Tag: giving


Attract Money Secret

Since so many people ask how to attract money, I thought it would be useful to share this money attraction secret from 36-year-old billionaire Andres Pira. It’s from the forthcoming 2019 book, Homeless to Billionaire


Vibrational Giving 

A New Approach to Attracting Great Wealth 

(An Excerpt from Homeless to Billionaire)

By Andres Pira

(with Dr. Joe Vitale)

Most people know that giving can lead to receiving. But most people do it wrong. I discovered a specific way of giving that has brought me millions of dollars. It helped me become a billionaire before I reached the age of 35. Let me tell you how I used this method to attract my first million dollars.

I am originally from Sweden. I moved to Thailand at the age of twenty to find my way in the world. But before I made any money, I became homeless. As I dug myself out of that dire situation, I noticed that Thailand has unique views about giving.

In Thailand, for example, on your birthday you don’t receive gifts, you give them. That was entirely new to me. But I started practicing it. As I gave more, I received more. As I gave more money, I received more money. I became fascinated and decided to experiment with this apparently magical law of giving. I wanted to see how it works, and if I could improve it.

The way most people give – if they give at all – is by tithing. That is the traditional way of giving ten percent of your income to a religious organization. Most religions teach that you need to give ten percent of the money you receive as a form of “payment” to God. While that has worked for centuries, and I have no argument with it, it’s not the way I do it.

Others have learned that giving money to any source that has inspired them will trigger a force that brings more money back to them. Dr. Joe Vitale, one of the teachers in the movie The Secret, tells people to give ten percentage of their income to wherever they receive spiritual nourishment or inspiration. That could be an Uber driver, a waiter, someone you meet at the store who says encouraging words, or an organization or anything else. I like this idea because it opens up the possibility of giving to others, including but not limiting to a church.

The trouble is, post people give only money and expect only money in return. While that works, it’s a limitation. The Universe (whatever you choose to call The Great Mystery of life) may have something better for you, but you limited the road back to you by insisting that what you get back is money. In my experience, the Universe may have many other gifts waiting for you, not just money, but your expectation of receiving only money is blocking the other good you could receive.

My own method is more refined and more focused. And it doesn’t always have to do with giving away money. In short, I’ve discovered that the emotion you feel as you give anything at all is what you will receive back. This is far more important than you may realize. If you feel hate as you do anything, you are setting up an “attractor field” to experience hate later. If you feel love as you do something, you are also engaging in a principle to attract love back to you later.

When I wish someone a good day, I do it with genuine feelings of wanting him or her to have a good day. Most people say, “Have a good day” with no feeling at all. It’s automatic. It’s dead. But I say it wanting to change the emotion of the person hearing it. I truly want them to have a good day. The feeling I give out as I say the words is one of love. As a result, what I expect to get back sometime later is the feeling of love. It may come as great news about a project, or a check, or a profitable idea, or a new connection, or some other reason to celebrate. But I give out love and what I get back is love.

In other words, when you give money, feel ecstatic as you do so and what you will receive in return is something with the feeling of ecstasy attached to it. That may be a return in the form of money. But it could be anything else. It could surprise you. It could be something unexpected, and not just money. What you gave was some emotion, so what you receive will be the same emotion, but multiplied at least ten times.

I’ve learned that this “vibrational giving” or “frequency giving” is the real secret to making giving work. While giving anything is a good policy, giving with conscious awareness of your emotions will bring wealth beyond all imagination.

Now let me share my story of making my first million dollars with this method.

Many years ago I visited an orphanage in Thailand. It was sad because all the kids had HIV. They didn’t have any government support and they were struggling. I wanted to help. I agreed to paint the building, all the rooms, and give the kids toys. I didn’t do it to receive money. I did it because I felt great in helping.

And that’s the secret to giving: feeling. How you feel when you give is what you will receive in return. Emotion creates vibration. And you can’t create anything without emotion. Unfortunately, most people aren’t aware of their feelings when they do anything, let alone when they give.

While I had been visualizing making my first million dollars, I also didn’t know how it would happen. But when I was at that orphanage, I didn’t think spending money there would bring me a million dollars later. All I knew is the kids need help and it would make me feel good to help.

