
Contesting: The Helene Hadsell Story

helene-portrait2.jpg Decades ago Helene Hadsell wrote Contesting: The Name It and Claim It Game, the best book ever written on using mind power to win contests and get lucky. 

That book changed my life, as well as the lives of about 3,000,000 others. Unfortunately, the book went out of print and Helene dropped from the spotlight.

But I found Helene in 2007, talked to her, and wrote about her here on my blog. My post caused Helene to sell-out of the few remaining copies of her famous book, get bombarded with about 1,000 emails, and have to hire her kids to help run her now exploding business.

Helene didn’t stop working, or writing, or anything else, though. She’s 84-years old and as alive as a teenager drinking too much Mountain Dew.

Her recent adventure was to permit herself to be filmed, and interviewed, for a giant course on her 4-step secret for winning contests and attracting health and wealth. It’s called The Winning Sage. It’s at www.thewinningsage.com/?m=49c0e2f990cd8

Helene is fascinating. She personally knew many of the great teachers of the New Thought Movement, from prolific prosperity author Joseph The Power of Your Subconscious Mind Murphy to Silva Mind Control creator Jose Silva to the mystical founder of Eckanker, Paul Twitchell.

Helene is delightfully fearless. She calls it the way she sees it, even if what she sees is invisible.

She told me I was a monk in a past life who spent too much time “monking” around.

I guess that meant I got tired of being celibate.

She says we knew each other then.


Anyway, back to the real world…

The Winning Sage includes Helene’s famous book, Contesting (this alone is priceless), as well as a great deal of information about her you’ll not find anywhere else (including a documentary about her).

For me, this is the most exciting course I’ve seen in maybe decades on how to get lucky, use your mind, implement the Law of Attraction, and much more. It’s incredible.

Plus, Helene is a real live wire – a complete joy to watch, read, and listen to.

Check out The Winning Sage at www.thewinningsage.com/?m=49c0e2f990cd8 

Ao Akua,


PS — See my original 2007 post about Helene at http://blog.mrfire.com/marketing/contesting-a-true-story/ You can visit Helene’s site at www.deltasciences.com/index.html 


What To Do When the Law of Attraction Doesn't Work

I hear this complaint from time to time–

“I like your books and I like the movie The Secret but the truth is, none of it works for me.”

Have you heard that before?

Have you maybe even said that before?

So what’s the truth?

Does the Law of Attraction (LOA) work or not?

Do all these “feel good” books and movies actually work or not?

Why do they seem to work for hundreds of thousands of people but not for you?

Let’s explore this. 


If you drop a ball from the roof of a building, does gravity or your letting go make it drop?

Think about it.

When you toss a horseshoe, what makes it land on the other side: gravity or your toss?


Which is it?

Gravity or your action?

When a baseball player hits a ball out of the park, what made it fly and then fall: his swing or gravity?

Which was it?

Was it the swing at the ball that sent it into space, or gravity pulling it down after he hit it?

Obviously, it’s both.

It’s the same with LOA.

When anything happens in your life, you can say it was LOA that made it so or you can attribute the result to some other cause and pretend LOA doesn’t exist or doesn’t work.

You can even say, “I don’t believe in LOA.”

You can even say, “LOA doesn’t work for me.”

It’s your choice.

But what’s the truth?

What’s real?

What’s most helpful?

Look at it this way:

Why do most sports coaches tell their players about the laws of physics?

The coach believes the more you know about what is happening when you are playing the game, the more you will be conscious and will work with those laws of physics to win the game.

For example, I’ve recently begun racing my exotic sports cars. While I could just get behind the wheel and drive, the trainers teach me about geometry and physics so I have a better understanding about how to successfully drive the car at high speed.

In short, they want me to know about all the laws at play so I can accomplish my goals better.

That makes sense, doesn’t it?

The idea is to become more awake and aware so I can get more of the results I prefer, even on the race track.

The same is true in the gym.

I’ve trained with Frank Zane, Scott York and others. These athletes don’t just tell me to sweat more or lift more. They also teach me to be aware of gravity, for example, because working with it can help increase muscle mass.

Are you starting to get the picture?

The Law of Attraction is the same as the Law of Gravity or any other law: it’s working whether you give it credit or not. Knowing about it can help you achieve the results you want.

In other words, if you’re one of those who say LOA doesn’t work for you, then you might as well say gravity doesn’t work for you, either.

LOA is always working.

Gravity is always working.

That’s why they are both laws.

You can dismiss either or both if you like.

But does doing so help you or limit you?

