The Healing Guitar

I’m glowing in the photo below — one person saw the pic and said it looked like I was about to burst into a sun — because I’m holding the world’s first Healing Guitar. I’m also beaming because I used that very same guitar to create a new music album with my guitar teacher, Mathew Dixon. You’ll love it because —

World's first Healing Guitar

World's first Healing Guitar

This new album was created in several unique ways, all designed to align your seven energy centers (sometimes called chakras). Each track was created in a specific key, to correspond to each of your energy vortexes.

Mathew and I allowed ourselves to be inspired as we played, in a way led by the Divine itself. The result of just listening to the music is an exquisite feeling of euphoria; a “flow” state where you’re relaxed yet alert.

I played lead guitar on six of the seven tracks using the Healing Guitar, which was designed to have its own mojo. It does. Even the background sounds you hear on the music were made with my custom made Healing Guitar.*

I love it!

I love it!

I’m in awe of my own guitar playing on the tracks (yes, I’m allowed to blow my own mind), but I’m more amazed and grateful at how relaxing, healing, and clarifying the music is.

The album is called Aligning to Zero. I can’t wait to make it available to you, which is only weeks away.

If you want to be notified the instant it is ready for you, just go here or send an email to [email protected]

Anyway, all I’m doing here is sharing my guitar and my excitement.

When you follow your passion, life just flows and glows.

Are you doing what you love?

Ao Akua,


PS – Just in case you missed the exciting news, you can now order my first singer-songwriter album, Strut! You can hear excerpts from my first healing music albums at either Strut! or Blue Healer. The direct links are: and

* The Healing Guitar was custom made for me by iguitars, co-designed by me to include the healing ho’oponopono mantra (from the book  Zero Limits) of  “I love you, I’m sorry, Please forgive me” and “Thank you” inlaid on the neck. They can make one for you, too, if you want. The company is at iguitar. Or click on the flyer below to see the specs for the Healing Guitar.

Specs for Healing Guitar

Specs for Healing Guitar


  1. Vinicius Llanque-Reply
    February 19, 2012 at 5:46 pm

    Olá, Joe:

    Gostaria de saber se você quer escrever seu próximo livro a quatro mãos. Estudo Ocultismo Prático a cerca de 20 anos — e notadamente a influência de nossa Mente nos acontecimentos do cotidiano. Me interesso especialmente pela Lei da Atração, e quero escrever um livro sobre o assunto com você. Por que com você ? Por uma simples razão: desde seu livro sobre Hooponopono que eu simpatizo com suas obras. Minha idéia básica é fazer um livro que avalie a LDA (Lei da Atração) do seu surgimento até os dias atuais — os sucessos, os fracassos, os defensores, os detratores… enfim; uma obra que coloque um novo marco no assunto. Um marco mais sério, e mais científico. Por favor, me responda… mesmo que seja para dizer que está sem tempo para escrever algo assim. Abraços,


    • February 21, 2012 at 7:30 am

      Translation (per Google): I wonder if you want to write your next book for four hands. Practical Occultism study about 20 years – and especially the influence of our mind in everyday events. I’m interested especially in the Law of Attraction and want to write a book on the subject with you. Why you? For one simple reason: from his book on Hooponopono I am sympathetic to their works. My basic idea is to make a book to assess the LDA (Law of Attraction) from its inception to the present day – the successes, failures, supporters, detractors … well, a work that puts a new milestone in the subject. A more serious in March, and more scientific. Please answer me … even to say it’s no time to write something. hugs,

  2. February 20, 2012 at 6:41 am

    There is nothing like the healing power of music Dr Joe. I have always been fascinated by the sounds of the guitar but I never did learn how to play it. Whether it’s an electric guitar, acoustic or a healing guitar it all sounds good to me.

  3. February 21, 2012 at 12:11 am

    You are glowing Joe! It’s amazing how tuning into your creative and healing energy can inspire others! You go Joe!

  4. Rex-Reply
    February 23, 2012 at 9:50 pm

    Barnum would be proud of you …

  5. Tamara-Reply
    February 26, 2012 at 2:51 pm

    Hi Joe.
    I have a question for you: When do you give up on a dream?

    I’m sure you’ll say never and I’d agree. I guess we’re (husband and me) at the point where everything works except one crucial factor: money. We’ve read your books, had a miracles coaching session, and even passed the Basic Practitioner LOA exam! It’s all excellent information! I get it, I’m clearing daily, and for the most part, we are on the path. We’ve followed our passion, taken the leap and opened our own business. It’s superb (a unique concept in wine retail)! People love it and we’re having more and more traffic everyday and fantastic feedback.

    But guess what? We’re on the verge of closing our (brick & mortor) doors after 5-months because we’re out of cash. We can hardly stock the shelves, pay the rent or even our mortgage! Not cool with 3 kids to care for.

    We had our main investor pull out $100k at the last minute, but we went ahead and opened anyway, because we believed, still believe, that we’d get a loan or find a visionary who would partner with us, but it hasn’t happened. The landlord’s orders have us liquidating come Thursday, but we still hold our vision of success. But at this point, we start to wonder… are we crazy? I type that laughing with joy, because what we’ve done on a tiny budget is amazing and we’re not the only ones who think so… but there’s that money thing!

    So, when do we let go? When do we stop holding that vision of success and growth that is so very clear to us? What would you do?

    • February 26, 2012 at 3:12 pm

      Hi Tamara. It’s hard for me to suggest anything concrete without knowing you and your husband and all the details and potentials that may be in your situation. That said, I would not give up on your dream (especially when you have such love for it) but I would give up thinking the only solution is money. There are far too many stories of people succeeding — even becoming billionaires — starting with nothing, or credit cards, or a thousand dollars borrowed from family or friends. So my suggestion is hold to the dream but let go of the need for it to happen in a certain way. What may be called for here is creativity, not money. Maybe ask yourself, how can you accomplish your dream without money? At least play with possibilities. Keep me posted on your success. And keep the faith.

  6. Tamara-Reply
    February 28, 2012 at 9:16 am

    “…let go of the need for it to happen in a certain way”

    Thank you, Joe.

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