Thoughts vs Intentions

I’ve had dinner a couple of times with Dr. Garland Landrith, a cutting-edge quantum field psychologist and energy healer, whose research was cited in the highly-acclaimed film, What the Bleep!? He’s a fascinating guy, and a deep thinker.

In one of our conversations he said thoughts and intentions were two different things.

This fascinated me, as it coincides with my own personal discoveries. I asked him to explain. He said —

“Intentions are the backdrop to your life, while thoughts come and go over that backdrop.”

This seemed uncannily similar to my own practice of having an intention (or inspiration) as I enter what I call the “white board,” and then releasing that intention as I sit in that space. Any thoughts are just clouds floating by. They aren’t needed or paid much attention to.

But Dr. Landrith has some refinements that I found powerful.

He went on to tell me that in his quantum meditations people could get results faster if they practiced three things:

  • Have an intention
  • Let go of that intention
  • Let thoughts be around phrases such as “yes yes yes” and “I love you” and “I am so blessed.”

This might not mean much to you until you realize Dr. Landrith has been involved in hundreds of scientific studies proving this new way of meditating and manifesting works.

tap into bliss

The key seems to be this:

  • Letting go is more important than having an intention
  • Thoughts around positive words creates an energy vortex that attracts the positive

As we explored all this over dinner, we both agreed that intentions were not as important as we previously thought.

Yes, it’s good practice to want something benevolent as an intention, but it’s not essential.

By letting go into that background energy of life, and by keeping thoughts circulating around positive words and phrases, you naturally create an outcome for your highest good.

In other words, learning to make the paradigm shift to see the miracle of right now, enables you to stay in the flow of life where miracles are the norm.

When you’re there, who needs intentions?

We agreed that one of the best ways to get into that Divine Groove is with gratitude.

I’ve written about this many times and in many places. When you feel grateful for something, anything, in this moment, you alter the signal that comes out of this moment to attract more of the same vibe to match it in future moments.

In short, what you feel now tends to attract what you’ll be experiencing next.

Again, this part isn’t anything new, as it’s basic Law of Attraction, and it’s a gentle reminder to watch your thoughts. But the more you can get your thoughts to circulate around positive words and phrases — such as “yes, yes, yes” and “I love you” — the more you can upgrade your inner vibe to attract the miracles you seek.

But there’s also a little more to this secret:

Let your background intention be whatever you want to manifest, but let your thoughts be of the most elevated nature you can imagine.

See the difference?

Your intention is just a white canvas with a painting on it. The painting is what you would like to manifest. But your thoughts as you look at that painting need to be positive ones in general.

And your overall attitude is one of, “Not my will, but thine, be done.”

No pressure.

No deadline.

Of course, you still take action when you’re inspired to do so, but it’s not driven by a need to do so.

Dr. Landrith has a DVD worth looking at called Tap Into Bliss. It shows how to use EFT (tapping) with other modalities to remove obstacles and, as he puts it, “get high.”ย  Good stuff.

He and I plan to host a small seminar on how to combine what he teaches with ho’oponopono. It’ll probably be in a few months in the Austin, Texas area. Stay tuned for details.

Meanwhile, look at the miracle of right now.

Pretty cool, isn’t it?

Ao Akua,


PS – I am not an affiliate for any of Dr. Landrith’s products.

Member BBB 2003 - 2011

Member BBB 2003 - 2011


  1. Robert T-Reply
    February 1, 2011 at 7:11 pm

    One of these days, you’ll get it right.
    Your blog reveals one thing: You’re chasing after the “big secret of success” like a dog chasing its tail.

    One day “intentions” take center stage, another day its tapping, then “words wrapped around good thoughts”, then some Hawaiian spiritual system, then the “law of attraction”, then “releasing intentions is the key”…you get the picture.
    You’re making up stuff as you go along-and taking your readers & customers for a ride (sometimes literally in your 100K RR)!

    What if I told you that your undeniable material success has less to do with ANY of the above “success flavors of the month”, and EVERYTHING to do with you just being a good salesman.
    You know a good product when you see or create it, and you have a knack/gift for making a persuasive sale pitch.
    NONE of your success involves universal/spiritual forces.
    You sell your stuff with enthusiasm-NOT with the “law of attraction” or the “divine”.

    That said, since mystical “secrets of success” is your bread & butter, let me clarify your thinking:

    The best, first, and only real intention is love.
    Love is the Universe’s intention, not ours.
    “Desires” describe what we want, not “intentions”. We desire money, love, cars, whatever. These earthly desires are not intentions.
    The Universe intends-we desire.
    The “secret of success” is now, and will forever be, one very simple thing: Succeed with love.
    Follow the Universe’s intention, not our own.

    Problem is, Joe, none of your thoughts, intentions, law of attraction, made you successful. You were just a plucky salesman who got lucky.
    Were you to REALLY follow the Universe’s intention of love, you’d probably have to give up your current money-chasing, mumbo-jumbo lifestyle, with all of its shiny toys.
    I see no evidence you’ll ever do this.
    Instead, you’ll continue to chase after your shadow, selling a different secret of success every few months to your customers who have apparently short memories.
    The day you give away your cars, and stop selling mystical nonsense to desperate people, will be the day you discover for real the Universe’s intention: Succeed with love.

