7 Ways to Make 2011 Amazing

How can you make 2011 the greatest year of your life so far?

What can you do to attract all the magic and miracles you long for?

What are the steps you can easily implement right now to make the new year truly amazing?

Here are seven secrets you can put into action today.

1. Set Intentions.

An intention is a declaration. It is a statement of a future result. Intentions are better than goals, wishes or dreams. They are more concrete, emotional and inspired. The secret to making intentions work for you is to write them down. Thinking alone won’t cut it. You need to communicate with your subconscious mind. When you write out your intentions for the new year, you “command” your deeper mind to pay attention and deliver. But it won’t respond to vague intentions. Make them clear. If you were ordering a jacket from an online catalog, you’d note the color, size, material, and anything else needed to be sure you received what you wanted. Your intentions need to be that clear. What do you want? What would you welcome? And what would be even better than that? Write it down. And be sure to have intentions for every major category in your life, from health and romance to wealth and happiness and family. Here’s your chance to dream big.

Tip: To get out of the ego’s trap of thinking in terms of limitations, add “this or something better” to each intention. Example: “I intend to increase my income in 2011 by 50%, or something better.”

2. Schedule Actions.

Intentions are planning your future; scheduling is a commitment to your future. Get out a calendar and write down action steps. You won’t know every action to take, but you do know what actions to start with to get the ball rolling. Jot them down in a scheduler. This will help you clearly see what to do next.

Tip: If an intention seems overwhelming, break it down into doable smaller steps. As the saying goes, how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. How do you write a book? One chapter (or even one page) at a time.

3. Take Action.

Scheduling will help you see what needs to be done; action will get it done. Many fans of the Law of Attraction overlook the word “action” right in the word “attraction.” Nothing happens until something moves. If you want to make 2011 great, you must take action. Vash Young wrote many bestselling books during the Great Depression. His secret to success was his positive attitude and his non-stop action.

Tip: Look at your schedule (in step two) to know what to do. Then go do it. Your rule of thumb is to take ten actions every day in the direction of making your intentions for 2011 come into reality.

4. Face Fears.

Along the way in the new year you’ll have doubts, fears, set-backs and blocks. Don’t let them stop you. Fear isn’t something to redirect you; if anything, it’s simply warning you that you are leaving your comfort zone and doing something new. You can’t predict the future but you can create it by taking actions, even when you feel nervous or afraid.

Tip: Fear is an energy you can use. When you feel uncertain or hesitant, take a deep breath and use the energy in the emotion to propel you forward. Great successes don’t come from being without fear; they come from acting despite the fear. Mark Twain said, “Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.

5. Feed Your Brain.

Turn off the mainstream news. It’s designed to program you with fear and uncertainty. Instead, listen to self-improvement audios, read success literature, and watch inspirational and informational shows.

Tip: Go through the catalog at Nightingale-Conant and buy audio programs that inspire and educate you, browse Amazon for success literature, self-help material, and biographies that educate you, and select presentations from TED that will change your life twenty minutes at a time. Your brain needs fed to keep your momentum high. You’ll have the best year of your life as long as you stay on a quest to learn, grow, discover and awaken. (Gift: Be sure to read my popular Law of Attraction book, gratis, at Attract Money Now.)

6. Set Rewards.

Here’s a little known secret to success: Plan to reward yourself whenever you manifest an intention. A friend once bought an antique piece of furniture whenever he accomplished a big sale. I once ordered a new car for myself when I won an honorable mention for a fitness contest. People are motivated by emotion, not logic. You’re the same. You can tell yourself you’ll make 2011 amazing all day long but nothing will happen without an emotional desire.

Tip: Decide what you want for yourself for each intention you listed for step one above. Write it down beside the intention. Look at the list daily, preferably just before going to sleep each night. That’s a great way to deliver a “command” to your unconscious mind.

7. Get Support.

Surround yourself with people who encourage, motivate, and inspire you. Create a mastermind group. Join a club of high achievers. Find at least one person who believes in you. I was once in the home of Jerry and Esther Hicks and saw a framed quote that Jerry said inspired him.  I can’t recall the exact words, but it said in effect: “I was able to accomplish more by having a friend who believed in me more than I believed in myself.” I started Miracles Coaching to help people with this secret.

Tip: If you haven’t yet found the support you need, begin by being that support for someone else. It’s good karma.

Obviously, there is much more you can do to make 2011 amazing. But if you just did the above seven secrets, you’d leap ahead of the crowd,  make all your previous years seem like starter homes, and create an unforgettable, amazing, and outrageously successful 2011 for yourself.

You can do it.

