Someone wrote me this curious question–

“I have a question regarding your recent promotion for The Secret to Attracting Money,  I hope this doesn’t offend, it is a genuine question.

“You clearly want to help people out of poverty, so why are you charging $120 for the course? The people who need it most are people who are suffering greatly from having no money and because of this they can never buy the course to help them out of their situation?

“You are already a millionaire and do not need any more money to be financially secure, would it not be a wonderful gift of unconditional love to the universe to offer this course free so that it truly helps those who are suffering and cannot get out of their situation because they don’t have any money. In return the Universe will surely reward you.”

I say it’s a “curious question” because the person asking it doesn’t seem to realize a few facts —

You reveal yourself in what you see

You reveal yourself in what you see

1. I already give away my e-book, Attract Money Now.

Anyone who is broke — which is such a misleading term,  as most people reading my emails or this blog actually have money and don’t appreciate or acknowledge it — but any “broke” person can go read it right now at

2. Most people don’t respect anything handed to them.

Oh, there are exceptions to every statement, but in general “free” is not respected. You can have my e-book mentioned above absolutely gratis, but did you go get it? I’ve been giving it away for over two years now. Did you read it? Did you use it? (Be honest.)

3. A physical product takes a lot of people to create, all of whom need paid.

If I charge for my audio course, The Secret to Attract Money, it’s because about 300 people are involved in its creation, marketing and distribution. My trying to pay all their fees isn’t wise or sane or easily possible. It’d also be unfair, as it would cause an imbalance in the ebb and flow of the financial world. Money needs to circulate. I’m not the creator of it; I’m just a channel. So are you. I do my part. You are supposed to do yours.

But let’s look a little closer at this.

Limiting beliefs are also invisible beliefs.

That’s right: Limiting beliefs are also invisible beliefs.

You don’t see them or usually even realize you have them.

The person asking the above curious question doesn’t realize he or she is exposing their limiting beliefs about money.

What about you?

Do you think money is evil?

Do you think there’s scarcity in the world?

Do you think poor people should be handed things?

Do you think wealthy people should just give away everything?

Do you think you have enough — or too much — money?

Your answers help reveal your invisible limiting beliefs.

Money is neutral.

What you unconsciously think about money is what is causing you to attract it — or repel it.

If you want to become more aware of all of this, and free yourself to live a life of magic and miracles, and to have enough money to help the people and the causes you care about, then go check out —

Ao Akua,


PS — Remember, if you are “broke,” then you can go read my e-book, Attract Money Now, free, over at —

Member BBB 2003 - 2012

Member BBB 2003 - 2012


  1. June 26, 2012 at 9:57 am

    Dr. Joe, as soon as I saw the link of this post on my blog, I had to share it with my facebook fans at You are so right. What is taken me full circle is that I used to think this way as well. When I was coming from scarcity I could not really understand why the “gurus” would not just give away their knowledge. I was the exception. I devoured all the free stuff out there and slowly more and more information came to me and I did dig myself out of “needing” free stuff. But the fact is that with focus on wanting to have knowledge a way always appeared for me to get the information. In fact the cost of most programs motivated me to concentrate on “how?” I could get them, not “oh crap I can’t afford it”.
    Thank you for your teachings. Thank you for your generosity. Have a blessed week.

  2. Jimbo Berkey-Reply
    June 26, 2012 at 1:35 pm

    @ the questioner: What few people realize is that everything – totally everything – that a truly ‘broke’ person needs to change their life and fortunes is available at no cost somewhere on the internet, as Joe illustrated. Seek and ye shall find. Now that I am ‘on my way’, and have some extra money coming in – it is a joy to purchase new/different thoughts on the same basic laws that I learned about for *free* in the beginning. And it is a privilege to “give” something for that valuable material – the loa always makes sure that I get my money’s worth from it. I am told that one day a man put a hundred dollar bill in a church offering plate, thinking it was a twenty. When he glanced at the plate and saw his mistake, he told his wife about it. She replied that it was sad that he thought it was only a twenty – because that was the amount that his return/reward for giving would be based on. The ONLY way to receive a lot is to purposefully give a lot, whether it is money, time, talent or whatever – and it makes no difference that the person receiving it is wealthier than you – once you give, it is out of your hands and of no concern what happens to it after that. Your payback is measured by the joy and magnitude of your giving.

    Thanks to Joe and the other loa mentors that provide an opportunity to grow by exchanging our gift of money for their gift of thoughts.

