The Abundance Manifesto: Secret #7

Secret #7 of the ten principles of abundance is below.

As you may recall, I’m calling this series The Abundance Manifesto. This is to help pave the way for my new audio program, The Abundance Paradigm: Moving from the Law of Attraction to the Law of Creation (coming out November 9).

These are my observations about how you can attract personal and planetary wealth. Wealth, of course, is more than money, so these ideas are more sweeping than you may at first realize.

Since I’m just sculpting these thoughts, please be forgiving in reviewing them. In fact, what I’d love is your opinion. Please comment on each to help me refine them all. The end result will be a useful set of insights for you, me, and everyone else.

Here’s secret seven:

Thou shall spend, invest and save responsibly

Abundance is the reality of balance and sufficiency. As long as you spend, invest and save in a balanced way, all is well. This needs coupled with the principle of giving (secret #3), which can be considered a form of investing, but the point remains: whatever you receive monetarily should be split within these areas. Doing so maintains the abundant life.

PS – Get your free sample of Miracles Coaching by clicking right here.

Note: My new audio program is The Abundance Paradigm: Moving from the Law of Attraction to the Law of Creation. It will be ready for purchase on November 9.

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  1. October 26, 2010 at 5:26 am

    Not all information – ideas – hints or concepts need to be labeled – Magic – Mysteries – Miracles – Secrets and Treasures – and while it is on occasion wise to do so in order to capture the attention of many people who are otherwise asleep – once you have a large enough captive audience, continuing with these tactics become mundane and self defeating, more than likely to turn your readers away since they will be surely saying to themselves – well here is another shout out from Joe Vitale – What I am saying, in the event that you are not able to understand this – is that continuously using a formula is not recommended in a creative endeavor – no matter how well the formula has worked in the past for you or any other writer – it will certainly reach a threshold where the words you are writing will become mere white noise and of no significant importance to any of your readers.

    It is an extremely difficult task to move away from such a formula – especially in an environment where it seems to be working so well – but that is exactly when it is wise to do so – since this will allow you to leave your audience with just enough interest in your next writing project if – and this important – you actually have something significant to say – and if order to come up with such a topic of methodology of writing – you yourself much maintain a balance of sorts so that you may come at your subject with a fresh and tantalizing perspective –

    I look forward to an entirely different approach and many new approached thereafter – since the essence of an abundant life is the ability to draw from all of life and its myriad topics of interest!

  2. October 26, 2010 at 5:52 am

    How do you explain that “there is enough” and this principle of giving, spending and investing can be active at the same time. Why do I need to follow certain rules, if there is enough?

    • October 26, 2010 at 6:33 am

      It’s to help you realize abundance.

  3. pam aries-Reply
    October 26, 2010 at 6:11 am

    If I only HAD the $$$$ to split evenly..LOL!

  4. Hi Joe,

    I just love the term: Law of Creation! I have used it myself for a while as I do believe that we create things more than we attract them.

    I’m looking forward to your new audio program 😀

    Best regards,

  5. Hi Joe,

    I just love the term: Law of Creation! I have used it myself for a while as I do believe that we create things more than we attract them.

    I’m looking forward to your new audio program 😀

    Best regards,

  6. andrew-Reply
    October 26, 2010 at 6:48 am

    thanks Joe, you are inspiring,

    You wanted feedback –

    I think, clearly “Thou shall spend, invest and save responsibly”
    involves as expected :

    ethical investment

    in your products you buy (eco friendly – i.e organic, non toxic, non teflon etc if you can)

    in your investments (ethical companies or ones that really help people without milking them)

    in your tithing – giving a percent of your earnings to charities that help the planet and kids (check though that the money is really giving solutions – i.e efficient AND ethical)

    invest your time wisely – no tv if you can

    invest your mind in loving positive thoughts, loving positive people, loving positive words, loving positive deeds (saying a heartfelt mantra such as “hari om” or “jesus” or “buddha” repetitively can quieten your mind and is likely a good investment of your mind use.

    Invest in prayer for world peace

    Use your intuition to decide if this is right for you.

    • October 26, 2010 at 4:20 pm

      Dear Andrew,
      Loved your post, so true.
      Regards Avril

  7. Vicky-Reply
    October 26, 2010 at 7:24 am

    Thanks Joe. I’m enjoying your regular emails.

    Vicky 🙂

  8. October 26, 2010 at 8:34 am

    Joe – sometimes you have the craziest people leaving you comments and I just wanted you to know that I take full responsibility for co-creating them with you! Love your posts. Kind of short today – wanted more. Like, what do you consider balanced? Equal?

