Tag: loa


Does God Want You to Attract Money?

Does the Divine want you to be rich?

According to at least three books, the answer is yes.

There’s Paul Zane Pilzer’s God Wants You to Be Rich.

There’s God Wants You Rich by Scot Anderson.

There’s God Wants You to Be Rich by Bright Winner.

You get the idea.

All three books are very convincing.

Apparently God really wants you to be rich.

I don’t doubt it. I can’t imagine the Divine wanting me to suffer, especially since I already did that for decades.

I’m more inclined to believe a loving Divine would love me enough to want me rich and happy.

I think the better question is, “Do you want to be rich?”

There’s the rub.

In my latest book, Attract Money Now, I point out that the first step in beginning to attract money is to get your head on straight.

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That means clear up the negative and limiting beliefs you have about money.

Money is not the root of all evil, for example.

Money is not bad.

You are not bad.

If you think money is bad, or that you’re not deserving, do you really think you’ll allow yourself to have any?

I gave a fiery and “in your face” presentation about all of this at Pat O’Bryan’s Unseminar 6. If you were there, you remember it. If you weren’t, you can watch it on a DVD you can have free.

Just go get a copy of the hardcover printed edition of my new book right here. When you do, you’ll also get the DVD.

If you’re struggling with attracting money, it isn’t the Divine keeping you broke. It’s you.

Do something about it and go read my new book. It’s free here.

Or buy the hardcover (and get the free DVD) here.

Ao Akua,


PS — You might also consider personal coaching to speed up your results. It’s at Dr. Joe Vitale Miracles Coaching Program.attract money now hardcover offerNote:  If you buy any of the books mentioned above (other than my own), I don’t make a dime. Just FYI.


Attracting Poland's Leopard

When I was in Poland recently I got to be the only American to see and then drive the Leopard, Poland’s handmade super luxury roadster. It was a thrill. There are only six of these beautiful cars made so far. They are made by hand, with a few men pounding sheets of aluminum with rubber mallets to form the body of the car. This short video shows the amazing car. Note how each person who drives the Leopard comes back with a beaming smile. I haven’t actually ordered the car yet, but I’m allowing it to be attracted to me in some wonderfully unexpected way. Watch the video clip and see what you think:

Learn more about Poland’s Leopard car by clicking right here.

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Bugatti Billionaire Mastermind

I’ve been doing at least one Rolls-Royce Phantom Mastermind a month for one year now in my beautiful 2008 Rolls-Royce Phantom. In fact, I’m doing one tonight.

That’s where two people pay $5,000 each to ride and talk with me in that luxurious car, have dinner with me and a copilot, and share in a historic evening focused on them.

I’ve had people fly in from Switzerland, Japan and Italy just for this event. I’ve had them bring me Cuban cigars and foreign cash as gifts and tips. Every single evening has been exhilarating and all the people wonderful. I love doing these Masterminds.

But something strange happened in early October.

Suddenly more people wanted to attend these Rolls-Royce Phantom Masterminds. I had to add new dates to the schedule. For December alone I’m doing two or three each week!

I still don’t know why the event is suddenly so popular but I also experienced something even more unique.

One person told me the Rolls-Royce Mastermind was thinking small.

“Do a private jet mastermind and I’ll be there,” he said.

A mastermind on a private jet?

I love the idea!

joe_scorpion smaller

Another said when my Scorpion hybrid car comes in (see above pic), he wants a private Mastermind with me in it.

Obviously, I love that idea, too.

Yet another person said I should go ahead and get the dream car I want and then offer a Billionaire Bugatti Mastermind.

Do a billionaire mastermind in a Bugatti super car?

I love it!


In fact, Bugatti has plans to build a Bugatti 16C Galibier, a four-seat super car. Perfect for masterminds where speed is a need. Talk about a rush.

All of this made me start to wonder if I really was thinking too small.

I’m the guy who urges people to “Dare Something Worthy”.

I’m the guy who encourages people to “Think BIG!”

But I’m also the guy who needs a little nudge to think even bigger and dare even more boldly.

Why is that?

It’s because unless someone lovingly inspires you to do more, and assures you that you can do it, you probably will stay in your comfort zone.

You’ll just do what you’ve always done.