If I can become a better driver by knowing the invisible laws at work when I race, and I can get better results in the gym with an understanding of the universal laws at work, and a sports figure can achieve his or her goals better by knowing the hidden laws underneath the game, doesn’t it behoove you to know about the other laws operating in your own life?

Given the above, what can you actually DO to get better results in your life – even when the Law of Attraction doesn’t seem to be working for you?

Here are five things:

First, quit shrugging off your power.

LOA is working and you are working it, probably unconsciously. Instead of saying it doesn’t work for you, own that it does. This is far more empowering than being a victim. Assume you are doing something inside yourself to attract the results you are getting. It all begins with accepting responsibility for your life.

Second, choose what you want.

Instead of being bounced around by circumstances, start to direct or at least request where you want to go. You turn your inner radar on when you make a decision. You begin to steer the ship. Intention helps align your body and mind to go in the direction you prefer.

Third, take action.

Nothing happens until something moves. As I’ve said many times, the universe likes speed. Money likes speed. Take inspired action ASAP. It’ll give you instant feedback and instant results. As your actions bring you new information, you then take new actions based on it.

Fourth, get clear.

I’m constantly saying that you must get clear of the limiting beliefs within you in order to attract your intention. Counter-intentions will always trip you up. Be aware of your thoughts when things don’t work out for you. Those are what you need to get clear of. Those are the beliefs that attracted what you got. How do you get clear? One easy way is through Zero Limits.

Fifth, be happy now.

Happiness is what you really want. Be happy now and you’ll have your ultimate goal and you’ll send out a vibe to attract more moments to be happy about. The best way to be happy now is to be grateful now. My hypnotic story about the pencil in the movie The Compass is a great reminder of the power of gratitude.

I’m a neurometaphysician. I created the new science of neurometaphysics.

I’m a neurometaphysician. I created the field of neurometaphysics. This goes beyond neuroscience, which is the study of how your nervous system affects your life. Neurometaphysics is the science of how your thoughts create your life.

Obviously, I can talk about and teach the deeper aspects of the LOA for hours. But I don’t need to go into deeper explanations here when I’ve written such books as The Attractor Factor, The Key and Expect Miracles; and recorded such audioprograms as The Missing Secret, The Awakening Course, and the brand-new record-breaking bestseller, The Secret to Attracting Money.

And if you want ongoing personal support, I also created an online community to help you achieve your goals at www.attractmiracles.com 

The point here is this: LOA is always working.

If that’s so, how are you attracting what you are getting (or not getting)?

It’s deeper than your conscious thoughts.

But it’s not hidden.

Look and ye shall find.

Ask and ye shall receive.

Follow the above five steps and — Expect Miracles.

Ao Akua,


PS — The Secret to Attracting Money explores all of this thinking, and more. It is a spiritual and practical system for attracting money. It goes beyond the Law of Attraction. It builds on and goes beyond anything I’ve ever done before. It’s guaranteed to work, too. See www.thesecrettoattractingmoney.com 

Note: If you want to hear more about the science of neurometaphysics, leave a comment and tell me so. Meanwhile, please Digg this post and share it with others. Thank you.


The #1 Question I Get

img00732.jpg Ever since the record-breaking launch of my new audioprogram, The Secret to Attracting Money, I’ve been getting email after email from people asking me the same great question…

“How is ‘The Secret to Attracting Money’ different from all your other CDs, home study courses, DVDs, and books? “

With over 30 books, tons of DVD & CD programs, a multitude of ebooks, and three home study courses, I should’ve expected to be asked this sooner or later.

First and foremost…

“The Secret to Attracting Money” is far different than any of my other works because it is all about one thing (and one thing only)…Attracting Money.

That’s it.  Nothing else.

The Secret to Attracting Money is a spiritual and practical system for bringing in the cash.

* I reveal new clearing methods in it.

* I explain new marketing methods in it. (Based on love and passion.)

* I deliver new insights about money and you. (These are eye-opening.)

* I talk about the Law of Attraction but also reveal the Law of Right Action. (Important!)

* I also created a wealth assessment quiz to help you understand your own hidden beliefs about money. (You’ll love it.)

* I even explain a paint-by-the-numbers approach to making money online that *anyone* can use.

* I also teach you a way to “rewrite your past” so you can create a profitable future. (Whew!)

* I also explain the money myths holding you back, and 9 ways to attract money, AND the best reason in the world to want money, AND how to determine your life purpose, AND the 7 principles for turning on your money magnet right now, AND my counter-intuitive way for attracting cash AND my own time management system, AND —

The list goes on.

