The passing this week of self-help author Wayne Dyer has shaken and saddened the world.

He influenced millions, inspiring them, educating them, being a light for the road ahead.

He wrote forty books, recorded numerous programs, and spoke to millions.

He changed my life, too, way back in the early 1980s.

I borrowed his books and cassettes from the public library. I watched him on television.

He was brilliant in articulating principles I had not heard before.

He was one of the first great living teachers in my life.

Wayne Dyer radiated love.

Wayne Dyer radiated love.

I still remember him talking about the difference in scolding a child, and scolding a child’s behavior.

They were two different things.

The child was never wrong, but their behavior might be.

The first audio program I ever heard of his was How to Be A No-Limit Person from Nightingale-Conant.

That was probably around 1980. I was still struggling but deeply searching, too.

Wayne’s program helped me rethink my own life, including my beliefs and behaviors.

He helped awaken me to inner powers and renewed optimism.

He helped get me through the dark night of my soul.

Wayne Dyer left a legacy

Wayne Dyer left a legacy

I also learned book marketing from Wayne.

I remember the story of him quitting his job in 1976, loading a station wagon with his first book (Your Erroneous Zones) and traveling the country for an entire year, going on every radio or TV show that would have him as a guest.

It was old school door-to-door marketing.

He was relentless and persistent in sharing his message to the world.

When he returned home, his neighbors said, “Hey, while you were on vacation, your book became a bestseller.”

Obviously, he made it one.

I never met Wayne in any formal way but we spoke at the same event for Hay House in Austin a couple of years ago, and I saw him once years beforehand.

“The next time you are contemplating a decision in which you are debating whether or not to take charge of yourself, to make your own choice, ask yourself an important question, ‘How long am I going to be dead?’ With that eternal perspective, you can now make your own choice and leave the worrying, the fears, the question of whether you can afford it and the guilt to those who are going to be alive forever.” –  Wayne Dyer

We were walking along the beach in Maui, going in different directions, and I said hi to him.

He paused long enough to acknowledge me, but I kept walking.

He was with a friend and I was focused on my walk.

I’m certain he would have stopped and chatted, as I sensed his humbleness, serenity and friendliness.

But the moment passed.

And now Wayne Dyer, age 75, has passed.

I regret that I didn’t stop my stroll long enough to share a few words, and to thank him in person for influencing me, too.

The world will miss Wayne Dyer, but they will never forget him.

His contributions will live forever.

As will our love for him.

Thank you, Wayne.

You did well.

Ao Akua,


PS – A news report of the passing of Wayne Dyer is here:

Member BBB 2003 - 2015

Member BBB 2003 - 2015


  1. September 2, 2015 at 10:02 am

    Dr. Wayne Dyer was a global spiritual genius who touched many souls positively, even up to Nigeria here. He lives on.

  2. September 2, 2015 at 10:06 am

    I have now read dozens of tributes to Dr Dyer. Tears for us who will miss him. I too lost my chance at meeting him in person because I did not take the time and effort to make a decision for myself. This is a good reminder for me to get going and make some necessary changes. We love you Wayne Dyer. Forever in our hearts.

  3. September 2, 2015 at 3:14 pm

    Joe, thank you for sharing this with everyone.
    Wayne will be greatly missed.

    Peace, love and music,

  4. Peter Jastermsky-Reply
    September 2, 2015 at 10:20 pm

    I had almost finished reading Wayne’s book titled “Inspiration” when I heard of his passing. He certainly inspired me, and, yes, with the same cassettes, Joe, that you were listening to. Joe, thanks for sharing your sentiments regarding Wayne. On so many levels, he was a friend to all.

  5. September 3, 2015 at 6:11 am

    Thank You Joe Vitale for your recognition. I am sorry for your heart and mine.

  6. Naser-Reply
    September 3, 2015 at 6:11 am

    It is a great shock for me also. Very recently I viewed a part of The Shift and I advised my friends and relatives to view it. But, suddenly I got the sad news which made me speechless. Thank you Dr. Dyer for your contribution to make the world most peaceful.

