law of attraction


The Big Idea – 5 Steps to Take Control

This is an absolute classic…5 Steps to Take Control. From my appearance on the Donny Deutsch show. Rapid fire Life Mastery. #VitaleLifeMastery #TakeAction#InspiredAction #ExpectMiracles

Check it out!

Speaker 1: Next, one of the stars of The Secret steps up to the bully pulpit to help you take control of your destiny.

Joe Vitale: Well, this is powerful because most people don’t know they have counter beliefs within themselves.

Donny Deutsch: We’ve been talking about chaos and control all night. Okay, now I’m gonna light a fire under you to take control and make those millions. I’ve got the high octane jet fuel motivation for you right now. Joe Vitale. He’s a guy that gets paid thousands of dollars to inspire people to go for their dreams. He’s one of the starts of the wildly successful inspirational DVD “The Secret”. He’s written more than 30 motivational books, and his newest book, The Key, sold more than half a million copies in three months.

Joe Vitale, welcome to The Big Idea, man.

Joe Vitale: Hey. Thank you for having me.

Donny Deutsch: You’re a guy who’s gone from being homeless …

Joe Vitale: Yeah.

Donny Deutsch: … sleeping in doorways, to a guy who’s making millions, so nobody knows more about taking control than you. Let’s give the secrets for those folks at home about taking control.

Number one.

Joe Vitale: Number one is, “Watch your show.” I gotta tell you, I opened for Donald Trump in Chicago just a couple weeks ago. I have 30 minutes to talk. I could be promoting my own books, my Miracles Coaching program. What do I do? I say, “Everybody here should be watching Donny Deutsch.”

Donny Deutsch: We like that one.

Joe Vitale: Yeah.

Donny Deutsch: Okay.

Joe Vitale: So I got five steps that I tell people. Okay?

Donny Deutsch: Doing that.

Joe Vitale: The very first step is, “Know what you don’t want.” Now that may sound obvious. You may be sitting there complaining about everything, but you gotta know that is your benchmark. You use that as your spring to go to number two.

Number two is, “Check your intention.” Intentions are powerful, Donny. Intentions rule the earth. When you state an intention, you realign your body and mind to go in the direction of a new target. That’s powerful.

Donny Deutsch: So getting on all that stuff you were saying. Start with-

Joe Vitale: Yeah.

Donny Deutsch: When you … Give me an example of what, “Okay, I don’t want this, so now I’ve gotta refocus to my intention.”

Joe Vitale: Well, no. It … A lot of people are complaining about they don’t want their bills, they don’t want to be unemployed, they want more money coming in, they want more clients, they wanna feel better. There’s all kinda complaints.

Most people leave it on the level of a complaint. Stop complaining. In fact, take the 21 day challenge that’s in the book, a complaint free world, and stop complaining. Instead, turn it around and do what you do want. So if you don’t want all the bills, what do you want instead? You want enough cash to pay for those bills. State a new intention for what you want. Then you start going in the direction of that, a new intention.

The third step is to “get clear”. Now this is powerful, because most people don’t know they have counter beliefs within themselves. Counter intentions, Donny. They may say, “I want success,” but inside themselves, they may be saying, “I don’t deserve success.” They may say they want money, but you may be telling yourself, “Money is bad. Rich people are evil. Corporations are out to get everybody.” You gotta clean that up. When you clean that up, you go in the direction of what you want. Now you’re clear. So the third step, Donny, is to get clear.

The fourth step is to what I call, “‘Nevelize’ your goal.” “Nevelize” your goal means to feel what it would be like to already attain the thing you want. So if you have the more money coming in, you got more sales coming in, you got a big deal, you end up on Donny Deutsch’s show, you got some kinda great success, at that point, what does that feel like? When you anchor the feeling within yourself, you are accelerating the process of going to it. You kick in your passion. Passion rules. Passion is your ticket to success. You know that. I know that. You out there probably already know that.

