The Abundance Network

I was interviewed about my new audio program (The Abundance Paradigm) while in Chicago recording it. The host asked, “Joe, with the economy in the tank and sinking, what are we to do?”

“How do you know it’s sinking?” I asked. “Where did you hear about it?”

He seemed surprised by my questions. But I didn’t give him a chance to reply. I went on saying —

“The only reason you think it’s terrible out there is because you are being programmed to think so by the mainstream media.”

The host stared at me as I went on my soapbox and continued —

“The media is trained to find bad news and broadcast it to you. The more they do it and you believe it, the worst the world looks. It then becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. You live from the new paradigm of scarcity and the media, doing its job, broadcasts it. You don’t even see it happening. It feels real. You take it as reality.”

At that point I could have told the true story of how ABC News came to my home – twice – and interviewed me for hours. They even filmed an entire evening with me and celebrity fitness model Jennifer Nicole Lee during one of my Rolls-Royce Phantom Masterminds.

Six months later all that footage was edited down to barely three minutes of highly distorted “news.” The same news station that broadcast a slimy angle about my work also broadcast commercials for drugs with known side effects, such as death.

That’s mainstream news.

You might call it the Scarcity Network.

The Scarcity Network typically airs facts in negative terms and slants. For example, a reader sent me the following —

“Joe, just a further example for you of negative news.  The US originally thought that we lost 131,000 jobs in July, it is actually 77K jobs better and it is still packaged as bad news.  Then, some people feel that their job prospects are better so they decide to enter the labor force and we show an uptick in unemployment. Wouldn’t a headline of:  “US retains 77,000 more jobs than originally thought while more workers choose to enter the labor force” be a better headline?”

Yes, it would be a better headline. But the Scarcity Network won’t broadcast that. It’s not the programming they want you to have in your head. They need you to live in fear. They need you controlled. They’re not doing this out of any intentional conspiracy, but because they were programmed, too. This is their paradigm.

But I didn’t relate either of the above to my interviewer. Instead, I turned direction and said —

“But what if there was a different channel to watch or listen to? What if there was an Abundance Network and all it broadcast were inspiring stories of people succeeding, accomplishing, attracting and achieving? What if they spun everything in a good way?”

I continued with —

“We all know that there are people doing well in the world right now. If this alternative media broadcast their positive news, and that’s all you watched, you would soon be programmed to see the world as an abundant place. You would then create a self-fulfilling prophecy of abundance. You would then see abundance. You would then see opportunities. You would live in a world of miracles. That would then feel real.”

At that point I could have related the true story of the man who gave out credit cards to a handful of homeless people as a test to see what they would do with them. In every case, the homeless person used the card as they said they would, didn’t misuse it to buy drugs or alcohol, and even returned the card when done.

The Abundance Network would report this story to show the hope and responsibility in the destitute; the Scarcity Network would run a similar test but air what didn’t work, even if they had to make it up, or they would complain that the cards had low limits, etc.  They would find a weakness in an otherwise inspiring story. But they would focus on the weakness not to correct it but to communicate the unspoken programming, “See, told you homeless people were unreliable and its hopeless to try to help them!”

Back to my interview.

My host barely had time to stutter before I kept going with —

“Look. Both types of world exist right now — the lousy economy one as well as the abundant economy one. I’m not denying that. But it’s like an optical illusion. Depending on how you look, the image is either an old woman, or a young woman. Reality itself is neutral. The question is, which view are you going to let program you? Which do you want to live in?”

old woman illusion

I’m not aware of an Abundance Network yet. But until something like it exists — or until my new audio program comes out in late October or The Dr. Joe Vitale Show starts airing on CBS radio — what are you to do?

Here’s my suggestion —

Reprogram your mind.

Take charge of it.

Feed it the positive and you’ll see and then attract the positive.

You’ll “tune in” to the Abundance Network in your own mind. You’ll have a paradigm shift (a shift of your view of the world) and you’ll see abundance where you didn’t before. It’s basic Law of Attraction at work: you attract what you expect and believe. Just change the channel in your mind.

And then you can thumb your nose at the doomsayers out there.

You can become immune to them.

You can see reality as the grand optical illusion and choose which view of it best suits you.

How can you do this?

Go see —

It’s the single best thing you can do for yourself — short of Miracles Coaching — at this time in history.

It’ll tell you the true story of a broke man who found the secret to fulfilling virtually any desire you may have.

And it’ll tell you how to easily program your mind with the positive while you do something even easier than watching TV.

Go to —

And check out Miracles Coaching right here.

What station will you choose — the Scarcity Network or the Abundance Network?

It’s your move.

And your mind.

Choose wisely.

