Around 1990, Jerry Hicks called me.

I had been working for Jerry and Esther Hicks, of Abraham fame, for years, to help get their books and audios out to the world about the Law of Attraction.

I always loved it when Jerry called, as he was upbeat and articulate, and always complimenting me on my ads, letters, advice, and so on, that I was creating for them. He was cool.

So his call wasn’t unusual and it was certainly welcome.

But this time Jerry had something new in mind.

“I have an idea for a law of attraction calendar,” Jerry began. “I’m not sure how to explain it so a printer can get my vision, so I thought you might help me.”

Jerry went on to explain an idea I quickly regarded as genius.

He wanted to create a page-a-day calendar, but in a special format.

“The front side will be quotes and passages from Abraham,” Jerry explained. “But the back side needs to be in two columns.”

Why two columns?

“In the first column, people can write their to-dos for the day,” Jerry told me. “That would be their meetings, calls, appointments, and the stuff anybody would write for their errands for the day.”

And the second column?

“The second column is where people can write what they want from the Universe,” Jerry said. “Their intentions and desires can be written there, as a kind of task list for the Universe to do.”

I loved the idea. Basically, you use one side of the page to write your to-dos and you use the other side to tell the Universe what to do for you. Pretty cool.

But Jerry wasn’t done.

“You then take the sheet, fold it in half, and put it in your wallet or purse. You carry it throughout the day, as a reminder of what you need to do, as well as a reminder to the Universe of what you want.”

Jerry added, “And the calendar will be big, as there will be one sheet for each day. You can start on any day, write the date on that page, and use it daily from then on.”

I helped Jerry communicate his vision to a printer and the first Abraham calendars were printed. I began to use mine and was absolutely thrilled by it.

It was fun to list my errands but far more fun to tell the Universe what I wanted.

And carrying the page in my pocket was a constant reminder of my goals and dreams.

It truly became a daily lesson course in what Jerry called (and I loved) “The Science of Deliberate Creation.”

I don’t recall what happened, but at some point I stopped using it.

Later, of course, Jerry passed away.

I had to look at the Abraham site to see if they even still sell the famous law of attraction calendar. (They do. See )

I’ve since started using the Abraham calendar again, and I love it.

If you are wanting to deepen your understanding and daily use of the Law of Attraction, then I encourage you to go get the Abraham calendar.

Ao Akua


PS – I am not an affiliate for Abraham or Esther Hicks and make nothing if you go buy the calendar or anything else from them. I’m just sharing.


  1. Nitin-Reply
    September 12, 2016 at 2:51 pm

    It’s nice! Thank you very much.

  2. September 18, 2016 at 1:35 am

    Thank you for the information. I hadn’t heard of this before. I’m now awaiting delivery here in the UK.

  3. Carrie-Reply
    September 29, 2016 at 3:56 pm

    I don’t know how blogs work but I am wondering why Joe is called “Mr. Fire”?

    San Diego, CA

    • Joe Vitale-Reply
      October 1, 2016 at 10:42 am

      Hi Carrie. A friend decades ago started calling me Mr Fire. When I asked her why, she said “You light a fire under everyone you meet! You inspire people!” The nickname stuck. 🙂

  4. Victoria Bylinskaya (Nikolaev, Ukraine)-Reply
    October 2, 2016 at 8:58 pm

    Where to get energy for the realization of desires? Do you know any techniques?

  5. January 10, 2017 at 1:48 pm

    Hi Joe! I absolutely love the idea of the calendar. I like how you’ll always be carrying your goals and dreams with you, making you remember(and keep focus on) them throughout the day. Thank you for sharing!

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