

Attract Anything You Want

Brian Rose of London Real interviewed me while I was in London. The following is a excerpt where we discuss the Law of Attraction, Vision Boards, and I talk about action steps you can take to create change in you life.

Dr. Joe Vitale: You can program it for other things. You can program for what you want. So if you do want more wealth, or you want the romance, or you want the health, or you want the house, you follow the same principles that have been used to keep you surviving. But you use it for these things that you would like to have, do or be in your life.

Brian: So if I want something I need to actually conjure up and create an image like a vision board, or just have something in my mind, I’m associating with that future outcome.

Dr. Joe Vitale: Well, it’s both. And what I look for is some sort of, I call it a graphical representation of what you want. And a vision board is a very popular way of doing it, because a vision board is pretty much like a big poster board, and people have cut out pictures of what they want. So I had a ride over here in a Mercedes. So if I wanted a Mercedes, I might go on Google and conjure up a bunch of different, search for a bunch of different images. Find one that really makes me excited, print it, cut it out and put it on the vision board.

And if there was a particular house like you lived in San Diego at one point, where there were some wonderful mansions and old style Mediterranean homes near the water. And if I wanted one of those, I’d find some sort of image of it, cut it out and put it on the vision board. The idea is, I don’t want to just think it, I need to communicate to my subconscious mind that this is my next desire.

And so if I can see the image of it and see it a lot, that’s the repetition part of it. I will be communicating to my mind that this is what I would like to attract into my life. And so vision boards are very popular. And I tell people, your vision board can be on your phone, it can be on your refrigerator.

It can be something that’s on your dashboard. It can be something that’s by your bathroom, bedroom mirror, any number of things. Do you want to see it? Do you want to stumble across it? So it’s not just thinking about it because your mind can just go off in a different direction and bring you a different image. You need to be reminded of it. You want to put that up there and say there’s that house, there’s that car, there’s that bank account whatever it happens to be.

Brian: Okay. And should I have different images for different parts of my goals? Like a house maybe or certain thing in my business or certain thing for my relationships or my body or?

Dr. Joe Vitale: Yeah, that is a great question. There’s mixed information on that. My own view is focus on one thing at a time. If you focus on one thing at a time, you are a missile, targeted and sending a powerful signal right into your subconscious mind. There’s no confusion it’s like, I want this car. That’s it. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having like a master vision board and all the different things you were just referring to were there. So that could be the romance and the house and a boat, whatever it happens to be, it could be all of them there. But I think it’s wiser and more powerful, more effective, more efficient and accelerated to pick one thing at a time.

When I reflect over my own life and my greatest accomplishments, I believe they came when I was really focused. When I said I’m writing this book, or I’m recording this music, or I’m going after this car, or I want this kind of awakening. And that was the primary focus I would get it fast. But if I have too many things up there, it feels like it’s a little diluted.

You have to become aware of your current thinking. Most people don’t realize that their thoughts are in the toilet. That they’re listening to themselves saying negative things about 70,000 times a day.

Brian: 70,000.

Dr. Joe Vitale: 70,000. There are some research studies that are showing its higher than that. And the other thing that’s more startling is that they’re mostly repetition. They’re the same thoughts. There are things like I’m not good enough, it’s not going to work out, this stuff works for other people. It works for Joe Vitale but it doesn’t work for me. They want to do things but they think the economy is wrong, the President is wrong, the timing is wrong. I don’t have enough education. I don’t have enough experience all of these kinds of negative thoughts keep people shut down.

They don’t go for their dreams. They react to life, they crawl through life with no enthusiasm, no energy and no belief in themselves or the possibilities of something better. You have a choice, you can change your thinking. One way to look at this is the thoughts you’re having right now are primarily negative. That’s the first thing to notice. Your thoughts are primarily negative. The second one is, you’re not your thoughts. You are separate from your thoughts. And this is massive Earth shaking news.

