The Forbidden Formula

My focus these days is doing my best to explain what I believe is the forbidden formula for manifesting what you want. In short, it looks like this:

1. Be here now. The greatest spiritual teachers pointed to this moment as being “it.” Ain’t nowhere else to go. The past is gone. The future isn’t here. All you really have is now.

That’s true.


2. Future birth. What you do in this moment creates your next moments. In other words, you can sit and “be here now” and feel great. But unless you take action out of this moment, you may become a happy beggar. All your stuff will be taken. You may not care, as you’ll be happy in the moment, but you will be of little service to humankind.

What we need is what I once called a “mystic in the marketplace.” That’s where you realize the magic, mystery and miracle of this moment, and you work in the world doing what you love to make a difference for the rest of us.

It takes both, a type of enlightened action.

Not taking action is probably the number one thing Law of Attraction practitioners do wrong. They tend to believe sitting and visualizing is enough. While sometimes things can fall into your lap, more often than not you need to move your lap to a place to better receive what you want. That means get up and move. Do something.

Again, I’m advocating being in the moment and being in movement.

I’m calling this the forbidden formula because either people don’t know it, don’t do it, or don’t share it. In order to be happy now while being productive in the world, you need to do and be both: enlightened and productive.

My completely recreating myself as a musician is an example of what I mean. Last year I wasn’t a musician. This year I’ll have three music CDs out.

I could have sat back and rested on my book royalties and done little more but sit in the moment and enjoy the sun and stars. But something within inspired me to pursue music.

Creating music out of the moment

Creating music out of the moment

I’ve learned to say “YES!” to the nudges; they lead to miracles. As a result of happily pursuing my new direction, I’m creating a new genre of music to help and heal the world.

There’s nothing wrong with pursuing enlightenment through sitting or walking meditation. But it seems a bit self-centered. Once you’ve tasted the miracle of the moment, get up and create from it.

Take the bliss to the street.

As a spiritual teacher once told me, “It’s easy to meditate in the mountains. Try doing it in business!”

Of course, you’re free to do whatever you like.

I’m just sayin’.

Ao Akua,


PS — Breaking News: Nightingale-Conant just released The Ultimate Law of Attraction Library. This is hands-down the definitive guide to finally understanding and using the Law of Attraction (LOA).  There’s nothing else like it anywhere.  It’s THE complete course in LOA.  It’s an unprecedented 12-CD, 20-session historic collection. It takes you from novice to expert, and covers everything from spirituality to attracting money, to getting clear and much, much more. Go see

Member BBB 2003 - 2012

Member BBB 2003 - 2012


  1. November 14, 2011 at 10:32 am


    Another great post. The key point of the whole post for me that I feel is important to pay attention to is: “something within inspired me”

    You wrote:
    “I could have sat back and rested on my book royalties and done little more but sit in the moment and enjoy the sun and stars. But something within inspired me to pursue music.”

    Could it be that those who think they are in the moment aren’t? They are just feeling good at (or about) the moment instead of feeling good in the moment?

    There is a big difference between the two. One creates inspired action from within and the other produces non-action and/or motivated action from without.

    Feeling good about the moment may feel balanced but there is not flow and in duality two things are required “Balance AND Flow”.

    Feeling good IN the moment produces both “Balance and Flow” and it usually does it outside of thinking about it. It seems and feels like the most natural next step to take.

    To Your Best,
    Dr. Vetter –

  2. Thank you once again, Joe. I will especially keep the words the spiritual teacher told you in mind and heart. I really love them!
    (“It’s easy to meditate in the mountains. Try doing it in business!”)
    Tons of love and hugs,
    Claus 😀

  3. Thank you once again, Joe. I will especially keep the words the spiritual teacher told you in mind and heart. I really love them!
    (“It’s easy to meditate in the mountains. Try doing it in business!”)
    Tons of love and hugs,
    Claus 😀

  4. November 14, 2011 at 10:52 am

    Joe, as you’ve so rightly pointed out before, The Secret didn’t have enough about taking action and many misinterpreted the concept. I’m glad you’re emphasizing it again.