    • Linda-Reply
      February 3, 2011 at 1:53 pm

      I must say, Robert T has offered what is probably the most astute analysis I’ve yet seen (and I have read your books, Joe!). I will give you this; there was a time, not so long ago, when you would have merely refused to post anything remotely threatening to the image you’ve crafted for yourself. At the very least, you seem to be allowing some degree of dissent on your blog, and are to be commended for that, at least.

    • February 3, 2011 at 6:12 pm

      Ah, a new reader who isn’t familiar with my books or audios or even past blog posts. I’ve been talking and teaching “succeed with love” for decades now, which can be traced throughout my writings. For example, here’s a blog post from 2007 It’s most certainly the core of my recent audio program, The Abundance Paradigm. When you follow love, you don’t have to give up a thing, and even more is added to you. (Unless you have beliefs about love which will limit your receiving.) Love is the ticket, the source, the destination, and the journey. Love is it.

      • Linda-Reply
        February 4, 2011 at 7:51 am

        Joe, you must have missed that part where I wrote that I had read your books. I’ll help – it’s in the first sentence. I’ve actually been familiar with your work (and play!) for many years. I’ve seen behind the curtain, and while the man I have seen isn’t a particularly bad man, neither is he one to whom I’d go for spiritual guidance. For a marketing campaign, perhaps. At least, prior to your having discovered the spiritual gravy train and your actual fees – as opposed to your loudly claimed ones – were somewhat commensurate with the value provided. Your statement that “love is the ticket” rings quite true, but the connotation in your own case is likely not quite the same as you might have intended. Talking and teaching love are easy; it’s living that love which proves so difficult.

        • February 4, 2011 at 10:26 am

          Linda, would you say your comment to me was loving? (Be honest.)

          • Linda-
            February 4, 2011 at 6:11 pm

            Honest? I think it quite loving, at least to those who might be looking to you as a teacher of things spiritual. I wouldn’t really expect you to see the caring behind my words, however.

          • February 4, 2011 at 6:17 pm


  2. Hi Joe,

    Thank you for sharing this inspirational post ๐Ÿ˜€

    Best regards,

  3. Hi Joe,

    Thank you for sharing this inspirational post ๐Ÿ˜€

    Best regards,

  4. bric-Reply
    February 3, 2011 at 10:33 am

    hey Robert you’re probably right. but money is your natural reward when you add a value into people’s life.there’s nothing wrong with money. There’s nothing wong with Joe being paid 5$, 10$, 20$, 50$ or more by someone who can profit of his experience, knowledge and work to improve his life. there are thousands of people all over the world whose Joe work help to take a full responsability of their results and live the life of their dreams. and some of his wonderful products are available for free.
    personally, I’ve never buy a single product from Joe (and I regret it because I could speed up my results in many areas) because It’s very difficult for me to get a credit card here in Canada where I study (I’m from Cameroon).
    But since I’ve read for free “Spiritual Marketing”, “Attract Money Now” and the inspirationals articles in this blog, things are going better and better in my life. I now feel wealthy. 6 months ago, I set the intention to have 25 000$ or more and to drive my dream car, a BMW 320 is. that was completely unrealistic (I’ve never have just 300$ and drive just a bicycle) but I’ve tried to follow Joe’s advices.
    Now, I’ve not yet manifested my intentions but I know I will. Almost effortlesly, the Universe has brought to me every nformation I needed to start my profitable online business. I just wait to have the day I will have my credit card. I also see opportunities almost evereywhere and I plan to start another great business with one of my friends. Plus, now I’m confortable to say that I will make more than 200 000$ by the end of this year. Believe it or not but I’d never thought I could earn this amount of money in my life. and I’m about to do that just after 6 or 7 months I’ve started to learn what Joe teach for FREE.
    yes, Joe is a great salesman and it’s good because what he sells work. I suspect his sales letters are powerful because they simply tell the truth. I’ve never buy one of his product but what I have learn from what is available for free is priceless. so once I could, I’ll quickly buy all of his products!!! I love to learn.
    the law of attraction works but success is an adventure. The more Joe learn in this adventure, the more he shares to help us clarify his previous infos and make the LOA work easier and faster. The 2 last posts have particulary put me on steroรฏds.

    • February 3, 2011 at 1:49 pm

      Bric: Liking someone’s work and demonstrating that the advice actually works in specific ways are two completely different things. “Feeling wealthy” is different from actually being wealthy. You have set an intention to earn more than $200,000 this year, presumably from your own “profitable online business” for which you apparently believe the Universe has sent you instructions. Good for you. Please keep us apprised of your progress. But also be aware that there are a million online schemes being offered and most of them are scams. Don’t be so sure it’s the Universe or some other benign or mystical force that brought you all that information. (Read Salty Droid’s blog posts — especially regarding The IM “Syndicate,” and the Utah boiler rooms — for some clues.)

