The Secret Process Nobody Wants You to Know

If you’ve ever doubted that you could accomplish something, you’ll love this story.

A year ago I hadn’t written a single song, couldn’t carry a tune, didn’t have a solid beat, only knew a few guitar chords, and never sang in public or in the studio.

Today I have my first singer-songwriter album done. All songs by me. Everything sung by me. With guitar and harmonica playing by me. It’s called Strut!

And earlier this year, back in April, I released my first music album, called Blue Healer.

I went from zero to recorded musician in less than a year.

I hope you don’t think this is bragging. I’m sharing this with you to inspire you to go for your own dreams. If I can come out of the gate with no experience or education in music, and record something noteworthy within twelve months, then you can most likely do what you dream, as well.

Who’s to say you can’t?

My first singer-songwriter CD

My first singer-songwriter CD

To help you here, let’s look at the steps I took to recreate myself as a musician. This is a blueprint for you and what you want to do. In some respects, this is the secret process nobody (but me) wants you to know.

Here they are:

  1. Intention. I decided to do something. It all begins here. I even announced I was a musician before most people would have agreed with me. I intended my end result.
  2. Action. I started writing, reading, and talking about music. I took a songwriting workshop. I tried writing songs. I experimented with ideas. I took guitar lessons. I entered a music program. I did something in the direction of my intention.
  3. Coaching. I put together my team of mentors to help me reach my goal. I got Guy Monroe, Mathew Dixon and Daniel Barrett to be my support. Coaching is essential to go beyond your limits.
  4. Clearing. Anything that came up that felt like a block or limiting belief, I did something to clear it. Believe me, lots of self-doubts surfaced. I faced them and erased them.
  5. Persistence. I kept taking action, kept clearing, kept writing songs, kept taking lessons, kept at it.

There you have it. Those five steps are the keys to attracting and achieving your own goals, even if they seem so big or out of your comfort zone to seem near impossible.

You don’t know what is impossible. So start now to manifest your dreams.

But let’s not stop there. I think it will be helpful to look at the songs I recorded for Strut! After all, I wrote them as “Healing Music” — songs of motivation, transformation and inspiration — all designed to help you achieve your dreams. This music illustrates the secret process nobody wants you to know.

Note: You can hear excerpts from my healing music albums at either Strut! or Blue Healer. The direct links are: and

As I told the other Joe Vitale — famous drummer for such music legends as Neil Young and Joe Walsh, who ended up playing amazing drums on my album — “I love music but too much of it plants negative messages that we absorb without thinking. The Rolling Stones singing “You can’t always get what you want” and “I can’t get no satisfaction” are programming us to believe in scarcity. I want to record music that is as beloved as the classics, but instead plants positive messages in you.”

What's the story behind each song?

What's the story behind each song?

There’s positive meaning behind each of my songs. I know because I wrote them all (except for the one noted below). Here are their secrets (which nobody has ever known, until now)…

“Today’s the Day” is a hypnotic blues-rock theme that grabs you and conveys the message that you need to take action. Today. In the song, an angel comes to me and tells me a secret. She then repeats it until you get it. I sing and play baritone guitar and harmonica on this one. This is my favorite track.

“Strut!” came from the idea that when you change your physiology, you change your psychology. Meaning, if you feel blue, get up and move around. Dance. Jiggle. Strut. This is my favorite track.

“Got a Problem?” conveys the amazing message of miracle healing from my book, Zero Limits, called ho’oponopono. It’s an original and unforgettable song about love. It gives me chills. This is my favorite track.

“Testosterone” is based on a true story, one I never planned to share. I’d rather not talk about it. Just listen to the song. This is my favorite track.

“Everybody’s Goin’ Thru Somethin” is a reminder that your problems aren’t just yours. We all got them. Even you. Even me. It’s a plea to be kind to others. To be understanding and forgiving. This is my favorite track.

“Strut Interlude” is a type of intermission. I came up with a guitar riff and we played to it for a couple minutes. It’s the section where you get to go fetch something to drink, go to the bathroom, groom your pet, change your shorts, or whatever. This is my favorite track.

“Totoro” is a whimsical song about a cartoon-ish fictional forest creature in Japan, and lost childhood magic. It’s a story about reconnecting with wonder. This is my favorite track.

“Money! Let’s go Get Some!” will reprogram your mind about the nature of money so you can more easily attract it. The groove in this tune will stick with you. I expect this one to become a movie soundtrack. This is my favorite track.

“The Choice” is a hypnotic tale, with beautiful guitar added by Mathew Dixon, about the nature of good and evil. Whew. You gotta hear it. It still haunts me (in a good way). This is my favorite track.