    Dhaka, Bangladesh

  7. JULIE-Reply
    September 3, 2015 at 6:19 am

    Thank you very much for this beautiful message
    the first book I read was Your Erroneous Zones
    that was fantastic what you share
    The next time you are contemplating a decision in which you are debating whether or not to take charge of yourself, to make your own choice, ask yourself an important question, ‘How long am I going to be dead?’ With that eternal perspective, you can now make your own choice and leave the worrying, the fears, the question of whether you can afford it and the guilt to those who are going to be alive forever.” – Wayne Dyer
    Ho’oponopono in French
    I will always love you Wayne and thank you Joe for sharing this xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  8. September 3, 2015 at 6:44 am

    Now that Wayne has dematerialize his body, he offers us the possibility to meet him directly from our soul to his universal soul.
    Thank you Jo for your post and thank you Wayne for transforming my thougths. Marie-Noël from Belgium

  9. September 3, 2015 at 7:31 am

    Joe, what a tremendous tribute to Dr. Dyer. Like you, he has had such an influence on so many people.

    He was such an inspiration and his spirit, his lessons and his power will live on forever.

    Ripple On!!!

  10. September 3, 2015 at 8:32 am


    Thank you for sharing this message. Wayne’s passing away is indeed a loss and will be remembered among generations. I liked his lines in YOUR ERRONEOUS ZONES –

    ‘The next time you are contemplating a decision in which you are debating whether or not to take charge of yourself, to make your own choice, ask yourself an important question, ‘How long am I going to be dead?’ With that eternal perspective, you can now make your own choice and leave the worrying, the fears, the question of whether you can afford it and the guilt to those who are going to be alive forever.” – Wayne Dyer ‘

    We love Wayne, thank you so much for leaving such a sound legacy behind for us to cherish and learn. Nutan

  11. September 3, 2015 at 8:41 am

    Thank you, Joe. I am still in shock and grief at Wayne’s passing. It is, at a naive, “we are all separate” level of thinking so strange to think that the death of a man who was not related to me and who lived on the other side of the world should move me – and clearly millions of others – so profoundly. And yet, a moment’s reflection on his teachings is all it takes to remember that we are all one, and his death has diminished us all.

    I was fortunate enough to meet him once in London and I shook his hand and have a couple of his books which he was kind enough to autograph for me.

    What I remember most about that moment the most was the depth of wisdom and love that sparkled in his eyes – a memory I shall treasure forever.

    Thank you again, Joe, for your tribute, and to Wayne Dyer for the seismic shift he made to my life and to the consciousness of this planet. It has been an honour to breathe the same air – our lifetimes coincided for 59 years.

  12. September 3, 2015 at 9:16 am

    This is the corrected edited version.

    Wayne Dyer Passing

    I was fortunately to meet with and have a photograph with Wayne Dyer & Louise Hay at an I Can Do It workshop and book signing event in Florida a couple years ago. He was warm, friendly and humble. When I shook his hand and hugged him there was an aura or presence about him that I felt the vibration of a very spiritual and enlightened person whose mission in life was to share spiritual principles with others on how to live a happy, successful and meaningful life. I will deeply miss any new books or PBS specials spreading his wisdom for the ages which is the title of one of his books.

  13. September 3, 2015 at 9:16 am

    This is the corrected edited version.

    Wayne Dyer Passing

    I was fortunately to meet with and have a photograph with Wayne Dyer & Louise Hay at an I Can Do It workshop and book signing event in Florida a couple years ago. He was warm, friendly and humble. When I shook his hand and hugged him there was an aura or presence about him that I felt the vibration of a very spiritual and enlightened person whose mission in life was to share spiritual principles with others on how to live a happy, successful and meaningful life. I will deeply miss any new books or PBS specials spreading his wisdom for the ages which is the title of one of his books.

  14. Ezekiel Isiekwene-Reply
    September 3, 2015 at 9:37 am

    Thank God for this moment of time that a great one departed this world. Dr. Wayne Dyer was a personality really found, his life touched and still touching million of lives all around the world. Though he will surely be missed by so many people but his works lives on. Good night to the great legend of our time we love you…

  15. Mario A Gonzalez Tamez-Reply
    September 3, 2015 at 11:05 am

    Las ideas de Wayne Dyer y la forma en que las explica me permitieron cambiar positivamente en mi vida y diariamente practico sus enseñanzas, Gracias Wayne eternamente y Gracias Joe por compartir todos tus conocimientos y tus sentimientos.

  16. Cathleen-Reply
    September 3, 2015 at 1:03 pm

    Everytime someone posts about his passing, I cry again. A true servant of God. Showing us how to live from a place of gratitude and peace. I was blessed to meet him once and attend a lecture of his in Santa Monica. His teaching will go on and day by day he will help someone new. I will continue to share his books and knowledge with the world. He has influenced me for almost 3 decades.

