A while back a delightful woman asked me some questions for an online magazine for Czech readers. She published the exchange at http://www.kofibrejkonlajn.cz/pozitivni-mysleni/36-exkluzivni-rozhovor-muzete-mit-vse-po-cem-touzite-rika-joe-vitale.html I thought you’d be interested in reading it in English:

1. Dear Joe, thank you very much for making this possible. You probably don’t know that but you are successful in the Czech republic too. We know you from The Secret and we have access to the most of your books. I read and I also heard it on one of your audio sessions that you were homeless once and now you have this amazing life and career that people usually dream of. I know that this didn’t happen over night but tell us what was “IT” that changed your life. Was it a person, a book or…your inner voice?

People have often asked me what was “it” that changed my life. The right answer is “Everything!” I did EVERYTHING. I read books, listened to audios, attended events, kept working on myself, trying, failing, learning, improving and more. I had to DO IT ALL to become successful. There was no “one” thing. Certain books helped me, such as Claude Bristol’s The Magic of Believing. But largely, it was doing whatever seemed like the right next thing to do that got me here.

2. What were you dreaming about as a child? Do you remember?

Oh, yes, I remember. I wanted to be a magician. I was going to be like Harry Houdini, and be famous for my great magic and stunts. I also thought I might be a baseball player, and be known player like Babe Ruth. I also thought about being an author. Since I always loved books, and still do today, becoming a writer seemed like my best bet.

3. I read and watched The Secret, which was the first platform for people in the Czech republic to find out about the Law of Attraction. I started practising the LOA, but I was suddenly afraid of my thoughts, because I couldn’t control them. I also felt that the book was only the introduction to the whole philosophy of the manifestation. There were things that were missing, which left me looking for more information. The “ Action” part was also never mentioned and I felt that only visualizing would not get me too far. If you could list 3 things that people should do every day to manifest all they want in their lives, what would they be…?

This is a big question. I think The Secret and other books and movies are just introductions to the Law of Attraction. There’s much more to learn. I have entire courses, like The Missing Secret, and my Miracles Coaching program, to help people understand these deep concepts. If I had to list three things to do, they’d be:

1. State your intention. What do you want?
2. Get clear. When negative thoughts arise, realize they are just thoughts and don’t feed them.
3. Take action. Results are a co-creation of what you do and what the Universe does through others.

4. I read your Hypnotic marketing and hypnotic writing and I have to say it is very powerful. It hasn’t been translated to Czech language yet unfortunately. I hope that it will be soon after we publish this interview.  Where do you get your inspiration for you books? Do you first test everything and then write about it.

I get ideas from everywhere. I read a tremendous amount and get ideas from what I read. i also have inspirations and follow through on them, testing them on myself first. If they work for me, I share them with others. I see myself as a scout who rides ahead of everyone, tries out what he sees, and then returns and shares his secrets with others.

5. In our magazine Kofibrejkonlajn.cz (coffeebreakonline –but written in a funny way) we also write about procrastination, work ethic…and so on. You are the author of so many books, you teach, do online seminars, travel the world, you are a musician with 4 albums; it seems to me, that you don’t have a problem with procrastination. Or if you have, you sure know how to beat it  Can you give us some advice or tips on how to be productive? (please tell us also about your daily routine if you have any)

This is another big subject. People who procrastinate are doing one of two things: They are either afraid of failure or success, or they are trying to do something too big. In other words, people have unconscious beliefs about success. They may fear it or they may fear the opposite of it, failure. Either way, they will hesitate to take any action to protect themselves.

Also, if people are trying to create a big project, they may feel overwhelmed and stop. They need to break down the big project into little steps; something they can do each day to make progress. I work every day on my goals. I read every day, write every day, exercise every day, meditate every day, and rest every day. Living and doing moment by moment, I achieve massive results. Anyone can do this.

6. As you are a “guru” for millions of people through your work, we think that even a “guru” needs his own  “guru” sometimes. Is there an author or a person that inspires you?

I have MANY authors who inspire me, from Bruce Barton and Vash Young to Debbie Ford and more. Ralph Waldo Emerson and Mark Twain also inspire me.

7. You meet lots of people through your live and online seminars, and they talk about their struggle with money, in relationships, or at work…. what do you tell them? Is that one thing that you want them to always remember?

I tell them “This, too, will pass.” In other words, what you are struggling with will pass, what you are worried about will pass. It’s the nature of life to move things along and change them. But you can accelerate that change by focusing on what you want, clearing yourself of limiting beliefs, and taking action. The sun will rise again. It always does.

8. What are you working on now?

Numerous things. I have two new books coming out: “The Miracle” and “The Awakened Millionaire.” I have new music coming out, on top of the 15 albums I’ve already recorded. I have an Authorship Program about to be released, to help first time authors get published in 12 weeks. I’m of course always working on my Miracles Coaching program. And most recently I have become interested in strongman feats of strength. I have been bending horseshoes, nails and spikes, and steel bars. I may write a book about it. I’m enjoying life.

9. Would you be interested in coming to Prague to have a workshop or a seminar? Do you travel to Europe often?

YES! I would LOVE to visit there. I have been to Europe many times, and love the countries and their people.

Ao Akua,


PS – New book coming April 2016:

New book Aoril 2016

New book April 2016


  1. February 22, 2016 at 8:56 am

    “People who procrastinate are doing one of two things: They are either afraid of failure or success, or they are trying to do something too big.”

    You are speaking to my soul. Hmph! Let’s see what awareness of this can do to inspire change. #feelinginspiration #thankyou

  2. February 22, 2016 at 10:26 am

    First of all, great interview.

    What I found about myself is that one book helps me understand another one and one person helps me to understand something that the other person teaches.

    What I try to say Joe is that your books (I have them all in Polish language) helped me understand more and more things and – like you mentioned in Zero Limits – they are like stairs: after reading one book I can understand the next one.

    What I also found is that inspiration and wisdom come from many places and many people so I believe that I also become better version of myself thanks to many “things” – not only one book or one teacher (but you are one of my favourites).

    I believe that every person has its own path to “success” and people like you show the principles but we all have to take action, fail, improve, take action, fail, improve and get results 🙂

  3. February 29, 2016 at 6:37 pm

    i love your analogy of you seeing yourself as a scout who goes ahead of other and shares your knowledge with them ….

    that’s how I see myself too,.,

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