Napoleon Hill Outwits the Devil

I’ve been struggling for months with writing this post about Napoleon Hill and his disturbing book about the devil, forbidden to be published by Hill or his family for generations.

It’s been years since I read a book that made me as uncomfortable as Outwitting the Devil by Napoleon Hill. I thought it was just me until I talked to a friend who said she was having trouble completing the book. It was stirring up too much energy within her. We both agreed to finish reading it to find out what secret it held for us.

"Outwitting the Devil"

"Outwitting the Devil"

Napoleon Hill wrote Outwitting the Devil in 1938, just after publication of his all-time bestseller, Think and Grow Rich. This powerful tale has never been published before, considered too controversial by his family and friends. I can see why.

The book is Hill’s interview with the devil. And the devil admits to controlling people through everything from culture and education to religion.

The devil comes across as the most powerful persuasion expert of all time. He/she/it is working within the very medium that we’ve grown to respect as good. As a result, the devil programs us to believe in lack, limitation, scarcity and victimhood. Since we don’t see the devil’s hand at work in these mediums, we rarely question what we’re taught.

I found the book unnerving. The devil is working within religion to keep us controlled? I suspect it made all my childhood programming about the “bogeyman of spirituality” come to life.

It’s unsettling to realize people are programmed to feel they are victims by the culture itself, yet the culture is being programmed to think it’s in charge by this force Hill calls the devil.  It’s an entire cycle of vicious victimhood programming. And I didn’t like it.

I still haven’t finished the book.  It would be a disservice to you not to tell you about it, though. When so many people are struggling, and don’t know why, considering the limiting programming coming from the very culture we live in can help us break free.

Whether that programming is actually from a “devil” or not is something I’m not going to debate. But I do strongly believe that we are being brainwashed to think negative and expect the worst by a system that is already entranced in that mindset.

In Zero Limits terms, you can call the devil a “program.” A program is a kind of virus of the mind; a limiting belief that attracts matches to the program.

Devil or not, program or not, it’s not helping you.

It’s time to awaken and break free.

Ao Akua,


PS – Read Outwitting the Devil for the challenge, but balance it by reading The Attractor Factor, Zero Limits and of course Attract Money Now. And be sure to soothe your body and mind during or after reading those books with some healing music over at Blue Healer. For my next CD, called Strut!, I wrote a song about choice. You always have it. You can listen to the “devil” or you can listen to Spirit. Choose wisely.

Member BBB 2003 - 2011

Member BBB 2003 - 2012


  1. Jacqui Hughes-Reply
    October 23, 2011 at 8:02 am

    I have read all your books, completed your Miracles Coaching PD 1-1 training and am currently in the Forex 1-1 training sessions. I have not yet completed the book, although I ordered it when it was first released. I also find it raises deep emotions within me and I find I reach a point each time where I need to stop to digest the implications of the new concepts raised through the reading.

    Even so, I am finding it fascinating… and in a world where more and more people are becoming more ‘spiritual’ rather than ‘religious’.. I’m finding it quite enlightening in it’s approach.

    Having said that…. I have yet to complete the last half of the book.

  2. October 24, 2011 at 9:42 am

    Hello Dr. Vitale

    Is that book a must read or not? I prefer not to read something to make someone like you feel unnerving.

    I’m in a lot of confusion. On Zero Limits book you emphasized intentions and goals are actually limitations. Sedona Method notes something similar. Especially when you desire something so bad you actually push it away – and might never happen.

    However all the philosophy of Napoleon Hill based on a burning desire and never giving up.

    But what if I’m on a wrong path? Are these have to be that hard? Some people easily selling more and getting big projects easily than I am while I struggling. That’s not fair. And I noticed that Hill’s stuff is not helping me at all except making me feel depress while emphasizing “push push push and push harder!”

    And the story about Coca Cola? Come on!…

    And should I set goals or leave it to universe? Should I keep study Think & Grow Rich everyday like Bob Proctor doing or keep reading my other books? And which one of them will actually help me and really change my life big time?… No one can even guess, and I have no idea myself too.

    Right now, I really don’t have any idea what to do and which way to go. I hope it is that kind of confusion you wrote on Life’s Missing Instruction Manual.

    Last thing I want to be a pain and whiner and someone who using your blog as wailing wall. But sometimes I need guidance I guess, someone to show me the way.

