“I’m not a fan of your books.”

“I’m not a fan of your saying that.”

“But your books don’t jell with my experience.”

“Of course they don’t. Your experience is based on your beliefs, and your beliefs don’t match my beliefs, so you naturally can’t be a fan of what you don’t believe.”


Click image to read Vol 1 and 2 free online

Click image to read Vol 1 and 2 free

“Look. Your life has been one of struggle. So when you look around, you don’t see positive things. But you are looking around through a brain filter of limiting beliefs, and those beliefs are giving you the life experience of struggle you have.”

“See? You don’t make any sense!”

“Well, if you believed in positive thinking and positive doing, and began to see the positive in what’s already around you, you would attract more positive experiences, and then you would agree with my positive teachings.”

“But that’s not my experience!”

“Exactly. Your current beliefs are attracting your current experiences. You’ll get the same thing in the future as you have in the past until you change your beliefs.”

“You’re not in touch with reality!”

“I’m not in touch with your reality. But I was once. I used to think in terms of struggle, lack, limitation and victimhood. But I spent a lot of time, money and energy to retrain my brain, so today I see and experience miracles.”

“But even if that were true, how do I change my beliefs?”

“The first step is being open to a new view of reality.”

“I’m not sure I can do that.”

“That’s a belief, you know.”

“It is?”


“Then how do I become aware of my beliefs, since I don’t seem to know what they are?”

“By looking at what you have and asking, ‘What might I believe to attract that into my life?'”

“Will your books help me with that?”

“You mean you haven’t actually read them?”

“I flipped through them.”

“Yes, start with my books.”

“Which one?”

“The one you are resisting reading.”

Ao Akua,


PS – Of course, the faster way to see and change your beliefs is with a trained objective person. Maybe see Miracles Coaching.

Member BBB 2003 - 2015

Member BBB 2003 - 2015


  1. Jacek Malak-Reply
    June 18, 2014 at 6:07 am

    This is so true! Our beliefs and thought patterns contribute to our perception of the whole world. And just writing this, I have just found a new limiting belief of mine! This is great! Miracles Coaching is fantastic and I really recommend it to anyone! Just be, do and have!


  2. June 18, 2014 at 6:48 am

    This article or ‘dialogue’ just resonates on so many levels. I’ve had similar conversations where people just could not wrap their heads around the idea that LOA works, but the reason they couldn’t was their belief system. A brief example would be the statement “I only meet players. I never get to meet decent guys”. That in itself is enough to keep someone from meeting someone decent…but I find they often argue that they don’t really believe that, yet they say it and use those phrases to represent their situation and in turn their reality. Words carry power.

  3. swapnil-Reply
    June 18, 2014 at 7:47 am

    I don’t know why but its not working to attract lottery

  4. koushal kishor ravi-Reply
    June 18, 2014 at 9:33 am

    sir , i want to become a great neuro scientist but i am so weak and i lost my energy and my brain lost memory…please sir it is possible ? if it is possible …what i do ?
    Thank you sir ! for listen me…

  5. June 18, 2014 at 11:05 am

    I can only agree. I’m always amazed by the number and variety of limiting beliefs I come across, almost on a daily basis. I include myself in that list; it’s unbelievable (!) how many I have, and how often they raise their ugly heads.

    What’s even more interesting is how people cling to them. No matter how painful the results, they seem to derive a weird satisfaction from the fact that they’re proved right in their negativity.

    I think the best was I have of helping them is to show how changing my negative beliefs into positive one affects my life. Being a good example is probably the only way I can get through to them in the long run.

    I wish myself lots of luck, and lots of luck to everyone else doing the same.

  6. Sherisse-Reply
    June 18, 2014 at 1:49 pm

    Thank you Joe, great timing! Love your work!

  7. Dave Hamburg-Reply
    June 18, 2014 at 8:44 pm

    Joe, you are the real deal. I have read your “Attract money now”. I am a big fan of the law of attraction, hooponopono. I am going to go over attract money now again.
    I sincerely believe there nothing that is impossible for me, I just have to do the action part.
    I wanted to work with you for awhile, but I guess I was never meant to.
    I will continue to follow you.
    God bless and have a good day

  8. rochelle-Reply
    June 26, 2014 at 7:08 pm

    Well I like your books. And proof is showing up everywhere in my life that you know what you’re talking about. I always re-visit them. So thanks! As always, you’re an inspiration. xoxo

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