  5. bric-Reply
    February 3, 2011 at 5:19 pm

    Cosmic: exactly, liking someone’s work is not the same as demonstrating that the advice work and in my specific case, it is a matter of cause an effect. I like his work because at least for me, the advices work.
    Maybe “feeling” wealthy is different from “being” weathy, but for me I feel wealthy and I’m wealthy. I don’t really how to explain the relationship between this two apects, however, wealth is a mindset, an attitude. I think that since you can control your thougts and emotions, it’s very easy to feel/be wealthy
    Don’t worry, I’ll keep you apprised of my results. and thank you for your warning concerning scams and misunderstanding where my infos come from.
    you are totally right, we should analyse what we get as results to be sure it is a mystical force (or whatever you call it) which causes it . however, the interestingthing thing to notice is: the Universe has his own path to bring you what you want. I know someone who expected to succeed in a particular business and he dramatically failed ( I prefer to call a failure an experiment), then he learned from his failure/experiment and the next year, his results was far more that what he previously asked for. For another person the road to success can be more easy. Personally, I’ve met a a wonderful person who became my friend;he’s already a great internet entrepreneur and he accepted to mentor me (so, in my specfic case, I don’t need to not be “so sure”). you can call it “hazard” but all this and many other things have started to open since I’ve tried to apply Joe’s advices. I hope I’ll have the time to read the blog posts you suggested to me but I’m pretty sure these clues don’t go against the power of faith and what the LOA teach to us.

  6. February 8, 2011 at 9:23 am

    hi joe,

    you’re great…..



  7. February 13, 2011 at 2:30 pm


    Before I get into my thoughts on your post; because of some of the responses you have received I’ll start my post by quoting my Grampa Vetter, “The biggest challenge to Unconditional Love is not fear, hate or anger it is conditional love otherwise known as a judgment.”

    Sorry you fell prey to conditional love masquerading as unconditional love. Unconditional love is a feeling with no mental conditions, conditional love is a feeling CREATED by mental conditions with blinds one to the unconditionality of love.

    Now to your subject of thoughts and intentions and manifestion of what one wants.

    1st intentions happen automatically by virtue of thinking and adding preference to one’s thoughts. Intentions come about naturally and by the time one attempts to set one it has already been set.

    2nd thoughts and thinking are different. A thought is the 1st sentence of a paragraph where thinking is the rest of the paragraph attempting to explain or justify or negate the thought.

    What you and Dr. Landrith are speaking of is directional thinking. It is what good hypnosis helps you do and it is what happens when you Train Your Thinking without hypnosis.

    When people understand the process of thinking it becomes quite easy to feel the way one wants to feel, which in turn gets one the results one wants.

    What you have described by Dr. Landrith and the words you used is encouraging and yet I believe it is simpler than either of you perceive at the moment.

    The hiding in plain site answer is ‘This One Secret’ that showed up from the spiritual plane as naturally as taking a drink of water and it was so normal that I missed it for about 3 months and was giving it away to people who asked for help but didn’t want to invest in themselves.

    In closing again positive intentions are an energy thing that happen automatically even if one is focused on the negative. You and Dr. Landrith are beginning to get onto something by shifting to focusing on thoughts that feel better. There is more depth here than most realize. So thank you for a very good article and an encouragement for those who let go of judgment.

    To Your Best,
    Dr. Houston Vetter

  8. February 14, 2011 at 4:48 pm

    Dr. Vetter, thank you for noticing the conditional love of the previous comments. And thank you for your thought provoking comment. Excellent.

  9. Linda-Reply
    February 15, 2011 at 6:54 am

    I can certainly understand why you would reject a love that is “conditional,” since it is a response to actual behaviors, rather than platitudes. It is infinitely easier to rationalize one’s behavior than to improve it, and if you can revile (albeit very “lovingly”) those who see through the charade in the process, all the better. In the end, however, you’ll still be naught but a plucky little salesman who got lucky, quite often at others’ expense, and no amount of wealth, no stable of motorcars, and no throng of sycophants will alter that fact in your mind.

  10. Anubis-Reply
    February 21, 2011 at 10:05 am

    Whether U are a spiritual genius ‘Mr. Fire’ or a brilliant salesman I leave it to those who wish to debate the matter .. but what I do appreciate is the serenity with which U answer some of them here. Most commendable.

    And sincerely, if that ( the poisonous words ) is what unconditional love ( or even love ) generates in a person, I’d rather be hated and hate for the rest of my existence than know love in any form, the mildest or the most impassioned .. although I can see, ‘love’ does seem to ‘inflame’ some of us … ๐Ÿ˜‰

  11. April 14, 2011 at 5:32 am

    Listen, I’m more aware and understanding than the whole lot of you combined and I decree today will be a day free of one-upmanship. From this point on, anyone that tries to sell a book about attracting anything will have to pay me an “Understanding Tax” which will go toward the recovery of mind control victims across the globe. Not that any of what goes on here is mind control but I just think this is a great place to begin collecting the new tax because there’s so many wonderful, understanding people here.

    Any, and all, in favor, say “Aye”, and those who are against, say, “Nay” Be forewarned, those who say nay will be doomed to a life of mediocrity. Alright, I’m heading out to pick up my Rolls Royce at the shop. I attracted a dent in it last week. ๐Ÿ™

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