    Lots of love

    • October 24, 2011 at 1:05 pm

      Hi Kerem. The short answer is that you are right where you need to be. Enjoy the challenge, as it gives you strength and experience as you learn and grow. Also, just today I told a friend about the time I got lost flying a plane in 1972. I missed my sign posts and started flying around, looking for them. I ended up lost. Once I found my way back to the airport, my instructor took me back up in the air so we can see what I did wrong. Turns out my signposts were right under me. Because I doubted that I was on the right track, I started flying around, and that got me lost. I say you’re right where you need to be. Enjoy it. Relax into it. Out of that clarity, you’ll see what to do next. Thanks for sharing your comment.

      • October 24, 2011 at 3:05 pm

        I appreciate for taking time to answer me with that wonderfully inspiring comment Dr. Vitale. Means a lot to me. I wrote it down to my notebook and probably will read it again & again for a long time! 🙂

        Thank you & I love you…

  3. October 24, 2011 at 10:14 am

    I bought the audio version, the Nook version and the hard copy. I’ve gone through it three times and am inspired to want to teach my daughter to continue to think independently even in an environment of drifting.

  4. Richard-Reply
    October 24, 2011 at 7:22 pm

    Dear Joe,

    i don’t even know how to start this. I’m a high school teacher here in the Philippines. It’s a very stressful job. As a result In the past years I suffered from anxiety and depression. I felt awful most of the time. I took the bottle for relief but it made things even worse. I struggled to find some relief since most of my doctors and given medicines does not offer much. I search the internet for years. Then I came across your work and Dr. Hew Len. I followed you as much as I can. Hoping it can help me and also for the other teachers who are suffering the same.

    I admire your work so much. I hope you can email me just as to assure me that I am on the right track towards my goal of wellness and prosperity.

    With much love,


    • October 25, 2011 at 6:07 am

      Hi Richard. You are doing well when you move in a positive direction. Remember, the sun will rise again. Hold the faith while taking action in your best interest and for your highest good. Sending love and light to you and yours.

  5. October 24, 2011 at 8:38 pm

    Hey Dr Joe,
    I am a huge fan of Napoleon Hill and I have his Science of Personal Achievement on audio.

    I never knew of this book “Outwitting the Devil” but I will absolutely read it.

  6. October 25, 2011 at 1:37 pm

    Sounds like an interesting book. The Devil is a convenient metaphor or symbol, whether he/she/it literally exists or not. And, of course, many famous authors (Mark Twain and C.S. Lewis being just two examples) have imagined interactions with the Devil, who is a perennially fascinating character and spices up any story. In real life it seems that the “Devil,” literal or metaphorical, appears in many places — not just in our political and economic systems (anyone here heard of Occupy Wall Street?), but also in organized religion, in cults, and sometimes in so-called spiritual paths or self-help schemes whose survival depends upon manipulating people into spending all the money they have in the world for dubious products. Apparently there are numerous Devils in Spirit’s clothing, who end up victimizing people while pretending that they are freeing them from victimhood.

    Judging by some of the negative reviews about the book, it appears that some readers find “Outwitting the Devil” disturbing not just for its ideas but also because it reveals that its author — who is a hero to so many — may have had some serious emotional or mental issues. Perhaps he did, perhaps he didn’t. But I’ve been reading Hill’s authorized biography, “A Lifetime of Riches,” and even though the authors were fans of Hill’s (one was a former colleague), they still managed to reveal that his personal life was a train wreck, and while he may have found riches (eventually) he apparently never really found happiness. Some would argue that his work lives on, and that’s what he’ll be remembered for. But I think it worthy of note that there’s often an incongruity between noble teachings and the everyday realities of the teachers. So perhaps Hill, like most such “teachers,” should be taken with a big grain of salt.

    • October 25, 2011 at 2:50 pm

      More people have become millionaires due to Hill’s books than any other author that I’m aware of. Throwing out his books because of his life isn’t very bright. It’s a little like critics who spend their time hurting others rather than creating things to help the world.

      • October 29, 2011 at 8:20 pm

        Hi, it’s good to find out about how Napolean Hill’s book made the most people rich. Do you know where we can go to find the statistical data on it, so I can compare it with some of the good interesting research methodology I found out about when I looked at Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers book?

    • October 26, 2011 at 7:23 am

      I never read critiques. I think people who criticizing everything have too much “free” time.