“All Along the Watchtower” is Bob Dylan’s famous song, updated with three new verses by me. I wanted to leave listeners with a positive message. So I wrote one. I’m sure Dylan will thank me. This is my favorite track.

“Three Months” is dedicated to the late Judy Sherman, a woman given three months to live. It’s an urgent  message about deciding what you would do if given a short period of time. This one will surprise you. It also contains my primal screaming singing of “Struuuuuuuuut!” This is my favorite track.

As you can sense, all of these songs are designed to support you in strutting toward your dreams.

I’m not stopping with this album, either. I’m currently recording a healing instrumental album with Mathew Dixon (with me playing the world’s first healing guitar), and already working on my next singer-songwriter CD. I’m on a roll, having a blast, and making yet another dream come true.

But that’s about me.

What about you?

The message for you here is to go for your dreams.

Isn’t that where the gusto of life is?

You now know the “secret formula” nobody wants you to know.

What are you going to do with it?


Ao Akua,


PS — Excuses are a dime a dozen. What are you going to actually do today?

Note: You can hear excerpts from my healing music albums at either Strut! or Blue Healer. The direct links are: and

Member BBB 2003- 2012

Member BBB 2003- 2012


  1. Congratulations with your CD, Joe. You sure are a man of great inspiration and talent! 😀
    And I guess your new CD is popular; as I clicked your link to Strut, I had the message: “server too busy”! A good sign, I guess! ;-D
    Best regards,
    Claus (the great Dane ;-))

  2. Congratulations with your CD, Joe. You sure are a man of great inspiration and talent! 😀
    And I guess your new CD is popular; as I clicked your link to Strut, I had the message: “server too busy”! A good sign, I guess! ;-D
    Best regards,
    Claus (the great Dane ;-))

  3. December 15, 2011 at 10:56 am

    Great reminder. When I saw that CD cover, it reminded me of Rolling Stone magazine! Maybe that is what’s next!

    As a writer, it’s easy to get caught in the trap of thinking that writing is the only form of creativity. With the help of a coach, I’m just starting to explore other forms of creativity and my intuition.

    Thank you for sharing your journey of creative expansion.

  4. December 15, 2011 at 11:06 am

    Joe thank you for following through on such a wonderful idea. I cannot wait to get this CD and listen to the whole thing. Your amazing Joe! Keep it up.

  5. December 15, 2011 at 11:12 am

    Dear Joe,

    I’m with you.

    Intention – replant an endangered rainforest, where I was born
    Action – start a social enterprise, build websites, promote
    Coaching – you and Brad Yates’s EFT series has been a huge help
    Persistence – I’m inviting people who can reach people, to help us replant our rainforest so that we reach our goal of replanting 250 acres this year.

    Are you with me?


  6. Edmária-Reply
    December 15, 2011 at 12:12 pm

    Parabéns Joe!! seu CD é um SUCESSO…abraços…

    • December 16, 2011 at 7:55 pm

      Tudo Bem Edmaria? Parabens e sucesso para voce! Abracos!

    • Renan-Reply
      December 20, 2011 at 4:36 pm

      Just translating
      Congratulations Joe!! Your CD is a Success… hugs…

  7. December 16, 2011 at 4:13 am

    Dear Joe,
    Thank you for all this staff you send to me about attract money. In this time i have not so good time in my life but thanks to your blog and mails I belive and know that everything bad is finished. I do good things and focus on my dreams: kids, husbund, rancho, car.
    Thank you one more time,
    Marry Christmas
    Dorota from Poland

  8. December 16, 2011 at 12:18 pm

    I’m so blessed to come across these words this morning, I’ve decided to pursue my singing ability. It has been burning in me for sometime now. I’m so tired of the pain of it’s pulling at me, every time I here a song sung in the style I adore I get excited. I used to think I was to old for what I want to do and style of music. Thank-you

  9. December 16, 2011 at 8:03 pm

    Dear Joe,

    This is the only way I figured I could get YOU to read a message. I hope, pray, and intend that you will join me in replanting a rainforest in Brazil, as two of your buddies from “The Secret” have done – Michael Beckwith and Marie Diamond. Please, visit the website, and see if it would feel good to have your picture up with theirs, as one of our Gift Givers to people who support the project with monthly tree subscriptions. We would so welcome you, your kind energy, your hypnotic honoponoic hands upon our work!

    (Brazilian hugs – isn’t that wild that a Brazilian posted a comment right after mine? Well, 11 hrs later.)

    • December 22, 2011 at 9:41 am

      My office contacted you, to get more details.