The fifth thing that you wanna do is you let go while taking inspired action. Now this is important to understand. Letting go means you’re letting go of desperation, your addiction, your attachment to the end result. All you wanna do is focus on your passion. When you focus on your passion, you naturally take the actions. You must take action. Too many people, maybe some of the people who are watching right now, are just sitting there. They’re not taking action going for what they want.

Those are the five steps.

Donny Deutsch: It’s easy to say, “Take action.” I’m listening to Joe at home …

Joe Vitale: Yeah.

Donny Deutsch: …. and going, “Hey, you know, I’d love to visualize that new car or that new company I’m gonna start. I’d love to get rid of my bills and turn that into cash, and” … But how do you then …

I go, “Okay, I’m in it. I’m with you. Let’s go, boy. Well, let’s do it.” How do I … How do I get it going? How do … What does that all mean?

Joe Vitale: Yeah.

Donny Deutsch: Translate that for me.

Joe Vitale: Okay. Well, the first thing, we gotta go back to step three. So we’ve already gone through the first couple steps. I know what I don’t want. You know what you do want. The third step is getting clear, so there’s a lotta garbage that you just put up there. You were just saying, “I don’t know what I’m gonna do. I don’t know what the next steps are. I don’t know what to do, what action to take.”

When you get clear of the beliefs within yourself that are questioning your own deservingness and your own attitudes towards money or attitudes towards success, your attitudes towards wealthy people and wealth in itself, then you get cleared up so that you know what the actions are, and I say the actions you take, Donny, are inspired action, not just any old action.

Inspired action means it comes from in here. It comes from inside your heart. It comes inside your passion, your soul. The very soul of your being will tell you what to do next, and it’s unique to you, and it may be something like … You had a woman on your show one time who invented this purse, and she got this wild idea. I don’t know that I would have done it, but it was for her. She got on a plane and went to China with no appointments. She didn’t know anybody over there. She went by herself, she got off the plane, and she made cold calls in China to find somebody to make her product. That was inspired action unique to her. Your inspired action will be unique to you. You pay attention to what your intuition is saying, what your gut is saying, and that’s what you act on. Thank you.

Donny Deutsch: Joe Vitale, bestselling author, a guy who was down on his butt, back up, making millions. You could do it, too. More big ideas right ahead.


The Concept of The Law of Attraction – 3 Action Steps

Brian Rose of London Real interviewed me while I was in London. The following is a excerpt where we discuss the Law of Attraction and I talk about three action steps you can take to create change in your life.

Brian: What can people know, right now, or learn from you, right now, about this concept of this Law of Attraction, as far as what you think about and what you really concentrate ends up what you bring into your life? I mean, what are some basic elements of that? I’ve heard you talk about this in detail, but I still think most people don’t know how to actually practice it.

Yeah. The very first the step is you have to become aware of your current thinking. Most people don’t realize that their thoughts are in the toilet, that their listening to themselves say negative things about 70,000 times a day.

Brian: 70,000.

70,000. There are some research studies that are showing its higher than that.

The other thing that’s more startling is that they’re mostly repetition. They’re the same thoughts. They are things like, “I’m not good enough. It’s not gonna work out. This stuff works for other people. Works for Joe Vitale, but it doesn’t work for me. Works for people in The Secret, but it doesn’t work for me.” They wanna do things, but they think, “The economy’s wrong. The President’s wrong. The timing is wrong. I don’t have enough education. I don’t have enough experience.” All of these kinds of negative thoughts keep people shut down. They don’t go for their dreams, they react to life, they kinda crawl through life with no enthusiasm, no sort of energy and no belief in themselves or the possibilities of something better.

What the Law of Attraction is teaching people is that you have a choice. You can change your thinking. One way to look at this is that the thoughts you’re having right now are primarily negative, so that’s the first thing to notice, your thought are primarily negative.

The second one is you’re not your thoughts, you’re separate from your thoughts. This is massive Earth-shaking news, if somebody’s hearing it for the very first time. There’ve been books that are called You Are Not Your Mind, You Are Not Your Brain. What they’re saying is these thoughts that we’re having, we’re having them. We’re not them. If we can detach enough to go, “Oh, here comes that ‘I’m not good enough,’ thought, again,” and let it go by; we’re one step removed from it. Now, we’ve clipped off that energy that was causing us to feel bad because of that thought. That’s the second step is to become aware that I’m not my thoughts.

