law of attraction


Attract Anything You Want

Brian Rose of London Real interviewed me while I was in London. The following is a excerpt where we discuss the Law of Attraction, Vision Boards, and I talk about action steps you can take to create change in you life.

Dr. Joe Vitale: You can program it for other things. You can program for what you want. So if you do want more wealth, or you want the romance, or you want the health, or you want the house, you follow the same principles that have been used to keep you surviving. But you use it for these things that you would like to have, do or be in your life.

Brian: So if I want something I need to actually conjure up and create an image like a vision board, or just have something in my mind, I’m associating with that future outcome.

Dr. Joe Vitale: Well, it’s both. And what I look for is some sort of, I call it a graphical representation of what you want. And a vision board is a very popular way of doing it, because a vision board is pretty much like a big poster board, and people have cut out pictures of what they want. So I had a ride over here in a Mercedes. So if I wanted a Mercedes, I might go on Google and conjure up a bunch of different, search for a bunch of different images. Find one that really makes me excited, print it, cut it out and put it on the vision board.

And if there was a particular house like you lived in San Diego at one point, where there were some wonderful mansions and old style Mediterranean homes near the water. And if I wanted one of those, I’d find some sort of image of it, cut it out and put it on the vision board. The idea is, I don’t want to just think it, I need to communicate to my subconscious mind that this is my next desire.

And so if I can see the image of it and see it a lot, that’s the repetition part of it. I will be communicating to my mind that this is what I would like to attract into my life. And so vision boards are very popular. And I tell people, your vision board can be on your phone, it can be on your refrigerator.

It can be something that’s on your dashboard. It can be something that’s by your bathroom, bedroom mirror, any number of things. Do you want to see it? Do you want to stumble across it? So it’s not just thinking about it because your mind can just go off in a different direction and bring you a different image. You need to be reminded of it. You want to put that up there and say there’s that house, there’s that car, there’s that bank account whatever it happens to be.

Brian: Okay. And should I have different images for different parts of my goals? Like a house maybe or certain thing in my business or certain thing for my relationships or my body or?

Dr. Joe Vitale: Yeah, that is a great question. There’s mixed information on that. My own view is focus on one thing at a time. If you focus on one thing at a time, you are a missile, targeted and sending a powerful signal right into your subconscious mind. There’s no confusion it’s like, I want this car. That’s it. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having like a master vision board and all the different things you were just referring to were there. So that could be the romance and the house and a boat, whatever it happens to be, it could be all of them there. But I think it’s wiser and more powerful, more effective, more efficient and accelerated to pick one thing at a time.

When I reflect over my own life and my greatest accomplishments, I believe they came when I was really focused. When I said I’m writing this book, or I’m recording this music, or I’m going after this car, or I want this kind of awakening. And that was the primary focus I would get it fast. But if I have too many things up there, it feels like it’s a little diluted.

You have to become aware of your current thinking. Most people don’t realize that their thoughts are in the toilet. That they’re listening to themselves saying negative things about 70,000 times a day.

Brian: 70,000.

Dr. Joe Vitale: 70,000. There are some research studies that are showing its higher than that. And the other thing that’s more startling is that they’re mostly repetition. They’re the same thoughts. There are things like I’m not good enough, it’s not going to work out, this stuff works for other people. It works for Joe Vitale but it doesn’t work for me. They want to do things but they think the economy is wrong, the President is wrong, the timing is wrong. I don’t have enough education. I don’t have enough experience all of these kinds of negative thoughts keep people shut down.

They don’t go for their dreams. They react to life, they crawl through life with no enthusiasm, no energy and no belief in themselves or the possibilities of something better. You have a choice, you can change your thinking. One way to look at this is the thoughts you’re having right now are primarily negative. That’s the first thing to notice. Your thoughts are primarily negative. The second one is, you’re not your thoughts. You are separate from your thoughts. And this is massive Earth shaking news.

