounted settling of debts that were never fully collectible, including discharge under bankruptcy law). For clarification, there are two major forms of inflation (printing more currency as well as entering more contracts for future payment of debt/credit), but only one major form of deflation: a discounting of lower-grade debt, such as recently happened with the debt (AKA bonds) of the government of Greece or New Jersey, etc….

    So, many people may continue to be surprised because of their mistaken beliefs about credit and currency and contracts and courts. For instance, many people think that the Federal Reserve’s “US Dollar” note is a financial instrument which is under the authority of the US Government, such that the government can just print more of that currency (like Germany did in the 1930s). Is that true or false?

    Can the US Government force the Fed to print more of their private currency? What would happen if the US government defaulted on their immense debt to the Fed? Who has more real power: the Secretary of the Treasury or the Treasurer of the United States?

    Now, when I said that many people will be surprised because they are confused by their beliefs, that statement could sound like blame. However, note that I have personally gambled on real estate speculation. I am not ridiculing blind gambling so much as confessing it. I was not clear, I acted naively (yes, hypnotized by belief), and the consequences of my actions led to curiosity, which can further lead to clarity. Appreciate clarity.

    Those who were clear several years ago about trends tend to still be clear. Those who said they were clear years ago, then were unpleasantly surprised, yet still say they are clear now… may be inaccurate, even if sincere.

    Clear about one’s self and clear about others, abundance is consistently attracted. Partly clear, abundance is sometimes attracted and sometimes repelled. Without clarity, abundance is… scarce! 😉

  10. Lauren-Reply
    October 13, 2010 at 2:23 pm

    hey joe
    thank you, you have helped me realise my potential. I do not have a lot to give only my time and passion. Its already making me happy and you cant put a price on being happy can u now 🙂 lots of love lauren

  11. October 13, 2010 at 5:05 pm

    Hi Dr. Joe:

    I am so glad for your post on clarity at this point in time. Having just lost my job last week, I am still very clear and know that everything is progressing in exactly the right way for my highest good. Do I have another source of income?… Not today. Am I very clear that one will appear?… Absolutely. Am I “freaking out” with concern?… Not even a little bit. Am I taking inspired action?… Yes I am. And I expect that everything will be just perfect.

    Thanks again for the reminder to continually clear, so that I continue toward my highest good.

    Live with passion and purpose,

    • lauren geduld-Reply
      October 15, 2010 at 1:56 am

      you are a very strong person and i love that cheers….

  12. October 13, 2010 at 10:34 pm

    Thank you Joe for another wonderful gem of wisdom. I know all too well the ‘scarcity mindset’ that our parents left us with, nay, pounded into us!
    My mother was a hard-working single parent long before it was popular. She worked in a man’s world with a huge glass ceiling. Yet she told us repeatedly that we (my sister and I) could be or do anything we wanted. She was referring to jobs however. The rest of the time her mantra was “we can’t afford it” and we couldn’t of course! So I naturally (and unfortunately) passed that same mantra onto my kids when I became a single mother due to being abused and almost killed.
    Now when I talk to my adult children about abundance they think I am nuts so like I did with college, I am showing them by example instead.

    Clarity can take years to find but I am grateful daily for finding you, clarity of mind and purpose. I was born to work with animals but now I cannot (I am the vet tech with the ruined back) but it was all for a greater purpose in some way to propel me to where I am now.

    I copied this:self-fulfilling prophecies- from your paragraph because it was the first piece of clarity my Mom ever had when we were still growing up. I was very clumsy and dropped things a lot. She was always telling me to “BE CAREFUL and NOT DROP THAT!!” and of course I would proceed to drop it. After I dropped a one gallon glass jar of pickles that broke on my bare foot something in her must have snapped. She told me later that she was no longer going to call me a klutz and that I was no longer going to drop things.
    You guessed it, it worked. I stopped dropping things and my self-esteem started to get better. I was too young to understand it all then but I do now.

    Clarity is a wonderful thing. As J.R. said, without clarity, there is a scarcity of Abundance!!
    Namaste Joe,

  13. Lynette Hagins-Reply
    October 13, 2010 at 11:57 pm

    Thank You for inviting me to share my perception here Joe. I really appreciate the work you do. A clear mind, for me, is realizing – I am not my mind. I have a mind, it serves a beautiful (at times) purpose, but it is like a toilet – and needs to be ‘flushed’ often. The de-programming and ‘cleaning’ is something I need to do constantly. My ego wants to run the show and drive the vehicle (my body) ALL THE TIME!!
    There is the part of me, that simply ‘watches’ the thoughts and beliefs flow in and out, but I have to remember to take none of them seriously. There is a greater Truth that is ‘me’…..and it is not my mind. Pure inspiration seems to come from a different source altogether, and when it is free to flow through me, without a preconceived notion, or belief, well, that is where I feel the magic is! This is, by no means, an easy path for me, but I feel it is a worthy one. I loved Zero Limits….there is a real sense of peace I have experienced, when finally giving up the reins of control. But yeah, this stuff takes time!!! (or perhaps I am a poor student)!

  14. October 14, 2010 at 8:01 am

    I loved your talking about moving into the Law of Creation, because Saint Germain says that’s what’s happening now. The 3rd dimension is still about manifestation but once we get into a 4th dimensional consciousness, we are in the first dimension having to do with Creation. 5th, 6th and 7th are also about Creation. Very different expressions and it’s so exciting to go into that shift. Not comfortable, but exciting. And we understand more what abundance really is. Thanks, Joe.

  15. yvonne-Reply
    October 15, 2010 at 8:28 am

    Thank you for all this great understanding .I’m learning how very important it is to be clear I’m walking this all moment by moment and yes it’s getting brighter each moment.Thank you

  16. October 15, 2010 at 4:48 pm

    Thank you Joe. Can you also add information of HOW to get a clear mind?? That would be great.
    Kind regards, Erika

    PS. I wanted to comment on secret #5 but i did not see a comment-button…

  17. Sergey-Reply
    October 18, 2010 at 8:06 am

    Joe, thank you. What are some ways to eliminate internal constraints rather than affirmations(or ho’oponopono)?
    (Sorry for my english)

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