If somebody is hearing it for the very first time, start to generate what you do want to think. And this is where things like affirmations, positive thinking, positive statements. Instead of saying, I’m not good enough, begin to say I am good enough. Begin to say this can work out for me. If this material has worked for other people, why can’t it work for me too? I’m human, they’re human, and you can start to rebuild your software of the mind if you will. And these are all elements and then there’s, we can get into details like what you’re going to tend to bring into your life or things that you think about a lot.

Most people think about the things they’re afraid of, the things that they’re worried about. I tell people, why don’t you start thinking about the things you love? The things you’re passionate about. You’re going to go in a new direction, you’ll be happier, you’ll be healthier. You’re going to have better momentum, better enthusiasm.

So the repetition of that is going to be a big thing, because the brain the reticular activating system in the brain, responds to repetition, imagery and emotion. So all of this is in the direction of, it’s like a condensed course of how to redirect your life. But becoming aware that you’re not your thoughts, those negative thoughts, you can let them go. You can start to create new thoughts, you can actually aim where you want to go by choosing what you want. Getting an image of what you want, feeling it with passion and love. And then you can start to create it almost organically and automatically.


Healing with Ho’oponopono

My presentation a few years ago on ho’oponopono is still the second most popular video I’ve ever posted. It was after my book, Zero Limits, and before the sequel, AT Zero. If you missed it, here it is again:


How to Heal With Hawaiian Ho’oponopono

Brian Rose of London Real interviewed me while I was in London. The following is a excerpt where we discuss the Hawaiian healing practice called Ho’oponopono and how you can use it to produce clarity and spiritual healing in your life.

Brian: Tell me about this Hawaiian practice that you go through. It involves, I believe repeating a set of four mantras in your mind. Tell me a bit about it because it’s interesting.

Oh, it’s fascinating. We need a lot more time to talk about it. I wrote two books about it, Zero Limits, and 10 years later, I wrote At Zero. This book has changed millions of lives. It’s the true story of a therapist who helped field an entire ward of mentally ill criminals by using this Hawaiian process called Ho’oponopono. Now, you don’t need to remember Ho’oponopono, but I’ll tell you how simple it is.

There’s four statements, and what the therapist was doing, he was working at a hospital for the mentally insane. These people were shackled and sedated because they were so dangerous. They were murderers, they were rapists, they were violent. The hospital couldn’t keep staff, it couldn’t keep doctors. In a desperate attempt to get a doctor on call, they found this Hawaiian therapist who said, “Well, I’ll go and I’ll be there as your therapist, and you’ll satisfy your state requirements, but I’m not going to do traditional therapy. I’m going to do Ho’oponopono.”

So he started doing Ho’oponopono, these four phrases, and as he did it, those patients got better. They didn’t have to be shackled. They didn’t have to be sedated. In a few months, they started to be released, being pronounced as healed and whole. In four years, that ward was closed. I researched this, I interviewed him, I wrote Zero Limits, which is the story about this. I did seminars with the therapist. And the four phrases are so simple. He is saying these four phrases inside himself to his connection to the universe, to God, to the divine, to Gaia, whatever you want to call that higher power, we all have different words. I call it the great mystery or the great something. And he’s saying inside himself, “I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me.” And, “Thank you.” I love you.

I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. That’s all.

So what’s happening? When he was looking at the charts of these criminals, he’s looking at their charts, he’s not looking at the criminals. He’s looking at their charts, he’s feeling emotion. He’s feeling embarrassed, rage, anger, guilt, any number of different things. He wants to clear those emotions. It’s not trying to heal the patient. The patient is triggering emotions in him. So whatever’s being triggered in him, he’s feeling it, and he’s kind of talking to the divine, the universe, the great something, the great mystery. “Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I’m sorry.” It’s a shorthand petition or a prayer where he’s saying, “Please forgive me. I don’t know what part of me or my ancestors helped create this person, this belief system in them, it must be in me if I’m noticing it in them. I’m sorry for any part of my role in this.” Even though he wasn’t physically involved with any of it, he’s taking responsibility. “I’m sorry for any part of that. Thank you for healing this, for erasing this, for removing this. I love you for this healing, for this clearing, for my life, for this rejuvenation.”

