Tag: abundance


The Secret of "Instant Manifestation"

At Pat O’Bryan’s Unseminar #9, I not only revealed my seven-step secret system for using Hypnotic Marketing and Law of Attraction principles to attract dramatic success, but I gave everyone in the room a free copy of my latest book, Instant Manifestation.

My latest book!

My latest book!

But here’s the juicy part:

The book was published by Pat O’Bryan.

Now, I’ve been published in every way you can imagine, from self-published to print-on-demand to traditional publishing to e-books to, well, you name it. Several of my books are bestsellers. Many are translated into languages I didn’t know existed. There are publishers and agents knocking at my door, wanting my next book.

But I let my next book go to Pat.

When I first met Pat in 2003, he knew nothing about marketing, publishing, the Internet or much else in the business world. He was a successful but broke blues musician.

Pat is sharp. He learned fast, came out with his own products fast, built his own list fast, started his own brand fast, created his own seminars fast, and now started his own publishing company.

If you were wondering if people can actually learn the secrets of marketing and the Law of Attraction and apply them for real world results, Pat is living proof of it.

I’m proud of my latest book. But more than that, I’m a mentor who groomed a student, and that student transformed into my publisher. I’m proud of Pat.

Is life a grand adventure or what?

What are you doing with what you learn?

The “secret formula” I taught Pat is revealed at http://www.onlinewealthsecretcode.com

Ao Akua,


PS – My new book, Instant Manifestation, will be released October 11. I’ll be hosting a free teleseminar that night to answer your questions. Find out more at http://www.instantmanifestationbook.com

Member BBB 2003 - 2011

Member BBB 2003 - 2011


A Way To Attract Money Fast

If you want money for something you believe in, I may have a way for you to get it.

This is not my service and I don’t make a dime if you use it or not. They don’t even know I’m writing this. I just feel this is too good not to share.

I’ve seen bands, artists, authors, photographers, film makers, and new businesses get the money they want this way.

I first heard about this service when a start-up company needed fifty grand to create their product. They used the service and raised 350 grand — six times more than what they asked for.

And I just saw a band I know raise over ten grand for their new recording.

I’m talking about http://www.kickstarter.com

You can list your project there, describe it with an engaging short video and a written overview, and offer incentives for people to invest in you. It’s a win win. I love it.

I’ve not listed any of my own projects on Kickstarter, but I’ve helped fund several people that I found there and wanted to see their ideas come into reality. All did.

Some of my projects

Some of my projects

I can’t guarantee your project will get funded. Not all do. But everyone I know who used Kickstarter achieved their financial goals. It’s certainly worth a look. And it’s free to list your project.

One thing to remember: You still have to tell people about your project being listed on Kickstarter. In other words, don’t list your project and sit back and wait for people to find you. You have to go tell everyone.

One band I know (Patton Sparks), successfully raised what they wanted on Kickstarter. When I asked where the traffic came from to their listing on Kickstarter’s site, they said as far as they could guess it came from them telling their family, friends, fans, Facebook, etc. Almost no one poking around Kickstarter’s site actually funded their project. As always, spreading the word about what you are doing is essential.

Again, I’m not affiliated with Kickstarter. I love their noble service and urge you to check into them.  I believe they take 5% of what you raise as their payment, which means just ask for 5% more than what you need for your project. If you don’t raise your capital, you don’t pay anything.

It’s a glorious time we live in when services like this one help make dreams come true.

Go see — http://www.kickstarter.com

Ao Akua,


PS – If you want encouragement and coaching to go along with making your dream come true, also look into http://www.miraclescoaching.com and of course be sure to read my free book, Attract Money Now.

Member BBB 2003 - 2011

Member BBB 2003 - 2011


The Miracle of Awakened Thinking

Why is this funny?

“I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn’t work that way. So I stole a bike and asked for forgiveness.”

Every time I relate that line to someone, they smile and laugh.


It’s a great example of a paraprosdokian. A paraprosdokian is a sentence where the ending comes as an unexpected surprise. Another example is this –

“Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.”

I love how you can structure writing to make an impact. That’s why I wrote the book, Hypnotic Writing. But that isn’t the point of this blog post. Instead, I want to explore why the first paraprosdokian is funny, as it helps explain the Law of Attraction.

