Tag: ipad


The iPad Dragon

Now that I have an ipad, I’m enjoying poking around the Apple apps store and playing with the freebies. One of them takes dictation. It’s called Dragon Dictation. You speak, it records, and then transcribes what you said.  It sounded cool. I downloaded it and tried it.

I spoke, “I hope this cool new software allows me to speak my emails and is accurate.”

It translated my speech as, “I hope this college software allows the court to be fed net.”

Hmmm. I was pretty sure my diction was good, so I tried again.

I spoke, “My cat has a loud meow when hungry.”

It translated that as, “My cat has a loud pillow on Tuesday.”

If nothing else, the app is highly entertaining.

While there are 1,500 apps for the ipad, apparently they don’t all work as billed. Whenever I’m tempted to download an app, I read the reviews first. So far ninety percent of the time the reviews talk me out of it. Since the ipad is so new, the apps appear to be untested. No problem. I’ll just come back later.

Meanwhile, apps that work on the ipad include Pandora Radio and Pages.

Dragon Dictation translated the above line as, “Have to work with Dragon Dictation included Pandora Radio and Pages.”

A list of popular free apps (not tested or endorsed by me) are right here or at http://www.apple.com/itunes/charts/free-apps/

Ao Akua,


PS – Which is better: Apple ipad or Amazon Kindle? I’ve been using my Kindle since it arrived last Christmas. I love it. But I left it after only a few minutes with the ipad. I could probably run my entire business from my ipad. (In fact, this morning I wrote and sent an email to my entire database right from my ipad.) Sorry, Amazon. I still love you, though.

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