When I was on stage in Madrid, Spain a few weeks ago, someone asked –

“What if you are flat broke, have nothing, are totally alone, and feel desperate?”

It’s a question I’ve heard many times.

I could relate to it because at one time I felt the same way.

I was broke, unhappy, desperate, and in poverty for more than a decade.

But I obviously left that in the dust.

So what’s the answer?

How would you answer the question?

How do you turn your life around?

“No one starts with nothing,” I replied.

I went on to explain –

“You have the gift of life, you have the gift of a body that is regulating itself to keep you alive, you have the gift of air and all the elements that are keeping you here right now. And you’re probably living better than kings and queens of centuries ago. They didn’t have air conditioning, indoor plumbing, a microwave, a cell phone, or much else. You are so much more better off. In fact, everyone starts with a miracle.”

Everyone starts with a miracle.

That’s right.

Even you.


But you have to take a deep breath, relax, and take inventory of all you already have.

You have to move into gratitude.

Once you feel grateful for what you already have, you will more clearly see your options and choices.

What you have to do after that is build from here.

Take the next baby steps in the direction of your dream.

Read the self-help books.

Listen to the self-help audios.

Don’t tell me you are broke and can’t afford them.

Go to the library and read the books for free.

Search the Internet for free resources.

Surround yourself with upbeat friends.

Use Facebook to find or create a support team.

And don’t just sit there.

Take action, action, action, and more action.

Read my free set of e-books, The Miracles Manual.

And get a Miracles Coach to help guide you, encourage you, believe in you, and help dismantle any limiting beliefs along the way.

In short, you start from where you are — appreciating the miracle of your life — and you take the next steps to build from here.

There are countless stories of people starting with nothing and building empires, making dreams come true, and succeeding despite the odds.

Why not you, too?

You got this.

Expect Miracles.

Ao Akua,

PS – Want proof this works? Go see —


PPS – Want to hear reviews from people? Go see —


PPPS – Want coaching in Spanish? Go see —


PPPPS – Want a free resource? Go see —



  1. Khadijah Shakur-Reply
    June 7, 2017 at 3:49 pm

    much love and respect to you Dr. Joe I remember you in The Secret. One of many quotes of yours that I remember is; “when you learn to let go and trust, you get what you want more often than not, and it comes much easier than if you fought for it”
    I will never forget that and I will never forget you for that…..stay on Nia (purpose) God Bless…~Khadijah

  2. June 10, 2017 at 4:43 pm

    Practicing gratitude is so important and fully agree with all that you have said here.

    I am expecting a miracle 🙂


  3. Y-sho-Reply
    June 24, 2017 at 2:43 pm

    My late mother always used to say ‘ Expect a Miracle’
    I practice the attitude of gratitude.

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