      Some people criticizing Dr. Vitale’s work too. I searched their names and found nothing. It’s like the saying on the Optimist Creed “To give so much time to improving yourself that you have no time to criticize others.” – that’s really important concept.

      You can not expect to being perfectly “normal” from a genius. Masses accept many crazy creative people as they are. Da Vinci, Van Gogh, Bethoveen… Why not Napoleon Hill?

      Lets face it. NONE of us are perfect.

  7. October 25, 2011 at 7:47 pm

    hey joe! great post. I have one question when it comes to goals. What is the best way to get rid of neediness, and how do you know if you are needy or not. What is the best way to enjoy wahtever you are doing without being needy or dependent on external results. Thank you for your love and passion Joe, it has really made a difference in my life and in the life of others. Thank you 🙂

    • October 27, 2011 at 10:38 am

      Adam, the best way to handle those issues is to be sincerely grateful for the moment and all that’s in it. This is the miracle.

  8. Dave-Reply
    October 26, 2011 at 8:48 pm

    Society is filled with distractions dividing ourselves from divine and body. I’ve often wondered about the the devil. 3 years ago, I was atheist and I struggled. Life was more substance abuse and complaining about how this world owed us. Spirituality? Nonsense I thought- but now I see that I was wrong. I clean. I love. I say thanks. The devil has nothing on that.

    • October 27, 2011 at 9:38 am

      I agree. Beautiful, Dave. Thank you.

  9. bric-Reply
    October 27, 2011 at 7:34 am

    Hi Joe.
    I’ve also read this book and I found it shocking as well as fascinating. and recently, I’ve read another book Love Yourself Into Life which make me understand how the ho’oponopono can help us become awaken. In the awakening course, you teach us that we’re in fact gods living in our bodies. I love the program but at the end I still have one teach that when we are awaken, we don’t need to do steps in the attractor factor to manifest what we want. The question is, when you are in this place where you are awaken, and you are aware of the abundance of the universe for you and everybody (no limits) what do you have to do if you want to manifest a car, or a house or a particular thing. How do you make a request for faster results?

    • October 27, 2011 at 9:40 am

      Hi Bric. If you’re truly in the fourth stage and are awakened, you simply think what you want and know the Universe (which is you) will bring it as you go about your inspired moments. It becomes a dance of energy to manifest. Said another way, if you are awakened, you don’t even worry or want things to speed up. you’re already in the miracle.

      • bric-Reply
        October 27, 2011 at 12:30 pm

        ok, I understand. I just thought that if I am in this state where I feel that I don’t “need” anything, I’m just feeling good and great by appreciating every moment without attracting what I would want to manifest.
        P.S:No I don’t think I’m awakened yet, but I continue to improve.

  10. October 27, 2011 at 8:01 am

    Good Morning, Joe~

    Thank you for enlightening me about Napoleon Hill’s book, “Outwitting The Devil”. Although I’ve not read it, it does make sense that such a positive thinker would cover all his bases and make sure his readers discover the mind’s powerful forces–both the good and the evil ones. It doesn’t take much digging to uncover the truth that this so-called “devilish” force resides inside each of our own minds! Why wouldn’t it? All the forces of the universe reside within the minds and hearts of each of us. Our work is to be aware of all of the dynamic forces within us and choose to live in a way that honors the “good”.

    Great post and I appreciate your work very much!

    Always Going On Beyond!

    Pam Britton
    “The Mindset Expander For Smart Entrepreneurs”

    • October 27, 2011 at 9:38 am

      Well said, Pam. Thank you for the loving words.

  11. October 27, 2011 at 9:59 am

    Dear Joe, I hope that you have had a chance to complete Outwitting the Devil and have found it as inspirational as I did.
    When I recieved the original manuscript from the Napoleon Hill Foundation, it was indeed eye-opening and challenging to the status-quo. However, when I finished reading it a great sense of calm and directed purpose came over me. Is it possible that its in-your-face approach and open discussion of the “evil” (Real Devil or not…Hill lets the reader decide) that surrounds us today, may just be what some people need to wake up and find new purpose in their life? So many people are frozen in fear, paralyzed into non-action due to the economic turmoil of the last few yeras. Our readers’ responses and reviews have been overwhelmingly positive. One such review, “Outwitting the Devil may be just what we need to cause a cosmic shift in positive outcomes.” I can tell you that Outwitting the Devil had a great impact on my own life and I hope that you and your students will find such a positive outcome as well.
    Also, in response to some of the other comments, Hill did indeed have a roller coaster life, experiencing many setbacks along his journey to Success. However, he found great happiness and peace along with that success. He shares those low points in his life in order to endear him with his readers. I have yet to met someone with great success who did not experience setbacks along the way. As Hill said many times, “With every adversity and every failure comes the seed of an equal or greater benefit.” It was Hill’s wish that through his writings people would be inspired to recognize those benefits and turn their obstacles into opportunities.

