Tag: napoleon hill


Completing Napoleon Hill’s Assignment

Now that I’m President of the Napoleon Hill Institute, I’ve had the pleasure of completing the challenge Andrew Carnegie delivered to Hill in 1908.

Let me tell you the story…

Last month I flew to New York City for the first Napoleon Hill Institute event since the famous self-help author died decades ago.

Before the event began, the Institute CEO, Cliona O’Hara, and her camera crew drove over to the Carnegie Mansion in Manhattan.

That’s the place where a young nobody reporter in 1908 had the chance to meet and interview the world’s wealthiest man, Andrew Carnegie.

At that historic meeting, Carnegie challenged Hill to devote his life to compiling the science of success. Carnie would make introductions but he wouldn’t pay anything.

As generous as Carnegie was, he wasn’t going to support an unknown reporter, at least not financially.

Hill agreed.

And Hill hit the ground running.

He began an intense and persistent two decade long research project.

Along the way he created an entire course in 1925, and of course the famous Think and Grow Rich book in 1937.

And Hill kept producing books and courses until his death in 1970.

But Carnegie didn’t see any of it.

The legendary tycoon died in 1919, long before Hill had any real success.

My staff and I felt we needed to complete the mission.

We needed to go to the Carnegie Mansion, get into Carnegie’s study where he met Hill in 1908, and put a copy of Think and Grow Rich on the shelf.

We did just that.

I’ve posted video footage of the memorable event on my IG and FB pages.

But whenever you go to the Carnegie Mansion, see if you can peek into the library.

You’ll find the ghosts of Hill and Carnegie there.

And a copy of Think and Grow Rich.

Challenge completed.

Ao Akua,

Dr Joe

PS – My latest book releases tomorrow! Go get it in hardcover, Kindle, or audio formats, wherever you like to get books. Expect Miracles! 🙂



The Greatest Quote

You’ve probably come across this famous quote by Napoleon Hill in some form or another, whether it was on a poster in a classroom, a motivational meme on Instagram, or maybe even a pep talk from a friend.
“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”
– Napoleon Hill
Let’s dive deep into why this Napoleon “Think and Grow Rich” Hill quote isn’t just a catchy phrase, but a life principle embraced by many successful people.
It may be the only quote you need to succeed in life.
I’ve seen variations of it over the decades.
One version is from Mulhammed Ali, who said –
“If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it – then I can achieve it.’
Obviously this is an important quote. So let’s unpack it:
Imagine for a moment that you’re at a party, and in the corner, there’s a makeshift karaoke setup. You’re feeling the vibe, and your favorite song has just started to play. You think, “I could totally sing this!”
That’s you **conceiving** the idea.
But then, the self-doubt creeps in.
“What if I’m terrible? What if everyone laughs?”
However, if you brush that doubt aside and wholeheartedly **believe** that you can nail that song, chances are, you’ll grab the mic and give a memorable performance.
That’s you “believing” in the idea.
And your belief can nudge you to take action.
And that’s you **achieving** it!
Let’s take a real-world example: Walt Disney.
When he conceived the idea of Disneyland, many deemed it an impossible dream. But not only did he conceive it, he passionately believed in it.
Against all odds, criticisms, and financial troubles, Disneyland was built. Now, it stands as a testament to what the power of belief and action can achieve.
And how about J.K. Rowling?
She conceived the magical world of Harry Potter, not in a grand office or a fancy coffee shop, but on a delayed train.
Rowling faced rejection after rejection from publishers, but she believed in the magic she had penned down. And well, we all know how that turned out – millions of books sold, a successful movie franchise, and theme parks dedicated to the Wizarding World.
All because she believed!
The underlying power of Hill’s quote is the marriage of imagination and confidence.
First, you’ve got to dream and allow yourself the freedom to envision even the wildest possibilities (the conceive part).
But that’s just the starting point.
The real magic happens when you have unwavering faith in that dream (the believe part). Without belief, ideas are just fleeting thoughts, like clouds passing in the sky.
Of course, action is essential and Hill would be the first to agree.
He wrote, “Action is the real measure of intelligence.”
Your belief should ignite a fire in you to move.
And that movement stirs the world around you to respond.
The combination of all this – conceive, believe, achieve – is the formula for success.
The importance?
Well, if you dissect any success story, at its core, you’ll find a person who dared to dream and had the confidence to pursue that dream.
Every innovative gadget you use, every inspiring book you read, every movie that moves you – they all began as a seed of thought in someone’s mind. That person not only conceived an idea but believed in its potential, and thus, they achieved greatness.
Now, relevance?
In our current world, with rapidly evolving technology and a shift towards valuing creativity and innovation, the ability to conceive, believe, and achieve has never been more pertinent.
Start-ups are turning into tech giants, young artists are becoming global sensations, all because they dared to think differently and had faith in their vision.
However, a word of caution: while the quote is immensely motivating, it’s essential to understand that mere belief doesn’t guarantee success. It’s a starting point.
You still have to put in the work, face setbacks, and keep adapting. But, with a robust belief system, those challenges become surmountable.
And note the word choice made by Hill in his famous quote.
“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”
He didn’t say you “will” achieve success; he said you “can” achieve success.
In other words, you can do all the right things and still not achieve or attract your goal.
Success is not guaranteed.
But what’s the alternative?
Don’t conceive?
Don’t believe?
Don’t try?
Going for your dreams brings life; giving up brings death.
It’s your choice.
In a nutshell, Napoleon Hill’s quote is a timeless reminder that our mind’s power, combined with faith in ourselves, and persistent action, can be the blueprint for success.
But is it really the “only” quote you need to get through life?
Hill’s quote isn’t the be-all and end-all of what you need to know, of course. He wrote numerous books to expand on all he discovered. His mammoth Law of Success masterpiece alone will keep you busy understanding the science of personal achievement.
But if you need a quote to carry you into and through your next adventure, Hill’s is a good one to pack for the trip.
So, next time you’re at a crossroads, pondering a new idea, remember to not just dream it, but believe in it and take action toward it.
Who knows?
You might just be on the cusp of something incredible!
Expect Miracles!
Ao Akua
Dr Joe