So I invested about eighty thousand dollars in hiring people to paint and rebuild the place. I felt great as I paid for the services. Again, I was using “vibrational giving” as my tool. I knew that the feeling I felt as I gave is what I would get in return later, in some unexpected way. There was nothing calculating in my action. I didn’t give money to get money.

Instead, I did something that made me feel great, and I expected something to happen later that would also be a great feeling. But money wasn’t the focus. I just made sure to feel great. While eighty thousand was about a fourth of my yearly revenue at the time, spending it didn’t make me feel stretched or worried. It made me feel good.

As a result, a real estate deal I had in the works went through. I closed a property worth so much that my commission was more than one million dollars. In fact, it was one million plus about eighty grand. So I not only made my first million, but I also got my investment back.

And how did I feel? Fantastic, of course. The feeling I had when I invested in helping the orphanage (feeling great) came back to me to multiplied (feeling fantastic). I copied that check, framed it, and still look at it every day. I still feel great every time I see it.

Mother Teresa had it right when she said, “It is not how much we do, but how much love we put in the doing. It is not how much we give, but how much love we put in the giving.”

Again, this isn’t only about money. It’s about what you feel as you give anything. The feeling you give out is what you will receive back. Practicing this “vibrational giving” works for me, and will work for you, too. Try it and see.


Andres Pira, President of Success Events and Blue Horizon Development, is the largest real estate developer in Southern Thailand. He and bestselling author Dr. Joe Vitale are completing the book, Homeless to Billionaire: The 18 Wealth Attracting Secrets for Becoming a Money Magnet. For details please see http://www.homelesstobillionaire.info


Why Give Now?

You’ve heard that it pays to give, haven’t you?

You’ve heard about tithing as a way to give thanks for what you have and to begin to attract more of what you want, correct?

You’ve heard the stories of famous millionaires and billionaires who give away staggering amounts of money, right?

Well, do YOU give?

Do you give ten percent of your income to the people and places that inspire you, nurture you, and keep you balanced?

Probably not.

I know because I was just like you.

I heard all the stories about giving as a way to receive.

I heard all the teachers and preachers tell me to give more and give often.

But I was “too smart” for that.

I “knew” it was all a scam to get my money.

But one day I awakened to a harsh insight:

The longer I stubbornly refused to give, the longer I remained in struggle.

“No one has ever become poor by giving.” ― Anne Frank

When I finally realized that if I can’t give a dollar out of my last ten bucks today, then I won’t be able to give a hundred thousand dollars out of my first million tomorrow.

It’s a form of self-sabotage to think otherwise.

People who convince themselves that they’ll give later, when they have more money and can “afford it,” are deceiving and deluding themselves.

It all begins now.


Today I give away everything from books to guitars to cars to cash.

You might think I do it because I’m wealthy.

The secret is giving

The secret is giving now

But I started doing it when I was working a job I didn’t like, getting paid just above minimum wage, and had stacks of bills just like you.

I started giving with what I could give.

As I gave, and prospered, I let my giving reflect my receiving.

And the more I gave, the more I received.

Today wealthy people – and not so wealthy people – are giving.

The big mistake most people make in giving is waiting.

The second big mistake they make is in where to give.

Here’s my thought on the matter:

Give now.

You have some money.

Take ten percent of it and give it away.

Don’t wait till you have more, as you are missing the prosperity of right now.


Give it to whoever or whatever gave you spiritual nourishment this past week.

That could be anyone or anything, from an Uber driver to a neighbor to a complete stranger who smiled and turned your day around.

But you have to start today and you have to give where you receive inspiration.

Why is this so important?

According to Edward Kramer, in his 1955 book, Pathways to Power:

“Clarence Howard, late head of Commonwealth Steel, used to say, ‘The hole you give through is the hole you receive through.'”

Dan Kennedy, marketing legend, often says it this way:

“The window you receive through is made bigger by how much you give.”

In other words, psychologically and metaphysically, the more you give, the more you open yourself to receive.

And don’t trick yourself into thinking because you helped a neighbor move a couch that you gave.

You gave muscle, but not money.

And don’t think because you took friends out to eat that you gave.

You bought dinner but you didn’t dish out money.

The law is specific: give ten percent or more of what you receive financially to where you received spiritual nourishment.