  17. September 3, 2015 at 6:28 pm

    I started my journey with Wayne and will continue to recommend that others who want to leave the fearful way of living and join the loving way of living give Wayne’ offerings a very careful look. I write on how science and spirituality, at the leasing edge, are continuing to support the concept that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. I wish I could have met with Wayne to discuss with him how he was a leader but now there is more known to be followed. Thanks Wayne for a very good start! Jesuis Laplume (I am the pen – but not always the Author!)

  18. September 4, 2015 at 6:12 am

    Thank you Joe for sharing this.
    Love, peace, and health

  19. Deborah-Reply
    September 4, 2015 at 6:38 am

    17 years ago I was struggling with some personal situations. My husband came home one day with a book that completely altered the way I was looking at life. That book was ” the power of intention” by Wayne Dyer. I became a devoted follower of everything that man wrote. I chanted along with him on all those CDs every night before I went to bed. Anything he wrote, I bought. I have watched ” the shift” many times with family and friends and never get tired of it. I am saddened beyond words to hear of his passing, and I will never forget him. He taught me that I could actually live my life differently and that I could choose a better way. For that I am greatful…..
    Love and light,
    Deborah from Connecticut

  20. Steve-Reply
    September 4, 2015 at 6:32 pm

    Thank you Joe for sharing. Moments, right? It’s those moments in life that come in a flash and come so out of the blue that we don’t even realize it when they’re there. Wow. I too would have loved to have talked to him directly, because it was his books that saved me from my own dark night of the soul.
    But you too are an absolute inspiration to so many of us. Your books have inspired millions too. There is no difference. You are doing the same work. You too are one of the most spiritually influential guys on the planet. And it was you who had the guts to tell the world the truth about the law of attraction and how it really works. For me, at least I got to thank in person one of my great spiritual mentors – you… (June 16, 2009, Steve, Phantom Ride!)

    • September 5, 2015 at 1:57 pm

      Steve, I really appreciate you. Thank you.

  21. September 7, 2015 at 8:50 pm

    I too have a regret with Wayne Dyer, I posted this on my blog;
    A letter I wrote a few months back and regrettably never sent to the person who was meant to see it. Don’t hold back letting someone know how they made you feel or how they influenced your life, tell them now.

    Hello Wayne Dyer,
    I’m sitting here at the moment reading chapter two of your book Inspiration and I can’t seem to shake off the feeling to write to you. Not meaning to sound morbid I just wanted to take the time before either of us “kicked it” to let you know how you’ve helped people through me.
    I have been training and teaching martial arts for almost 30 years. Along with the physical training I have delved into the spiritual and it seems every book I picked up along the way written by you, went hand in hand with what I was learning.
    I was asked by two of my closest friends to teach the things I have learned, those two ended up being 30 people and Manifesting Me was born.
    I would like to say thank you; with your inspiration, teaching and books, along with my martial arts, sparked ideas within me to inspire and teach others. I have quoted you at rehab centers, churches, dojos, banks, wellness and medical centers.
    So, thank you for being born. Thank you for choosing the path you chose in 1939. Thank you for sparking the flame that lit my passion to help others.
    With love and pure gratitude,
    Maria Baird

  22. September 10, 2015 at 1:17 am

    Well said, Joe. Thanks for sharing that ‘missed’ encounter. It reminds me that, once in a while, Life smiles at us and offers us a miracle. Once in a while, we recognize it, and accept it as such. Then again, once in a while, we don’t. Either way, it’s all good…we learn a lesson, and are reminded of Life’s unceasing abundance. Dr Dyer’s life was a life well lived. As is yours, Joe. Blessed Love. -Glenford

  23. September 12, 2015 at 12:41 am

    It shocks me that you two never met. As you two are the most influential teachers in my life to date.
    I’ve no idea what makes us chose to tune into one person or another but something has kept me coming back to see both your work and of course the beautiful Dr Dyer.
    The news of his passing did leave me sad, yet happy for him, his life, his work. He was truly a walking angel. I miss him terribly.
    He has passed without people like me (and you) physically saying thank you to him.
    I will continue to learn from him and his books, videos and films.
    As for you, please know you have also done so much for me too. Thank you…

    With much love

    Louise xoxo

  24. November 22, 2015 at 8:12 pm

    Dear Doctor Joe Vitale,

    Nice to hear these words from you, i have always said that the success in my life is because of you, because you have been a great teacher for me since we met in the summer Summit meeting in Austin Texas.

    However, let me tell you, Wayne dyer was my teacher too, i had the chance to say hi to him, and have a nice conversation face to face with him… it was a warm day in las vegas, nevada.

    I know you are my best teacher in life, but Wayne was it too.



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