The 15 Law of Attraction Principles

There are 15 little known principles for making the Law of Attraction and The Secret work for you.

These are not known by most people, not even most Law of Attraction self-help authors.

I “downloaded” them from The Divine and explain them in my new program, The Mental Time Travel System.

But to help you right now, here are the 15 Principles:

And so you can read them easily and clearly, here they are again:

  1. “If you can conceive it, and believe it, you can achieve it.” – Napoleon Hill
  2. Emotion activates attraction.
  3. To build more power, keep your word.
  4. Life is an optical illusion.
  5. Miracles occur through natural means.
  6. Intention rules the Earth.
  7. You cannot change the past, but you can change perceptions of the past.
  8. Personality isn’t permanent.
  9. Anything is possible.
  10. Belief isn’t necessary.
  11. Body changes Mind.
  12. The meaning you give an event is the belief that attracted the event.
  13. The missing secret to success is clearing counter-intentions.
  14. What you want has no beliefs about you.
  15. Infinite Intelligence works with your actions.

For explanations and details please go see https://www.mentaltimetravelsystem.com

Ao Akua,

Dr Joe

PS – Be sure to watch or listen to my weekly e-TV show, Zero Limits Living. You can now find it on more than 1,000 platforms, from Roku to Amazon Fire to Apple TV to YouTube and more. Or just go here.


Miracles Coaching

Whenever I want to improve in any area, I get a coach.

I know this to be so powerful, that it’s the reason I created my own Miracles Coaching program almost a decade ago. I had learned that whenever I got a coach, my skills accelerated.

For example:

Receiving a fitness award from Bill Phillips

Receiving a fitness award from Bill Phillips

When I wanted to get healthier, I went and studied directly with Bill Phillips, the legendary fitness guru behind the Body-for-Life movement. I received five honorable mentions for my success way back in 2004-2005. I received three medals for my transformation a few years ago, too, one of them presented to me by Bill Phillips himself. (!)

With Grammy nominated sax player Mindi Abair

With Grammy nominated sax player Mindi Abair

When I wanted to learn how to play the saxophone, I studied with Grammy nominated legend Mindi Abair. We turned my fanship into a friendship. And I went on to play sax on several of my songs, and even created an entire album of my own baritone saxophone music. (!)