    • October 27, 2011 at 10:39 am

      Hi Sharon. I’m flattered and honored that you stopped by. Thank you for bringing the book to us. You’ve done a great service to all. I love what you said in your comment about hill’s life. I totally agree. I’ve had rough spots too but it sure would be silly to dismiss all my work due to bumps in the road. Onwards. Thanks for all you are doing to help us all.

  12. October 27, 2011 at 10:37 am

    It is true that Napoleon had his ups and downs, but in 1943, he married Annie Lou Norman and had a wonderful marriage. She had studied accounting and was a shrewd business person. Hill was very wealthy when he died in 1970. Annie Lou did not die until 1984. It was fortunate that she prepared for Hill’s work to continue through the non profit Napoleon Hill Foundation.

  13. santhosh kuniyil-Reply
    October 29, 2011 at 4:30 am

    Dear Joe
    I have read ‘Think & grow rich’ as well as your works ‘attract money now’ etc.. Napoleon Hill assured me that it is possible for me. It is you who trained me on money principles. Thank you very much.I think it is several fears which are not addressed, that lets people move down wards in their journey. May God bless you to keep on your good works!

  14. Rich Paulson-Reply
    November 4, 2011 at 6:30 pm

    I read “Outwitting the Devil”, and I too am conflicted since the implications are so large to the current state of my understanding. But, I do not reject it either. It is clearly true that many of us suffer from a syndrome of “too much” in terms of the onslaught of options that we have in our lives. Must I list the distractions, TV, music, internet, web surfing, video games, texting, youtube, blogging etc etc.. It can be pure overload. Perhaps, the element of distraction is highly destructive, and for many, the information overload can and does create paralysis for many people. And, this paralysis is destructive to intentions and at times it is like we are being constantly tempted to stray. I observe today that the inability to focus has become very real for adults but especially our kids. It is like the world gone into bipolar mania of options and I just have to scream sometimes. There is truth here however. Distractions that drowning intent with chattering noise kill our power of co-creation. This is for sure and I see it daily. Our society is filled with addictions of every form. Hill is pointing to this. There are no accidents so why does this appear in 2011 when the exponential nature of our consumption and debt based money systems are pushing this planet to the breaking point.

    I find truth here.

    Today we see the emergence of the 99% movement which would hang the Rockefellers by the neck. The 1% is demonized as theives taking and owning everything so the mass’s birthright is to pay them rent. This also is no accident. Hill makes this 1-2% heros and the devil’s worst enemy in many cases (but some of the top 2% he owns through bribery).

    This is what was so powerful in his message. There are no accidents, yet, we get this book now that argues that those 2% understand and use the secret to focus the human spirit and create all manor of good. The distracted masses have no power as they cannot focus intent as they traped themselves in deadly addictions.

    These points make sense to me. I wonder what Beckwidth would say. I make ask him on facebook (ie kevin Sparks) and see what he says.

  15. Rich Paulson-Reply
    November 4, 2011 at 8:02 pm

    Here are some issue that might be the subject of discussion in Hill’s book:
    1.) the Devil is not just a analogy for our human animal nature since the Devil claims to coordinate his actions by planting ideas into the minds of the weak (ie the 98%).

    2.) most of the top 2% know the secret of focused intent and are unreachable by the devil since they think fearlessly and independently.

    3.) Hill has had an experience much like that of “Conversations with God” but in this case with the devil. For this reason, the world was not ready and the Devil’s minions would ruin his credibility so he waited to publish this.

    4.) Dante and Goethe may have had similar experiences but to admit it would get you burned at the stake by the Church. (just like Hill might figuratively)

    5.) positive forces (devils opposition) and the devil appear matched 100% with different domains. The devil has the domain of the human mind to plant ideas ( but cannot force man) and god has the “external” world of manifestation where the circumstances and lessons are taught by example and the devil has no direct power in this domain. The devil must trick, plant ideas, into the minds of men to work in the physical world as his agents which he claims to control 98%. Emerson used the idea that God’s teachings are in Nature, in physics, in history, and in what works(good) and what doesn’t (bad).