In fact, I decided to record The Secret to Attracting Money in response to all the emails and letters I got from people struggling with their finances in 2008.

That’s why when you listen to The Secret to Attracting Money, I even have a section on “How to Make Money In Any Economic Climate.”

I have never, I repeat never, put together a comprehensive home study audio course that combines all of my most up-to-date Law of Attraction, marketing and money attraction techniques.

With all that in mind…

There’s no question that this program utilizes some of my proven concepts, like my five-step attractor factor system and my process for getting out of the victim mentality.

These concepts have become part of everything I do and teach.  And they are constantly growing and evolving, just like I do. Just like you do.

In fact, now that I think about it…

If you bought everything on my website, and spent tens of thousands of dollars, you wouldn’t even come close to having all the information in The Secret to Attracting Money.  (And I’m guessing you have not bought everything on my website.  If you have – thank you.)  🙂

With The Secret to Attracting Money, you’ll not only get my most up-to-date concepts (perfect for getting you through this economy) – all of them will be showing you how to do one thing, unlike my other works – attract money.

Get it at www.thesecrettoattractingmoney.com

I should mention that the program is less than two weeks old and has already sold out three times. No one expected the high demand for it. At any rate, your order will be shipped on a first come, first served basis.

If I were you, I’d go order it right now.

Ao Akua,


PS — The Secret to Attracting Money is organized into six strategy-packed sessions that will lead you through my exact process for attracting money.  Not only will you learn how to have a mindset that attracts money, you also will learn step-by-step exactly how I started and succeeded building my own financial empire.  (I have never shared this process before.) This material goes beyond Law of Attraction fundamentals. And it’s guaranteed, too.

PPS — I almost forgot to explain the hypnotic picture at the top. It’s me wearing an auto racing helmet while playing chess. Why am I wearing it? Think about it….


How to Attract Anything

img00729.jpg How do you attract what you want?

What’s the real secret to making the Law of Attraction (LOA) work for you?

There are a many books, articles and blog posts about how to attract everything from cars to relationships. A lot of it is misleading, usually unintentionally. I see most of it and am often disappointed if not outright frustrated. I’m tired of seeing people mis-taught about the LOA.

I’m considered an expert on the subject, having written books (such as The Attractor Factor and The Key) about it, appeared on Larry King and Donny Deutsch’s television shows discussing it, recorded audio programs on it (The Missing Secret), have a coaching program to teach it (Miracles Coaching), started an online Miracles Community about it, and of course appeared in the famous LOA movie, The Secret

Still, I want to help you understand LOA at a deeper level.

While I released a new LOA program on attracting money just today (called The Secret to Attracting Money) here’s a recent Law of Attraction story to illustrate how to really attract whatever you want…

Last weekend Pat O’Bryan took me to see Tony Nobles, a well-known Texas luthier. I’d heard about Tony for well over five years. His guitars are legendary. Famous performers stand in line to get Tony to repair or build guitars for them. So I was of course excited to meet him.

Tony was a delight. He’s obviously in love with vintage acoustic guitars. He kept showing Pat and me various guitars, all old and collectible. He let me play a few of them, too. It was a crash course in the beauty of vintage acoustic guitars.

I left there feeling inspired, thinking of hiring Tony to build me a guitar, and wanting a vintage guitar of my own.

And there’s the first clue in how to attract what you want:

I wanted a vintage guitar but I didn’t need one. There was no attachment, just a playful expectation. You can attract what you want faster if you don’t NEED it.

I went home and went back to business. I was packing to fly out to LA for the premier of the movie The Compass, and didn’t have any time to think about how to attract a vintage guitar. So I forgot about it.

And there’s the next clue:

When you state your intention and let it go, you give your unconscious mind and the Universe a chance to begin working on bringing it to you.

I went to the premier of The Compass, had a great time meeting people like T. Harv Eker and seeing old friends like Wendi Friesen, and never gave a thought to vintage guitars.

When I returned home, unpacked, and began to catch up on emails and unfinished projects, the thought entered my mind to check out eBay.

I did, and that’s your next clue in how to attract what you want:

When you get the nudge to do something, DO IT. Action is how you magnetize yourself to attract what you want. It’s your part in the co-creation process.

I went on eBay, explored vintage guitars, and was surprised to see a pristine 1934 Martin 0-17 listed.

Actually, I couldn’t believe it. I knew from my quick education at Tony Nobles’ shop that a pre-war vintage Martin 0-17 of that year was worth at least $3,500 and possibly many times more.