You’ll just think what you’ve always thought.

If that’s working for you and you’re happy, so be it. But most of us are living Thoreau’s observation: we’re living lives of quiet desperation.

How can you break free?

The best way I know to get out of your mental programming, and comfort zone, and start to achieve and attract bigger, better and bolder results, is with coaching.

Please check out Joe Vitale’s Miracles Coaching, the program that has been running for more than four years now and changing hundreds to thousands of lives.

Meanwhile, if you want to experience the evening of a lifetime, consider The Rolls-Royce Phantom Mastermind.

When I attract the private jet, Scorpion, and/or Bugatti, I’ll let you know.

Ao Akua,


PS — You can still read my latest book for free by clicking on the below image:

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P.T. Barnum on Attracting Money

Most people don’t know the legendary circus promoter P.T. Barnum never said “There’s a sucker born every minute.” He was more inclined to say, per the title of my book on him, There’s a customer born every minute.


Most people don’t know Barnum knew how to attract money. He was born poor, made a fortune, lost it, and attracted another one.

Most people don’t know he also gave a talk on The Art of Money Getting. It was a brilliant how-to by a man who knew the spiritual and material approach to life was the only balanced way to be happy, help others, and attract money.

Two friends of mine just released Barnum’s famous talk on audio CDs.

barnum joe audio

They are willing to give you the audios if you go to the link set up for my readers at www.ptbarnumspeaks.com/mrfire.html or click right here.

Go listen and grow rich.

Ao Akua,


PS – Top photo is of P.T. Barnum and General Tom Thumb. Barnum made the little man a multi-millionaire.

attract money now hardcover offer


The Polish Money Attractor

I love asking people in the countries I visit about their customs. One of my favorite questions is, “What secrets do you have for attracting money or anything else?”

In Russia I learned about Hochun, the Siberian “wish maker.” I love him as a tool for focusing on intentions. Pat O’Bryan and I released our own version of him at The Secret Russian Wish Maker.

In Poland I learned that you can attract money if you hang a painting of a Jewish man counting gold coins in your home or office.

My friend Andrzej Batko said he bought such a painting, placed it in his office, and it worked. I of course wanted one, too.

polish money attractor

We found one in Krackow. I loved it, bought it, and am having it framed right now. When my new office is completed, I’ll hang it where I can see it.

Actually, it’s now framed…

polish art framed

This raises the question: Do these items actually work?

I don’t know. But my theory is this: if it doesn’t hurt you to hang a painting or look at an image, then why not do it? When something is fun, adds to the positive energy for your desire, it has to be good.

Here’s something even more fascinating:

I met famed Polish photographer Grzegorz Syllain in Warsaw. He followed me around one day and took pictures of me shopping for cigars and clothes. His teenage daughter followed and helped.

warsaw lovers

When we stopped to have coffee, I asked his daughter what she enjoyed doing. She said painting. I then told them what I leaned about the Polish custom of having the money attractor painting. They both knew the power of the painting.

But they didn’t see what was coming next.

“When I go back to Texas and write about my painting, people will want one for their home or office, too. The thing is, I won’t have anywhere to send them to buy a painting. If you would set up a website, and your daughter would paint the art, I could direct them to you.”

His daughter loved the idea.

He loved the idea.

“If you do this, you could attract enough money for school or anything else you want.”

They nodded with excitement.

I then challenged them.

“I want you to start painting and to get the site up by the time I return to the States in three days. If you do, I’ll tell my readers about it.”

Grzegorz quickly agreed.

So did his daughter. attract money now hardcover offer“I don’t want a penny for this,” I explained. “I want to see you act on this idea. This is the secret to attracting success in life; when the idea is there, honor it and act on it.”

Sure enough, they honored their word.

Their site is now up at Polish Money Attractor Painting.

old jew

If I were you, I’d do two things right now:

1. Write down an idea you’ve had and haven’t acted on yet.

2. Act on it.


And go get your own original Polish Money Attractor Painting.

What if it works?

Ao Akua,


PS -The above photo of Nerissa and I was taken by Grzegorz in Warsaw, Poland. His site is at www.fotani.com The painting is by Grzegorz’s wife and daughter. Order it at http://www.gobeliny.com

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