Third step is to start to generate what you do want to think. This is where things like affirmations, positive thinking, positive statements. Instead of saying I’m not good enough, begin to say I am good enough. Begin to say this can work out for me. If this material has worked for other people, why can’t it work for me, too? I’m human. They’re human. You can start to rebuild your software of the mind, if you want, if you will. These are all elements.

Then, we can get into details, like what you’re going to tend to bring into your life are things that you think about a lot. Most people think about the things they’re afraid of, the things that they’re worried about. I tell people, “Why don’t you start thinking about the things you love, the things you’re passionate about? You’re gonna go in a new direction. You’ll be happier, you’ll be healthier, you’re gonna have better momentum, better enthusiasms, so the repetition of that is gonna be a big thing.

Emotion, going with those feelings of passion, is going to fuel you to go into a direction that you prefer. Actually having an image, and the image could be a graphical representation of what you want. It could be a house, it could be a car, it could be a job, it could be a pile of money, it could be spiritual awakening, whatever you can do because the brain, the reticular activating system in the brain, responds to repetition, imagery and emotion.

All of this is in the direction of … it’s like a condensed course in how to redirect your life by becoming aware that you’re not your thoughts. Those negative thoughts you can let them go, you can start to create new thoughts, you can actually aim where you wanna go by choosing what you want, getting an image of what you want, fueling it with passion and love. Then, you can start to create it, almost organically and automatically.



I received my private pilot’s license back in 1972.

It was an intense ten week program at Kent State University. I’d call it a “crash course” but that seems counter useful for a program on flying planes.

I was 18 years old, fresh out of high school, and in love with flying. I found the course to be the hardest thing I had ever done in my life till then, and for decades after.

I also had some scary moments, like the time I got lost.

I wasn’t yet a licensed pilot, but I was skilled enough to fly solo.

One day I mapped out a cross country solo flight. I got out my compass, maps, highlighter, checked the weather, and did all the manual things you had to do back in the days before instruments and apps.

I took off.

I remember it being a cool, clear day in Ohio.

I always found it meditative to be solo in a plane, high in the sky.

I enjoyed the peace and scenery.

I looked out the window, searching for a check point to confirm I was on my path. I looked around but couldn’t find it.

I don’t recall if it was a water tower or some other landmark. But not seeing my checkpoint made me wonder if I was on course.

I kept flying, looking for my second checkpoint.

I couldn’t find it, either.

Now I was getting concerned.

I looked at my folded map, verifying my route and the checkpoints. They were clearly on the map, but not anywhere in view from the cockpit.

So I decided to start looking for the signs.

I flew to the left, then to the right, then randomly in any direction that seemed promising.

Before long, I knew I was lost.

I’m a solo pilot, on an alone cross country flight, and I have no idea where I am.

I assume I was still in Ohio.

But Ohio isn’t as big as Texas. I may have flown into another state.

Part of our pilot training is to identify runways on the ground, even small ones that a farmer might have, or an abandoned road.

So I started looking for a place to land.

As my flying adventure continued, and my heart raced, I spotted a small runway and a small hanger.

I aimed toward it, got into the landing pattern, and landed.

I got out of the plane and walked to the hanger.

There was a small coffee shop inside. I still wasn’t drinking coffee back then, but I ordered a cup.

I acted like all was right with the world.

Then I decidedly to ask the person making my coffee an important question.

“Excuse me, but could you tell me where I am?”

I got her attention.

It was clear I was lost.

She helped me look at my map, explained I wasn’t too far from Kent State, and helped me reroute my way home.

I got back in the plane, took off, and headed back to my destination.

As soon as I landed, my flight instructor asked what happened.

I told him I had been lost.

He immediately ordered me back into the plane.

He wanted to retrace my steps and see what I did wrong.

Back in the air, I followed my original map.

I again looked at the window for my checkpoint.

But again I couldn’t find it.