As a result of saying those four phrases over, and over, and over again, those feelings in him disappeared. So he’s removing his beliefs, he’s removing his emotion, and getting back to that little spiritual vibe that I said earlier was going through him. As a result of him getting to peace, the patients responded to it and got better. Now, let’s take this by extension. For everybody that’s watching this, for you and me, I have heard from tens of thousands of people who have used these four statements for money problems, relationship problems, health problems, animal problems, employer problems, business problems, world problems, everything. Everything.

And what’s happening is there’s a couple fundamental concepts. One is you have to accept total responsibility for whatever you’re noticing. So if you don’t like whoever is in the political party right now and you’re blaming them for everything, not in Ho’oponopono. In Ho’oponopono, you have to look within yourself and say, “Some part of me helped create this, and if I don’t like it, I love you, I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you. Please heal it, please clear it, please remove it.”

You do this for whatever is surfacing in your life. You’ve got a relationship problem, somebody at work, an employer or employee, health problem, anything like that, you notice that you’re noticing it. The therapist used to say, “Have you ever noticed that when there’s a problem, you are there?” Meaning, you’re the common denominator. You are participating in this problem unknowingly. So you take responsibility for it even not knowing how you are responsible in whatever crazy way.

So you take responsibility like, “Okay, I see that I’m not getting along with my sister, but it’s not my sister, it’s my perception of my sister. The problem is over here.” The sister is a trigger. The trigger is here in me. It all goes back to everything we’ve been talking about, it’s all inside, and it’s coming from a belief. One way to change that belief, that perception is with Ho’oponopono. I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. Saying it to the divine, the great something, the great mystery until that dissolves.

Brian: Okay, so say I see President Trump acting out in a way that bothers me, right?


I’m sure this happens to a lot of people, right?

Brian: Right. Yeah.

And maybe in some ways that they like as well, but again, people always say, when you see something in someone else, it’s a reflection of that thing inside of you that you don’t like. Nobody wants to hear that, Joe.

That’s right.

Okay. So say in this case, I see him, I don’t know, whatever, separating migrant families. So first of all, those four mantras, one of them shows me that maybe I am somehow part of this whole occurrence. Somehow there’s something in me that might have contributed to this behavior, or the lack of action in me, or whatever it is, so I have to take ownership of that. And is that through one of those phrases?

Through all four of those phrases.

Through all four of those phrases. So when I’m saying-

I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me.

I love you, I’m saying I love you to the world, to Trump, to the situation?

I say it to the great something. In other words, I’m saying thank you, I’m sorry, please forgive me, and I love you to the great something. I am not speaking to another person, and I never say them out loud. I would never say them to you. If I had a problem with you, I wouldn’t be saying it directly to you. I wouldn’t walk up to you and say, “Hey, I love you, I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you.” You would have no clue what I was doing. It would be internal because I would go, “Oh, if I have a problem with him,” which could be Trump, it could be anybody. “If I have a problem with anybody out there, the problem is in me.” It’s my perception that is causing me pain. I clean my perception and the outer will get better.



I went to a sleep study center recently. I needed to find out if I have sleep apnea. I don’t know the results yet, but I want to share this story of what happened while I was there.

It’s another miracle.

Tell me what you think…

The woman hooking me up with wires and sensors had an hour to kill, as she had that much set up to do, so she asked me what I did for a living.

“Lots of things,” I said.  “I’m primarily an author.”

“What have you written?”

“I’ve written over 76 books,” I said.

“Good God! Tell me about one of them.”

I told her about Zero Limits.

I explained the story of Dr. Hew Len and how he helped heal an entire ward of mentally ill criminals with a Hawaiian healing method called ho’oponopono.

