The Abundance Manifesto: Secret #5

Secret #5 reveals the only choice you have to make. It’s below.

As you may recall, over the next few weeks I’m posting ten principles of abundance. I’m calling them The Abundance Manifesto. This is to help pave the way for my new audio program, The Abundance Paradigm: Moving from the Law of Attraction to the Law of Creation (coming out any day now).

These are my observations about how you can attract personal and planetary wealth. Wealth, of course, is more than money, so these ideas are more sweeping than you may at first realize.

Since I’m just sculpting these thoughts, please be forgiving in reviewing them. In fact, what I’d love is your opinion. Please comment on each to help me refine them all. The end result will be a useful set of insights for you, me, and everyone else.

Here’s the fifth one:

Thou shall choose the higher ground in every decision.

The ego resists love and forgiveness. It is an illusion self-created and self-maintained. It causes broken homes and broken dreams. In every decision, there is a choice: Come from love or come from ego. Most come from the latter. The higher ground is to choose love. When the choice exists, ask, “What is the more loving decision here?” Choose love.

PS – Be sure to get your free sample of Miracles Coaching by clicking right here.

Note: My new audio program is The Abundance Paradigm: Moving from the Law of Attraction to the Law of Creation. You will soooo love it. Stay tuned for details.

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  1. October 15, 2010 at 8:25 am

    I like this and try to embody it daily. When I send love to situations, scarcity turns to abundance and negativity and fear turn into zeal and happiness. It’s true and I am experiencing it today.

  2. October 15, 2010 at 9:04 am

    Hi Joe,

    I heard this some years back from Neale Donald Walsch books “CWG” he said “In any situation hwere a decision is to be made – ask yourself: What would love do now”

    It’s difficult sometimes, but there’s so much to gain from making a decision from the perspective of love.

    Thanks Joe.

  3. October 15, 2010 at 9:11 am

    I really love your approach with LOVE as the driving for of all there is!
    moving form the law of attraction to the law of creation is right on!
    In my own words this is moving from the mental to the spiriitual realm!

    LOVE, PEACE and GRACE in Unity with GOD!


  4. Don M Darragh-Reply
    October 15, 2010 at 9:23 am

    Couldn’t agree more. All there is; is either Love or Fear (same thing as Ego).
    The problem, as I see it, is this. In order to even make the choice, you already have to be aware enough & spiritually mature enough to know that the decision needs to be made.

  5. October 15, 2010 at 9:29 am

    Hi Joe!

    Seems the tough thing about taking the higher ground for me is discerning the difference between real love and egocentric “love”. Where does the love come from? Is it a selfish love? I.E. do I want or expect love, or something else, in return for loving this? Or is it selfLESS love? Can I truly feel and express love in the giving sense that is intended? If not, I need to stop, clear, and come back to it before making the decision. Thanks for making me think about this – as always, you inspire.

    Love (giving),


  6. October 15, 2010 at 9:35 am

    Dear Joe,

    so true. Love is so powerful…you can only win when choosing love.
    So-so many wonderful things have happened to me since I decided to consciously “work” with love.
    Whenever I have a hard time staying focused when saying “I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you” I simply choose to say “I love you” only…and it gives me incredibly much energy and makes me calm.
    Love helps me whenever I feel stuck in life…

    Thanks for your words!!!!!!!!!


  7. Ron-Reply
    October 15, 2010 at 9:48 am

    I’ve been struggling with a difficult decision the last few days and you just helped me decide. Choosing the higher road for a change.


  8. Attila-Reply
    October 15, 2010 at 10:25 am

    (with tears in my eyes) YES! Thank you, dear Joe!

    I heard the version: from love or from fear come all decisions. The decisions of the ego come from fear of death, fear of “not enough”. Love is the death of the ego, so comes the fear and resistance.

    I like both approaches.

    With love, thank you again!

  9. October 15, 2010 at 10:44 am

    Thanks for this Joe….

    I kinda have an idea what it means….but I think a few examples would paint a clearer picture for everyone.

    Let me give you an example. Yesterday I drove 5 hours to go to a government instituition for my paperwork. I received really ruse treatment from the person behind the desk…for no reason at all.