Most people believe God (or Divine, Tao, Nature, Allah, etc.) won’t grant wishes. That’s the underlying reason the above line triggers a smile. You can ask God for a healing, but you can’t ask God for stuff.  God isn’t Santa Claus. Not according to popular belief, anyway.

Deeper than that belief is the one that says while God won’t grant wishes, He/She will take away sins. God’s loving and understanding, so of course He can release you of your oops.

As a result of this thinking, it’s easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for what you want. At least, that’s how some people think.

That’s pretty messed up, isn’t it?

This is why I keep writing books, such as The Awakening Course and The Attractor Factor, to explore the programming behind what we think, feel, and do. Most of us are running on autopilot. We have no idea we are led by the nose by our mental programming or mindset. Our beliefs – mostly unconscious – filter reality.

I was reading the new book, Redirect by Timothy Wilson, and loving the idea of story editing the meaning we give events, until I realized the author was victim to programming he didn’t even see.

Read for a change

Read for a change

In his book, he blows the whistle on different causes or processes that he says don’t actually work. Early on, he takes aim at the movie The Secret.

He quotes me as saying the reason you have what you have is due to your thoughts. He apparently missed the part where I said you have what you have due to your actions. Thoughts are only part of the equation.

Glossing over facts because they don’t support your underlying message is a common way to communicate.

But it’s not real. Or accurate.

Again, it’s not the author’s fault. He’s as unconscious as the rest of us.

In the same book, the author suggests that self-help books don’t actually work, else there would be a stand out title in the field. That’s strange logic, but let’s run with it. In the same chapter, he mentions one of the all-time greatest self-help books, Norman Vincent Peale’s 1952 The Power of Positive Thinking.

How’d he miss that?

He also fails to mention such historic self-help treasures as Think and Grow Rich (been around since the 1930s), and The Magic of Believing (came out in the 1950s, still a classic today).

How’d he miss those?

On top of all that, he overlooks the fact that new cookbooks are published every week, and there are thousands of those in print, yet no one suggests “they don’t work.”

How’d he overlook that?

I’m not kicking the author’s shins, as I enjoyed his book and urge you to read it. But I am reminding us that we all have unconscious blind spots – even authors who try to help us see them. We don’t see them because they are unconscious.

The point of life is to awaken.

But how?

Paying attention to the results we get and then reverse engineering them to discover the thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and actions that created them, will help.

New book coming October!

New book coming October!

My forthcoming new book, Instant Manifestation, explores all this. It reveals that what you attracted right now is based on what you thought and did a few days ago.

When you understand that process, you can redirect your thoughts and actions right now, to attract a different reality in the near future.

What are you thinking right now?

What are you going to do next?

Your answers will attract what’s just around the corner.

Choose wisely.

Finally, to swing back to our opening example:

“I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn’t work that way. So I stole a bike and asked for forgiveness.”

Forgiveness is a powerful tool for transformation. But you don’t need God/Divinity to forgive you. You need to forgive yourself.

Manifesting what you want is a God given birthright, though you may not have known it until recently. You don’t need to ask God/Divinity to deliver anything to you. You need to ask yourself and your connection to All That Is for what is in your highest good to receive.

Now go forth and make your life miraculous.

Ao Akua,


PS — Remember that an effective personal service to help you become more aware and attract more of what you want is Miracles Coaching. There are audio interviews and brief videos on the site to explain how it can help you, and you can register for a free consultation there, too. Go see http://www.miraclescoaching.com

Member BBB 2003 - 2011

Member BBB 2003 - 2011


Makepeace Island, or I Dare You to be THIS Prosperous…

Feel you already think big?

Try THIS on for size…

WANTED:  22 Daring Big Thinkers Willing to Leap Across All Boundaries to Achieve Historic Record-Breaking Success on an Island of Love. Apply below…

You’re about to discover how abundant and prosperous you can imagine your life to be right now. This is an invitation for a small number of people, and you’ll see why in a minute. But just reading this could change your mindset forever.

