What's "Naturally" You?

A friend listened to the recent interview where Bob Baker* asked me questions about hypnotic marketing for musicians.

During it I plugged my music support team, from Sarah Marie and Mathew Dixon to Guy Monroe and Daniel Barrett. I also plugged my favorite singer, Michelle Malone, and talked about  songwriters I love, such as Rob Thomas of Matchbox Twenty. And usually every time I mentioned someone, I gave out their website (just as I did in this very paragraph).

After it my friend said, “You’re a natural promoter.”

I smiled.

For the first few decades of my life, I had no idea what promotion was. I had to learn it. And then I had to make it second nature to me. So today it appears I’m a natural promoter.

But am I?

When I was in college in the early 1970s, broke and unhappy, a friend of mine said “You’re naturally pessimistic.”

Today people often comment, “Joe, you’re naturally optimistic.”

Well, which is it?

Am I naturally pessimistic or naturally optimistic?

What about you?

What are you “naturally” good at?

You have a tendency to lean one way or another in behavior right now based on your past habits. But you can also retrain yourself to lean in another direction with new habits.

  • If you’re not happy, you can train yourself to be happy.
  • If you’re not a promoter, you can train yourself to be a promoter.
  • If you’re not skilled at a talent, you can train yourself to be skilled at it.

With enough training, people will look at you and say, “You’re naturally good at that.”

But we’ll both know the secret.

The secret to being naturally good at anything is focused practice.

Lots of it. I’m practicing the guitar every day. I’m writing songs almost daily. I’m reading books on singing, songwriting, and performing. I’m taking lessons. I’ve got a support team.

At one point soon, people will say, “You’re naturally good on guitar.”

What do you want to be naturally good at?

Get yourself a coach, build a support team, read, study and practice every day, and you, too, can be “naturally” good.


Ao Akua,


PS – * My interview with Bob Baker is at http://bob-baker-podcast.blogspot.com/2011/03/57-joe-vitale-interview-on-hypnotic.html

Member BBB 2003 - 2011

Member BBB 2003 - 2011


  1. Stacy-Reply
    March 19, 2011 at 12:00 pm

    Okay, it works when we are talking about something like playing guitar or writing songs. But how can you learn how to be happy? From books? As for me I can’t just put this feeling on, realize that it’s safe and comfortable being happy and stay this way, as you suggest in one of your books. What if it’s really naturally for me to be unhappy?

    • March 19, 2011 at 12:29 pm

      That’s the point of my post: it works for all of it, including happiness. Read The Option Method: The Myth of Unhappiness. The Collected Works of Bruce Di Marsico on the Option Method & Attitude, Vol. 1 by Bruce Di Marsico, but there are plenty of other books and sources to help in this area. As I said in my post, once I was unhappy all the time and others thought it was natural. They sure don’t say that now.

      • Stacy-Reply
        March 20, 2011 at 4:39 am

        And what helped you when you were unhappy? Had you just read all of these books and everything became good? I think I’m just missing something in it.
        And about the books you have suggested, I’m not sure I can find them because they are not on a sale in russian bookshops, and it’s too hard for me now to read them in the original. But there is always a way out.

        • March 21, 2011 at 6:37 am

          I’ve been to Russia and know you have a wealth of books, courses and programs to help you. And many of my books are translated into Russian. Just visit a library or bookstore. And you’re right: there is always a way.

          • Stacy-
            March 21, 2011 at 10:00 am

            thank you Joe.

          • Stacy-
            March 28, 2011 at 4:48 am

            Yesterday I was in a bookshop and saw a book named “The power”. Is it a sequel of “The secret”? What do you think about this book? Do you think I should buy it?
            Thanks in advance.