When you’re honest with yourself, you know who to give it to.

Do it.


One final thought:

Don’t worry about what the receiver does with what you give.

It doesn’t matter if they burn it, spend it, invest it, give it away, or anything else.

Your duty – if you want to attract more money – is to give now and give often and give where you received inspiration.

Why not do it right now?

Ao Akua,


PS – A decade or so ago I wrote a little book on this subject, titled The Greatest Money-Making Secret in History. I also explain this concept in my free book, Attract Money Now.

Member BBB 2003 - 2016

Member BBB 2003 - 2016


Free or Freedom?

I often hear from people who think everything I offer should be free.

They never seem to realize that their request reveals their limiting beliefs about money.

Or that their limiting beliefs are the very reason they are struggling and wanting everything given to them.

After all, when I offer a program such as The Zero Point, and I put a price on it, it’s because it wasn’t free for me to make it.

The reality is –

People involved want paid.

Audio engineers want paid.

Graphic artists want paid.

Credit card merchants want paid.

Manufacturers want paid.

Warehouse wants paid.

Shippers want paid.

My staff wants paid.

And why do they want paid?

For the same reason you do.

Because they have their own bills, too.

So is it really reasonable to ask for a program like http://www.thezeropoint.info to be sent to you for nothing in return?

Does that make any sense?

Is that fair?

Plus, most people don’t value what is given to them as a handout.

I give away my book Attract Money Now at http://www.attractmoneynow.com

Click image for free book

Click image for free book

Have you read it?

Have you implemented the seven steps in it?

Be honest.

I also give away all three volumes of The Miracles Manual http://www.miraclesmanual.com

Click image for all three free books

Click image for all three free books

Did you get them?

Did you read them?

Did you implement what you read?

Tell the truth.

If you are serious about making a difference in your life, then stop asking for freebies and invest in your own awakening.

One place to start is at — http://www.thezeropoint.info/

It’s the difference between free and freedom.

Expect Miracles.

Ao Akua,


PS – You can also just jump in and transform your life with the best offering of all Miracles Coaching.

Member BBB 2003 - 2015

Member BBB 2003 - 2015


Who First?

The other day I stopped at the local gas station to fuel up my new all electric car.

No, that’s not a typo.

The Fisker Karma is all electric, but uses a gas generator to power the electric motor when the stored electricity runs out. So you have to put fuel in it sometimes. It’s possible to never use gas, if you drive locally (50 mile range per charge).

Don’t worry your head about it, though. That’s not the point of this post.

2012 Electric Fisker Karma

2012 Electric Fisker Karma

While there, a fellow asked me about the car. That’s not unusual, either.

Everywhere I drive the Karma, people stop and ask about it. I’ve had people film me on the highway while they were driving, follow me and ask me about the car, sit beside me at a traffic light and praise the car, and more. The Karma is a head turner. It was designed by the same fellow who designed the Aston Martin, so it has lines that turn heads.

But that’s not the point of this post, either.

This gentleman at the local petrol station said at one point he had fourteen cars and four airplanes.  He added, “You can’t take care of that many cars or planes, so I started giving them away.”

I could relate. I’ve given away four of my cars so far. And I didn’t start with as many as this stranger at the station.

The fellow added, “At some point you just stop buying so many things for yourself and you start helping other people.”


That’s the whole point. You have to take care of yourself first before you can help others in any big way.

Yes, of course you can help others right now, with whatever you have or can do. I’m talking about something greater than that, though. It’s one thing to help a neighbor move his outdoor grill. It’s quite another to give them a car.

I know a person who does volunteer work around the world. She said, “You have to have money to work for free.”


Money is essential to your ability to help others.

If you don’t have much right now, or always feel like you are just squeaking by, then it’s your beliefs about money and yourself that are causing the block.

Once you handle your money issues, you are free to attract money and direct it to where you feel it will do the most good.

You can call it Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, but any way you look at it, until you take care of your own survival needs and move into prosperity, you won’t easily be able to think about let alone actually help anyone else in a big way.

I’m not suggesting that you own a fleet of cars before you start giving and helping others. But I am suggesting that you make yourself strong first. Then you will have the means and the strength to help others.

I’ve often said and written that if you want to make a difference in the world, begin with one person: yourself.

