Tag: choice


The Window

The more books I read about free will, neuroscience, and neuroplasticity, the more I realize that each of us has “a window” of awareness.

It’s The Window in your mind where thoughts appear.

It’s the mental place where you can consciously choose to follow, or not, the thoughts that come to you.

But you can’t consciously act on or reject any thought you haven’t witnessed in that window of your mind.

And for now, you don’t have control over what thoughts occur to you.

To prove this, predict your next thought.

Go ahead and try.

You can tell me what it is after you think it, but you can’t tell me what it will be beforehand.

That means that your thoughts come from somewhere else and appear in your “window” of awareness for you to then observe.

You don’t think thoughts; they think you.

Where do thoughts come from?

In the ho’oponopono tradition (as written about in my books Zero Limits and At Zero, and as taught by Dr. Hew Len), your thoughts arise from the programs or data in your subconscious/unconscious mind.

Programs are mental paradigms, mindsets, perceptions and more. They are memories.

In neuroscience, the thoughts arise from your unconscious storehouse of beliefs, experiences, and more.

They are pretty much saying the same thing: thoughts appear from what’s in your subconscious mind.

In both views, your thoughts “appear” from somewhere out of your full conscious awareness.

Your thoughts are appearing in “the window” of your conscious mind, bubbling up from what is hidden in the mind below, from an underground database of memories/beliefs/data.

This is so important that I’m not even sure where to begin to explain it.

For example –

If you are trying to attract money but struggling at it, it isn’t your fault at all.

The programs in your unconscious are not allowing you to see the opportunities for wealth around you.

It’s as if you are wearing blinders, goggles, or filters.

The hidden data in your mind about money is what allows or prevents thoughts about money to enter “the window” of awareness in your mind.

What sort of hidden beliefs might keep money away?

Money is bad.

Money is evil.

Money is not spiritual.

Money is not good for me.

And so it goes.

Any limiting program in the subconscious is the “blinder” preventing you from seeing anything that could help you.

What enters “your window” of awareness is based on your programs.

Change the program and you see a different reality.

New thoughts will arise.

And in “the window” you will see new choices.

You can still ignore what appears in “the window” of your mind.

Some call that free will.

But it might be more accurate to call it “free won’t.”

When a thought floats into your window of awareness, you can act on it or not.

You have the freedom to decide once you are aware of the thought.

But your “window” is the only place you get to consciously choose anything, and what appears in that window will come from your secret mental software – unless you start working with the programs and data in your unconscious/subconscious.

How do you change the hidden programs?

There are numerous ways, and I’ve written about them in many books, such as The Key, and spoken about them in many audio programs, such as The Zero Point and The Missing Secret.

I also started Miracles Coaching so you can have one on one assistance in working with your database of hidden beliefs.

A new way to begin dealing with the hidden programs is with what I call The Fourth Dimension Process.

I wrote a Special Report about it which you can have, free, by clicking here: The Fourth Dimension Process: Hyper-Manifestation for Wealth.

This brand new report reveals the process and proves it works by explaining how I used it to manifest one of the biggest goals of my entire life.

I also just taught it, with the help of Dr. Steve G. Jones, to a group of eight people in a private seminar in Las Vegas.

Every person loved it and said — on camera — that it transformed them.

I think you’ll like it, too.

Meanwhile, consider where your thoughts are coming from.

Even right now, whether you like your thoughts or not, notice that the thoughts seem to float into The Window of your awareness from someplace else.

And then consider how you respond to those thoughts.

Again, you have free will.

And free won’t.

The point is, if you are trying to attract or achieve something and not succeeding, it most likely isn’t what you are consciously thinking, but what you are un-consciously believing.

Think about it.

Ao Akua


PS  – Whatever you are thinking right now just bubbled up from your subconscious/unconscious/collective unconscious database of programs. It’s now in “The Window” of your awareness, where you can act on the thoughts, or not. But even your action is based on what is in your programming. No foolin.’ 🙂

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Member BBB 2003 - 2015