My instructor took the wheel, titled the plane, and pointed out the window.

“You were right over the checkpoint!”

I was never lost at all.

I was right on my path, until I began to doubt and question myself.

My instructor explained that checkpoints have to be seen out the left or right side of the plane. You can’t see them if you are right on top of them.

Lesson learned.

I also learned that throughout my life, whenever I thought I was lost, I reminded myself that I was probably right on my path, only thinking I was lost.


Is there such a thing?

Ao Akua



Your Original Smile

My 93-year-old father was moving some old furniture around when he discovered a few long lost black and white photographs.

One of them was of me.

From 1954.

At the age of ten months.

I had never seen the photo before.

But as I stared at myself of almost 65 years ago, I saw a happy child.

My father told me, “Joe, you were one happy baby!”

Maybe I was.

But I certainly wasn’t happy shortly after growing up.

And I went through long periods of unhappiness as an adult, and as a struggling writer wanting to be a success.

What happened to that happy child?

What happened to that uninhibited smile?

Oh, it’s still here.

People can see the baby smile in my adult face today.

But where’d it go for so long?

My guess is, it never left.

And I’m guessing your original innocent smile is still in you someplace, too.

Lately I’ve been encouraging people to look for their very early baby pictures.

Not the ones where you are still in diapers, and not the ones where you are going off to school.

I want you to find the baby pictures where you are showing signs of awareness and your “original smile” is still on your face.

Get that photo and use it as a meditation.

Stare into the smile.

Let it expand from within yourself.

Feel the original innocence of bliss today.

Because it’s still there.

And if for some reason you can’t easily or quickly find an early photo of yourself smiling, then consider looking at my photo. Or someone else that makes you grin or giggle. Or draw or paint one.

The point is, that original smile is not lost.

It’s in you.

I used to teach a form of meditation where you imagined an inner smile within yourself. As you visualized it, it grew. Before long, you had an outer smile.

Your inner child is still within you.

And it is still smiling.

It’s time to find it again.

Ao Akua,


PS – I also believe there is something like an “original laugh,” too. That’s where you laugh without control or inhibition. Recently author-singer-TV celebrity Lisa Winston and I held a Facebook Live to discuss our forthcoming event, “Own the Stage.” We were so open and playful with each other that by the end of the broadcast, we were laughing so hard we were crying. Where is your original laugh? Where is your original smile? I urge you to look within and see…


Attract Money Secret

Since so many people ask how to attract money, I thought it would be useful to share this money attraction secret from 36-year-old billionaire Andres Pira. It’s from the forthcoming 2019 book, Homeless to Billionaire


Vibrational Giving 

A New Approach to Attracting Great Wealth 

(An Excerpt from Homeless to Billionaire)

By Andres Pira

(with Dr. Joe Vitale)

Most people know that giving can lead to receiving. But most people do it wrong. I discovered a specific way of giving that has brought me millions of dollars. It helped me become a billionaire before I reached the age of 35. Let me tell you how I used this method to attract my first million dollars.

I am originally from Sweden. I moved to Thailand at the age of twenty to find my way in the world. But before I made any money, I became homeless. As I dug myself out of that dire situation, I noticed that Thailand has unique views about giving.

In Thailand, for example, on your birthday you don’t receive gifts, you give them. That was entirely new to me. But I started practicing it. As I gave more, I received more. As I gave more money, I received more money. I became fascinated and decided to experiment with this apparently magical law of giving. I wanted to see how it works, and if I could improve it.

The way most people give – if they give at all – is by tithing. That is the traditional way of giving ten percent of your income to a religious organization. Most religions teach that you need to give ten percent of the money you receive as a form of “payment” to God. While that has worked for centuries, and I have no argument with it, it’s not the way I do it.

Others have learned that giving money to any source that has inspired them will trigger a force that brings more money back to them. Dr. Joe Vitale, one of the teachers in the movie The Secret, tells people to give ten percentage of their income to wherever they receive spiritual nourishment or inspiration. That could be an Uber driver, a waiter, someone you meet at the store who says encouraging words, or an organization or anything else. I like this idea because it opens up the possibility of giving to others, including but not limiting to a church.