  9. October 26, 2010 at 8:52 am

    Gonna be an amazing program Joe, I know it!

  10. October 26, 2010 at 10:25 am

    “Thou shall spend, invest and save responsibly.”

    Spend: life is like a coin, you can only spend it once so spend it responsibly!

    Invest: where your passion lies and where your heart is moved.

    Save: Paying yourself first…It’s a love thing!

    As one author says, “get three piggy banks and mark for each one of the above categories.” It works for me.

    Thanks Joe, you’ve outdone yourself! (again)


  11. October 26, 2010 at 3:28 pm

    Dr. Joe:

    Thank you for the reminders you have provided throughout this series. I think most people know these things at some level, but to have them spelled out and put into a simple to remember fashion is really helpful.

    I appreciate that you did not attempt to direct people as to the appropriate percentage of each category. I believe it will be different for every person, and we each need to take responsibility for making that determination. After all, we have to create that relationship with our finances and money to truly get past our issues in this area.

    Thanks, as always, for the great work you do.

    Live with passion and purpose,

  12. October 26, 2010 at 4:27 pm

    I have a simple question that has been on mind for a while. In this lesson of investing, saving etc there seems to be a conflict with the concept of acting and believing as though you have the goal your are striving for. For example if my goal is to get $250,000 in the next 12 months, then I would invest, save much differently with a bank account of $250k as apposed to a bank account of let say $25k. So How does one behave as though the end is real without being impulsive and unrealistic? And the mere thinking of of being unrealistic is a “resistance” so how does one clear it but at the same be a responsible person. I hope this makes sense.

  13. Shankar-Reply
    October 27, 2010 at 6:32 am

    Dr. Joe,
    I feel that most of us use this manifesto in the reverse order. We save responsibly, invest somewhat less responsibly and spend irresposibly (instant gratification).
    Shankar, India

  14. October 27, 2010 at 4:03 pm

    Thanks Joe,Love your work, Joanne

  15. October 27, 2010 at 7:30 pm

    Nightingale-Conant just emailed me about The Abundance Paradigm, and I have been enjoying your posted secrets, so I ordered the 6-CD set this evening!


    • October 28, 2010 at 1:01 pm


      N-C shipped my order for The Abundance Paradigm *today*, twelve days before it was supposed to be ready for purchase!



  16. October 28, 2010 at 1:04 am

    Dear Joe,

    in my case, it has been the principle of giving that opened the door to everything else – I decided to support a spiritual teacher on a regular basis, whose free material on the web inspired me a lot.

    Then, I felt nudged to travel all the way from Switzerland to Seattle, WA, to meet the guy in person. Once there, I also met some of his friends, who then helped me to bring my business to a complete new level.
    Last but not least, all that inspired me to work towards relocating to Seattle myself. So, I’m in the middle of that process now and feeling terrific!

    Prosperous spending, saving and investing now is following, and complete new ways to raise the money I need for my relocation project have opened up since. My entire life has changed, and it is just getting better and better!

    And all of that, ALL of that, had been kicked off by my following the principle of giving.

    Thanks for making those secrets known to all of us, Joe!

    Kind regards,

  17. jennifer ferguson-Reply
    November 4, 2010 at 12:18 pm

    hi joe, thank you so much for all your wonderful work,especially Zero Limits! 21 yrs ago i came across an amazing healing system (tibetan pulsing & the osho ashram in india) not only did it save my life, it changed my life & has been the backbone of my life ever since, i never dreamed that anything could touch me so deeply & then i read ZL, WOW!!! now i use it dilligently & it’s taken the healing to an even deeper level,no word’s can describe it,so i won’t bother trying.thank you thank you thank you.I have a ? relating to the 7th principle, what exactly do you mean when you talk about saving,i’m puzzled, as my understanding of money is that “it’s energy” & energy need’s to flow/move, could you elaborate please.My blessings Jennifer aka Bhavato

  18. Ann Hedley-Reply
    January 24, 2011 at 4:32 am

    Dear Joe I ordered the abundance paradigm online on 14/1/2011
    and you sent me back an email asking me if it had gone through my end and I replied back to you explaing that it had gone through my end, but I have had no more confirmation from support to say that they have received my order, the money has been taken from my credit card I have sent several emails to the support but have had no reply.
    Please can you help.


    • January 25, 2011 at 8:27 am

      Hi Ann. I understand support contacted you several days ago. Enjoy the program. joe

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