  3. Josh-Reply
    June 26, 2012 at 3:17 pm

    Thank you Joe for all your help. It’s sometimes strange to realize all this programming that holds us back from our true potential. I took some of the things I learned from you and your books and put them into the flow and the stream of the Universe. I tell you this, making money and spending it and creating it and giving it away is really fun. I have had more fun making money this way by creating products and selling them, than any stupid job I’ve ever had. Now, for me, it’s like I work on a higher level and feel like I have changed and want to do more and stretch myself because once you break through that barrier, it’s all open. Thanks again Joe!

  4. Carolina Salazar-Toro-Reply
    June 26, 2012 at 4:25 pm

    Mr. Vitale, which companies or websites will you recommend to visit for home business that do not require money at front for a kit or anything like it, that will help to have some cash coming in immediately. Thanks

  5. Mihaela-Reply
    June 27, 2012 at 3:44 am

    Dr. Joe, I am from Romania and I already read your free ebook which is extraordinary!!!Once in a while I re-read it because your points there are so real and true. You can not expect to receive without giving a little from your heart. Personally I believe it’s a miracle heaving someone like you here – today, showing us some simple steps.

  6. Erik-Reply
    July 10, 2012 at 8:00 pm

    Reading this blog, makes me discover more about me, than the person who makes the question. You right, people usually don’t apreciate free resources, even valuable resources. Change need discipline and invert your time and your money. It is just matter of imaging what are you going to win. MORE MONEY and MORE FREE TIME
    Thanks Joe for your blog
    Sorry for my English

  7. Dee Williams-Reply
    August 9, 2012 at 1:16 pm

    I enjoyed Joe Vitale”s book on line, Attract money Now. I took a number of notes as I read it from start to finish in one read. It is not new information to me, but it was great to have some reminders! It is amazing how much I have forgotten. I especially liked the suggestion to send people money who inspired me this week. I usually send a Thank you note, but how much better with a bit of green in the card! joe had indicated that 5 dollars was lame, but that is what I have sitting here with my card, awaiting his address, as that is a LOT of money for me RIGHT NOW. Unfortunately, I am unable to find an address to send this to him personally. I am grateful for the reminders just the same. I will give it to the homeless guy out in the lobby in Joe’s name.
    I am a new counseling therapist and my hope is to take effective measures to reduce homelessness. I am nearly homeless myself! i get the concepts and would like to share them as I gain enployment and become stable. I was stunned when I got to the end of the reading on line and saw that Dr. Vitale has already thought of this and recognises that effective change IS possible. I would LOVE to be on that bandwagon! I am true to my dreams and am sure I will one day do exactly that. Having money CAN alllow us to be more of who we already are! Peace!

  8. Dannie-Reply
    August 16, 2012 at 8:48 am

    Is it possible to have green eyes if I really want to? Can my eyes change there pigment? Please,I need an answer quickly!

  9. Rosetta-Reply
    September 23, 2012 at 7:20 am

    Signor Joe Vitale’s,
    non so se mi puoi rispondere in italiano, se posso scriverle in italiano avrei alcune domande sui C.D. che ho dei suoi corsi, che sono meraviglosi.
    Grazie Rosetta.

  10. Eduardo-Reply
    September 23, 2012 at 11:05 am

    Llevo 4 años leyendo y aplicando materiales sobre la ley de atracción, libros clásicos como Piense y Hágase Rico y La Ciencia de Hacerse Rico, y libros y audios suyos como La Llave, El Poder de Atracción, Cero Limites, El Secreto, El Secreto faltante, Un Verdadero Despertar.
    No consigo que me vida mejore, llevo 3 años sin trabajar, no puedo ganar suficiente dinero para vivir, pese a todas las acciones que tomo. ¿Qué más puedo hacer?
    Lo siento. Por favor perdoneme. Gracias. Te amo.

    !La fortuna premia a los audaces!

  11. October 13, 2012 at 7:46 am

    I’ve read the Attract Money Now ebook. Its great and I’ve downloaded it free! Thanks to Joe. Now, if you do have some money :-), you can learn these steps easily in his audio meditations recorded by Dr Joe Vitale at this site: which consist of 4 meditations. Each meditation is less than 11 minutes long and each one is taken from the steps in his book “Attract Money Now”. I’ve bought it and what I have to do now is relax and listen!. Go read the free book first.. Thank you.

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