Tag: abundance


Zero Limits Living TV

I’m constantly learning.
Learning how to live, accomplish, achieve, attract and so much more.
I’m excited to say these days I’m learning directly from the masters.
I’m interviewing them on my new weekly e-TV show.
Every Friday I post a new episode of “Zero Limits Living.”
The show is becoming a global hit – now being seen on Roku, YouTube, Apple TV, Amazon Fire, Luxe TV – on more than 1,000 platforms! You can also just go to –
I’m having a blast bringing you inspiration and information, thanks to Luxe Media Studios on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills.
They wanted to help me get my message to the world and handed me my own TV show.
How cool is that?
I’m interviewing people with astonishing stories and amazing advice – To help you practically, abundantly, spiritually and more.
If you want to discover surprising life lessons, hard earned advice, simple shortcuts, brilliant hacks and key insights into “Zero Limits Living,” then please go see –
Best of all?
It’s all free.
Expect Miracles.
Ao Akua,
Dr Joe
PS – “Zero Limits Living ” on Luxe TV is accessible on over 1,000 devices  including iOS devices, Android devices, MACs, PCs, streaming media boxes such as Roku, Apple TV, Chromecast, and Nexus Player. You can also find my show on audio podcast on Spotify, iHeart Radio, Google Podcasts, Podchaser, Podcast Addict, Amazon Podcasts, Amazon Alexa, Deezer, iTunes, Google Play and Stitcher. If you like it, tell the world! 🙂

My Favorite Quote

I love quotes.

A good one liner can awaken you, entertain you, educate you, and more.

One of my recent favorites was written centuries ago.

Seneca (the ancient Stoic who who wrote letters and essays to help us today) left us this juicy tidbit –

“It’s all in your head. You have the power to make things seem hard or easy or even amusing. The choice is yours.”

At first glance you may not grasp the power in his statement.

It’s a reminder that you have a choice about how you see your life.

Whatever you are going through right now can be seen in at least three different ways.

Most of us let the default “It’s hard” run us.

We don’t feel very inspired or empowered with that view.

Life sucks.

But what if you changed it to “It’s easy”?

We can now move to a clearer place, see our options, and maybe even enjoy the process.

Life rocks.

And what about — dare I say it – “It’s amusing”?


What you are going through can be amusing?

Seneca didn’t say it WAS amusing, he said you could make it SEEM amusing.

Big difference.

Again, it’s all about how you choose your perception.

To understand this quote, as well as how to thrive in troubled times, please go see —


Expect Miracles.

Ao Akua,

Dr Joe

PS – Remember, if you want weekly inspiration, see my new e-TV show. It’s on Roku, Amazon Fire, Apple TV, LuxeTV app, or just head over to



Stoicism to LOA to EFT

I’m covering everything on my new weekly online TV show – from Seneca’s Stoicism to The Secret’s Law of Attraction to EFT Tapping to mindset, beliefs, coaching, ho’oponopono and more – and I’m just getting started! Every Friday I post a new episode. Every show is full of inspiration and information to help you achieve “Zero Limits Living.” Sign up for notifications, and watch all the recent episodes, at https://www.joevitale.com/zero-limits-living-tv

Expect Miracles!

Ao Akua,

Dr Joe


How to Help Ukraine

As you may or may not know by now, I am giving 100% of all revenue from my new product to help Ukrainians.

My new program is called The 3 Pillars, the cornerstone of Zero Limits Living.

It’s brand new; a breakthrough in all I teach.

And 100% of what would normally go to my business from the revenue for this program will go to help the people of Ukraine during the invasion of their homes.

My contact there – my agent for getting me speaking gigs in Russia, Iran, and Ukraine – will personally use the funds to purchase containers for shelters, and buy food and supplies for displaced families.

I explain the new program and the fund raising at –


Please go see – and please help.

Remember, you get the 3 Pillars program and Ukraine gets 100% of the funds that would normally go to my company.

Meanwhile, practice ho’oponopono, pray, and follow inspired action for any other ways to help in this situation.

Together, we can make a difference.

Thank you.

I love you.

Ao Akua,

Dr Joe

PS – Want some inspiration? You can watch my new weekly online TV show “Zero Limits Living” at http://www.ZeroLimitsLivingTV.com


My New TV Show: Zero Limits Living

Happy New Year!
You may have heard I have a new online TV show; signed a deal for weekly episodes for all of 2022.
It’s called “Zero Limits Living.”
It airs every Friday.
The show appears in a lot of places, from Apple TV to Amazon Fire to Roku to YouTube and more. It’s also on the LuxeTV app,  which you can download and watch as you please.
I’m told listeners are mainly entrepreneurs, but that doesn’t  stop me from speaking about beliefs, mindset, woo-woo, spirituality, Stoicism, Law of Attraction, marketing, copywriting, publicity, coaching, or whatever I feel is useful.
My goal is to bring fire and light, and sometimes lightning, to help people awaken to “Zero Limits Living.”
You can watch all the shows as they are produced by going to Zero Limits Living TV. You can also sign up there to receive a notification when a new show is posted.
You also can watch my shows as they are produced, and other shows sponsored by Luxe Media Studios, at https://luxemediastudios.com/catalog
Expect Miracles!
Ao Akua,
Dr Joe
PS -You can still get my “3 programs for $3” package: http://zerolimitsmethod.com

Thank you

I love you