Dr. Joe Vitale’s Blog


Answers concerning "The Secret" movie (and an embarrassing deal for you)

I’m not sure why people keep asking me questions about the movie The Secret — as there is contact info, a genii, and a support system right on www.whatisthesecret.tv — but here are some common ones I’ve received, with my answers:

“Will it be shown on TV?”

Yes, eventually.


Beats me.

“Is there an affiliate program for it?”

No. I and others are promoting The Secret because we love the message in it.

“Do you make any money from being in it?”

Not a dime – and that’s fine with me. I even bought multiple copies of the DVD, to give as gifts, and didn’t get a discount. Didn’t ask for one, either. I’m not doing this for the money.

“Why are they charging $5 to watch it online?”

Why shouldn’t they charge $5 for it? This is a full-scale Hollywood-type movie. The expenses would make your head snap. Pay the five bucks. Or buy the DVD for $20. This could change your life. Twenty bucks (or five) is worth that. Isn’t it?

“When will it be shown in New Zealand or Australia?”

I have no idea.

“Is the movie guaranteed?”

Normally I would say every product needs a guarantee. Not here. If you still need a guarantee after watching the free movie trailer at www.whatisthesecret.tv, then you shouldn’t buy or even watch the movie.

“My life has changed since seeing the movie, but how do I explain my bliss to others?”

You don’t. Send them to www.whatisthesecret.tv They’ll either get it, or not.

“What was it like to be filmed for The Secret?”

Extraordinary. I’ve never been with a group of people so focused, in alignment, so clear and so happy about their one goal: to make a movie that elevated humankind. They treated me like royalty. I love them all. Rhonda, the key woman behind the movie (she’s in the opening and ending of it), and her sister are parents of the film. They are straight from heaven. Angels.

“Who’s all in the movie?”

I don’t remember everyone’s name. I’m in it (yes, I remembered my own name), as well as my friends Esther Hicks (Abraham), Jack Canfield, John Assaraf, Bob Doyle, Bill Harris, Bob Proctor, Mike Dooley, John DeMartini, Hale Dwoskin, and a long list of other gurus, authors, speakers, and self-help teachers of today, including Denis Waitley, Rev. Michael Beckwith and more.

“Who are the heavies in the film?”

I’d say the “heavies” in the movie are Esther Hicks or Abraham www.abraham-hicks.com, Bob Procter, Jack Canfield, and maybe me. (I’m too close to know that for sure, though.)

“Isn’t the movie based on the Hannel and Wattles books?”

No. It’s more closely akin to my book The Attractor Factor www.attractorfactor.com

“What if I see the movie and I don’t like it?”

What if you see it and it changes your life forever?

See for yourself at www.whatisthesecret.tv

Expect Miracles.

Ao Akua,


PS – This is embarrassing but here goes: You can help me out and get a great deal, too. As you probably know, I’ve lost 80 pounds and am so hot Lindsay Lohan and Sophia Loren and Terrie Hatcher are all fighting over me. (Or not.) Well, my old fat photos are still on some of my products. If I can move the last 72 copies of my Hypnotic Library, we can then make a new production with my new “Charles Atlas/Steve Reeves/Joe Vitale” picture on it. See my before and after pictures and check out the deal at http://www.hypnoticlibrary.com/secret.o/10386 Note: The site will only be live for 24 hours, though. Better go look right now. You know you want to. Lindsay Lohan wants you to go look, too. How can you say no to her?


You can now watch "The Secret" movie!

Great news!

You can now watch the movie The Secret right online at http://www.whatisthesecret.tv

You can pay a small fee and watch it on your monitor, and/or you can buy the DVD.

Me, I’m buying multiple copies of The Secret movie on DVD and sending them as gifts to family, friends, libraries, schools, hospitals, and more.

As I’ve said before, I’ve seen the movie and think it’s an inspiring masterpiece. It’s far better than What the Bleep.

I’m in it, as well as my friends Esther Hicks, Jack Canfield, John Assaraf, Bob Doyle, Bill Harris, Bob Proctor, and a long list of other great gurus and self-help teachers of today.

The movie has little to do with Charles Haanel’s Master Key System. Instead, it brings to life the principles in my book The Attractor Factor. http://www.attractorfactor.com/

Actually, why are you still reading this post?

Get over to www.whatisthesecret.tv

Go see the movie for yourself.

Expect Miracles.

Ao Akua,

Joe Vitale

PS – Why are you still here? Go watch The Secret at www.whatisthesecret.tv Go! Go! Go!


Clever marketing strategy – $5 for 5 tips for first 5,555

Last Saturday I had dinner with friends. The subject turned to diets.

I mentioned five books that are current best-sellers, each promoting a special diet, and each contradicting the other four books.

What’s a health conscious person to do?

I am always looking for a good way to simplify my food plan, burn more body fat, and still have a life outside the kitchen and gym.

