Around 2010, my father started recording his life story on cassettes.

It took him five years.

But he did it.

Earlier this year he sent me a box of ninety-minute cassettes, a cassette player, and an envelope with photos in it.

I then had the tapes transcribed, edited, and formatted into a book.

On June 4th, my father’s 90th birthday, I presented his published autobiography to him.

My father receiving his first published book on his 90th birthday

My father receiving his first published book on his 90th birthday

He was speechless.

He held it like a newborn baby.

He was flushed, teary eyed, and truly moved.

And so was I.

My father found time to record his life story because it was important to him.

And he did it while being the primary caretaker of my bedridden mother, now 84.

And he did it while maintaining his own exercise routine of working out two hours a day.

And he did it while cooking, cleaning, running errands, dealing with harsh winters and hot summers, and his own medical challenges.

But he did it.

If a ninety year old man can complete one of his dreams, then you can, too.

You simply begin and then stick with it.

Before too long, your dream comes true.

Just like my Dad’s.

You can watch my Dad’s reaction to receiving his book at

Ao Akua,


PS – My father’s book, The Most Contented Man, will be available on Amazon soon. And he’s planning to record a second book: What I Would Do If I Was President of the United States. 🙂

Member BBB 2003 - 2015

Member BBB 2003 - 2015


  1. June 15, 2015 at 12:43 pm

    Great story Joe. I love it. I really love it.

    Your dad proved that if we REALLY want something, there’s nothing that can stops us.

    The thing is that we just need to know WHY we want to do this because HOW will appear (in this case your father has you to do what it needs to be done in order to create a book).

    I think that we ‘HOW is not our business’ about which I wrote one of my blog posts (

    I hope that this book will be translated to Polish 😉

    With LOVE,
    Michael Kidzinski

  2. June 16, 2015 at 5:31 am

    That’s wonderful. A friend asked me to put together his father’s memoirs to present to him on his birthday. Unfortunately, the father died before I got anything to work with. I keep pushing him to send me the files anyway, but so far no luck.

    I recently bought myself a GoPro Hero 4 to record my life. The only problem is, there are 58½ years I can’t record, unless someone lends me a time machine. It’s always good to leave behind a legacy for others to learn from and enjoy.

    Tell your father I hope he has many more years to record.

  3. June 17, 2015 at 8:07 am

    This is truly a moving story.
    I watched the video and the things that your father said are just remarkable. I believe everyone wishes not only to carry such wisdoms but to also actualize them as your father does in such a positive way.
    Thank you for sharing and reminding of what the real magic in life is all about.

  4. June 17, 2015 at 12:34 pm

    Wow Joe. This is a very touching post. It struck a cord. Very well done.

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