Go for it!

Ao Akua,


PS – Here’s the best tip of all: Make 2011 amazing with Miracles Coaching.

AMN bannerMember BBB 2003- 2011


  1. Elizabeth Velasco-Reply
    December 28, 2010 at 10:33 am




  2. December 28, 2010 at 10:41 am

    As always Joe, you set out to inspire and you do. I love them all. If I had to pick one for myself, I would pick number 2 is my weakest point and the one I need to work on the most. I am hoping to learn many things from the Prosper coaching but I keep running into broken links and missing pages all over their website. Very discouraging but I know they are working on it.

    I am setting many goals, intentions and I never watch the news or tv for that matter nor do I read the papers. I want that negative energy in my life. I haven’t had a tv station on in over 15 yrs and I don’t miss it at all.

    I am all set to get my new house put on my property (after a few loan hangups of course!) and to raise the bar to infinity on my income.

    I am sending out Zero Limits to friends and family via Amazon as my budget allows and getting amazing feedback on it. Most of the time it’s a huge surprise for them. I LOVE sending surprises~!

    I have to tell you what I a surprise I had when reading the last few chapters of Zero Limits as I had the SAME questions about your earlier books and recordings that you had. I knew then for sure that we are on the same vibration!! I loved Dr. Len’s answers as well.

    Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for your inspired wisdom and efforts in bringing this to us. May Peaces be within and without of you forever.
    (I’m sorry, Please forgive me)
    I love you, thank you!

  3. December 28, 2010 at 11:21 am

    “How do you write a book? One chapter at a time.”
    I am always interested when thing happen as I am in the middle of thinking on the very same subject. This blog post came JUST as I was taking a break from writing another chapter of my first book! I take it as a CLUE that I am on the right path! So for this Joe, My wonderful Teacher of all things Joyful! THANK YOU Once again for showing me that I am on the right path and that if I just DO IT, and stop wasting time! that I will achieve success SO MUCH SOONER! I am so excited now, I will not only finnish this chapter at lunch, but I think I will keep writing another chapter!
    THANK YOU! You are my Hero!

  4. December 28, 2010 at 11:32 am

    Great post Joe. Any interesting resolutions you plan on achieving within the next year?

  5. December 28, 2010 at 12:16 pm

    Thank you Joe. Very directional and focused to help make not just 2011 an amazing year, but to make an amazing life time. My favorite line is the one on setting rewards because I need to work on that. I do not give myself all the credit or rewards I deserve. With your help I have had an amazing 2010 and will continue those teachings into the rest of this life and into eternity. I have bought every one of your programs launched this year and have enjoyed them and passed them onto friends. Thank you. I love you.

  6. December 28, 2010 at 12:41 pm

    This is such good, useful, and valuable information because it is very doable and practical.
    Thank you so much for all of the help you provide.
    May you continue to prosper in all areas of your life in the new year.
    Barbara J.

  7. December 28, 2010 at 12:42 pm

    Hello Joe and a very Happy Christmas to you and yours -as I keep reminding people, it does go on till jan 4th…re the 12 days of Christmas-Lovely energy abounds
    I just also read “Dimes and the Divine” and “Mark Twain Mastermind”
    I especially love your quote “Life is an Inkblot test” (you should use that for a song title) ahahahaha and OMG Mark Twain – wow, that photo of him IS wonderful, thanks for sharing it ! Ive long been a fan of Mark Twain, what a guy – very much in touch with both the astral and the divine :-)x He believed SO MUCH in his own powers that he actually managed to teleport himself from the USA to the UK one time, only for a short time, but Wow ! Mega special man of genius and beyond. Smiles and Sunshine Beata Pozitiva

  8. Ken-Reply
    December 28, 2010 at 1:16 pm

    Thank you Joe for sharing such wonderful gifts to the world. That is true love in action !!


  9. December 28, 2010 at 2:16 pm

    I think my biggest challenge will be scheduling actions. I tend to “go with the flow” and do whatever feels good at the moment.

    My favorite is #5 – I love to wake up each morning and listen to inspiring words from Abraham-Hicks on YouTube. I read SUCCESS magazine for business inspiration. Of course, I also read your books 🙂

  10. Edward W-Reply
    December 28, 2010 at 7:05 pm

    I’ve no doubt that at least for YOU, 2011 will be “the greatest year of your life so far”.
    That’s because of your REAL Secrets- #’s 8, 9, 10- that you conveniently didn’t mention.
    The 7 Secrets that you did mention are for beginners and wannabe’s. They’re identical to the puff-stuff Tony Robbin’s been touting for years.