    As I was standing there….listening to this person making rude remarks….I asked myself….should I snap back or just keep quiet

    are there more options in my case (im sure there is)

    How would i have come from a place of love in such a moment that triggered anger and tension in me



    • October 23, 2010 at 9:50 am

      Darling Koorosh,
      This is a perfect example of ego, when our feelings “ego” is hurt, we can feel angry, hurt, sad etc, no one said this path is easy and it is exactly when we experience these challenges that we are called to act with love, maybe the guy had just had terrible news, maybe he is very sad, alone, unhappy how would we know what his challenge or pain was just before you arrived? The challenge is to be in control, don’t just react, take a step back, then think and feel love and compassion for this person as he can’t be happy to behave in this way. Don’t keep quiet, you can lovingly challenge the person by being honest, you could have said something like”With all due respect Sir, why are you being so rude and saying hurtful and Rude things to me like….., those words make me feel………, sir i drove 5 hours to get here and…..” if you honestly tell people how you feel it usually difuses tension and allows the other person to gain from the experience, as you are teaching him, in a loving way, how his behaviour, words and actions are affecting others.
      I have found that preparing the day mentally with love helps, imagining the situations and meetings you have planned for the day in your mind before getting up and breathing love and a successful outcome or interaction into the outcome sets your energy and vibration at a good positive high level and attracts good things and situations into your day, I am a Christian and when i feel most challenged I think of Jesus dying on the cross having been beaten and tortured for nothing, cries out with his dying breath “Father FORGIVE THEM for they know not what they are doing” this is the perfect example of LOVE instead of EGO if Jesus was operating from his Ego he would have cried “Father destroy the B******’s smite this land, bring plague and famine and punish them all!!!!” hope this makes you smile and my message comes with love and blessings to you from Ireland Love Avril

  10. October 15, 2010 at 11:05 am

    Hello Joe,
    I love this one!

    My emotionally guided opinions (ego) says, “I MUST be, do, or have particular people, places, things, and experiences because I win with them, or I lose without them.”

    Love says, “I can be, do, have, the perfect people, places, things, and experiences just for the fun of them.”

    The perfect people, places, things, and experiences are the ones that are Now Here.


  11. October 15, 2010 at 11:32 am

    I like this secret… it is something I am currently working on, my ego. I am working on not living through my ego and letting go of negative feelings. Thanks Joe

  12. October 15, 2010 at 12:08 pm

    Choose love. So many choices are done in the spirit of fear that we are not conscious of our choice at the time. We re-act, not act, with feat, not love.
    Once I learned about choices and how to make them it caused me to slow down and learn to think about it more deeply before I made them.
    thank you again for posting this.

  13. October 15, 2010 at 12:39 pm

    Wow! This is a huge secret. I think we would all like to tell ourselves that we consistently choose the higher ground, but results always tell the true story.

    I really appreciate this secret, as I have all of the Manifesto secrets thus far. I commit to re-double my efforts to choose the higher ground in every decision. To be more loving, giving, and forgiving.

    Thank you, as always, for your love, support, and wisdom.

    Live with passion and purpose,

  14. October 15, 2010 at 1:11 pm

    Gotta work on this a little more…thanks Joe!

  15. andrew-Reply
    October 15, 2010 at 1:28 pm

    Hi Joe

    I agree with this secret 5

    A good way to ensure it (possibly) is on your goals list at the end write
    “This god or something better”

  16. Christian Linhart-Reply
    October 15, 2010 at 3:02 pm

    This is very important because only love will allow abundance.

    It also shows that it is important to know the difference between love and ego.

    Which gets to the topic of getting clear.

    Because the challenge with the ego is, that it is very skillful in disguising itself as love.

    When you get clear, you can see beyond and behind the disguise.

    Then you can see what it probably is:

    A desperate child, thinking and feeling “mommy and daddy please love me”, which, in its desperation creating strategies for manipulating mommy and daddy for getting at least a little bit more love. These strategies became unconscious programming over time and voila, your ego came into existence.

    So, once you have recognized it, please love this child which was you in the past and which is your inner child now. You are the only one who can give your inner child the love which you didn’t get in your childhood.

    So, love the creator of your ego and your ego looses its power because it was only created due to lack of love.

    Thanks Joe, for inspiring/reminding me to have these thoughts…

    P.S.: Please note that the very reason for the existence of the ego is “lack of love”. Keyword “lack of”. This is the opposite of abundance. Something based on the idea of “lack of” can never create abundance.

  17. Jeannine-Reply
    October 15, 2010 at 3:16 pm

    I find your Law of Attraction teachings to be very valuable – and if you truly believe – effective.

    My husband and I have been struggling for over a year. He lost his job, Then, he took on a new client. That client is withholding payment (and we didn’t have enough money to sue him) and my husband was unable to collect unemployment. Last night, I read the first 55 pages of your e-book “Attract Money Now.” This morning, the Department of Labor told my husband he was owed 4 weeks back unemployment and could file until he found work. THAT situation changed (as in – he won’t need unemployment!!) as a new prospective client called this morning and said they planned to retain us and was mailing $500 to us today. An old client that owed a balance of $300 is sending the money this weekend. And, we found out that the client who stiffed us for $45k plus has assets and plans to pay to avoid a very public lawsuit.

    This post is NOT a “plant.” This works. Be grateful for what you have – and know use deserve more. Lastly, take inspired action!