    6.) Hill’s concepts in Think and Grow Rich indicate that with proper control of thought we can generate external and internal manifestation whereby in thought is the foundation of all creation. But a new aspect of the law of attraction forms the essential nature of habit. That is, the idea of vibrations that form a kind of standing wave of attraction (attractions to themselves or non-working outcomes, ie fatal attractions) which can make good or bad habits firmly and eternally fixed and beyond physical death.

    7. The devil enslaves by making bad patterns predominant by injecting suggestive thoughts into the victim. Whereas, god teaches by encoding his lessons in nature and experiences, the devil tempts you to create false realities in the mind which the subconscious then sees as just as real as outer events (which of course manifest externally). In this way the devil controls the person through fear and other mental creations AND dips his hand into god’s domain. The creative ability of the subconscious may then manifest demons physically. This way the active positive and negative forces attempt to influence man to either enslave him/her with trapped self made mind patterns of the good (ie what really works) and bad ( what is self deception, unreal, not in accord with nature’s Laws both physical and spiritual).

    8.) the devil “owns” any part of you where an entrenched mind patterns of the non-working type puts you under his power of suggestion. The non-working habits or mind patterns are contrary to nature and as such bring recurring negative results. This brings pain and weakness which makes you susceptible to the devils suggestions whereby he may control you and live though you. Your experiences become his and so he may then use you with no risk to himself. The implication is that he is as real as his counterpart and potentially quite cruel. It is clear that he is very smart and clever. He knows what works very well.

    9.) the devil may not force you. He tricks you even to the point that you think his ideas are your own. He may not enter your mind if your cup is full with your intent. When mistakes open yourself to self-hate, the door is open whereby his suggestions may take hold in your weakened state. Those suggestions can then become mental monsters that imprint on your subconscious and thus manifest in the physical world (normally god’s domain)

    10. Heaven and Hell are here on earth. The standing waves of attraction bind you to a state of mind: heaven or hell.

    11. In heaven (on earth), things work, you manifest your desires. You are free of fear and doubt, god is your supply. You see everyone as yourself and therefore can do no harm. You bear suffering yet you have the sixth sense to read the signs all around you in event. You see god all around you in everything. You learn to read the clues and heed the lessons presented to you by Nature. You live the idea that there are no accidents and you live by physical and spiritual laws of cause and effect. You form unbreakable positive “addictions”.

    12,) In hell (on earth) We are trapped in the unreality of our minds. Superstitions rein, fear, insecurity, self doubt, lack of control, risk taking impulsiveness, open to any suggestion and bad ideas flourish. You are trapped within a self-created nightmare unable to breakout. You gamble, listen to hunched, ignore reason, waste your talents, money, and time. You never admit mistakes with your huge ego firmly in charge you are prey to any slick willy. You make the same mistakes over and over. You blame everyone never admitting or learning from mistakes. You are hopelessly trapped in habits that don’t work, addictions, and prideful grandiosity. You loose all self control, creature of negative habits, undisciplined, scatterbrained, and self made monsters abound.

    13.) There is one saving grace in this scenario considering heaven and hell share the same earth. Those in hell are scatterbrained and without focus so they have difficulty manifesting evil realities involving others not of that attraction. It is so amazing how things work but the creation is made of perfection. Would you expect less?

    14,) Our purpose is to not get trapped by the self sustaining attractions of negative mind patterns. That is, we make our own heaven or hell on earth and after “death”. We self create bars that are held firmly by the spiritual law of attraction. It is a creation of a standing wave vibration that can never be broken eternally in the soul. It is very serious to fall into additions and ignore the laws of timeless spiritual Nature. We must never put ourselves above any Law for the result is unremitting torment. You must look to reality and science as your guide, read:

    Yeah, the book makes sense to me now and seems to be working for me and explains what I see today.

  16. terri-Reply
    November 27, 2011 at 2:14 pm

    wow joe, are you really serious when you say this book disturbed you and you had no idea about the nature of control in this dream/matrix we are experiencing? how can anyone walk the path of self-realization without seeing the gigantic elephant in the living room?