    Here’s why 2011 will be great for Joe Vitale:

    Hidden Secret #8: Sell Dreams Hypnotically.
    Know what people secretly want. Promise that you can deliver it to them. Sell them on your promise with “hypnotic writing” that commands their subconscious to buy your stuff.

    Hidden Secret #9: Become an Information Marketer.
    Make money without working 9-5 for someone else. Sell information, not your labor. Guru it up. Solve other people’s problems with words. Imagine making good money just by TALKING, like Joe does!

    Hidden Secret #10: Sell to the Highest Spirit!
    Joe doesn’t just offer garden-variety self-help. That’s not going to make a name for himself and help him buy expensive cars.
    Instead, Joe takes stuff he’s made up-or others have made up-and adds a spiritual twist.
    This subconsciously tells his market that there’s a “higher authority” to what he’s selling-so they’d better buy NOW!

    Whatever Joe sells, he sells to the highest bidder in all of us, which just happens to be Spirit.
    “Sell to the Highest Spirit” never fails to deliver big bucks.


    • Elroy-Reply
      January 6, 2011 at 11:20 pm

      Geeze Eddie, you must have had an extra stick of bitterness in your cup of envy that morning…seems to have made all of your failures really sharpen that tongue of yours. But at least you’ve given me inspiration, for even on my worst days I can always say “Hey, at least I’m not that guy” —

      Joe, thanks for sharing some great ideas on getting off of our a$$es and making some things happen this year…for me it’s been a long time coming and I’m grateful for your help – success always comes back to those who do the basics and do them well…time and time again. Good Luck is when preparation meets opportunity.

      Fan of the KISS method

  11. Mary Thompson-Reply
    December 28, 2010 at 8:46 pm

    HI Joe
    I bought your book “zero limits” and gave one each to my two sons.
    The son I thought would read it “sort of did”. The son I thought wouldn’t read it is still expressing gratitude a few months later.As a result of reading the book twice, he has gone off drugs and alcohol and is high on life. He bought your CD set and DVD set of the Zero Limits workshops with Dr. Hew Len. He also loves Mabel. This is the first time I can recall in his life he has spent money on this kind of material. He constantly cleanses and practices the inner child meditation. I am writing to express my gratitude for your efforts.
    The teacher has become the pupil and vice versa.
    Love from Australia.

  12. December 28, 2010 at 11:27 pm

    Joe, thanks for your books, ebooks etc.

    God bless you

  13. December 29, 2010 at 4:09 am

    Hello, Joe !
    I’ve just finished my first ebook (step #3). It’s in french, so maybe you can’t read it. :-(.
    BUT I’m very excited I did this (it’s only about 30 pages but I like it). I’ll soon have it published and see what will happen.
    And I’m planning some more actions for next year. Yes even though I don’t know which one will have some result, I’m going to do them anyway. My dream is taking place (I’m still very far but I’m moving, That’s fine).
    Thanks, Joe.

  14. toti vitale-Reply
    December 29, 2010 at 6:06 am

    Hi Joe,
    I’m writing from Italy, Catania is the city where I live, do you know?
    I’m really interesting about you and your business and I’d like to be your partner in Italy about the internet marketing… as you’ve just teach me! 🙂
    I’m waiting for your reply and I want an Amazing 2011 with You!!!
    Best regards

    toti vitale

    Ad maiora… semper!

  15. Martin-Reply
    December 29, 2010 at 10:02 am

    hello, Joe,

    There’s something I do not understand. In your “Zero Limits” book you said, that we should avoid intentions and let inspirations given by the Great Divine float into our lives. Have you changed your mind? What is better for us to do? To have plans or to let the Great Divine rule our lives?
    Best wishes, I love your books and what you do for people.

    • December 29, 2010 at 10:27 am

      You want inspired intentions.

  16. December 29, 2010 at 3:59 pm

    Hi Joe –

    Wow. That was an eye-opening post. I have to admit, I’m resistant to taking alot of the actions you suggest (even though I know I should).

    I have big plans for the coming year and your post is further proof I’ve got some work (clearing) to do. Thanks for the tips.

  17. Helmer-Reply
    December 30, 2010 at 4:46 pm

    HI everyone,
    What do you do when you have a blocked energy flow? And little sense of smell and taste? I’ve tried to use this “secret” but when you don’t feel anything, it doesn’t work since the secret tells you “have to feel it”. So what do you do to make your emotions flow again if they are blocked?
    I got to know this secret last year. It hasn’t worked yet for me……because of what i told about.