This is a challenge any dieter faces…until now.

There is a great little “5 Step Handbook” you can pick up that literally works with any diet on earth.

Five steps.

That’s it.

And it will work for YOU.

You will discover how to make eating for health and fat-loss easier — and much more effective at the same time.

Go see —http://outrageous.aysbevo.hop.clickbank.net

The author read over 500 books in his career on the subject of fat-burning. He worked with thousands of people as a nutritionist and fat-loss expert. From all that, he narrowed it down to 5 fool-proof steps that you can apply with his eating system (or any other) to get the results you are after.

These 5 Steps are what every successful food program have in common. Every single one.

These insider secrets were enough to inspire me to help spread the news. I love them.

Since I’ve lost 80 pounds and know the joy of being fit and having the energy I need to accomplish all the goals I have, I wanted you to know this, too. Go see –
http://outrageous.aysbevo.hop.clickbank.net (affiliate link)

Note his clever marketing strategy:

He’s selling the first 5,555 books for $5 each.

There’s a live counter right on the site, so you can see the books selling.

Also note the hypnotic headline on the site.

I love this!

Expect Miracles.


P.S. One step in the 5-step book is so breakthrough and yet so simple…well, let’s just say you will never “count calories” again after reading it. http://outrageous.aysbevo.hop.clickbank.net


Sophia Loren's Secret to Longevity

Consider this Part Two of my post on How to Lose Weight the Celebrity Way.

I picked up a recent copy of Sly Stallone’s magazine, called Sly. Sharon Stone is on the cover. It’s the December/January 2006 issue. I have no idea why it’s still on the stands in late March.

There’s a section in it with photos of hot older women. Older meaning over 40. Since I’m 52, most of them are younger women to me. But no matter.

Sophia Loren, for example, is now 71. What a beautiful woman she still is. She’s been in 90 films and is as gorgeous as the first time I saw her on the big screen.

Her secret?

From Sophia herself:

“There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age. “

And from the Sly magazine article:

Loren wakes up every morning at 7 a.m., puts on her make-up, and then works-out.

I don’t know why she puts on her make-up first, but that’s how Sly reported it.

Anyway, note that this babe is 71 and still works-out every morning.

Working-out helps me with my thinking and creativity. I often get breakthrough marketing ideas while in my gym. www.gladiatorgym.com

It doesn’t seem to make me any better looking, but I’m no Sophia Loren to begin with, either.

Ao Akua,


PS – When Nerissa and I were in Italy a couple of years ago, we drove right behind Sophia Loren’s villa. We would have stopped to say hey, but I wasn’t working-out back then. Next time, Sophia?


How to Lose Weight the Celebrity Way

People still keep asking me how I lost 80 pounds and became the Charles Atlas of the Internet. I’m going to release my secret method for achieving health and fitness later in the year. For now, I can give you some clues based on what movie stars have done to gain weight.

Sly Stallone packed on weight for the movie Cop Land by not working-out and by eating pancakes every morning at Denny’s.

Robert De Niro added 40 pounds for the movie Raging Bull by not working-out and eating pasta every day.

For the new movie Find Me Guilty, Vin Diesel added 35 pounds to his normally athletic frame by skipping working-out and eating a quart of ice cream every day.

Need I say more?

Don’t exercise and eat pastas, breads and creams and you’ll gain weight.

By the same token, start working-out and avoid the stuff Sumo wrestlers eat (beer, pasta, cream and breads) and you’ll start to lose weight and get fit.

Consider: Each of the above actors gained the extra weight for their movie roles, but they also took it off after the final shoot.

What do you think they did to get back in shape again?

Let me give you a clue:

When I was in LA to train with T .R. Goodman www.procampsports.com, I met actors Ray Liotta and James Caan. Both men are in great shape.

Gee, I wonder why.

Liotta was doing sit-ups on a big rubber ball when he stopped to shake my hand.

James Caan had just finished working-out when he playfully gave me a hard time about the Muscle Milk www.bodybuilding.com/store/cs/milk.html I was drinking and jokingly said he wanted paid to have my picture taken with him. (He was very friendly and even gave me a private tour of the TV set for Las Vegas.)

Where did I meet both?

In the gym.

Need I say more?

Maybe I do…

I know you may not want to work-out.

The thing is, you don’t have to want to, you just have to do it.

There are plenty of days when I would rather not exercise.

I exercise anyway.

Whatever you may think about Nike, they have it right when they boldly state…

Just Do It.

Note: This goes for your marketing, as well.

Quit avoiding; start doing.

Just Do It.

Ao Akua,


PS – Lindsay Lohan probably has something to say about losing weight, too. I’ll ask her when she calls me. Meanwhile, see http://mrfire.blogspot.com/2005/11/why-lindsay-lohan-wants-me-bad-or-how.html