“What’s that?” she asked.

I explained it was a way to change outer reality by changing your inner perceptions of it.

“Are you saying that the therapist changed his perceptions and the inmates got better?”


“Bogus!” she blurted.

I was slightly surprised.

I’m not used to meeting people so instantly close minded.

“I’m a psychologist,” she said. “I only look at the brain and empirical evidence for what works.”

“Then you’ll love my book,” I said. “I coauthored it with the therapist, and I interviewed the staff that worked at the hospital with him.”

She shook her head.

“Do you believe the stuff you write?” she asked.

That was a stunner.

“Yes, of course! It would be the greatest crime in my life to write what I didn’t believe.”

“Well, it sounds bogus to me.”

I let it go.

I was there to have my sleep diagnosed, not get in an argument.

But then something miraculous happened.

Around 5 in the morning, I announced I couldn’t sleep anymore and she might as well return and unhook me from the test equipment.

She came out, moving slow, and I noticed she was red faced and struggling to breathe.

I asked if she were okay.

“I think I’m having a heart attack.”

I instantly perked up and sat up.

I still had wires all over me and electrodes on my head and face. But I was alert.

“I’ll call 911 right now,” I offered. “My phone is right here.”

“No, the hospital is right behind us.”

“Then I’ll walk you to the hospital. Just get this stuff off of me and we’ll go.”

“I still have two other patients to unhook,” she explained. “Then I can go.”

“Sit down here,” I said, patting the bed.

She did.

“Take your time. There’s no hurry.”

As she sat beside me, I began to practice the four phrases of basic ho’oponopono.

I repeated, I love you, I’m sorry, please forgive me and thank you.

I didn’t say it out loud.

I just repeated it silently, as a mantra.

I noticed she seemed to relax.

Her breathing slowed.

She was still red faced and still anxious, but clearly more relaxed.

She started to remove the wires from my body.

As she did, I just kept practicing ho’oponopono.

When she was done, I told her I’d wait for her to finish the other two patients.

She left the room and I got dressed.

But even as I dressed, I continued saying the four phrases.

The other patients left.

I went out to the main area and saw her sitting at her desk, her head laying down like a student at school having recess.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” she said.

She was still struggling to breathe.

“I’m a cigarette smoker and haven’t had one in a while,” she confessed.

I waited and talked to her a bit.

Once I was confident she was truly stable, and that her supervisor would be coming in shortly, I left.

So, did ho’oponopono help her?

It helped me.

That’s the point.

Whenever you have something going on, do ho’oponopono on yourself.

As you relax into the miracle of now, you will feel better.

As you do, the outer may shift too.

But do it for you.

Ao Akua,


PS – I  called a few days later to check on the nurse. She went on vacation. Maybe now she will truly relax. Maybe she’ll even read my books on ho’oponopono, Zero Limits and AT Zero. 🙂


Advanced Ho’oponopono

The two most popular books I’ve written are hands down Zero Limits and AT Zero, both about ho’oponopono.

Both led to an awakening for readers worldwide.

Both went beyond the Law of Attraction and the movie The Secret.

Both told the incredible but true story of Dr. Hew Len, an unusual therapist who helped heal an entire ward of mentally ill criminals in a Hawaii state hospital.

The sequel to Zero Limits

The sequel to Zero Limits

His method of healing is called ho’oponopono.

The basic four phrases of this Hawaiian healing method – I love you, I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you – are easy and practical.

Just say them inside yourself while addressing your connection to the Divine, or what I sometimes call The Great Something.

That alone works miracles, as my books report.

But there’s more to it.

I’ve been studying and practicing this method for more than ten years.

I’ve taught it, written about it in two books, shared it on numerous shows and in movies, used it publicly and privately, held three seminars with Dr. Hew Len teaching it, recorded healing music and songs with it, created a basic certification course in it, and much more.

