You and Only You

If you want to attract money now, and do it super fast, then please as many people as possible.


Focus entirely on them.

Here’s an example:

In Tim Ferriss’ new book, The 4-Hour Body, he offers pages of resources. One of them is for a company that will make nutrition bars for you based on your selection of ingredients; and you can name the bar, too. The company is You Bars.

I think this is brilliant.

I ordered a box of bars. They arrived, I tried it, and I loved them.

Bet You Can't Eat Just One

Bet You Can't Eat Just One

I of course told others. Word of mouth marketing kicks in fast when you’re pleased by a product.

Nerissa also ordered her own bars.

Nerissa Loves Her Bars, Too

Nerissa Loves Her Bars, Too

Why is this important?

This may be more of a marketing lesson than a Law of Attraction lesson, but here goes anyway:

  • The customer gets involved in an easy way: go online and pick the ingredients wanted.
  • The customer gets to name the bars: we all seek recognition.
  • The customer gets the product delivered to their door: no cooking, no clean up, no pick up.

Obviously, the entire focus of You Bars, Inc. is on you.

Years ago I had dinner with Louise Hay, bestselling author and one of the founders of the modern self-help movement. She said her secret to success was in serving as many people as possible. Her books have sold in the tens of millions worldwide.

Now keep in mind the lesson in this post: if you’re not as wealthy as you’d like to be, it may be because you’re not serving as many people as you could.

Are you?

Ao Akua,


PS –I’m not selling protein bars. Neither is Nerissa. I’m not an affiliate for You Bars.  Neither is Nerissa. This post is just a reminder of how to attract money now by thinking more of others than yourself.

Note: If you take a minute to answer a brief survey for me, it will help me better serve you and you just might win an ipad.  See
Thank you.

Member BBB 2003 - 2011

Member BBB 2003 - 2011


  1. Wauw, what a valuable lesson, Joe! 😀

    Thank you for sharing. It is very good to be reminded of not always having your attention on yourself, but on how you can be at service for others.

    And we all love to help end serve others, don’t we?

    Warn greetings from Denmark,

  2. Wauw, what a valuable lesson, Joe! 😀

    Thank you for sharing. It is very good to be reminded of not always having your attention on yourself, but on how you can be at service for others.

    And we all love to help end serve others, don’t we?

    Warn greetings from Denmark,

  3. February 7, 2011 at 4:47 pm

    This is part of the success equation Joe! I actually heard this in a Jim Rohn Cd I was listening to today. He said “find a way to serve many people.”

    Awesome post!

  4. February 9, 2011 at 12:14 am

    Hi Joe,

    Funny thing. This is the second time I ran into this concept today. Maybe the universe is trying to tell me something. I think I will listen.

    Thanks for sharing this thought.

  5. February 10, 2011 at 12:18 am

    Hey Joe,

    The internet has helped us to reach even larger audience to help out.
    The internet has definitely made this concept easier for us to achieve! and you can see proof that more and more internet millionaires are popping left and right!

    This post was a great reminder!


  6. kidiaga-Reply
    February 24, 2011 at 1:13 am

    hi, you always bring me back to the basics.thanks sir.

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