Tag: Divine


Free Ho'oponopono Training

Whenever I spend time with Dr. Hew Len, I’m reminded of the fundamentals behind Zero Limits and the Hawaiian healing system called ho’oponopono:

  • There’s nothing to do but clean (i.e., release programs in the mind).

  • The more you clean, the more you can receive inspiration from the Divine.

  • You act from Memory or Inspiration, and usually it’s Memory (data).

  • The only thing to clean is what you feel inside; you’re clearing perception.

  • The only goal is freedom; to be at Zero.

Knowing the fundamentals is one thing, living them is quite another. This is why we sometimes need books, audios, DVDs, tools, seminars, coaches, and whatever else we can use to remind us that all the work takes place within.

This is why I’m excited to report that today you can have a free online training in ho’oponopono, taught by Dr. Hew Len and myself, by going to-


The world is made up of “data” and it’s this very data that needs cleaned. The thing is, we perceive all that data as being outside of us, when in reality it’s inside us, so that’s where the cleaning has to take place.

In other words, there’s nothing “out there.” It’s all inside you. That’s where you experience problems and that’s where the cleaning needs done.

Dr. Hew Len often asks, “Have you ever noticed that when you have a problem, you are there?”

Think about that.

“Complete responsibility means accepting it all – even the people who enter your life and their problems, because their problems are your problems. They are in your life, and if you take full responsibility for your life, then you have to take full responsibility for what they are experiencing, too.” – from Zero Limits by Joe Vitale and Dr. Hew Len

But what is the right way to clean?

If cleaning is the number one most important thing to do and is the core of the entire Zero Limits and ho’oponopono process, how do you do it accurately?

Here’s how I do it:

  1. I notice something I consider wrong. This can be triggered by a thought, another person, an event, or anything else. This is the stimulus. Before Zero Limits, noticing a problem was always considered “out there.” After Zero Limits, you realize the problem is inside. It’s actually a problem in perception. Whatever the case, the first step is to notice you don’t feel good. You’re angry, upset, worried, scared, or any other of a wide range of emotions and feelings that could be labeled as unhappy.

  2. I start to clean on the feeling. I don’t clean on the other person, or the thought, or the situation, or anything “out there.” Again, the problem is inside. I’m the one aware of a problem. I’m the one who has to clean it. For me, saying “I love you”, “I’m sorry”, “Please forgive me” and “Thank you” is the way to clean. I say the phrases in any order. I say them non-stop in my mind while feeling the problem as I perceive it. And I say it to the Divine.

  3. I sometimes use other cleaning methods. For example, the last time I saw Dr. Hew Len, he told me my own business card (the one with my red Panoz car on it called Francine) is a cleaning tool. He said, “In your mind imagine slicing the problem up with the edge of the card.”

  4. I let go of need, addiction or attachment and wait to be prompted to take inspired action. Dr. Hew Len once told me that he cleans on a decision three times. If the answer is the same after those cleanings, he takes action on it. This means if I get an impulse to do something to resolve the perceived problem, I might clean on it three times before I actually take any action. This is a way to insure the action is coming from inspiration and not memory.

  5. Repeat as needed.

Business Card Cleaning Tool Per Dr. Hew Len

Business Card Cleaning Tool Per Dr. Len

Everyone wants a short-cut to cleaning and reaching Zero. I do, too.

But it’s that very impatience that needs cleaned. Wanting something right now is Memory playing out, urging us to get instant gratification. It’s data. The Divine has no sense of time and no urgency. Wanting things to unfold faster than they unfold is a wonderful opportunity to clean.

I keep cleaning because it makes me feel lighter, happier and healthier; it is a fast-track way for me to remove the data in my being so I can get closer to the Divine; and because it’s easy, effortless, and free.

Until the Divine gives me another way to clean, I’ll keep on cleaning.

Ao Akua,


PS – Remember, today’s free training in ho’oponopono, taught by me and Dr. Hew Len, is at


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Member BBB 2003 - 2011


Thoughts vs Intentions

I’ve had dinner a couple of times with Dr. Garland Landrith, a cutting-edge quantum field psychologist and energy healer, whose research was cited in the highly-acclaimed film, What the Bleep!? He’s a fascinating guy, and a deep thinker.

In one of our conversations he said thoughts and intentions were two different things.

This fascinated me, as it coincides with my own personal discoveries. I asked him to explain. He said —

“Intentions are the backdrop to your life, while thoughts come and go over that backdrop.”