As you may know, Sir Richard Branson’s Necker Island is an exclusive retreat enjoyed by celebrities like Oprah. Yet most people don’t know that Branson’s private family retreat is on an island North of Australia that has not been open to guests — until now.

When I heard about it, I called it “Spiritual Treasure Island.”

Imagine the brainstorming we'd do!

Imagine the brainstorming we'd do!

It’s a pristine 25-acre island that’s shaped like a heart. It recently opened up for guests to experience an unforgettable luxury retreat just a quick boat ride off Australia’s “Sunshine Coast.”

Imagine this…really step into the experience…

Makepeace Island comes complete with its own riverboat, a full size tennis court and pavilion, enchanting spa facilities, a theater, and an open air Balinese Wantilan to relax and enjoy, and mingle with other guests. There’s an expansive lagoon pool, office facilities and an elegant indoor bar for festivities and entertaining.

Imagine being there for a few days with me, and some other big thinkers, to brainstorm and share.

Just one connection, one inspired idea, could blossom into a whole new direction for your life, your business, or your heart.

Imagine the possibilities…It’s an inspired treasure hunt.

Food for the body, mind and soul!

Food for the body, mind and soul!

Imagining such an experience vividly, and feeling deserving of it, can change what you attract from now on, and actually being there would offer memories to treasure for a lifetime.

But let’s paint the picture even more vividly…

Lodging for just 22 guests are fit for royalty.

Gardens and indoor decor include giant sculptures, teak, granite and stone finishes, volcanic boulder bathtubs, ornamental lighting and antiquities and furniture commissioned and acquired in Bali, Java and elsewhere throughout Indonesia.

When I learned about this Spiritual Treasure Island I experienced a thrill, and at the same time knew that this would be a perfect example of prosperous purchasing that would stretch my comfort zone.

You probably have heard me talk about prosperous purchasing before.  (It’s a step in Attract Money Now.) That’s when you buy something you really want when you have the money to celebrate and anchor your success.  You have to be able to afford it, of course; I’m not suggesting you go into debt.

Read "Attract Money Now" Free!

Read "Attract Money Now" Free!

If the time isn’t right now, then this is a perfect addition to your vision board, and write it down on your ‘if it fell out of the clear blue sky’ list.  (Or as in my most recent “wouldn’t it be cool if…” blog post http://blog.mrfire.com/cool-law-of-attraction-short-cut/)

But if you have the money and you really want something, make the purchase because if you don’t, the unconscious message you send to yourself is of scarcity.

Taking an adventure trip to Spiritual Treasure Island is an inspired prosperous purchasing EXPERIENCE of a lifetime!

As I was reading about Makepeace Island, I had an epiphany… 30 years ago I would not have imagined that I’d be considering an adventure trip to an island because I was living in poverty and had even been homeless for a time.

And that is my point.

How you feel about the IDEA of going to this luxurious island is the mirror for your level of deserving more prosperity right now.

I dare you to allow yourself to imagine joining me there on this spiritual retreat.

If I decide to go, I’ll invite a small group to join me for an unforgettable experience.

The island only has capacity for 22 people and several are already spoken for.

The cost would be $50,000 for the Spiritual Treasure Island weekend experience, and you would be responsible for any expenses to get to the Island.

This is like a Rolls-Royce Phantom Mastermind but on an island, and instead of an evening, it’s an exclusive weekend retreat.

Consider this: Just going on a trip with big thinkers can expand your mind, open you to new ideas, and lead to breakthroughs that are impossible to predict right now.

Masterminding with Jennifer Nicole Lee

Masterminding with Jennifer Nicole Lee

For example, when Pat O’Bryan and I took a day trip to San Antonio to look at guitars, on the way there, we came up with an idea that has brought us tens of thousands of dollars.

And that idea came from a day trip to a near-by city! (The idea we received became http://onlinewealthsecretcode.com)

Imagine what could happen going to an island off the coast of Australia!!!

I haven’t decided when or if I will do this but I wanted to dare you to stretch your sense of deserving today. If you are inspired to accept this invitation, contact Suzanne at mrfire.com and/or just leave a comment below.