I’ve also gone beyond it.

As I’ve explained in such books as The Awakening Course, ho’oponopono is actually a third stage tool.

There’s still the fourth stage of awakening, which is beyond basic ho’oponopono.

There are more methods, phrases, tools, and techniques to help you relax into the moment and be at peace.

There are deeper ways to attract miracles.

There are more ways to clean and clear.

There are other ways to awaken.

What are they?

I’ll be sharing them at a private event March 10-12, 2017 outside of Austin, Texas. Details are at http://advancedhooponoponolive.com/

I won’t be doing it alone.

Michael Abedin

I’ll have Austin All Natural magazine editor Michael Abedin (above left) speak about Reiki, Bach flower remedies and forgiveness. Michael is a terrific storyteller and riveting speaker. His insights will startle and soothe. He also tells good jokes. He’ll tie all of this to advanced ho’oponopono.

Guitar Monk Mathew Dixon

Guitar Monk Mathew Dixon

Guitar Monk Mathew Dixon will be discussing the use of Ho’oponopono infused music and its ability to align spiritual vibration, clean data/memory/beliefs, and clear your ethereal passages for Divine inspiration.

He and I have made several inspired albums of divine music. We will share how music heals and helps. We will also show you how to apply inspiration in any area of your life. You will learn to clean memory so you can receive inspiration.

With Dr. Steve G. Jones

With Dr. Steve G. Jones

Dr. Steve G. Jones, Clinical Hypnotherapist, will teach you about hypnosis and how to re-program yourself, enabling you to better practice Ho’oponopono. Dr. Steve will even be sharing an empowering hypnosis session. Together he and I will explain that you are in a trance right now, and how to awaken from it.

Dr. Steve is a board certified Clinical Hypnotherapist who has been practicing hypnotherapy since the 1980s. He is the author of 25 books on such topics as hypnosis, the law of attraction and weight loss. Steve has also created over 9,000 hypnosis audio recordings and 22 different online certification programs, which are sold in over 140 countries.

Chuck Pennington will show you how to harmonize with the Universal Mind and take that energy home with you. He will teach you how to create a Ho’oponopono Mastermind so you can help others as they help you.

Have you ever gone to a seminar, gotten home, and a week or two later that “seminar buzz” wears off and you’re right back where you were?

Chuck will show you how to maintain that buzz and to make sure that not only your thoughts, but your actions stay in harmony with the clearing and cleaning energy of the sacred spiritual advanced ho’oponopono weekend.

Harry B-Happy Bartholomew is a former Buddhist Monk, music producer and energy healer practicing and teaching Reiki, Adhisthana healing, Medicine Buddha healing, 42 eyes and hands of the Great Compassion Sutra, who first started practicing Ho’oponopono in 2008.

One of his main practices is his work doing empowerments using Gongs, Singing Bowls, and Ho’oponopono. During this spiritual retreat, he will not only perform these empowerments for all in attendance, but will also talk about his journey, how he uses his gongs and bowls as cleaning and empowerment tools, and how you can develop your own tools.

Everyone attending will be given a crystal, which will be infused with energy for clearing and healing. Many things in ho’oponopono are talismans, and this crystal will be set aflame with the clearing energy of the group. You will be able to carry it and use it as a touchstone for clearing.

I will of course review the basic ho’oponopono process, and teach everyone advanced methods of clearing and healing, including how to use EFT and ho’oponopono, and the new phrases for cleaning. I will share stories and processes that have never been revealed before, many of my own discovery.

There will be other speakers besides those listed above, too. Check the main site for up-to-date information.

Everyone attending will be certified as Ho’oponopono Advanced Practicioners.

If you have suspected that there is more to spirituality, healing and ho’oponopono, then this weekend spiritual retreat will be your cup of tea.

Details are at http://advancedhooponoponolive.com/

Expect Miracles.

Ao Akua,


A secret message for you

A secret message for you