
The Secret in Machu Picchu, Peru

Machu Picchu, Peru is home to the lost city of the Incas and is no longer a secret.

I went there for a visit after revealing The Secret in Lima, Peru to a Super Bowl sized crowd of Peruvians who are ready for better lives.

What a trip it was, too.

Lima, Peru is a mega-city of 7,000,000 people. They are hard-working and wanting more. The arrival of Bob Proctor and myself was the talk of the city. I did back to back interviews upon my arrival with local newspapers and television stations. One station even sent two reporters from Lima to my home in Texas to interview me before I ever got to Peru. That story ran on national Peruvian open television a few days before the event.


I’m not used to having a translator, a body guard, or an entourage. Or seeing billboards of my face around the city. But I had it all in Lima. There was even a police escort to the stadium where I spoke. I delivered part of my presentation in Spanish, which the crowd loved. It was the largest live crowd I’ve ever spoken to, with an estimated 15,000 people in attendance.

After that we went to Cusco, then on to Machu Picchu.  There’s no way to describe any of Peru. You go from stark poverty to spectacular nature. You go from urban construction to ancient lost cities in the jungle. I loved the Cusco square, where there is lots of shopping.

macchu-piccu.jpg But I also loved Macchu Picchu, which is breathtaking in scope, history and mystery.

In my travels in Peru I discovered Pisco, the national high-octane brandy that will kick your butt, a hand carved Ram horn that just might awaken the dead (only good spirits) when I blow through it, Peruvian cigars (as well as new Cuban cigars), and copies of my own books in Spanish, such as El Poder de la Attraccion.

My traveling companions, Mark Ryan and Rick Barrett, took hours of film and hundreds of photos. I’ll share them with you soon.


For now, don’t overlook Peru in your travel plans. There’s rich history there and people you will love.

Their secret is out.

Ao Akua,

Joe Vitale


PS – I know the pictures aren’t the clearest (left click on any image to enlarge it) but keep in mind they were all taken with my old Blackberry Curve in Peru. In fact, my Blackberry with AT&T service was the only phone that worked throughout Peru. I was letting my traveling buds use it to call back home, and I used it to Twitter, check email, and even handle customer support from the top of Macchu Picchu. (!)

PPS – Peru has already invited me back. I’m told the country is ready to go beyond the Law of Attraction and learn Zero Limits next. Any country that has Macchu Picchu as a treasure must be open for more secrets. I’m ready to return to Peru on a moment’s notice. We can exchange secrets.  Mi encanta su pais!


The Secret Book

Many people don’t know The Secret book came after The Secret movie.  Doesn’t matter to me how anyone learns about the law of attraction (LOA), but I’d prefer that people really learn it. All the book or movie does is introduce LOA to you. That’s it. There’s much more to the topic.

For example, people are still confused when they think they are using LOA but don’t get the results they want. Truth is, LOA is bringing them exactly what they think — but not consciously. It all happens un-consciously.

If you’ve been studying psychology or neuroscience, or read my book Zero Limits, you already know the unconscious mind is driving us. In many ways, we’re just puppets. Our conscious mind thinks it’s pulling the strings. Nope. That’s how we deceive ourselves.

Take money.

Many people don’t yet realize they are experiencing lack because of their hidden beliefs about money. Thinking money is evil, or bad, or that rich people are greedy or corrupt, is not only the very reason you attract scarcity, it’s also why you don’t even realize your beliefs are the actual problem.

I’ve been doing my best to awaken people to the good you can do when you have money. I’m able to help myself and others, contribute to causes I believe in, give away money to complete strangers, and even start movements of my own — all because I cleaned up my unconscious beliefs about money.

When you get right down to it, money is spiritual. There’s no reason it can’t be seen as pure energy except for our attitudes about it. We project so much negativity onto money and never see it’s actually a tool for good. No wonder so many can’t attract money. Deep down they don’t really want it. After all, if you think it’s evil or bad, would you really want it in your life?