Once you’ve changed your own life, it’ll be far easier to help others.

If you want the world to be a happier, healthier and more prosperous place, begin by contributing one happy, healthy and prosperous person to it: you.

How do you accomplish this?

Be good to yourself. Admit what you want for yourself. Take action to attract it to you. Get yourself financially secure.

Click image to read book free

Click image to read book free

One resource is my book, Attract Money Now.  It’s still free to read online right here.  (There’s a beautiful hardcover edition, that comes with a DVD of a fiery presentation by me on attracting money, right here.)

The book contains seven steps for attracting money now. One of those steps is giving. Again, you don’t have to give away a car, but giving money opens you to receive money.

Have you read the book?

Have you done the steps in the book?

Are you giving money to where you receive inspiration?

I think right now might be a good time to start.

I’m beginning the helping process by giving you the book, entirely for free.

What will you do next?

Are you ready to help you?

Ao Akua,


PS –  Last year I gave a presentation at the offices of my Miracles Coaching team where I explained seven ways to get clear of inner blocks. The group loved the steps. The event was filmed and later turned into a free course you can watch online. Go here to see it right now: http://www.joevitalecoach.com/campaigns/sevensteps/ I’m offering you the steps to freedom — free. It’s up to you to do them. Well?

Member BBB 2003 - 2012

Member BBB 2003 - 2012


Attract $175,000 Today

In 1931 Vash Young inherited a fortune. This was during the Great Depression in the USA when much of the country lost jobs, savings, hopes, dreams, and more. Young was so grateful for his inherited fortune that he spent his entire life sharing it.

Last week I inherited his fortune.

It was strange, unexpected, and yet incredible.

I didn’t know Young before last week, though I had heard of his fortune.

I never imagined he would pass it on to me.

I’m grateful for it, of course.

Who wouldn’t be?

And I’m now going to share that fortune with you.

Let me explain.

A friend of mine in the Miracles Coaching program told me about an old book he found that he thought I might like. But he couldn’t recall the title or author. He was obviously moved by the book. I’m a bookaholic, so I was interested, even without all the details. I asked him to send me the book’s info when he came across it. I didn’t think any more about it.

But last week my friend sent me a package. Inside was the mysterious book. The title is A Fortune to Share. The author was Vash Young. I had never heard of the book or the author. Since I was busy with projects, such as scheduling the launch of my new audio program (The Abundance Paradigm), and already had fifteen books to read either on my ipad or my desk, I just put the book aside. It would have to wait.

But the book wouldn’t wait.

Something about it called me to it. Maybe because the book was from 1931 and looked like a lost gem in self-help and self-improvement; maybe because I love success literature and this title seemed like it was from that category; maybe because I hoped the author had been a friend of a man I wrote about from that era, Bruce Barton, in my book The Seven Lost Secrets of Success; maybe because the author put a spell on the book. I don’t know. But before I knew it, everything else got pushed aside and I started reading A Fortune to Share.

Within minutes, I was captivated.

The book is written in the first person, with the author talking to me about his fortune and how it changed his life. The old Young of poverty and reckless living was gone; the new Young was now so rich that even the Great Depression couldn’t touch him.


His mission became the life-long quest to share his fortune with others.

I was riveted.

Young explained that you own a factory. Most of the time you make junk in that factory. As a result, no one buys from you. No wonder you were broke and struggling. No wonder life looked bleak. Your factory wasn’t producing what anyone wanted.

He went on to explain that the same factory could make gold.



In your mind.

In your mind!

As it turns out, the fortune Young inherited was the gold inside himself: his ability to control his thoughts, beliefs, moods, and attitude. He could let the factory of his mind create a life that was miserable, or he could take charge of that factory and get it producing new thoughts, beliefs, moods and attitude that he and others would want.

He inherited a mental fortune.

As long as Young (pictured below) accepted his fortune and shared it, everything he wanted would come his way, and without trying to make it happen.

Young literally did attract a financial fortune (he sold over $80,000,000 in life insurance) due to his discovery and his sharing. He went from a life of go-getting to a life of go-giving. (He later wrote a book titled The Go-Giver.) The more he gave, the more he attracted. His mission truly became one of sharing the mental fortune inside himself to awaken your own understanding that you have a mental fortune inside you, too.