    Last year a client of mine was putting down LOA as an unworkable concept, noting the lack of emphasis on action. I pointed her to your works, among others, and created an acronym, A.I.M. Action In the Moment.

    And now, excuse me, I’ve got to take some ACTION to get my day underway.

  5. November 14, 2011 at 11:47 am

    Wow this is an Awesome post Feels right also. Kinda has a God helps those who help themselves Ring to it. 😉 Thank you Joe

  6. November 15, 2011 at 2:16 am

    Writing your goals down does manifest some of them without you having to take any more action, but I’ve experienced how when you what to get the rest of the list completed – you absolutely need to TAKE ACTION.

    Thank you Joe for the reminder.

  7. November 15, 2011 at 3:16 am

    The instant manifestors of the world – The Jesus Christ’s and other spiritual masters – could manifest on demand, by being in perfect harmony with the Universe.

    Reaching this level of Christ Consciousness is possible after enlightenment. Not too many enlightened souls out there, as we each carry plenty of blocks, so action is going to be a part of the equation as you intend to manifest. You gotta act too.

    Dream. Do. Keep dreaming and keep doing. We are living in a body, to do stuff. By thought, you attract. By acting, you receive. Both are key parts of the manifesting equation.

    Being present helps you enjoy the richness of the moment. It helps you remain unattached. Moving into action in the present helps you touch many lives, share of your talents, and manifest neat stuff too, like money, cars, homes, trips, whatever. All of it is good, when manifested in alignment with high ideals.

    Thanks for sharing Joe!


  8. Linda-Reply
    November 15, 2011 at 4:03 am

    Hi, Joe. I have one curious and (I think) important question, about solar water:

    In my house, and in my office, I have one tap with MINERAL water (typical in offices, you know).
    This water (mineral, from bottles)… is good to make blue solar water?

    Please, I need to know about this. Nobody answered this question clearly…

    • November 15, 2011 at 7:09 am

      As long as the bottle is glass and blue, you’re good to go.

  9. Linda-Reply
    November 15, 2011 at 10:45 am

    Thankyou very much, Joe.

  10. November 15, 2011 at 3:11 pm

    hey joe! Another great post. I really understand what you are saying and I am doing my best do incorporate this attitude. So far it is working wonders!

    Also, I just purchased both the basic and advanced law of attraction certification course that you and Steve put together. Which one should I start with? How are they different? And does it increase your validity as a law of attraction practioner? Thank you Joe for all your help and I can’t wait to get started on this program!


  11. Josh-Reply
    November 15, 2011 at 5:09 pm

    Thank You Joe! Always wonderful posts. LOA…Law of Action. Thanks for inspiring myself and many others. I do take heed and have read some of your books and have taken action from some of the lessons contained. It’s a lot of fun taking action. Thanks again!

  12. Renan-Reply
    November 16, 2011 at 10:44 am

    Hey Joe, it might have nothing to do with your post, but I’m feeling a huge urge to ask you this.
    I’ve been reading a lot about our higher self, I’m wondering, how can I keep in touch with this higher self, make him (or her) questions about what and how should I act from now on, these kinda of things. If you can give me a good answer or present me a great book of yours or any of your favorite writters that can answer me, I’d be really glad.

    Thank you for everything you’ve done for me.

    • November 18, 2011 at 7:40 am

      Susan Shumsky has books you may like.

  13. November 19, 2011 at 4:50 pm

    Thanks for the interesting post, Joe. I love how everything you write is so easy to understand. I appreciate the phrase “enlightened action”, that’s one that I will have start using myself.

  14. January 13, 2012 at 11:01 pm

    Thank you Joe. Just what I desired.

  15. July 15, 2016 at 10:31 pm

    Get the exciting new book!
    Mystic Secrets of the Law of Attraction
    This book brings together the deepest secrets of the law of attraction from all the major spiritual, mystical and religious paths of the world. For the first time, a truly inclusive and boldly syncretic work is presented for the reader who wishes to delve deeper into this fascinating subject. The…

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