Tag: coaching


The Great LOA Secret

When people tell me they are having trouble using the Law of Attraction to get what they want, I can’t help but wonder what they are thinking. After all, what they have right now is what they attracted. On some level, they wanted it.

In other words, this very moment is the result of the thoughts and actions you had earlier. You are already creating. The Law of Attraction is already working. It’s just that the process was unconscious to you. It happened without any conscious direction or control.

Or, as psychologist Carl Jung said –

‘Whatever is not conscious will be experienced as fate.’

The great secret then is to wake up.

As I spelled out in The Awakening Course, we are here to awaken. Most of us are on the first level of awakening. Few get to the second or third, let alone the fourth. If you’re reading this, you’re probably on the second level, which is Empowerment.

With that in mind, the way to make the Law of Attraction work for you faster and with more control of the end results, is to realize you are already creating with it.

Stop and consider that fact.

If you created this moment based on previous thoughts and actions, what will your next moments be like based on your current thoughts and actions?


You’ll tend to attract more of what you already have.

If you want to change the results, you need to change your thoughts and actions.

Sounds simple enough.

But is it?

While you can learn the intellectual basics of how to do this with a book or audio program, actually doing it will require help.

I interviewed Arnold Patent the other day. He’s now 80 years old. He wrote You Can Have It All and other books. He told me on the phone you can’t dramatically change with a book. You need a coach.

I agree. I know you can change in baby steps with books and audios, but the quantum leaps come from having a personal coach.

That said, even if you don’t currently have a coach, don’t make any excuses about where you’re at. You can take the reins and start creating different moments by monitoring your thoughts and actions.

Are your thoughts taking you in the direction you want to go?

Are your actions taking you in that same direction?

If not, here’s your chance to change them.

This moment is the parent of the next ones.

Choose wisely.

Ao Akua,


PS  – You can learn about Miracles Coaching by clicking right here.

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Law of Attraction Steroids

How do you speed up the Law of Attraction? How do you get results faster? How do you almost instantly manifest your intentions?

Big questions. But the answer is the same:

Raise your vibration.

In short, the clearer you are, the faster you attract; the happier you are, the faster you attract; the more grateful you are, the faster you attract.

Clarity, happiness, and gratitude all raise your vibration.

But how do you raise your vibration?

Here are some fast ways:

1. Be happy now. If you’re not happy right now, you’re missing a great opportunity.

2. Smile. It will change your brain and confuse others.

3. Laugh. Just let it rip. This will transform you. You don’t need a reason to laugh, either.

4. Practice “What if UP” thinking. Instead of asking what will go wrong, keep asking what will go right.

5. Imagine the end result you want, complete with the satisfied feelings. Really get into the experience.

6. Remember a time when you were happy. That memory can be relived in the present.

7. Play with a puppy.

8. Look into the eyes of a child.

9. Feel grateful.  There’s bound to be something you can feel grateful for right now. You’re alive. Give thanks.

10. Get a Miracles Coach.

Obviously there’s more to the question, but this is a tip-sheet, not a book or audio program. For that, consider The Secret to Attracting Money.

Remember – Expect Miracles.

Ao Akua,


PS – Hear an in-depth and revealing interview with the top Miracles Coach of 2009 by clicking right here.

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"I Love You" to Zero

In the book I coauthored with Dr. Hew Len (pictured below with me), Zero Limits, we explain that your unconscious mind is a database that needs to be cleaned of programming. It’s what causing you to attract what you have in your life. We also say that Ho’oponopono, the Hawaiian healing method described in the book, is a great way to do that cleaning.

dr joe and dr hew len

Recently I’ve been reading books in the filed of neuropsychology and modern brain science. They prove that our unconscious mind is running the show. The conscious mind, the part you think is the driver in the game of life, is oblivious to all that is happening. In many ways, due to the programming in our unconscious, we’re robots. We rationalize our decisions and behavior, but where they originated was below conscious awareness.

For example, in hypnosis a person can be given the command to open a window. Later, after they’re out of the trance state and given the signal to trigger the command, they’ll get up and open a window. When you ask them why they opened the window, they”ll rationalize the action with statements such as, “I needed some air” or “I smelled smoke.” They will never explain that the behavior stemmed from a command in their unconscious.

Ken Eisold’s book, What You Don’t Know You Know, is all about our hidden motives in life, business and everything else. Those hidden motives are hidden from even us. They are in our unconscious. We, as conscious beings, simply act on what the unconscious prompts us to do.

Shankar Vedantam’s book, The Hidden Brain, explains how our unconscious minds elect presidents, control markets, wage wars, and save our lives. Again, it proves that the motor driving us through life is in the unconscious, not conscious, mind.

Since we are so unconsciously driven, does that mean we aren’t really responsible for what we say or do?

According to Vedantam, “We have responsibility for not only our conscious minds, but our unconscious minds as well.”