With famed bodybuilder Frank Zane

With famed bodybuilder Frank Zane

When I was interested in bodybuilding, I went and studied in person with a great winner, Frank Zane. While that was more than ten years ago, I still call up in memory what I learned in person from Frank and apply it today – over 10 years later. (!)

With Melissa Etheridge (!)

With rock icon Melissa Etheridge

When I wanted to dramatically improve my skills as a musician, I went and studied in the home of rock legend Melissa Etheridge. That coaching experience transformed my life. I began to apply what I learned directly from Melissa to my songwriting. My new album, to be recorded in January, will be dedicated to her for all her influence. I’m even drafting a song about her called (of course) “Melissa.” (!)

Why is it so important to get coaching?

Because I know I don’t know it all.

Because I know learning on my own takes time.

Because I know the best can show me shortcuts.

Because I know this is an investment in my growth.

Because I know once I delete limiting beliefs, I accelerate my success.

Because I know it’s the number one way to transform my life forever.

In every case when I sought out coaching, my skills made a quantum leap forward.

And this is why you need to consider my Miracles Coaching program.

The evidence is overwhelming that it works.

It doesn’t matter what you are trying to attract or achieve.

What matters is that you “get clear” of any limiting beliefs in the way of what you desire.

Coaching can help you clear your path.

With every person mentioned above, I found limiting beliefs in myself that I had to change.

I still remember Melissa Etheridge pointing out a belief she heard me say that I didn’t hear. A coach can be a mirror and relay back to you what you aren’t even aware you are saying.

I still remember working out with Frank Zane and him saying he listens to what people say as they exercise. Their self-talk, spoken out loud, reveals their limitations.

Again, coaching is powerful.

To get more information about my Miracles Coaching program, and to arrange for a complimentary consultation to see if it’s right for you, just go see http://www.MiraclesCoaching.com

Expect Miracles.

Ao Akua,


PS – I wrote about my coaching experience with singer-songwriter Melissa Etheridge right here on my blog. Get a sense of the power of it. Go see https://www.mrfire.com/law-of-attraction/attracting-melissa-etheridge-part-2/

PPS – If you want coaching with *me* personally, consider a private mastermind. Details at http://www.MiraclesMastermind.com

Dr. Joe Vitale

Dr. Joe Vitale Member BBB 2003-2017


Imaginotions: Part Five

The young woman awakened early, stirred by the flutter of a bird.

She went to her window and saw a bluejay sitting there.

“Good morning,” she said.

The bluejay seemed to wink.

She went to her mirror.

To her confusion, she saw nothing there.

She gasped.

“Why-Why…” she stammered, not sure what to say at her empty mirror.

“Have no fear,” a voice said from outside the window.

She spun around and looked at the window.

The bird was still there.

“Have no fear,” the bird repeated.

This was almost too much for the young woman.

No reflection in her mirror?

A bird that talks?

“Have no fear,” again said the bluejay.

“But I-I don’t understand!”

“Have no fear.”

“But I can’t see myself!” she exclaimed, getting panicky. “And you’re TALKING!”

“The nothingness you see in the mirror is the mirror of the real you,” said the bird.

“I am nothing?!”

“You are everything.”

“But I see nothing in the mirror!”

“Look again,” suggested the bird.

The young woman took a breath, calmed down a bit, and looked into her mirror.

Suddenly she realized all she saw in it was all she felt in her.

The mirror was her.

The mirror reflected all within and appeared without.

She slowly smiled.

“I think I understand,” she said, half to herself.

The bird smiled.

“But what about this business of a bluejay speaking?” she asked.

“Ah, but within the dream, all is possible.”


“Whatever you can imagine, and can believe, can be achieved.”

“You sound like Napoleon Hill,” the woman said, smiling.

“I can read, too,” said the bird.

“All things really are possible,” mused the woman.

“And now you may awaken,” said the bird.

Thus the bluejay ended the lesson for the day.

Ao Akua,


PS – You know what this means.

Still a bestseller!

Still a bestseller!

Member BBB 2003 - 2016

Member BBB 2003 - 2016