I talk about all of this and more in my bestselling course, The Secret to Attracting Money. If you want to learn a spiritual and yet practical approach to attracting money, check out that audio program. secret-attract-money.jpg

And if you want hands-on coaching to help you through the maze of beliefs operating your life, consider my new and improved Joe Vitale’s Miracles Coaching. It’s the number one best way to get results fast.

Meanwhile, know that what you attract is not due to your conscious mind, but to your un-conscious mind.

Your job is to awaken.

Ao Akua,

Dr. Joe Vitale

PS – You can get a free copy of my next book, Attract Money Now, if you go and register for it right here. It’ll explain how to clean up your mind so you are free to attract money now. It will deepen your understanding of the Law of Attraction. It may even become the next The Secret book. Tell Oprah.


Attract Money Now

The Law of Attraction is hot these days but the Law of Abundance may be even hotter. That’s because virtually everyone wants to know how to attract money. Well, to help them, I’m writing a new book called Attract Money Now.

Attract Money Now will reveal my proven seven-step formula for attracting money. My system was mentioned — but only mentioned — in my bestselling new audio program, The Secret to Attracting Money. There’s so much information in the program that I didn’t have time to also develop the new seven-step formula in it. Hence, it deserves its own book.

My new book will explain it in-depth, walk you through it step-by-step, and give you to-do’s to make the system come alive in your life. It will also include resources to immediately help you get out of debt, attract more money fast, and much more.

The book isn’t done yet, but when it is, I’m going to give it to you for free. To get on the notification list, just click right here.

Ao Akua,

Dr. Joe Vitale

PS — Money is a tool. It’s a spiritual ink blot test. It means nothing except for the meaning you project onto it. What meaning are you giving it? If you want to know the Law of Abundance and how to attract money, go here right now.


Manifesting an Internet Business

Before I tell you how to manifest an Internet business, let me explain something…

I walked into Pat O’Bryan’s Unseminar 6 this past weekend in San Antonio and was treated like Elvis.

People wanted autographs, photos, and hugs, and to give me gifts.

They’re all wonderful people and I enjoyed the attention and love.

But something surprised me.

Some people knew from me from the hit DVD The Secret but didn’t know about my life as a copywriter, Internet marketer, or creator of Hypnotic Marketing and Hypnotic Writing.

Others knew me from my Internet marketing reputation — I wrote one of the first books on Internet marketing way back in 1995, wrote books for the American Marketing Association and American Management Association  and invented such concepts as Hypnotic Selling online — but didn’t know me as a Law of Attraction (LOA) expert or author of such spiritually advanced books as Zero Limits or audios such as The Awakening Course and The Secret to Attracting Money.

This is a reminder that you have to keep marketing, else people won’t know who you are or what you do. You can never stop. Ever.

Since I have a foot in both worlds – the marketing and the spiritual – I call myself a “Spiritual Marketer.” That was the title of the little book that I revised and updated and saw become a bestseller (six times), now called The Attractor Factor (Second Edition).

It was that book that got me into the movie The Secret, and then on Larry King Live (twice), Donny Deutsch’s TV show The Big Idea, and into numerous other movies (The Compass, The Opus, Leap!, Beyond Belief, Try It On Everything, etc.) and on many more national TV shows. Even Oprah aired a clip of me on one of her shows.

Having said all this, some people (according to Google) wonder how to manifest an Internet business using LOA principles.  I’m the guy to tell you how to do just that, since I know about LOA as well as marketing. Here are the basic steps:

1. Choose your outcome.

What’s the end result you want to experience. How much money do you want to make? What kind of lifestyle can you see yourself having? Script out your life the way you want it to be. This is where you kick in the Law of Attraction by stating a goal that will direct your thoughts, energies and actions. It begins with a target. You set it.

2. Find a market to passion match.

In other words, you may have an interest in playing golf or performing magic. Do keyword searches on Google to find out what people are looking for in those areas. Then create an information product based on your passion and their search. This doesn’t have to be difficult. Jim Edwards and I have a bestselling e-book on How to Write an E-Book in 7 Days that has helped hundreds if not thousands of people create their first info-product.