The trouble is, post people give only money and expect only money in return. While that works, it’s a limitation. The Universe (whatever you choose to call The Great Mystery of life) may have something better for you, but you limited the road back to you by insisting that what you get back is money. In my experience, the Universe may have many other gifts waiting for you, not just money, but your expectation of receiving only money is blocking the other good you could receive.

My own method is more refined and more focused. And it doesn’t always have to do with giving away money. In short, I’ve discovered that the emotion you feel as you give anything at all is what you will receive back. This is far more important than you may realize. If you feel hate as you do anything, you are setting up an “attractor field” to experience hate later. If you feel love as you do something, you are also engaging in a principle to attract love back to you later.

When I wish someone a good day, I do it with genuine feelings of wanting him or her to have a good day. Most people say, “Have a good day” with no feeling at all. It’s automatic. It’s dead. But I say it wanting to change the emotion of the person hearing it. I truly want them to have a good day. The feeling I give out as I say the words is one of love. As a result, what I expect to get back sometime later is the feeling of love. It may come as great news about a project, or a check, or a profitable idea, or a new connection, or some other reason to celebrate. But I give out love and what I get back is love.

In other words, when you give money, feel ecstatic as you do so and what you will receive in return is something with the feeling of ecstasy attached to it. That may be a return in the form of money. But it could be anything else. It could surprise you. It could be something unexpected, and not just money. What you gave was some emotion, so what you receive will be the same emotion, but multiplied at least ten times.

I’ve learned that this “vibrational giving” or “frequency giving” is the real secret to making giving work. While giving anything is a good policy, giving with conscious awareness of your emotions will bring wealth beyond all imagination.

Now let me share my story of making my first million dollars with this method.

Many years ago I visited an orphanage in Thailand. It was sad because all the kids had HIV. They didn’t have any government support and they were struggling. I wanted to help. I agreed to paint the building, all the rooms, and give the kids toys. I didn’t do it to receive money. I did it because I felt great in helping.

And that’s the secret to giving: feeling. How you feel when you give is what you will receive in return. Emotion creates vibration. And you can’t create anything without emotion. Unfortunately, most people aren’t aware of their feelings when they do anything, let alone when they give.

While I had been visualizing making my first million dollars, I also didn’t know how it would happen. But when I was at that orphanage, I didn’t think spending money there would bring me a million dollars later. All I knew is the kids need help and it would make me feel good to help.

So I invested about eighty thousand dollars in hiring people to paint and rebuild the place. I felt great as I paid for the services. Again, I was using “vibrational giving” as my tool. I knew that the feeling I felt as I gave is what I would get in return later, in some unexpected way. There was nothing calculating in my action. I didn’t give money to get money.

Instead, I did something that made me feel great, and I expected something to happen later that would also be a great feeling. But money wasn’t the focus. I just made sure to feel great. While eighty thousand was about a fourth of my yearly revenue at the time, spending it didn’t make me feel stretched or worried. It made me feel good.

As a result, a real estate deal I had in the works went through. I closed a property worth so much that my commission was more than one million dollars. In fact, it was one million plus about eighty grand. So I not only made my first million, but I also got my investment back.

And how did I feel? Fantastic, of course. The feeling I had when I invested in helping the orphanage (feeling great) came back to me to multiplied (feeling fantastic). I copied that check, framed it, and still look at it every day. I still feel great every time I see it.

Mother Teresa had it right when she said, “It is not how much we do, but how much love we put in the doing. It is not how much we give, but how much love we put in the giving.”

Again, this isn’t only about money. It’s about what you feel as you give anything. The feeling you give out is what you will receive back. Practicing this “vibrational giving” works for me, and will work for you, too. Try it and see.


Andres Pira, President of Success Events and Blue Horizon Development, is the largest real estate developer in Southern Thailand. He and bestselling author Dr. Joe Vitale are completing the book, Homeless to Billionaire: The 18 Wealth Attracting Secrets for Becoming a Money Magnet. For details please see