  18. Jeannine-Reply
    October 15, 2010 at 3:18 pm

    PS – we chose love and the high ground on the non-paying client. Our attorney wanted to make a big splash in the newpapers and file a nasty lawsuit. Choosing love made it unnecessary

  19. October 15, 2010 at 4:51 pm

    Sorry, i overlooked the comment-button:p

    Yes love and compassion, not easy but I am starting to getting there 😉
    Thanks, great insight.

  20. Vyasa-Reply
    October 15, 2010 at 5:08 pm

    Dear Joe,

    “In every decision, there is a choice: Come from love or come from ego. Most come from the latter. The higher ground is to choose love…”

    Very true. If I had read these very simple but most valuable words about 6 years back… my life would have been more wonderful today. I took one big careless decision out of ego when abundance knocked my door. Result: now I am facing debts and all the unwanted circumstances. At least from now onwards I choose love.

    Thank you and best wishes,

  21. jessie-Reply
    October 15, 2010 at 11:28 pm

    joe, thank you so much, my life already changing now, because of your teachings in life. Godbless joe!

  22. Shankar-Reply
    October 16, 2010 at 4:21 am

    Hello Dr Joe,
    I needed this secret very badly. Not that I was not aware of it. But, I keep switching from ego to love. Even when I come from the domain of love, suddenly my ego pops up, then I get angry or shout at my wife, and then I waste useful minutes regretting.
    Shankar, India

  23. Joanna-Reply
    October 17, 2010 at 12:48 pm

    Dear Joe,
    The question “What is the more loving decision here?” is very helpful in plenty of different situations in our lives.
    But I have one concern connected with it. I have been choosing “love decisions” in relation to the person I love, for some time. But I have not been receiving them back. i am wondering if it’s because I need to get cleared more or maybe I am just receiving red falgs for this relationship.

    I hope you will find my deliberations helpful.
    Joanna from Poland

  24. October 17, 2010 at 3:31 pm

    Hello Joe,
    This Question is not related to your blog…
    I was wondering if you knew anything about the healer “John of God” in Brazil and the crystal bed that he invented to heal and clear chakras and our energy.
    In love and light,

    • October 17, 2010 at 3:53 pm

      I know of him but nothing more.

    • Shankar-Reply
      October 18, 2010 at 7:18 am

      Hello Philippe,
      There is a method of healing called Pranic Healing. Using this method we not only clean Chakras but also heal diseases.
      Peace and Light,
      Shankar, India

  25. joao gomes-Reply
    October 18, 2010 at 5:42 pm

    A great secret. This dilemma often appears in our lives. So dificult to do the right thing but we must do it.
    Thank you

  26. October 19, 2010 at 8:20 am

    This is a true abundance law. I find it difficult, and as you said, the ego wants to be right. Or to win. I keep rreminding myself to come back to the golden rule and the win-win solution.

    Walk in beauty, Joe,


  27. October 26, 2010 at 8:41 am

    As our kids grow up, especially into the teenage years, we forget that they are beginning to “get” life, and do not need, nor want us to teach them. They feel that they know it (typical teenage attitude is exhibited) but we need to realize that it takes a lot of repetition ( up to a couple of hundred times when they are learning to walk) to “really get it” and they bristle to our continued instruction, as if they are little kids still. This leads to that head butting, that we think is inevitable, But they are just wanting some extra space and forgiveness.

    When we give the forgiveness, and bite our tongues at the moment, the head butting does not happen. They are still learning, but they do not want to be reminded that they are still learning! They need that extra space, and as a parent it is very hard to give it to them, because we still look at them as “little kids” instead of “young adults” who are getting their act together, and they dont want us to treat them like babies any more!

    Parents, for your own peace of mind, give your child room to screw up in how they act/react, with out correcting them right away like we want to do, because we want our kids to be model young adults, sometimes when they are not ready to be everything that we think they should be. Giving them this love and grace will keep the numbers of head-butting’s down to a minimum, instead of inflaming things into a nasty altercation. This is the respect that they want from us, but we find it so hard to give, because they are still our “little boy” or “little girl” and they are desperately trying to get out of that mold!

    Grace be to you, to have more peace !

  28. SiewPing Wong-Reply
    October 30, 2010 at 8:14 pm

    Does “love” refer to heart or “unconditional” love? Does this mean we do not use any brain/logic/rationale when making choices and decisions? Thank you, SiewPing (Sydney, Australia)

  29. November 11, 2010 at 12:28 am

    Hi Joe;
    Love is always the answer; love destroys hate, like light shuts out darkness; love can heal the world and yes, I think love can lead to abundance.

    I just received my copy of the abundance paradigm and I’m ready to enjoy it!! thanks Joe for all you do…..


  30. December 22, 2011 at 11:37 pm

    beautiful post with a beautiful lesson

    reminds me of that famous quote by wayne dyer

    “Attachment to being right creates suffering. When you have a choice to be right, or to be kind, choose kind and watch your suffering disappear.”
    Wayne Dyer

    How to Make Ribbon Flowers

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