  17. November 28, 2011 at 6:21 am

    I haven’t read the book, but it sounds interesting – worth a read, perhapts, even if it’s just to stimulate the senses and make us look at things in a different way. 🙂

    reading your note above, this book by Napoleon Hill reminds me of “Dear God What’s Happening to us?”, a controversial book wrtten, by Lynn Graborn. Lynn’s book explains that the ‘Dark/Devil’ infiltrated the pure blueprint of our existence many thousands of years ago, and now needs to be cleansed and balanced. This is what is happening right now, apparently – with God/the Universe raising the vibration of everything in creation (Ascension?) in order to completely wipe out this ‘viral program’, that manipulates us and makes us act or think in a self-destructive way. This cleansing is perhaps a little like Noah’s flood which is written about in the Bible, but using vibration (sound?) as a way to destroy anything which no longer resonates with our true selves, i.e Love. Just my tuppence worth! Thanks again for this, Joe, and for all you do. Love and blessings,

  18. Warren-Reply
    November 28, 2011 at 4:47 pm

    I haven’t purchased the book yet, I was looking for another book on Amazon and that book came up, so I read some of it on Amazon. As I believe it from my grandmother’s words, the devil is the ego that’s in all of us and he manifests himself through people if you’re watching and know what you’re looking at. She told me the devil outside of you is a punk but the one on the inside you have to contend with. Joe as we all know who better for us to trust than our own selves. “Lean not towards your own understanding” The ego is always chattering about the past or future, he is never in the NOW! “the Divine”.

  19. December 14, 2011 at 4:20 am

    Napoleon Hill’s imagination gives personality to the not so positive side of things which is really in truth all good. Nothing is “not so positive” so to speak. The “devil” is just a name that came from the judeo-christian belief. Just like “Seth” came from the Eygptian mythology ( considered a religion in ancient times, or “Hades” came from the Greek mythology much like a religion as well. It also describes the “negative side of the atom” as referred to in science. which isn’t so really negative if you think about it. That’s what he gave personality to. So they’re all the same basically. Thoughts become things. They are especially so true in imagination. He wanted to talk to the “devil” & so he did. He got what he EXPECTED LITERALLY. The mind is a POWERFUL INSTRUMENT. He didn’t see that it was all in his head. the devil told him it was real because he believed it was real. His mind was talking back and forth between itself. I do that all the time within my mind. I come up with some great insight & advice. He created that devil within his mind. He & his wife since they draw upon Infinite Intelligence, Supreme Spirit, God’s Mind. He was able to create the devil within himself. drawing all the powers of what he knows to be true about life. One needs to “think logically” when they read it. Don’t go by on just emotion otherwise you’ll scare yourself. Imagination is indeed everything. He wasn’t talking to the “devil”. He was giving personality to the core contrast of what we come to experience when our spiritual selves decided to come into this earthly field. We ARE Divinity. Reading Abraham Hicks books as well as Zero Limits, The Science Of Getting Rich, Bob Proctor’s Books, & of course this one. I’ve realized that this is what God, Divinity, created so that God may experience a greater desire. God created the “devil” so God can experience wanting thus creating. Always remember that thoughts become things even in the mind of a genius.

  20. NYC_Chic-Reply
    January 5, 2012 at 7:46 am

    I heard the audiobook version of this book and it resonated strongly with me. I knew I had to stop drifting but I was consumed by fear. I had taken so many losses and my life was such a mess, my thoughts were scattered and I could not even formulate a major purpose let alone a strategy to achieve it.
    I tried to get some people whose opinions I value to read the book or listen to the audio version but everyone had a preconceived notion I couldn’t get them to overcome or were simply not interested. I felt that my own opinion of OTD was crazy and what I felt in my heart about it needed validation so I just put it in the back of my mind and thought maybe at some later time, some great teacher would make sense of it for me and I would know what to do then.
    Time passed.
    Yesterday, I listened to the first CD again and realized how much my life has changed and what a profound effect what I had learned has had on me.
    I only wish the Napoleon Hill Foundation had released the original manuscript without alteration or commentary.

  21. David-Reply
    July 10, 2013 at 12:47 pm

    Napoleon Hill is my idol and I can see why he would write a book about the devil after following his program think and grow rich. After following the instructions completely and without hesitation in the chapter on auto suggestion I can see why he views society as being controlled by a devil. Being where I’m from

  22. tavares-Reply
    October 14, 2013 at 5:50 pm

    I’m looking forward in reading the book!

  23. the hill-Reply
    October 29, 2013 at 7:29 pm

    Napoleon hill is my GOD!

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