More soon…

Ao Akua,


PS — Imagine joining me and a small group on a heart shaped Spiritual Treasure Island for an unforgettable adventure in abundance. You’ll know if this is perfect for you. There is time, so if this inspires you then write it down on your ‘blue sky’ list and let it go or put this on your vision board. It’s an inspiring prosperous purchase to anchor your success full of possibilities. This is an experience that I believe will forever expand your possibilities and inspire those you know now and for years to come. Whether this is for you at this time or not, notice how you feel about the level of abundance involved. This may inspire you, challenge you, and if it’s right for you, it could forever change whats possible for you. I believe you deserve experiences like this. The question is, do you?

Sir Richard Branson’s paradise island for rent

Rates and Bookings

Member BBB 2003 - 2011

Member BBB 2003 - 2011


The #1 Easiest Way to Attract Money Online

Call it the Law of Attraction or Hypnotic Marketing, but the #1 easiest way to attract money online is by selling an information product — either yours or another’s — through the online service called Clickbank.

But that simple statement raises a lot of good questions, doesn’t it?

  • WHAT product do you create or offer?
  • HOW do you sell anything online?
  • WHERE do you sell it and to WHO?
  • HOW do you create a list or grow one?
  • What in the world is Clickbank, anyway?

Obviously, these are key questions that need answered before you can “easily attract money online.”

What are the answers?

That’s where I have good news.  The answers are at — http://onlinewealthsecretcode.com

Here’s the story:

I just completed my long-awaited secret online wealth generating system — my own proven formula that is guaranteed to work for anyone who uses it – even if you’re so new you don’t even have a product yet or know where your computer’s on/off switch is at.

This is the exact 7-step system I have been using for decades to be one of the most powerful and successful forces on the Internet.

This system is the first one to combine both sides of success — the inner and the outer — or the spiritual and the material — or mindset and marketing — or love and leverage.

Most courses teach you one OR the other method.  Yet you need both to succeed.

My system gives you both — the Law of Attraction/Mindset side and the Hypnotic Marketing/Systems side, broken down into seven easy steps you can follow.

In other words, a system for making money online won’t work if you aren’t internally in alignment to receive success; you’ll most likely sabotage your own progress and blame it on the system.  By the same token, you can be clear of limiting beliefs and in alignment for success , but won’t attract much money if you also don’t have the right system to implement.

That’s why I am finally revealing my complete system: it handles both sides of the equation.

  • If you’ve been trying to attract money online, and struggling at it, it’s time you know this system.
  • If you’ve been doing OK online but want to go to the next level, it’s time you know this system.
  • If you’re confused by all the conflicting data out there, it’s time you know this system.
  • If you’re already selling anything on Clickbank — or considering doing so — you MUST have this this system!


This is the most powerful, practical, inspiring and complete formula for online success I’ve ever created or you’ve ever seen. It’s a paint-by-the-numbers approach to doing well online.

It answers all of the above questions, and more.

Signing new book at Unseminar 9

Signing new book at Unseminar 9

It’s taken me weeks to put it together and streamline it so you can use it right after you download it. It’s based on my own marketing techniques, copy writing secrets, list building methods, as well as the way I teach how to manifest what you want via intention, inspiration, clearing, and more. This guaranteed system goes way beyond my books and audio programs and reveals an actual tested formula for online success.

And I’ve kept in mind people’s beliefs about the current economy and priced this where you can easily afford it.

The list of bonuses that come along with this are staggering and worth thousands.

Rather than keep talking here, I’ll just urge you to go review the site at  — http://onlinewealthsecretcode.com

Why not go look at it right now, while it’s on your mind?

Ao Akua,


PS — As you probably know, most people don’t take action. I want you to break the mold and race ahead of the pack. I want you to succeed. I believe in you. But you’ve got to at least meet me part way. Please go see — http://onlinewealthsecretcode.com

PPS – I revealed the essence of this seven-step strategy at Pat O’Bryan’s recent Unseminar #9 and got a standing ovation. Why? Because this blend of Law of Attraction and Hypnotic Marketing — all based in total LOVE — actually works. But find out for yourself. Please go see — http://onlinewealthsecretcode.com

Member BBB 2003 - 2011

Member BBB 2003 - 2011