While it’s easy to wish that Young’s fortune was all cash and he shared it by writing checks (which he often did, just not to you or me), what he actually gave us is something far more valuable: he pointed out you have a cash-making machine in your head.

In short, we attract “junk” when we think from selfishness and fear; we attract “gold” when we think and act with love.

A Fortune to Share contains much more information, and many wonderful stories. It’s a hypnotic read. Breezy. Easy. Fast. It also delivers some unforgettable wisdom, such as:

“Any experience can be transformed into something of value.”

“Prosperity can not be built on fear!”

For a long time, Young would hold “Trouble Day” every Saturday. He would let anyone walk into his office, dump their troubles on him, and then Young would do his best to help the troubled soul with his philosophy, and often with money.

In talking to an unemployed man one day, Young tells him, “You haven’t been unemployed all these months, you have been working for the wrong boss. You have been working for failure, discouragement, fear and worry and the sad part of it is that there has been no salary for your labors. You seem to be destitute, but I am going to tell you how to become rich overnight. I want you to deposit the following thoughts in your mental bank tonight: ‘I am not afraid – I am a success, not a failure – I have an inexhaustible supply of courage, energy, confidence and perseverance.'”

Young helps the man out with a suit of clothes and a little money, and reminds him to draw on his new mental bank account when he needs it.

Within a week, the man has a job he loves.

Young’s first book was so sincere, helpful and timely that it became a national bestseller. He followed it with several others (which I have yet to read but eagerly await), including The Go-Giver, Be Kind to Yourself, and Let’s Start Over Again. All were bestsellers. All were booster rockets for a weary country suffering during the Great Depression of the 1930s. When Young was in his seventies in 1959, he wrote a final book summing up his philosophy of life, called Fortunes For All.

I found Fortunes For All and read it. Loved it, too. On the cover the publisher says, “Let Vash Young show you that your mind is worth $175,000 or more!”

How can your mind bring you $175,000?

Here’s the secret:

Young explains that instead of asking, “How can we have more?” we should ask, “How can we be more?”

He then invites you to try an experiment:

“Go off by yourself with a pad and pencil and write out your own ticket for a happy and successful life. By that I mean put down all of the things you would like to have or be.”

He adds, “After imagining every wish has been granted, then go one step further. Start in being the ideal person you think you would be if you had everything your way.”

Young’s philosophy of fortune basically said that once you began to be that happy, successful person now, then you would naturally attract all you wanted from the being.

Sounds a whole lot like step four in my book, The Attractor Factor, and step five in my book Attract Money Now, where I suggest you “Nevillize” a goal to help bring it into reality.

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In other words, feel what it would be like to already have the thing you want or be the person you long to be. Feel it now.

But Young is also wanting you to be something greater than a satisfied person. He wants you to embody the traits of — dare I say it — God.

Decades ago in Houston I gave a talk where I encouraged people to think like God. I said God wouldn’t think in terms of lack and limitation. Why should you?

But Young wants you to act like God, meaning live love, compassion, forgiveness and all the other positive, enlightened states that a God would have.

Be God.

Young was a great believer in taking action, too.

A chapter on selling in Fortunes For All proves that he sold such a staggering amount of life insurance by focusing on giving, thinking of others over himself, and following his being principle. But he also took non-stop action. Even when Young was on jury duty for three weeks, he still held the sales record for the month. How? He kept taking action.

All of this is so inspiring and powerful that I wish Vash Young was still alive so I could thank him in person. But I’ve inherited his fortune. And I’m sharing it with you. I’m hoping you will now share it with others, too.

Take control of your mind and you can live a life of magic and miracles — a life of good fortune.

It’s Vash Young’s inheritance.

It’s my inheritance.

And now it’s yours.

What do you think, anyway?

What is your factory producing?

Who’s the boss of your own mind?

Who are you being?

Enjoy your new fortune.

Ao Akua,


PS – Be sure to pass your fortune along to others by telling them about Vash Young, his books, and this blog post’s message. Together we can share the wealth, and make a difference in the world. Thank you.

Note: My new audio program, The Abundance Paradigm: Moving from the Law of Attraction to the Law of Creation, comes out on November 9th.

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