This seemed uncannily similar to my own practice of having an intention (or inspiration) as I enter what I call the “white board,” and then releasing that intention as I sit in that space. Any thoughts are just clouds floating by. They aren’t needed or paid much attention to.

But Dr. Landrith has some refinements that I found powerful.

He went on to tell me that in his quantum meditations people could get results faster if they practiced three things:

  • Have an intention
  • Let go of that intention
  • Let thoughts be around phrases such as “yes yes yes” and “I love you” and “I am so blessed.”

This might not mean much to you until you realize Dr. Landrith has been involved in hundreds of scientific studies proving this new way of meditating and manifesting works.

tap into bliss

The key seems to be this:

  • Letting go is more important than having an intention
  • Thoughts around positive words creates an energy vortex that attracts the positive

As we explored all this over dinner, we both agreed that intentions were not as important as we previously thought.

Yes, it’s good practice to want something benevolent as an intention, but it’s not essential.

By letting go into that background energy of life, and by keeping thoughts circulating around positive words and phrases, you naturally create an outcome for your highest good.

In other words, learning to make the paradigm shift to see the miracle of right now, enables you to stay in the flow of life where miracles are the norm.

When you’re there, who needs intentions?

We agreed that one of the best ways to get into that Divine Groove is with gratitude.

I’ve written about this many times and in many places. When you feel grateful for something, anything, in this moment, you alter the signal that comes out of this moment to attract more of the same vibe to match it in future moments.

In short, what you feel now tends to attract what you’ll be experiencing next.

Again, this part isn’t anything new, as it’s basic Law of Attraction, and it’s a gentle reminder to watch your thoughts. But the more you can get your thoughts to circulate around positive words and phrases — such as “yes, yes, yes” and “I love you” — the more you can upgrade your inner vibe to attract the miracles you seek.

But there’s also a little more to this secret:

Let your background intention be whatever you want to manifest, but let your thoughts be of the most elevated nature you can imagine.

See the difference?

Your intention is just a white canvas with a painting on it. The painting is what you would like to manifest. But your thoughts as you look at that painting need to be positive ones in general.

And your overall attitude is one of, “Not my will, but thine, be done.”

No pressure.

No deadline.

Of course, you still take action when you’re inspired to do so, but it’s not driven by a need to do so.

Dr. Landrith has a DVD worth looking at called Tap Into Bliss. It shows how to use EFT (tapping) with other modalities to remove obstacles and, as he puts it, “get high.”  Good stuff.

He and I plan to host a small seminar on how to combine what he teaches with ho’oponopono. It’ll probably be in a few months in the Austin, Texas area. Stay tuned for details.

Meanwhile, look at the miracle of right now.

Pretty cool, isn’t it?

Ao Akua,


PS – I am not an affiliate for any of Dr. Landrith’s products.

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Member BBB 2003 - 2011


Benevolent Outcomes

Tom Moore wrote a couple of cool books that are helping me fine-tune my intentions these days.

The Gentle Way and The Gentle Way II are “self-help guides for those who believe in angels.”

I love the niche of the titles: if you don’t believe in angels, pass up these books. But I don’t think believing in angels is crucial to using the method Moore describes.

In short, he suggests that you ask for a “benevolent outcome” for whatever you are about to do or request.

For example, I might say, “I ask for the most benevolent outcome in writing this blog post.”

Or you might say, “I ask for the most benevolent outcome in meeting with my potential new employer.”

There are many ways to word these requests, but basically the phrase “benevolent outcome” is key.

gentle way book

“Benevolent” means, in my own words, highest good. So you’re asking for the highest possible good to come out of whatever you are doing or requesting. (My favorite word is “benestrophe” which is many good things happening at once; the opposite of a catastrophe.)

When you’re asking for a benevolent outcome, you’re releasing your ego’s need to control the result. Yes, you still want what you request, but you’re open to something better.

There’s a freedom in using this method to set intentions. Too many requests are based in fear and desperation. Bad move. The energy hiding in such a request will either block your desired outcome or bring you something to match the feeling of desperation and fear. You don’t want either.

I wrote in my book The Attractor Factor, and in many other places, that you can have virtually whatever you want, as long as you don’t need it.

The key word is need. When you need something, you are putting life and death stress on your request.

Instead, state your request with the disclaimer that you are open to the best possible outcome, which may be something you don’t see right now. The ego has blinders. The Divine does not.

The beauty of the method Moore describes is you get to make your request and remain open to something better.

Moore wants you to ask these requests of your guardian angels. I’m all for it. I’ve been doing it just that way, too. But if angels are a stretch for you, consider that you are making the requests of your unconscious, wiser, higher, deeper mind. Either way, you get the benefit.