The guitar listed was in mint condition. Several photos of it showed it to be almost brand new. It even came with the original case.

How is that possible?

How could I find a vintage Martin guitar only days after Pat and Tony taught me how to appreciate them?

Yes, there are vintage guitars on the Internet, but to find a pre-war 1934 Martin 0-17 in mint condition – and selling without any reserve on eBay — and with the auction ending in only seven hours???

My skeptical mind wanted to talk me out of bidding on the guitar, but I wouldn’t stand for it. I’ve learned to trust my gut and follow my intuition.

And there’s your next clue in how to attract what you want:

I put aside my doubt, trusted I was doing the right thing, and took action. I bid on that guitar.

Of course, the beauty of bidding on eBay is that it is FUN.

And that’s another clue to how to attract what you want:

Do what’s FUN.

Well, the eBay auction was to end only seven hours from when I discovered the guitar. So I watched it, nudged my bid up a notch because it felt like the right thing to do, and won that collectible 1934 pre-war Martin guitar — by a dollar!

Now here’s where an interesting twist messed with my head, but clearly teaches you how the law of attraction works.

All during the finding, bidding and winning of that Martin, I was detached of the end result. I didn’t need the guitar. I have plenty of guitars. So I was simply being playful and watching the process unfold as a curious participant.


But once I won the guitar, my attachment kicked in.

I wanted it, and I wanted it NOW.

No problem, right?


And this is another clue:

When you put too much need on a goal or intention, you actually push it away. Your desperation sends out a signal that “I don’t believe this is real” or “I might lose this if I don’t get it fast” and so forth.  That unconscious signal is what the world responds to. It gums up the attraction process. It’s fear based.

The seller of the Martin wrote me a nice message saying he’d overnight the guitar to me. He said he loves guitars and knows what it is like to have to wait for the next one.

Awesome! I couldn’t wait to receive it.

But the next day he said he used the United States Postal Service to overnight the guitar.

Ut oh.

There is no next-day postal delivery in my rural area. That means I would not receive the guitar the next day.

I was instantly bummed.

I had gone from not even knowing the guitar existed to winning it and now desperately wanting it.

Well, my desperation was pushing it away.

I had to clear that issue within me. So I started doing the Self-Identity Ho’oponopono process I describe in my book, Zero Limits, and began silently saying “I love you” and “Please forgive me” non-stop.

And there’s another clue to how to attract what you want:

When you realize there’s a block, clear it. It’s in you, not the outside world. It’s in YOU.

I kept doing this clearing until I almost got to the place within myself where I could be fine with or without the guitar. After all, if it didn’t arrive the next day, it surely would the day after. No big deal. I could live with that.

In short, I was working to get back to a state of peace with the guitar.


And that’s your next clue:

When you are at peace with what you want to attract, you will attract it (or something better) at lightning speed.

But the guitar in fact did not arrive the next day.

Why not?

What happened?

What did I do wrong?

Because I did not reach that state of peace, the guitar was still repelled. I was working at it, but I did not achieve it. Too much of me was impatient. If you noticed, what I said above was that I was almost clear with the guitar’s arrival.

And this is an important bonus lesson:

The meaning you give an event is the belief that attracted it.

That’s worth repeating: The meaning you give an event is the belief that attracted it.

In other words, I created the delay in getting the guitar because of my impatience for it.

When the guitar was obviously delayed, I remember thinking, “I’m always impatience when something is to arrive by US mail. It rarely works out for me.”

That statement of meaning — “I’m always impatience when something is to arrive by US mail. It rarely works out for me” — is the actual belief that attracted the experience!

My impatience attracted the delay.

Release the impatience and I’ll have the guitar.

Since I’m no longer mentally waiting for the guitar — I’ve finally achieved that inner peace about it and know it’s to arrive when it’s to arrive — it is free to arrive here safely and on time.

Well, it arrived today.

And I love it.

Re-read this post to fully absorb the lessons and clues on how to attract whatever you want.

While you do so, I’ll play a soft melody on my Martin guitar as gentle background music to your relaxed reading….

Ao Akua,


PS – Okay, forget guitars. How do you attract money? Get my new Nightingale-Conant audioprogram The Secret to Attracting Money at missing-secret-nc-set.jpg www.secrettoattractingmoney.com It’s a full course of CDs, DVD, and guidebook on how to use the Law of Attraction to attract money. (In fact, it goes way beyond LOA.) And with money you can buy virtually anything — even a vintage Martin guitar.


