What do werewolves, rabid dogs, and extraterrestrial beings have to do with my recent Attract Money Now Live event in Austin?

I’ll give you a few “word hints” – fun, clairaudient, healer.

Okay, okay, twist my arm, here are two more – movie star, bestselling author (nope…close, but not me).

Gosh, you are really persistent (I like that).

How about Dee Wallace, perhaps best known for her role in Steven Spielberg’s hit movie, E.T. the Extra-Terrestial?

Besides being a famous Hollywood actress still active in the film industry, Dee is also a “clairaudient channel” helping thousands of people in the world heal their lives through her work today.

The incredible Dee Wallace!

The incredible Dee Wallace!

As a featured guest speaker at my event, she had us laughing out loud at times, even as everyone scrambled to take notes.

It’s not often someone can deliver such profound, life-changing information – like her simple exercise for creating more money – while keeping us entertained.

You’ll definitely want to get the DVD recordings of the event (coming soon) and watch her outstanding performance onstage. It’s not to be missed.

It isn’t hard to make simple concepts complex, but rarely do we see complex concepts made simple.

Of course, some people might argue that “creation” as a spiritual principle of energy is not complex, and maybe it’s not – but the unconscious beliefs woven throughout our life can certainly make it seem that way.

“Actually,” Dee said, “It’s as easy as loving ourselves.”

For most people, that would be the tough part. But if you want to have more money, more wealth, more health, or more of any of the good things life has to offer, you absolutely have to cross that hurdle.

When I was in poverty and homeless, my self-esteem and self-love were so low it was in the gutter. It was a vicious cycle – the more I didn’t love myself, the worse things got – the worse things got, the more I beat myself up over it.

Coming next month!

Coming next month!

And I wondered why I couldn’t manifest!

I’d look in the mirror and think, “There must be something wrong with me.”

It wasn’t until I became aware that I began to turn the corner and consciously build my self-esteem. I started to use the same mirror in a beneficial way – to look for the good about myself.

For you, that might be the color of your eyes. It might be your education, experience, or a talent. The bottom line is you’re going to have to relax the criticism and wipe away the dark perspective.

As Dee said, “Our stories define us or disempower us.”

But first, you have to be willing to hear your story, and it’s hard to escape it when you’re staring yourself down in the mirror trying to come up with something positive.

You have to look at yourself as the Divine would look at you.

The Divine, an energy field which is all love, is not going to look at you and say, “You need to change.”

Instead, it would say, “I love you, period.”

I call this energy field of love “Zero.”

Reveals the Law of Zero

Reveals the Law of Zero

I’ve revealed everything I know so far in my newest book At Zero: The Final Secret to Zero Limits (coming next month) and my brand new Nightingale-Conant audio program, The Zero Point: Entering the Realm of Limitless Possibilities (shipping now).

Zero is Source…

It is alive and currently accepting requests…but it’s also trying to send you inspiration.

Are you listening?

“Phone home.”

Ao Akua,



PS – You can soon access the Attract Money Now Live home study course and relive the entire event by clicking right here.


  1. Renan Piccolo Colombini-Reply
    December 1, 2013 at 9:56 pm

    This reminds me of a Book I read recently named “Love yourself as if your life depended on it”
    Must say, it changed my life

  2. Mike-Reply
    December 2, 2013 at 6:33 am

    Just Thank you!

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