If somebody is hearing it for the very first time, start to generate what you do want to think. And this is where things like affirmations, positive thinking, positive statements. Instead of saying, I’m not good enough, begin to say I am good enough. Begin to say this can work out for me. If this material has worked for other people, why can’t it work for me too? I’m human, they’re human, and you can start to rebuild your software of the mind if you will. And these are all elements and then there’s, we can get into details like what you’re going to tend to bring into your life or things that you think about a lot.

Most people think about the things they’re afraid of, the things that they’re worried about. I tell people, why don’t you start thinking about the things you love? The things you’re passionate about. You’re going to go in a new direction, you’ll be happier, you’ll be healthier. You’re going to have better momentum, better enthusiasm.

So the repetition of that is going to be a big thing, because the brain the reticular activating system in the brain, responds to repetition, imagery and emotion. So all of this is in the direction of, it’s like a condensed course of how to redirect your life. But becoming aware that you’re not your thoughts, those negative thoughts, you can let them go. You can start to create new thoughts, you can actually aim where you want to go by choosing what you want. Getting an image of what you want, feeling it with passion and love. And then you can start to create it almost organically and automatically.


The Big Idea

This appearance on CNBC TV was 11 years ago and still remains one of my proudest moments.


Your Six Lines

This quote startled me –

“If you give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest of men, I will find something in them which will hang him.”–Cardinal Richelieu.

At first I was appalled.

How could anyone look at only six lines and decide if the author was deserving of capital punishment?

Then it dawned on me.

People see what they want to see.

Others don’t know your motives.

You can do the most noble thing, or the hardest thing for the right reasons, and people will judge you.

Look at some of our greatest leaders, including Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King.

Most consider them legends.

Some consider them Divine.

Yet vast amounts of people hate them, despise them, distrust them, and ultimately killed them.

“Is it so bad, then, to be misunderstood? Pythagoras was misunderstood, and Socrates, and Jesus, and Luther, and Copernicus, and Galileo, and Newton, and every pure and wise spirit that ever took flesh. To be great is to be misunderstood.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson

I have helped countless people.

I remember a broke blues musician who came to me red faced and angry because he couldn’t pay his rent and might be evicted yet again. I helped him for the next decade.

He got out of debt. He tasted the good life.

But later, he changed his mind, turned on me, said he got almost nothing from my help (after 10 years of helping him), and wrote me off.

He wasn’t the only one.

I remember a former drug pusher who was dodging the IRS but wanting to change his life and make money online. I helped him for almost a decade, too.

Again, after he got all he wanted from me, he fabricated a bill saying I owed him for past services he did “as a friend.”

He went as far as to contact former associates of mine, email a database we shared, and try to destroy me.

“Don’t waste your time with explanations, people only hear what they want to hear.” – Paulo Coelho

Of course, there are also people who I have helped who still thank me publicly and privately.

I am grateful for them.

The point is, we can’t control others or their opinions.

We can only do the best we can and hope we make a difference.

They may misunderstand us.

They may misinterpret us.

We have to do what we believe, anyway.

Sometimes what we do will be hard, and no one will understand.

Sometimes what we do will appear wrong, and no one will support us.

Sometimes what we do will hurt, and no one will rush in to help.

We have to do what we think is right anyway.

P.T. Barnum said, “We cannot all see alike, but we can all do good.”

Do good.

Even when no one understands.

Do good.

Even when others judge you or your motives.

Do good.

Even if some cardinal from the 1600s might read crime in your six lines.

Do good.

After all, isn’t life worth living when you follow your own inner compass?

Do good.

Ao Akua,


PS – Check out the all new


Wealth Attraction Secrets

I’m excited to say Andres Pira and I have completed the book “Homeless to Billionaire.” It reveals his 18 wealth attraction secrets. You can pre-order it at his site right now:



About Miracles Coaching

People are always asking about my famous Miracles Coaching program, which I started more than ten years ago. Here’s a brief video overview of it. You can learn more at