        • March 23, 2011 at 11:12 pm

          Amen, there is always a way 🙂
          There are also, plenty of russian websites with a lot of ppl and material, that can be helpful as well 🙂

  2. Christina-Reply
    March 19, 2011 at 4:44 pm

    Thank you for the wonderful post! I want to become a natural at picking up on vibes and manifesting things quickly, but I had fallen off the wagon, so to speak, for the past year and let myself follow a wayward path. At Christmas somebody* did something wonderful for my family to be able to have Christmas and prevent the electricity from being turned off and that gesture got me back on track.
    Over the past month and a half I have been noticing when I perform a certain act I am able to clear my negativity and whatever it is I am desiring at the time seems to come to me the same day or the day after. Now, I thought it might just be my imagination at first, so the past two weeks I have been really been putting it to the test (with my (formerly) skeptic husband monitering me). Here are my results for just this week alone:
    1. Found 200 Danish Kroner (we live in Denmark)=$38
    2. Was finally able to purchase Helene Hadsell’s program at a
    price I could afford (LOVED it).
    3. Received a letter that I had paid too much interest on a loan
    and it was being removed from my principal amount..6000
    Danish Kroner =$1440 (not money in my pocket, but it was
    a whoo hoo moment).
    4. Went to the store this morning and saw a lone scratch off
    ticket, which I never buy, but something told me to, so I did…
    I won 1000 Danish Kroner=$190.
    Ok, I am starting to get very good results..but there is a still a long way for me to go to reach my full dreams.
    If I can fine tune the unusal method of clearing I have started to create for myself, I may just be the natural I want to be. Scratch that…I WILL be a natural at manifestation and reading vibrations.

  3. March 20, 2011 at 1:34 am

    It’s amazing how we are trained into self defeating habits & beliefs.

    I say “amazing” & not “infuriating” because you can’t help but say, “Wow! And here I thought it was the government’s fault.”

    Thank you for sharing with us another empowering success technique Joe!



    • H8 Sonneillon-Reply
      May 25, 2011 at 8:16 pm

      honestly, you dont need any of those, its all in a special book known as THE BIBLE

  4. Arun-Reply
    March 20, 2011 at 3:33 pm

    Joe, I have one question do you really know what’s going on with your miracles coaching program? I almost paid 6800 dollars upfront without seeing any written agreement or contract. I hope you are doing your homework. If you know about the way the company works you should be terrably ashamed of yourself. If not please get your work straight. Because the way Prosper Inc is working on behalf of the miracles coaching I can only but reacknowledge that it is not a miracle at all it’s a scam!

    • March 21, 2011 at 6:40 am

      Miracles Coaching has been around over four years. It wouldn’t be around and get such rave reviews if it were a “scam.” And almost paying money and actually paying it are two very different things. Of course you would have seen an agreement. It’s easy to judge a program you never tried. Please be kind.

      • Arun-Reply
        March 28, 2011 at 10:39 am

        Dear Joe,
        I just wanted to apologize for my reactions.
        I still love your work. But Miracles Coaching is not for me.
        Take care,

      • H8 Sonneillon-Reply
        May 25, 2011 at 8:19 pm

        you can not “coach miracles” the fact is that you don’t really know what a miracle is, and if you did you would know why you can’t simply coach miracles. -.-

  5. Steve-Reply
    March 21, 2011 at 8:20 am

    Just a couple of QA notes on your abundance paradigm video series link from Mindy’s email blast.

    1. The first section of the initial video (about a third) had a number of video glitches, including the video checking out completely. The audio was fine throughout. (Qwest DSL/Wireless/FF3.6/Win7/4GB RAM)
    2. Took about 15 min for the clearing video email to arrive. That’s fast if you are going to look at it later, but really slow:> if you waiting for it.

    Taking my QA hat off now. Thanks and have a nice day.


  6. Carl-Reply
    March 21, 2011 at 1:44 pm

    I have recently decided to purchase the abundance paradigm, but before i do, i have a couple of questions:

    1.) On the site it says opportunities manifest spontaneously; does that mean that if i want a new car, and after i go through the program, an opportunity will manifest spontaneously?
    2.) A bit similar to the first question; when i go through the program once, will that be enough to manifest what i want, and see results instantly (an example would be a new car)

    Thank you for taking the time to read this, and i look forward to buying your new program

    • March 22, 2011 at 4:40 am

      Results will depend on many things, including how clear you get. The program is designed to help you with that.