Back to Zero Limits. In our book, Dr. Hew Len and I explain that you are 100% responsible for your life. No if, ands or buts. No loopholes. No exceptions. It doesn’t matter where you think your motivation came from — unconscious or conscious — if it’s in your life, you are responsible for it. Note that you aren’t to blame, but you are responsible.

Given that our unconscious is hidden, powerful, deep and running the show, how in the world do we clean it up so we stop attracting messes?

Psychotherapy, popularized by Freud, is one way. But according to Dr. Eisold, “Today, there are over four hundred distinct psychotherapies.”

Four hundred!?

According to Vedantam, “Making the unconscious conscious is difficult because the central obstacle lies within ourselves.”

Well, what are we to do?

How are we going to clear the unconscious?

Here are some suggestions:

1. Miracles Coaching. When you have a skilled coach listen to your story and repeat it back to you, focusing on what you may not be hearing, you have the opportunity to make the unconscious conscious. Nothing works faster in getting results than having a Miracles Coach and taking right action.

2. The Missing Secret. This bestselling audio CD program offers step-by-step help in getting clear. There are several methods taught, and you can do them as you relax and listen.

3. Finally, in Zero Limits, we explain that the way out is the way in. The best clearing method I know is the one explained in the book: just silently in your mind say non-stop, “I Love You, Please forgive me, Thank you, and I’m sorry.” And if you want the shortest mantra of all, just say “I love you.”

“I love you” is the fast-track to Zero – that ultimate state of purity. But Zero is contaminated with programming. To get back to Zero, we need to get clear.

I’ll continue to report on other ways to clean the unconscious mind of its negative data, but for now, what could be easier than saying “I love you”?

Ao Akua,


mrfire crown chakra PS – Pat O’Bryan and I created a new clearing audio you will enjoy. It combines an Alien Guitar, Sanskrit chanting, and binaural beats to create a deep and powerful cleansing sweep of your unconscious. It’s a stick of dynamite to your brain, designed to chase down and chase out all the negative programming hiding in your mind. Get details by clicking right here.

PPS – Picture above shows my crown chakra opening up. Or maybe a candle burning right behind my head. I’m not sure.

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Bugatti Billionaire Mastermind

I’ve been doing at least one Rolls-Royce Phantom Mastermind a month for one year now in my beautiful 2008 Rolls-Royce Phantom. In fact, I’m doing one tonight.

That’s where two people pay $5,000 each to ride and talk with me in that luxurious car, have dinner with me and a copilot, and share in a historic evening focused on them.

I’ve had people fly in from Switzerland, Japan and Italy just for this event. I’ve had them bring me Cuban cigars and foreign cash as gifts and tips. Every single evening has been exhilarating and all the people wonderful. I love doing these Masterminds.

But something strange happened in early October.

Suddenly more people wanted to attend these Rolls-Royce Phantom Masterminds. I had to add new dates to the schedule. For December alone I’m doing two or three each week!

I still don’t know why the event is suddenly so popular but I also experienced something even more unique.

One person told me the Rolls-Royce Mastermind was thinking small.

“Do a private jet mastermind and I’ll be there,” he said.

A mastermind on a private jet?

I love the idea!

joe_scorpion smaller

Another said when my Scorpion hybrid car comes in (see above pic), he wants a private Mastermind with me in it.

Obviously, I love that idea, too.

Yet another person said I should go ahead and get the dream car I want and then offer a Billionaire Bugatti Mastermind.

Do a billionaire mastermind in a Bugatti super car?

I love it!


In fact, Bugatti has plans to build a Bugatti 16C Galibier, a four-seat super car. Perfect for masterminds where speed is a need. Talk about a rush.

All of this made me start to wonder if I really was thinking too small.

I’m the guy who urges people to “Dare Something Worthy”.

I’m the guy who encourages people to “Think BIG!”

But I’m also the guy who needs a little nudge to think even bigger and dare even more boldly.

Why is that?

It’s because unless someone lovingly inspires you to do more, and assures you that you can do it, you probably will stay in your comfort zone.

You’ll just do what you’ve always done.

You’ll just think what you’ve always thought.

If that’s working for you and you’re happy, so be it. But most of us are living Thoreau’s observation: we’re living lives of quiet desperation.

How can you break free?

The best way I know to get out of your mental programming, and comfort zone, and start to achieve and attract bigger, better and bolder results, is with coaching.

Please check out Joe Vitale’s Miracles Coaching, the program that has been running for more than four years now and changing hundreds to thousands of lives.

Meanwhile, if you want to experience the evening of a lifetime, consider The Rolls-Royce Phantom Mastermind.

When I attract the private jet, Scorpion, and/or Bugatti, I’ll let you know.

Ao Akua,


PS — You can still read my latest book for free by clicking on the below image:

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