Ao Akua,


PS — You’ll get about $1,150 in mind shifting goods when you go to that site. So why not go there right now, while it’s on your mind and you know you’re curious? Go here —

Note: My new audio program will be out late October. It’s called The Abundance Paradigm: Moving from the Law of Attraction to the Law of Creation. Stay tuned for details. For now, visit Nightingale-Conant. It’s pretty close to an Abundance Network all by itself. Go see. You’ll love it.

AMN banner


  1. September 5, 2010 at 9:00 am

    Joe I totally agree with you that mainstream media’s goal is to deliver the bad news. Why are they making money out of disseminating fear? Everyday at work i have CNBC on for 8 hours and luckily i don’t have to hear them spread doom and gloom because I control the volume. I did pick up one positive thing, and this was in the first week of August: “Entrepreneurs are key to economic recovery; think: smart phones and real time communication.”

    Indeed we will do better by re-programming our thinking and attracting abundance in our lives. It takes a lot of effort and I am sure with your help people will be on their way to a positive and abundant life.


    • September 5, 2010 at 9:02 am

      Thank you, Jeannie. I agree with you. I think it’s all part of our “awakening” from being controlled to being free. Glad you’re on the team. – joe 🙂

  2. September 5, 2010 at 9:07 am

    Hi Joe,

    I really create my own “abundance network” around me. I don’t watch tv except for 2 shows I really enjoy (Mythbusters and Warehouse 13.)

    My “media” consumption is the amazing people I interact with on Twitter and blogs, wonderful audiobooks and podcasts, the friends that I choose to spend time with…

    I’ve consciously chosen to fill my life with what I want to program myself with, and it’s made a huge difference.

    Much love!


    • September 5, 2010 at 9:11 am

      You’re ahead of most of the rest of the world, Andy. You rock. – joe

  3. September 5, 2010 at 9:16 am

    Morning Dr. Joe,

    As usual, spot on!

    People get bombarded with the negative all the time. Just imagine “What If Up…” if they would change their thinking, even just a bit and start seeing more positive, than negative in everything.

    I know you have helped me turn my thinking around, and Thank You!


  4. Sarah-Reply
    September 5, 2010 at 10:40 am

    Hey Joe
    How true your post is. My hubby used to work for ABC, and there was a saying ‘if it bleeds, it leads’.
    Keep up the amazing work you do.

  5. Pete-Reply
    September 5, 2010 at 10:42 am

    Hello Joe

    For years I have been aware of the fear factor, just alone in my own world, trying to block out the negativity of mainstream media giants, well with studying The Attractor Factor, Zero Limits and your Miracles Coaching.

    It has put me on a path of awakening like no other, the negatives arrive daily and I clear, each day is full of abundance as I move through each day, being present to the subliminal blocks that are being thrown at the human race, designed to suppress and breakdown individuality. I even find myself in conversation with co-workers, sharing the news and I turn it into something positive, some give me a blank stare and others I have helped, leaving with a smile.

    My individuality is being a present clear spirit, a creative loving individual full of life and ambition to succeed with divine inspiration. TRUE JOY!!!!

    The human race needs to take responsibility for their own reality and remove themselves from within, to truly enjoy their life experience to the fullest.

    Thanking you for doing what you do Joe.

  6. September 5, 2010 at 2:11 pm

    Thank you Joe for making a great point. Almost 2 years ago, I kicked cable (and didn’t get an antenna) to the curb. Less distractions and far less negative news. The news will reach me no matter what.

    Yet recently I made a decision to make news, even if I never do. We all have the ability to make a positive news story if only in the life of one person, and when you, you could change their world. It’s my new goal. Thank you Joe. 🙂
    Live ♥ Laugh ♥ Love
    MJ Schrader

  7. Stacey L Warner-Reply
    September 5, 2010 at 3:48 pm

    Hey Joe!
    I really loved this and I can’t wait to listen to your radio show. Blogtalkradio would be a great place to have it. Just thinking about the respons blows my mind.

    Stacey Warner

  8. September 5, 2010 at 6:03 pm

    Hmmm… that’s another great idea Joe – a TV network populated with only positive news! Can’t wait for The Abundance Network to start transmitting – or at the very least, your radio show. There is so many wonderful things going on in the world that we could acknowledge

    Thanks for your perspective – have a great day!

    Regards, Olwen 🙂

  9. Hi Joe,

    I really love this blogpost! 😀

    It is so true that there are more than one reality “out there”! I haven’t stopped wathing the news, but I watch them with an “x-ray” look to kind of see how manipulating they are. it’s pretty interesting.