Here are tips from Moore on how to make these requests:

Request the Benevolent Outcomes out loud, whisper, or in writing.
Start with easy requests for immediate feedback.
Be very specific with your request.
Make requesting Benevolent Outcomes a habit.
Requesting a Benevolent Outcome with emotion and feeling reinforces the request.
Don’t be afraid to ask for the impossible.
You can request that the outcome be even more than you can expect or imagine.
Thank your Guardian Angel for fulfilling your request.

Experiment with benevolent outcomes today. Before your next call, or email, or visit, or anything, ask “I request the most benevolent outcome for…”

I am experimenting with being very specific while still letting go of attachment.

For example, I might state, “I request the most benevolent outcome with my writing songs that inspire and are fun and hit the Billboard charts.”

Moore’s books are breezy reads. They are great places to learn more about the specifics of this easy method, and to see countless examples of them in use from people like you and me. I recommend them.

Ao Akua,


PS — I don’t know Tom Moore or his guardian angel and I’m not an affiliate for his books. Get more info at his website here.

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Universe or Divine?

A few people have asked me what I mean by the Divine or Universe. I’ve talked about this in my books and audio programs, but since it keeps coming up, I’ll also address it here. I’ll use one person’s recent questions as the kick-off, and I’ll end with a surprise gift for you. Here goes:

1- Is the “Universe” the same as the “Divine”?

For me, yes. Many self help authors say “Universe” when they really mean unconscious mind. I remember being on one radio talk show when the host declared the universe doesn’t know the difference between imagination and reality. She meant the unconscious mind doesn’t know the difference. This is a common mistake. It leads to a lot of confusion. For me, the unconscious mind is below your conscious awareness but basically runs the ship. It doesn’t know the difference between what you dream about or what you actually see, and because of that, you can embed intentions in it. The Universe, however, is the totality of everything. It ain’t dumb. It knows the difference between imagery and reality. It can also be called the Divine.

2- Do you consider the Universe or Divine to be God?

Yes. I don’t say the word “God” too much because so many people have baggage associated with it. God can be seen as an old man in the sky to some sort of other conceptualized being. God isn’t that to me. It is the background Witness of life. I say Divine to be politically safe. I started using the term a lot more after hanging around Dr. Hew Len, who addresses the Divine all the time when doing ho’oponopono.

3- If we are Divine, as you’ve said, then are people God?

Yes, but don’t tell anybody. People are Divinity expressed in physical form. I talk about this at length in my program (now also a book), The Awakening Course. We don’t know we are Divine because we are supposed to awaken to that fact. That’s the purpose of life. But as Bill Murray said in the movie, Groundhog Day, “I’m not the God. I’m a God.”

4- Exactly how does the Divine attract money?

It doesn’t. You do. But you do it best when you are in your passion, when you are connected to the Divine flow of life and you don’t have any internal limits on receiving it. Said another way, money is Divine and the Divine is money. It doesn’t need to attract money. It is money (as well as everything else).

5- If YOU, Joe, write a book while connected to your Divine/Universe/God within, does my Divine/Universe within instantly know this and make ME more likely to buy it from you?

Not exactly. I believe the book I coauthored with Dr. Hew Len, Zero Limits, was Divinely guided. I wrote it in two weeks. I felt like a stenographer for the Divine. But that doesn’t mean it’s for everyone. Your inner Divinity will tell you what’s next for you. It may or may not be anything I write. (It may not even be a book.) There are hundreds of thousands of books out there, and many of them might be a better match for you at this time in your evolution. I like what Jerry and Esther Hicks (Abraham) have said: they offer their material to those who are wanting it. Period. Look at it this way: the Divine guides me to write a book and the right people are guided to read it. Nothing more. Nothing less.

At the risk of sounding promotional, most of the questions I get are answered in my books and audio programs. I know at least one author who refuses to answer questions at all, saying “Go buy my books!” I won’t go that far or be that harsh, but I have to at least suggest you look into my latest program, The Abundance Paradigm.

Of course, it’s also okay with me if you skip it. 🙂

Finally, here’s a gift for you:

Recently I answered many questions on a private call for buyers of The Abundance Paradigm. I never planned to release the call to the public, but so many people praised it, that I felt I should share it with you, too.

You can listen to the entire call, download it, and/or read the transcript by going to:



Ao Akua,


PS – Heads up: I answer questions every month on a private call for the students in my Miracles Coaching program. I’m just saying.

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Chasing Dimes or the Divine?

Recently a person commented that I was just after “the dimes.”