Shhh! Here's the REAL Secret to Attracting Money!

25870cdd.jpg In weeks I’m releasing my third Nightingale-Conant audio program, called…

“The Secret to Attracting Money”

I’m going to tell you more about it in a minute (at least as much as I’m allowed to), and I’ll tell you how you can attend a teleseminar on the subject for free, but first —

Something is driving me crazy and I need to get this off my chest!

Thanks to the negative media, there is a nasty, ruthless, disempowering myth going around that says…

America and the rest of the world is in financial danger, and we are at the mercy of the stock market, banks, and other major financial institutions.


There is no question that there are some financial issues needing to be resolved, and they will be. 

But this is nothing new.

We’ve survived the Great Depression (when times were far worse) and twelve recessions.

We can handle this one, too.

The truth of the matter (that the media never tells you) is that there are money making opportunities in every challenge.  Even today’s recession.

For instance, someone right now is becoming wealthy by seeing a problem as a product.

Donny Deutsch used to report on this all the time on his TV show, The Big Idea, but the powers that be took it off the air for being “too optimistic”.

Still, people just like you are finding gold in the “hard times.”

Did you know many people are buying stocks at unheard of prices and selling them for huge profits right now and every other day?

Did you know people are buying up real estate at ridiculously low prices and holding it for the next boom?

Many people are taking advantage of their recent job loss and starting new businesses at a record pace – finally doing what they love.

The bottom line is that you do not have to buy into being a victim to world events.  You may be having some challenges – but you can turn it around — with help.

In fact…if you are feeling like a victim of today’s recession or the negative media – let’s turn that around right now.

Here’s what I want you to do …

1. Choose one of the fear-based messages currently being relayed in the media.  (Just turn on the news; you’ll find one instantly.)

2. Then write down some creative ideas that might be moneymaking responses to the “apparent” challenge.

It may take some time – but you can do it.

As Donny Deutsch used to tell people, wherever you complain about something, right there is your business opportunity.

Fix the problem for yourself, and others, and you’ll profit.

In short, the current economy has nothing to do with your ability to succeed.

In fact, my new Secret to Attracting Money program contains a whole section addressing this very issue called…

‘How to Make Money In ANY Economic Climate’

When you listen to this one section alone you’ll see for yourself how easily you can make money starting right now, wherever you live.

Since the Secret to Attracting Money program has not been formally released yet – I’m not at liberty to tell you much more.

But I will tell you this…

This is the first time I have ever combined all my spiritual teachings with all my business and marketing tactics in a single CD/DVD program.

And MY marketing is based on total love.

You can imagine the power of these two forces combined to help you attract money.

I wish I could say more.

But I’ll tell you this – The Secret to Attracting Money contains 6 CDs, a DVD, workbook, and 2 bonus CDs — all packed with money-making and money-attracting information you won’t want to miss.

It’s a spiritual and practical approach to wealth.

With the Secret to Attracting Money program, you will learn exactly how to attract money – following the same path I took to become a multi-millionaire. 

This is not some pie-in-the-sky fluffy theory – this is practical, proven, take-it-to-the-bank advice.

So here’s the deal…

The Secret to Attracting Money program is not available just yet.  It is due to release to huge fanfare in a couple of weeks or so.

So here’s what I want you to do for now…

Sit tight and watch your email (sign up to my list at www.joevitale.com) for a special teleseminar announcement from me.

I’m going to be holding a major teleseminar in a couple weeks discussing how to breakthrough your fears and make money in any economic climate.

You will love it.

And it will be free.

I will also be announcing during the teleseminar how you can buy the Secret to Attracting Money program from a special secret website (still under construction) AND receive a very special bonus.  (This is the only website where you can get this bonus.  I’ll give you the secret web address on the call – sometime during the teleseminar.)  The bonus will only be available for limited time, so you won’t want to miss out.

Remember, watch your email for this very special “How to Make Money In Any Economic Climate” teleseminar announcement so you can get The Secret to Attracting Money, as well as the bonus.

The email announcement may come in five minutes, tomorrow, three days from now, next week — who knows?

Just watch your email. 🙂

And keep looking for the product in the problem.

You can survive and thrive – no matter what.

I’m here to help you succeed.

Ao Akua,


PS — Make sure to watch your email for the special teleseminar announcement and learn how you can get my new Nightingale-Conant, “The Secret to Attracting Money” and a very special bonus – not available anywhere else.

Note: Be careful. There are imposters out there. Follow the real Joe Vitale on Twitter at www.twitter.com/mrfire