      • H8 Sonneillon-Reply
        May 25, 2011 at 8:28 pm

        You do not need a program for anything. Stop wasting your money and just believe in yourself. I get confidence by telling myself that I can do anything several times a day. Confidence through God is the only real way to be fortunate.

  7. bric-Reply
    March 21, 2011 at 5:33 pm

    Hi Joe.
    thank you for this post. I’ve found easier to manifest my intentions when I feel naturally happy. even for no reason. these days, I don’t nevellize every day. I prefer to set an intention and trust and let go. I appreciate any results I get knowing that the Universe is answering. I’ve stopped putting deadlines on my intentions but since I’ve began to do it, the manifestation seems to be quicker.
    Please Joe, I have a favor to ask to you, but it’s ok if you don’t agree: following your instructions in your blog post “29 ways to attract money now” I’ve started to write an ebook (in french, it’s my language) and I have almost completed it. I just wanted to include with your permission if you accept, a chapter from your post “attract 175 000$ today (attirer 175 000$ aujourd’hui)” and precise “by Joe Vitale (par Joe Vitale)”, and at the end of the chapter, give your website address to my readers and a quick description of who you are and what you do (even if I think that all the planet know you with all your bestsellers héhéhé). Pease Joe, Pleaaaaaaaase.

    • March 22, 2011 at 4:39 am

      Yes, you have my permission.

      • H8 Sonneillon-Reply
        May 25, 2011 at 8:33 pm

        All these things like setting a happy disposition, is all in the Bible. Honestly, don’t get greedy with fortune.

      • H8 Sonneillon-Reply
        May 25, 2011 at 8:38 pm

        Honestly, its wonderful that you are helping people, but all credit should go to God.

  8. bric-Reply
    March 22, 2011 at 5:08 am

    Thank you so much Joe. you are awesoooooooooooome!!!

  9. Alfonso-Reply
    March 22, 2011 at 6:07 am

    Hello Joe.

    I really want to buy your Abundance Paradigm program but it seems like your support team is offline whenever I ask a question. I got results from the Furba Clearing Technique and I want to get a copy of the full version. If I order The Abundance Paradigm via your website, how can I be sure that you have received my order and will immediately ship it?

    I’m from Ormoc City, Leyte, Philippines and how long will it take for the program to reach my place? Thank you very much. 🙂

    Peace and prosperity,

  10. Teresa Schaeffer-Reply
    March 22, 2011 at 2:04 pm

    Hello Joe,

    Website is named in the future, already done, already manifested. Jut recently I ordered Leap and it was you I connected to so from there I looked you up and ordered Abundance Paradigm. The Clearing exercises, the meditation, the Hooponopono (sp?) all extremely helpful. Researching Tapping as well.

    Thank you for clearing a path..for spreading the bread crumbs so to speak for me to follow.

    I know that I will attend one of your seminars very soon…it is all being manifested…so thankfully moving out of stage 1… ..I keep wondering why I did not have this information available to me 4 years ago…but it comes when it is suppose to. Maybe our individual crucibles are just learning experiences? I know I have come through one..I am so grateful finally for answers. Now it is time to find me!

    Peace and Happiness

  11. March 22, 2011 at 10:45 pm

    Completely agree here Joe. You can create what you are naturally great at! Settling for something is a weak habit.

    Thanks, as always, for the great article.

  12. March 23, 2011 at 11:17 pm

    Joe, thank you very much!
    I rarely come back to your blog, but when I do, I find all kinds of things to learn! Thank you for all you care of us! 🙂

  13. Andrew-Reply
    March 31, 2011 at 3:37 am

    Hey Joe! Greetings from Ukraine! Do you think that the law of attraction and mind can heal for example scars on your skin? I’m very curious of what you think about it. How strong is this power?

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