  18. Susan Cheers-Reply
    December 31, 2010 at 6:02 am

    Dear Joe, All the best for a Happy, Healthy & Prosperous 2011! I have been held back by fear up to now, but not any more. As long as my intentions are in harmony with the Universe, I truly deserve what my heart desires.
    Thanks for having faith in us all Joe and for sending such amazing emails. I receive lots of emails & yours have always had a special place in my heart due to your genourousity & unerring belief in humankind to grow spiritually. The books by Neville are priceless and I thank you for bringing his work to me.

  19. ancuta-Reply
    December 31, 2010 at 5:47 pm

    Hi Joe!
    Happy New Year and all the best in 2011! I’m writing you from Bucharest – here we are already in 2011 at this time.
    I noted your advice; it is very inspiring as usual.
    Thank you very much for all your books.
    Hope to meet you some day in person!
    With best regards,

  20. January 1, 2011 at 4:14 pm

    i would like to join all the groups and tnx everyone 🙂

  21. Lucia-Reply
    January 2, 2011 at 9:52 am

    hi joe!! how are you? hope great!
    thanks for all this tips! i will apply them.
    have an amazing 2011! by the way i just bought the book the key
    im reading its awesome! thanks for all joe.
    greetings from Chile


  22. Audrey-Reply
    January 5, 2011 at 5:35 pm

    Olá Joe.
    Sou brasileira e não tenho um bom inglês. Mas de qualquer forma gostaria de mandar uma mensagen sincera. Sou sua admiradora e gostaria de lhe agradecer por tudo. OBRIGADA.
    Sinto muita falta de material em português para acompanhar seus ensinamentos, mas tenho tudo o que posso.
    Eu te amo.

  23. Christina-Reply
    January 6, 2011 at 3:48 am

    I am late reading this post, but I want to Thank You for this brilliant list of steps and tips. Face Your Fears is one that I myself needed reminding of, but thanks to a certain person (you know who I mean), I have the faith that all the horrible things that have hindered my beliefs in 2010 are a thing of the past and 2011 is going to be wonderful for my family and I. I know for a FACT, everything you teach works and works well, as long as we don’t let our fears get the best of us (including the fear of success). Thanks you so much for putting this in list form and I really hope that everybody who reads this sits up and takes note, this is something very powerful that will help everybody…just keep the faith. Have a great 2011 Joe!

  24. January 26, 2011 at 12:13 pm

    Thank You Very Much Joe.
    God Bless U 🙂

  25. Tanai-Reply
    January 27, 2011 at 8:55 am

    Joe may you continue to be blessed for blessing alot of people throughout the world.
    I thank God for leading me to your website and am very grateful for the two free e-books[Attract Money Now and the Spiritual Marketing]. I have had two wonderful weeks reading through the books, taking notes. These are my God sent invaluable present for 2011. VERY SIMPLE, EASY TO READ, EXPLANATIONS EXCELLENT. I am inspired to start practicing the seven steps.
    God Bess You.

  26. Carla Emmerich-Reply
    March 1, 2011 at 10:58 am

    Hello! Sou a descendant of German Carioca (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
    I am extremely grateful for the words expressed in his books, these positive words can change our actions in the very negative moment to the purity of love …
    I would be very flattered to receive an email from you is what Joe comes in his Inspiration.

  27. ali daka-Reply
    March 8, 2011 at 12:20 pm

    the secret did not work for me, can you explain?

    • March 8, 2011 at 6:35 pm

      Yes. Just see my books, audios, and recent blog posts.

  28. marianela mendoza-Reply
    June 24, 2011 at 9:42 pm

    hi joe, I love your book the key I have read my Bible often seems the only thing I’ve found I do not speak English Venezuela in fact I am a translator to write you an inspiration to me helped me find out my mission of life and wanted to thank you for teaching me so many things still do not manage information well but I slowly thanks!! would be an honor if I ever respond to my email

  29. Mirelle Sirianni-Reply
    July 28, 2011 at 3:41 pm

    Hi Joe,
    i have been following your lessons for a number of years including hoonopono which i do continually every day. Thankyou so much for the ispiration you are truly a role model and very inspiring. I feel like I’m following all the instructions and i am a good person yet success eludes me in my professional life i have been wanting to work full time for ever but so far have been unsuccessful. As i said I follow the guide lines what am i doing wrong? I value your opinion and i appreciate your input. thankking you in advance

  30. March 26, 2013 at 1:23 am

    Good info. Lucky me I found your website by accident (stumbleupon). I have saved it for later!

  31. March 26, 2013 at 2:42 am

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  32. September 29, 2013 at 7:55 pm

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    stuff youu post…

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