3. Market your product to that audience.

You’ll need a website, a direct response sales letter, and some traffic generating methods. You should read my books on all of this, from Hypnotic Writing and Buying Trances to The E-Code. Also read, There’s a Customer Born Every Minute. (Go to Amazon and search “Joe Vitale” to see all my titles. You may be surprised.)

There’s much more to the above steps, of course. That’s why I have so many books, audios, DVDs and courses  on marketing, copywriting, the Law of Attraction, and more.  I also have coaching programs to help you learn all of this faster and easier than ever before.

But one thing to keep in mind is this:

If you have hidden beliefs (what I call counter-intentions) inside yourself about money, success or deservingness, you will self-sabotage your own efforts to succeed.

I spoke about this for almost two hours at Pat O’Bryan’s recent event. I was very fiery, blunt, and in-depth about this. It was my tough love approach to shaking people up. I was relentless. (Pat said he had never seen me so “edgy” before.)

I pointed out that you (yes, you) have limiting beliefs about money and success in you that are causing you to struggle. I also said you may need a coach to help you get out of the maze, because the most powerful limiting beliefs are largely unconscious. You don’t even know they’re there. And here’s the secret almost nobody knows:

You tend to attract what you un-consciously believe and expect, not what you consciously think or intend.

I still use a coach today because this is so essential to success. In short, you have to “get clear” of those counter-intentions in your unconscious mind before you can attract what you consciously say you want. Else you’ll chase your own tail forever.

Manifesting an Internet business is the same as attracting a new car or anything else. You work from the inside out. You get clear and you take action. When you do, you can–

Expect Miracles.

Ao Akua,

Dr. Joe Vitale

PS — My new coaching program, called Joe Vitale’s Miracles Coaching, is described here. Check it out. No charge to go look. 🙂

Note: I’m writing a new book about how to Attract Money Now. You can have it as a gift from me — FREE. To register to get your own copy when it is complete, just click right here. Please tell others about this. I want to help as many people as we can. Remember, it’s FREE. It, too, can help you manifest an Internet business – or virtually anything else.


"Zero Limits Answers"

zerolimitsbookcover.jpg Here’s a win-win-win you’ll love —

I’ve written a brand new Special Report called “Zero Limits Answers.” It answers the 10 most popular questions I get about Zero Limits and cleaning. It’s short but in-depth. It answers such questions as —

* “I noticed that the order of the phrases are never the same. I’m afraid that I will do this wrong and that my misunderstanding of the process will adversely affect the outcome. What’s the truth?”

* “When I’m cleaning, who do I say it to? Me? The other person I’m cleaning on? I’m  confused.”

* “When I have a problem, and I do the cleaning, do I focus on the problem or the person while I’m cleaning?”

* “Do I have to clean forever and ever for as long as I live? That seems tiring and an awful lot of work. Is there another way?”

* “If all I need are the 4 phrases, then what’s up with all these ho’oponopono products that people sell and profit from?”

* “I am sorry!”? Does this mean apology or sadness? What do I have to be sorry for when everything in the Universe is perfect? I don’t like having to say it.”

There are other challenging questions in “Zero Limits Answers” — all answered by me personally.  (I’m the coauthor of the bestselling book, “Zero Limits,” and I’ve held three Zero Limits seminars with my coauthor, Dr. Hew Len.)

All of the money for the report goes to the non-profit organization I support called Move the Mountain. They teach people how to get out of poverty.

Remember, I don’t make a dime here. ALL of the money goes to the people who need it most.

Here’s the win-win-win:

– You get the Special Report (and surprise bonuses noted on the website).

– People in poverty get help.

– I get to make a difference.


Get all the details at –www.clearingpoverty.com

Thank you for helping people find their way. Your generosity will return to bless you many times over.

Ao Akua,


PS — Remember, nothing goes to me. *All* of the money raised from this new Special Report goes to the organization that helps people in need. Get all details at www.clearingpoverty.com