  10. Anna-Reply
    December 22, 2011 at 5:43 pm

    Dear Joe
    My friend is dying. What can i do to rescue him, to turnover his ill? I still repeat in my mind “I love you” as it is said in ho’oponopono…but today i heard his health is worse.
    Do we can do something if somebody doesn’t want to live?

    • December 24, 2011 at 12:18 pm

      Anna, my own mother is dying right now. I have to be at peace with her and myself to help in any way. I send love to you and your friend.

      • Anna-Reply
        December 25, 2011 at 5:13 pm

        Dear Joe
        I’m very sorry because of your Mom. I hope you could tell her about your love. Thank you for your words, i wish you all the best.

  11. December 25, 2011 at 10:53 am

    Nice inspiring post, the posibility and opportuinity abound for anyone to achieve anything if they decide for it, commit to it and go about it in the right manner.

  12. December 26, 2011 at 9:13 pm

    What an inspiring post! I agree. The music available to us is very limiting… Christian music is inspiring, but doesn’t quite go as far as proclaiming a good life. Very nice post. Thanks!

  13. REX-Reply
    December 27, 2011 at 11:30 pm

    “My friend is dying. What can i do to rescue him, to turnover his ill?”

    Some news: we are all going to die.

    Pray for wisdom above all.

    • Hello-Reply
      January 11, 2012 at 3:51 pm

      Send him to Hippocrates Health Institute in West Palm Beach!

  14. January 28, 2012 at 10:33 am

    Hi Joe,
    I believe what you are affirming is that there is no such thing as the Law of Attraction and there is no Secret. You don’t need to “attract” what you already have within you.
    The key to manifesting is Imagination + Intent + Action = Manifestation.
    You have an idea (Imagination) of something you want to do (Intent), so you take the necessary steps (Action) to make it happen (Manifestation).
    No esoteric hocus pocus; you just do it!
    My intent is to have people go to my web site and purchase some music.
    Thanks for all you do,

    • January 30, 2012 at 8:12 am

      That’s not exactly what I am saying. the Law of Attraction is very real, but you automaticly attract what you already feel.

  15. charles s.-Reply
    February 8, 2012 at 8:06 am

    Thanks Joe for the wonderful music.I enjoyed the sample of both CDS.Indeed it is beatiful music.
    Do you accept western Union Money Transfer.I really want to buy your 2Music CDs.



  16. Ursula-Reply
    February 8, 2012 at 9:12 am

    Dear Joe,
    It must be very hard for U to make so many people understand that
    reality, is actually what your thoughts and actions create around U.
    Ambition and being consequent is the real key to anything they want.
    There is no magic or secret method, and if U feel that U can do it, and
    U won’t let anyone break U down in Your goal, not even yourself, with the voice of so called “reason”, if U can let the doubts go, and embrace the change within, the chains fall off, and U are free of prejudice, and judgement.

    We are born clean, after that everything we accomplish is shown to us in some formula that explains everything rationally, after the ideas of “reason”, but if we choose to learn and get rid of the blindness and if we look inside and find the truth, if we are honest to ourselves, and set our minds to see clear of all that complicated structure of conditions and limitations, we find exactly what makes us what we are, then not even the sky is the limit but there will no longer be a limit.

    A newborn child does not know that fire can burn him or she untill U tell him or she that it does! Look at the Llama priests!!!

    The greatest gift of being a human is intelligence and the capacity to recognize what great gift has been given to U, to understand and be able to be grateful for everything U get, and to be able to enjoy it. And U deserve it!!!

    People should start realizing that even the individual matters, I read somewhere that even if the World changes 1 human at a time, it still matters, because in the end the whole human species will be different, without even realizing.

    As a person, and as a social or sociable person, I found that the more I hate my life, the harder it gets to wake up in the morning and do anything.
    So I got rid of all that and looked at it as if it was exactly what i wanted, “asking the universe” to give me what i really wanted, started acting on what I wanted, found new ways to enjoy life, I reconciled with my partner, my job got better, in other words I found myself waiting to live my life and decided that it was time to start living it just like I wanted to for so many years of searching myself, when I was convinced that my marriage was gone, and I had nothing to do but wait, I started to move.

    And I like to move.
    Everybody should move! Move on, find that little something called self-esteem, and believe in the power of self!
    It is entirely up to U, be responsible and take YOUR life in YOUR OWN HANDS, realize that only U can make a difference in Your life and in Yourself, be responsible enough to bare the fruit of your action, do not be afraid, U have nothing to lose, but everything to gain , or anything!!

  17. Anthony Nero-Reply
    March 10, 2012 at 12:38 pm

    Joe, I just came to realize your last name means….Vital, or of the UTMOST importance. :)) You have guided your life to become your own namesake!!! How awesome is THAT!!!

    Love, Anthony

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