    I really would love to watch “opposite news”. Instead of “Yesterday two people were killed in traffic” -> “Yesterday 5 billion people made it safe to and back from work” Instead of “Yesterday another 1,000 people got fired” -> “Yesterday 10,000 people got a new job” etc. etc…

    Also it made me think of RAS. It’s a function in the brain that makes sure you see and experience what you think about. It’s like a search engine of the brain. Your thoughts and beliefs are what you write in the search field, and the search results are what you see and experience in the socalled “Real World”.

    And as you say, it’s totally up to you what you “write” in your brains “Search field”.

    C ya,
    Claus 😀

  10. Hi Joe,

    I really love this blogpost! 😀

    It is so true that there are more than one reality “out there”! I haven’t stopped wathing the news, but I watch them with an “x-ray” look to kind of see how manipulating they are. it’s pretty interesting.

    I really would love to watch “opposite news”. Instead of “Yesterday two people were killed in traffic” -> “Yesterday 5 billion people made it safe to and back from work” Instead of “Yesterday another 1,000 people got fired” -> “Yesterday 10,000 people got a new job” etc. etc…

    Also it made me think of RAS. It’s a function in the brain that makes sure you see and experience what you think about. It’s like a search engine of the brain. Your thoughts and beliefs are what you write in the search field, and the search results are what you see and experience in the socalled “Real World”.

    And as you say, it’s totally up to you what you “write” in your brains “Search field”.

    C ya,
    Claus 😀

  11. Timi Fayomi-Reply
    September 6, 2010 at 2:28 am

    Thanks a lot for this insight Joe. Above everything we are all responsible for whoever or whatever we allow to control our inner life. Each of us stll have a choice and as we continue to take full responsibilities on what we watch or listen to, we will be on revolution that will change the pychic environment and the world for good. Keep up the good job Joe.


  12. September 7, 2010 at 5:12 pm

    That’s actually one of my biggest dreams — to create a media network where only positive news are being broadcast. I just don’t know when it will materialize.

  13. September 9, 2010 at 1:24 am

    Great points all around, couldn’t agree more. As for abundance networks, there’s at least one pioneering example that I’m aware of:

  14. Just want to add this: Yesterday the free newspaper, Metro Xpress had 4 pages with the headline: “Worlds Best News”! Just good news about success stories from the 3rd world.

    It was so great and uplifting to read it.

    We want more of that! 😀

  15. Just want to add this: Yesterday the free newspaper, Metro Xpress had 4 pages with the headline: “Worlds Best News”! Just good news about success stories from the 3rd world.

    It was so great and uplifting to read it.

    We want more of that! 😀

  16. Hi-Lar-Reply
    September 23, 2010 at 7:29 am
  17. Harri Saar-Reply
    September 30, 2010 at 1:37 am


    I have been thinking for long time to make a Abundance Network! Lets do it! I believe that there are enough people who would watch a channel like that. In the start it may be on the Internet. And people all around the world can add videos and write articles about success and happy stories in their country and cities.

    I believe it would be a great help for people and a magnificent business opportunity.

  18. Abdul Nazar-Reply
    October 14, 2010 at 5:41 am

    Sir, I came to know that you are a ‘VERY KIND & GENEROUS’ person. I am kindly requesting to you to please help me to create some money to pay my Bad Debts Please Sir!
    I give below a ‘Brief Details’ about me.
    My name is Abdul Nazar, and I was doing business (I tried many kind of business and nothing success) I lost too much money by doing business even I have to give my House/Property as ‘Mortgage’.
    Now I am doing temperory job just to survive. But it is also not enough to meet the end. I have wife (House Wife) two children One Girl and One Boy both are studying. My Old mother is sick and I have also to buy medicine for her.
    I am unable to pay my ‘Bad Debits’ and want to release my House/Property kept as ‘Mortgage’.
    So, Sir, if you can kindly help me to earn some extra money to pay the ‘Bad Debits’ and to get back my House/Property, I shall be very Thankful/Grateful to you.
    ‘May God Bless You’
    Thanks and Regards
    Abdul Nazar
    [email protected]

  19. Stacy-Reply
    June 11, 2011 at 11:51 am

    I do like your idea about the abundance network and it would be really great if there is a channel on TV broadcasting only good and inspiring news. But until it appears in real life we can broadcast it in our mind 🙂 thank you for the post.

  20. January 31, 2013 at 8:05 pm

    Dear Dr. Joe,

    The Abundance Paradigm was the best gift that I got for Christmas for YEARS! It changed my life and the person that I am. It gave my all the answers, and as I listen to it every day while driving, I am learning and unfolding more and more. Its like the Bible – you can read it one thousand times and still be learning new things every time you read it. I cant thank you enough for releasing this incredible knowledge and letting us learn from you. I am deeply moved by your wisdom and love, and thank God for you every day. I hope that everyone will learn from you and will come to this understanding. You are incredible! Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart…

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