Buddy Estrella now believes in miracles.

On Tuesday I went to get new clothes for my Attract Money Now Live event happening this weekend. After releasing 40 pounds and putting on 15 pounds of muscle, few of my old clothes fit. It was time for a new wardrobe (and an invoice for it sent to Bill Phillips).

I headed to Capra & Cavelli in Austin. It’s a legendary clothing store. Esquire magazine voted it one of the best in the country. But I had never been in it. I went there with the intention of having someone dress me. After all, my normal dress code is T-shirt and shorts. I needed an elevated look for my event. I needed help.

Buddy believes in miracles - now

Buddy believes in miracles - now

The store I went to had nothing but conservative clothes, Fall fashions, and heavy wools. That’s not for me. I want unusual, leather, different; something to symbolize the new me. Something light and breezy so I won’t melt on stage from my adrenaline or the hot lights.

Buddy is the main sales person at the store. He instantly recognized me from my marketing materials. He even bought my first Nightingale-Conant audio program, way back in 1999, titled The Power of Outrageous Marketing. Of course, he also knew me from my role in the movie The Secret. We became fast friends.

Buddy admitted they didn’t have what I wanted in the store. He said I should consider getting custom clothes tailor made for me at some time. Of course, that would take a month. Needing something by this weekend wouldn’t cut it. He suggested I just go to a high end department store and buy something off the rack.

Since I was already in his store, I said to take my measurements and make a blazer for me. I could at least get the ball rolling and be prepared for future seminars.

After he measured me and we chose the fabric, I decided to question Buddy.

“How long will it take to make this blazer?’

“Four to six weeks.”

While I heard him, I didn’t accept his answer as the final one.

I then asked the daring question, “What would it take to get it done by Friday?”

“IMPOSSIBLE!” Buddy blurted out, smiling at my audacious question.

Are there really any limits?“Impossible?” I repeated.

“It’s already Tuesday and you’d need it on Friday,” he explained. “That means they’d have to make it right now and overnight it on Thursday. There’s just no way.”

Two other sales people in the store smiled and nodded their heads.

They all agreed it was impossible.

Something in me wouldn’t accept this “reality.”

I thought of actress Audrey Hepburn saying, “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible!'”

I thought of all the books I had read that expanded my mind and urged me to question limitations, such as The Power of Impossible Thinking by Yoram (Jerry) R. Wind and Colin Cook.

I thought of my own books, and my practice of living “At Zero” by practicing ho’oponopono non-stop.

I thought of my Miracles Coaching program and how I encourage people to believe in the impossible.

I still had my intention in mind of getting new clothes for my event. I also felt very inspired to see if there were any real limits here.

Inspiration and intention are two forces to reckon with.

Buddy didn’t know what he was in for.

“Look,” I began. “I don’t live in the world of limitations. I know it may seem impossible, but would you be willing to make a call and find out for sure?”

I could see Buddy was wrestling with being polite with me. A part of him knew it was impossible to get custom made clothes in 48 hours. Another part of him didn’t want to offend the new customer before him who created books and audios that he admired.

“I’m happy to call,” he said, smiling.

He did.

As he explained the situation to the tailor on the phone, I had a feeling this just might happen. I then feared they might stiff me by adding a thousand dollars to the bill for rush delivery. I told myself I would pay it if it came to that.

Buddy got off the phone and said, “They can do it.”

“They can?” I said, laughing at the ease of making “impossible” turn into possible.

“But they want more money to do it,” he said.

I braced myself.

“How much more?”


He said it like it was a lot. Considering I was leading an event on attracting money, an extra two hundred bucks seemed like a well deserved tip to get such speedy service. I agreed to pay it.

And I’ll have the custom made leather blazer this Friday — tomorrow! — right in time for my event.

If you want to see me in it — and discover how to transcend limitations like “impossible” — either attend my event in person in Austin or sit right there and watch it live. We will stream it right from the event itself.

Just go to — Attract Money Now Live.

No excuses now.

After all, “What’s impossible?’

Ao Akua


PS — Buddy will be at the event, too. He can tell you the story of “What’s impossible?” first hand. You can sit right there and watch the event streamed to you. Get details by scrolling to near bottom of this link. Expect Miracles.

Member BBB 2003 - 2014


  1. November 7, 2013 at 9:45 am

    Thanks for the info!

  2. November 7, 2013 at 10:13 am

    I am happy and thankful to be here as I’ve learned something great…. The next time I’m faced with an ‘impossible’ situation, I’ll ask this question, “What would it take to get it done …..?”. Instead of accepting the ‘impossible’, it would be interesting to see if there were any real limits there. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Paul-Reply
    November 7, 2013 at 12:05 pm


    It`s a wonderful story. Thanks for sharing. Were you repeating the 4 phrases to yourself while being at the store?
    Unfortunately I won’t be able to attend the event but I am happy for the people who will be there and listen to you and your colleagues.

    Thank you
    I love you

    • November 7, 2013 at 12:14 pm

      Hi Paul. Yes, I was. That’s what I was referring to when I wrote “I thought of my own books, and my practice of living “At Zero” by practicing ho’oponopono non-stop.”

  4. November 7, 2013 at 7:29 pm

    Hi Joe, Big Fan here, writing this comment by heart.
    I’ve read all of your latest books, starting from Attractor Factor, and grew up with them in the last phase of my adolescence.
    They’ve motivated me enough to make me change direction in my life, I decided to go for achieving my dreams with all my perseverance.

    So for me, it’s be great to watch your Attract Money Now Live online.
    I feel your live talk would dramatically increase my determination in becoming a succesful Music Producer, which is my absolute dream.
    I want to be able to serve the universe in the best way I know: write music that can reach to every people in the world, touch their hearts and heal their wounds and scars.

    Yet I’m still just a Student, so I don’t happend to have the money that it taskes to subscribe to the Attract Money Live course though. So it’d be technically impossible to assist it, right?
    …”But what’s impossible, after all?”

  5. Sameer Wakude-Reply
    November 8, 2013 at 3:56 am

    Wow, that’s an inspirational story. It can be applied for any of the situations. Thanks for sharing…
    BTW in India, you can get a branded blazer in around 100-120$ all inclusive and they will tailor it for you, and give you within 2 days 🙂
    Next time, when you come to India, go for it and also give me a call 🙂

  6. Heidi-Reply
    November 8, 2013 at 12:12 pm


  7. November 10, 2013 at 2:25 am

    The major reason why we tend to fail because we don’t believe that we can achieve what we really want. It’s good thing to know that by just aiming and totally believing into something can call its manifestation in our lives.

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