When I said I was actually just following the Divine, somebody else said it was clear I was just after “the dollars.”

The two comments got me thinking about money, motivation and perception. I decided I would share some of my insights here with you. I think you’ll find it interesting, and it contains at least one lesson for you, as well. Here goes:

First, money is good.

Most people think, at least unconsciously, money is bad. You hear this sort of patter from “spiritual people” who haven’t fully embraced all of life.  They still think poverty will get them into heaven. They still think money is evil. They still think dimes and dollars are not the Divine. I’ve exposed the fallacy of this kind of thinking in my book, Attract Money Now (which is still free to read online). Anyone who thinks money taints you, doesn’t realize money can save you. It’s a tool. It’s a hammer that can build salvation. It is a concrete form of the spiritual.

I’ve said repeatedly that if you want to make a difference in the world, learn how to attract money and then direct it to where it will do the most good. I’ve given tens of thousands of dollars to causes I believe in. I’ve given tens of thousands of dollars to strangers as well as close friends. I’ve bought new cars for family members. I’m not saying this to brag or seek your approval. I’m saying this to expand your mind;  to illustrate the freedom and power you get to do positive things when you allow money into your life. Money is a powerful solution. No wonder great saints, such as Mother Teresa, raised millions of dollars and used it as they felt directed. Money is good.

Second, the key to success is following passion.

I have never taught or been motivated by money alone. That’s a fast track to unhappiness. The direct route to success is in following your passion, while using money as a scorecard that enables you to keep following your passion. That’s what I do. That’s what billionaires such as Donald Trump and Sir Richard Branson do. Since I’m writing these blog posts for free, the only thing compelling me is the passion to do so. I’ve told several friends recently that this blog is my pet project. I love it. My recent writing and thinking goes here. But I rarely focus on anything you can buy direct from me. Usually I simply get excited about something and can’t wait to share it with you. That’s not being money directed, that’s being passion directed.

That said, I also have bills to pay, just like you. If I charge for a book, it’s because a lot of people were involved in its creation (editors, printers, publishers, etc) and they all have bills to pay, too. My Miracles Coaching program, for example, has about 300 people involved in running it. Obviously I can’t give it away for free. Those 300 people also have bills to pay. Likewise, you need to charge for what you do, as well, if only to be able to live and work in the world. But the whole issue of money becomes an after thought if you first focus on following your passion.

Third, life is an ink blot test.

Basically, what you see in what I or anyone else does is a projection of your own unconscious beliefs. You have no idea what my (or anyone’s) internal motivation is, so you’re left to guess. Lots of room for error there. My fans will see that I’m sharing what I love; my critics will see that I’m selling what I like. Which is it, in reality? Am I serving or selling? It depends on the lens you look through. You have a choice. For me, I promote what I love and think will be of value to you. It’s of the purest intent. But I can’t control what you think, and I don’t want to even try. I do the best I can, based on my passion and my connection to the Divine. Sometimes I remind myself of what Abraham Lincoln said when he was hounded by people who didn’t understand what he was doing:

“If I were to try to read, much less answer, all the attacks made on me, this shop might as well be closed for any other business. I do the very best I know how – the very best I can; and I mean to keep doing so until the end. If the end brings me out all right, what’s said against me won’t amount to anything. If the end brings me out wrong, ten angels swearing I was right would make no difference.”

The lesson here for you is to insulate yourself from people who belittle you and what you do. Get clear on your passion, get clear of limiting beliefs about money, and take action to make a difference in the world.

There will always be critics. It’s easy to be one. Just sit back and find fault with others. That’s a no brainer. But to actually do something worthwhile with your life, there’s the challenge and the thrill.

I end most of my emails to my list with the 16th Century Latin phrase, Aude Aliquid Dignum, which translates as,  “Dare Something Worthy.”

Follow the Divine, be true to your heart, dare something worthy, and let the critics squabble.

And if anyone questions you in a negative way, remember what Mark Twain advised:

“Keep away from those who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you believe that you too can become great.”

Now go do something good.

Ao Akua,


PS – Recently when I promoted my latest audio program, The Abundance Paradigm: Moving from the Law of Attraction to the Law of Creation, I asked people if they thought I should charge for it or give it away for free. The overwhelming vote was to charge for it. Even my customers knew the value of the product and the fairness of exchanging dollars for it. Follow your passion, charge for what you do, and use the money to make a difference in your life and in the lives of those you care about. By doing so you aren’t chasing dollars or dimes, you’re instead honoring the Divine. Sounds worthy to me.

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